Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 94: Wilderness anchor x Guwu swordsman


Han Qianling stood silently on the spot, and glanced at the hot water from the pot that had begun to emit white mist, the sauce, vinegar, oil, and salt in the small plate folded out of leaves, and the two sets were obviously made on the spot. Bowls and chopsticks from anywhere.

Although his face was still calm, there was a deep sluggishness in his eyes, as if expecting the answer to fall from the sky, giving him a reasonable explanation for the scene in front of him.

Besides, it's not his dazzling eyes, what's the matter with the pattern carved on the outside of the wooden bowl

If he read it right... That's a Q-version villain who draws his image in two or three strokes

Han Qianling: "..."

Luo Jiujiang was too familiar with Han Qianling. He knew in detail what every slight change in the other's demeanor represented different meanings.

Seeing Han Qianling's silent appearance now, although Luo Jiujiang was still restrained and did not reveal any signs, in his heart, his belly was almost bursting with laughter.

Luo Jiujiang cleared his throat and asked with great concern: "You're back? Let me see... Oh, the action is fast, and the harvest is not small."

Han Qianling: "...not as good as you."

He still can't reasonably explain how the pile of things in front of him appeared out of thin air.

The backpack behind Luo Jiujiang had an average capacity. Based on Han Qianling's experience, with a slight glance of the wind, one could roughly determine what the other party was carrying from the shape of the backpack.

At least, he was quite sure that ten minutes ago, before he went to hunt the rabbits, Luo Jiujiang's backpack definitely didn't include the tortoise shell cauldron in front of him.

… so how did it come about? !

Seeing Han Qianling peeking at the turtle shell, Luo Jiujiang couldn't help laughing.

He quietly shared his feelings with the system in his heart: [Really... It's hard to see Qianling so lively. ]

How good, with a little bit of greenness and curiosity about the world, because of a moment of soft-heartedness, he specially reminded Luo Jiujiang, "You can choose anything from me as a reward, even if it is my personal object." of…

In Luo Jiujiang's memory, Han Qianling's appearance was too rare.

He and Qianling are young bamboo horses. Since Qianling was born, he has carried part of the inheritance memory of the Dragon God.

Therefore, in Luo Jiujiang's memory, Qianling was always so mature, prudent, and skillful, and at the same time not showing his emotions or emotions.

Only in front of Luo Jiujiang, he will reveal his true emotions, but most of the time, those emotions are just rejection and burnout of the outside world.

Luo Jiujiang had almost never seen him curious about anything.

Due to the inheritance and memory of the Dragon God, most of the secrets in the world are like a book with a catalogue to Han Qianling.

And what the Dragon God's memory failed to tell him, Han Qianling had no interest in exploring.

Luo Jiujiang murmured in his heart: [I kind of want to… want to reach out and touch him. ]

[Thinking now. ]

How attractive.

A fresh Qianling who had big doubts in his heart and thought he was hiding well.

A Qianling who wanted to put the hare and deer beside Luo Jiujiang, was a little distressed because Luo Jiujiang was too full of things.

So young, so alive, with a rush of novelty and... simplicity.

Luo Jiujiang wanted to hug him, squeezed Han Qianling's hand firmly, and also wanted to gently touch his sideburns and call him "Qianling".

Because he is Qianling's close friend for decades, because he is Qianling's family from childhood to Datong, and because he is Qianling's only lover.

—I found such a precious piece of soul, this is Qianling’s lost curiosity, and the blank that he should have been born with.

Qianling was supposed to be a blank slate, he shouldn't have suffered so much, and he shouldn't have been forcibly stained with malicious colors when he first came into the world.

Luo Jiujiang felt a thousand emotions in his heart. At that moment, a thousand kinds of excitement and ten thousand kinds of sighs appeared in his heart.

A hundred flavors of mixed feelings flowed out through his eyes, making his eyes have a clear layer of love and cherishing.

Han Qianling just cleared out an open space to put the prey, and when he looked up, he met Luo Jiujiang's line of sight, and couldn't help but be stunned.

At that moment, the external feelings were far faster than Han Qianling's thoughts, just as instinct overwhelmed reason. In the blink of an eye, the pores on Han Qianling's body opened up properly, as if the traveler who had been troubled by the dust had finally arrived at the inn and took a warm bath to relax his muscles and bones.

With hindsight, Han Qianling suddenly realized that the pain that was inherently entangled in the flesh and bone had disappeared without a trace.

He doesn't hurt anymore.

It seems that from the first time I saw this person, a pair of invisible arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck, stroked his forehead and the back of his hands, calming all the pain silently.

A sudden impulse hit Han Qianling's heart, and he couldn't help but open his mouth: "...I haven't asked your name yet."

In the current context, this sentence is undoubtedly a bit abrupt and out of place.

But the person opposite him was still sitting there calmly, without the slightest bit of surprise in his expression.

It was as if in his heart, whatever surprising Han Qianling did, it was completely reasonable to him.

"Ye Lianjiang." Luo Jiujiang said briefly.

The next moment, he emphasized his other name: "However, you should still call me 'Jiujiang'. This is my stage name, doesn't it sound good?"

Han Qianling: "..."

He politely replied, "It sounds good."

Not to mention Han Qianling, even the audience outside the stadium couldn't help but complain about Luo Jiujiang.

- "What stage name? What's the matter, do you have to have a stage name for the revenant business? Has anyone heard of this rule?"

- "I think it should be the screen name."

- "But, take a look at the head of the live broadcast room..."

Receiving the reminder of this barrage, the audience glanced at the title of this live broadcast room.

The black-colored No. 4 bold characters are simple, concise, and unpretentious. In a line of "$", "[rose flower]", "&", "de" and other fancy anchors' rooms, it is simply an air that makes people do not have any clicks The clear flow of desire.

This live broadcast room is called "Ye Lianjiang's live broadcast room".

Audiences:"… "

Yes, you can make a stage debut on the spot, what is wrong with this anchor

As for the two prey brought back by Han Qianling, Luo Jiujiang arranged them clearly.

The rabbit was scalded with boiling water and peeled while it was still hot. Then pass the whole piece of rabbit meat in boiling water with thirteen incense to let the flavor of the spices penetrate into the rabbit meat.

Immediately, cut the already lightly fragrant rabbit meat into cubes with a quick knife, each piece is a square like the belly of a finger, so that the processed rabbit meat has distinct particles, which are full of chewy bite and delicious meat.

Then use a wide oil to moisten the pot, first put a small packet of chili peppers brought by the original owner into the oil to make the spicy taste of millet, then put the diced pork in the pot, and stir fry quickly until the soup is dry and spicy. The smell is suffocating, making people feel drooling when they smell it.

Bright red chili peppers adorned the sauce-colored rabbit meat, and the oily dish was covered in a thick, yet-dry, viscous soup. Not to mention how it tastes, it has already conquered the eyes of spectators just visually.

Then remove the tortoise shell cauldron from the fire, leave the rabbit meat in the pot alone, just wait for it to cool and put it on a plate, it will be a minimalist version of cold rabbit.

Coupled with Luo Jiujiang's craftsmanship, just the right heat, and superb ingredients that have been washed with aura, this dish is poorly prepared, made in a hurry, and the steps are a little rough, but its taste will definitely make people salivate and applaud.

As for the deer, because it is too big, it cannot be eaten in one meal, so Luo Jiujiang takes the essence.

Tear off the two hind legs with the most abundant live meat, peel and wash, cut across the texture and smear with salt. Use a little spice left over from cooking the rabbit to spread evenly on the meat of the deer, then hang up the legs of the deer and turn the fire to roast evenly. After a while, the oil will start to sizzle.

Just after handling the deer, the rabbit meat in the pot also cooled down. Luo Jiujiang put it on a plate, cleaned the pot, and removed the spiciness, and the mushroom soup can be boiled.

Yesterday there was a heavy rain in the mountains, and today the mushrooms were picked by Luo Jiujiang as soon as they emerged. It is the time when the taste is the most fresh and sweet. You don’t need too many seasonings to season, just a little salt, and it is just right to eat.

It is like rabbit meat with a fishy smell, so it is necessary to cover up the fishy smell with heavy spicy, so as to highlight the original solid taste and unique aroma of rabbit meat, which is a refreshing snack.

Just like the ancient poem "The hibiscus comes out of the clear water, it is naturally carved", for the mountain delicacy of the mushroom, using too much spice will lose its authenticity.

As for the deer, the ingredients are not too fishy, the weight is large, the meat is delicious and tender, and the gravy is full, just enough to make a full meal.

With a main course, side dishes, and soup, this meal is a little bit interesting.

"There are still too few seasonings." Luo Jiujiang explained to Han Qianling regretfully, "There is no honey, longan, star anise, etc., the food is not the best. And if you get tired, mushroom soup is not the best. My partner, vegetable soup is better..."

Han Qianling couldn't feel what was not delicious. In fact, Luo Jiujiang's ability to source materials on the spot had already amazed him.

He took the chopsticks handed over by Luo Jiujiang, took a bite of the rabbit, and fell into a deep, philosophical, and long silence again.

"What are you thinking?" Luo Jiujiang asked him with a smile.

"...You're really not a cook?"

Luo Jiujiang laughed dumbly: "I didn't seem to say that I'm not a cook."

Han Qianling: "..."

He paused for a while, and finally couldn't help asking Luo Jiujiang: "If you're a cook...why do you do this?"

"Do you still want to go into the mountains with me?"

The cook came to work as a wild hunter, because he thought he was too fat, and he must feed ten pounds into the mouth of the mutant beast

Although Han Qianling has spoken as euphemistically as possible, his eyes still clearly expressed his emotions: Are you not afraid of dying

For this question, Luo Jiujiang is even more innocent: "Of course I go into the mountains with you, what's the point of coming here not for you and me!"

Han Qianling: "..."

He ate a straight ball from Luo Jiujiang, and his expression was a little dazed.

Han Qianling's eyebrows showed a somewhat obvious struggle. Luo Jiujiang could almost see the battle between heaven and man in his mind through Han Qianling's expression.

- This person's food is delicious, and he happens to be an anchor and wants to come with me very much.

- But this person is a weak chicken, you can't take him, you will die if you take him.

- But he cooks really delicious!

After a while, Han Qianling finally made the biggest concession in his life.

Luo Jiujiang looked at him expectantly.

Han Qianling said: "I'll give you money and you will open a shop. I will definitely go to your place to eat, write an inscription for you, sign your autograph, and take a photo with you, and then you can hang the photo on the wall... In short, don't have sex with you. I'm going into the mountains."

Luo Jiujiang: "..."

He didn't take a breath, he just choked.

The system laughed out of conscience: [Hahahahahaha! Congratulations to the host for mentioning Bai Yueguang's dislike for the second time! ]