Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

Chapter 97: Wilderness anchor x Guwu swordsman


In the eyes of the two parties involved, Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling, this was a tragic case where the two bosses pretended to be new and then failed in disguise.

However, in the eyes of many viewers guarding the live broadcast room, this is a confusing suspense drama.

Why did the two suddenly start holding hands

Why are they holding hands, they still explode the internal force wave without saying a word

Why did you fight, why did you hold hands, why did you fight again? !

The situation changed so quickly that the audience couldn't help but be stunned when they watched the live broadcast.

Wasn't it good just now? The two had a fight, and they were wonderfully restrained and humble. In the end, they identified each other as Tie Shou High School... Why did they suddenly fight again now

And turn your face, turn your face, how can you even smash the pot!

This is really just a day off!

- "Am I the only one who doesn't feel like I understand what's going on?"

- "The same, I feel like I've fallen behind the plot of a forty-episode series."

A row of doubtful question marks were neatly drawn across the barrage, and each question mark represented an unsolved mystery that everyone had explored about the relationship between the two.

Some people combined the environment, atmosphere, and behavior before and after, and made an analysis that sounded like a good idea at first, but thought it didn't make sense.

- "I see! Although Han Shen is arrogant, he has a good temper. He usually doesn't do anything to ordinary people, and rarely kills people who are weaker than himself. It must be possible to make him burst out with such a big internal force wave just now. The anchor is poisoned!!!"

- "Go upstairs, the anchor doesn't need to be poisoned. Did you see the light-handedness of the anchor just now? Did he show that kind of mentality when he was fighting with Hanshen? It is obvious that both sides have reached the end, and it is unprecedented to draw a tie with Hanshen. What is the reason for the host to poison Hanshen?”

Just as the barrage was in full swing, the two protagonists who were in the spotlight finally spoke up.

Han Qianling is still amazed when he recalls the rich reserves of internal energy found in the other party's meridians.

After learning about Luo Jiujiang's true strength, Han Qianling understood that when the two of them fought, it was obvious that Luo Jiujiang was deliberately letting him.

This sounds like a joke.

On this planet, if someone openly declared on the street that he could fight Han Qianling one-on-one, and gave him more than 90% of his internal strength, that person would definitely be taken to a mental hospital.

Keluo Jiujiang just let it go.

- In fact, what's the big deal if he let it go? There is no end to learning. If Han Qianling is really that much worse than his opponents, then it is time for him to concentrate on learning from his opponents.

But Han Qianling himself gave in.

… This is so fucking unreasonable.

Life is not a continuum, you can get rid of it directly by gathering two of the same actions.

Suddenly, Han Qianling suddenly recalled that one of his classmates once said a similar situation at a party.

"Do you know what is the most embarrassing thing in the game? You set up a personal monster account, and the opposite side also built a personal monster account. You fell in love and talked with each other. You thought they were husband and wife. Outsiders thought it was lace, but in fact When we first met, it was actually a love affair between two gays! Both are still number zero!"

"Bitter or not, I'll ask you if it's bitter or not?"

There has never been a moment when Han Qianling understood the embarrassing meaning of that scene so well.


Han Qianling was deceived so hard by the other side.

But... he also deceived the other side so hard.

"You..." Han Qianling took a deep breath.

The hearts of all viewers were raised for this simple act.

about to start

As some people say, the anchor poisoned Hanshen, so Hanshen wants to settle accounts

Or it was actually the anchor who took the lead in the sneak attack just now, and Han Shen launched a counterattack immediately. Now I want to ask the anchor what disease is in his brain

Han Qianling finally mustered all his courage.

He suppressed all his calmness in the first half of his life, and tried his best to keep his tone and expression indifferent.

He asked Luo Jiujiang, "Does your hand hurt?"

system:[… ]

audience:[… ]

Luo Jiujiang was moved to share their love experience with the system: [Look, this is Qianling, others don't know him, so they are afraid of him, but his gentleness has never changed. ]

The system felt that using the word "gentleness" to describe Han Qianling was simply referring to a deer as a horse.

But it thought about it, and said in a compromise: […you just want to be happy. ]

Luo Jiujiang said: [You don't know, even when he was in the worst state in the past, before he murdered, if the other party asked him a question, even if he didn't say it when he started, he would definitely answer to the corpse afterwards. Qianling is such a lovely person. ]

The system believes that the filters of Luojiujiang and Hanqianling are made by the same manufacturer.

Both of their filters are definitely of the second throw type, and the system has no doubt that the two of them will change to a thicker filter every second.

But the system still answered with understanding: [You can do it if you like. ]

Luo Jiujiang smiled, and he naturally asked a question, his tone was as natural as breathing.

[Of course, what reason do I have to dislike Qianling? ]

On the other side of Hanqianling, because of Luo Jiujiang's silence, he couldn't help but think a bit.

Although Luo Jiujiang didn't immediately answer his question, Han Qianling understood Luo Jiujiang's feelings at this moment, according to the current state of his left hand.

After thinking for a while, Han Qianling took off the moonlight silk wristband on his hand and solemnly placed it in Luo Jiujiang's palm.

"If your wrist hurts, wear it."

After a pause, Han Qianling added: "It's best to wear it if it doesn't hurt."

Following closely, as if afraid that Luo Jiujiang might misunderstand something, Han Qianling said quickly: "I don't mean to compare it with you... There will be no next time."

His explanation about wearing or not wearing a wristband is so cute that Luo Jiujiang's cerebral blood vessels explode.

In particular, Han Qianling unconsciously clenched the identical bracer on his left wrist.

The silver bracer was crumpled a little by Han Qianling, and a clear crease was pressed under the palm of his hand. On the contrary, the other wristband was lying neatly in Luo Jiujiang's palm, with flowing lines.

When he held the wrist guard that was the same as the gift he gave Luo Jiujiang, Luo Jiujiang felt that what Han Qianling was holding didn't seem to be the light wrist guard, but his own heart.

He held Luo Jiujiang's heart sour and soft.

Luo Jiujiang quickly put away the wrist guard.

Before the audience and friends could see clearly, the silvery soft silk armour and thin wrist were already worn on Luo Jiujiang's wrist.

- "The anchor is so fast!"

- "The soldiers are very fast!"

- "I just came late. I can't believe you keep saying that the anchor is good at Qinggong. Now I believe it. It turns out that at least part of the anchor's body is good for Qinggong."

- "The guy in the front is standing at attention! Tell me which part it is?"

There are still people in the mood of hope, hoping that the two can fight, so as to add more advanced martial arts materials to their material library.

- "By the way, giving the wrist guards means to continue fighting on the spot, right?"

- "Naive. How can gift-giving be counted as continuing to fight on the spot? It's obviously a challenge talisman, and I have to make an appointment to fight."

- "??? Are you sure that the one in front of you is a challenge symbol? This is all flirting, right?"

The system didn't know why Han Qianling gave Luo Jiujiang wristbands.

System 5555 only knows that in the first world, Han Qianling gave Luo Jiujiang a personal pendant; in the second world, he gave Luo Jiujiang a bright yellow Medicine Buddha; in the third world, he gave Luo Jiujiang a bunch of small wood carvings. Ornament…

After he finished delivering the above items, Han Qianling began to fall in love with Luo Jiujiang.

So why did Han Qianling send the wrist guards now

The system doesn't know anyway.


The two quickly moved places before the showers came.

When packing up, they all tacitly ignored the cauldron of tortoise shells that had been broken into pieces.

Han Qianling looked for a cave whose entrance was sloping downward, so that it would not be easy for water to enter it for a while.

There were originally some bugs in the cave, but Luo Jiujiang picked a handful of wormwood and smoked it out.

The two began to clean up the night's accommodation.

They took inventory of their luggage, swept out a flat rock for a bed in the cave, lit a fire in the cave to dissipate the chill and tide so they could get through the rainstorm for a while, and kept their weapons within easy reach. place to prevent any possible unexpected accidents.

- Up to this point, everything is normal.

However, what happened next, people really can't understand!

I saw Luo Jiujiang holding a dead branch in each of his hands, and between the two branches, a cluster of flames burst out, and it was a familiar trick of drilling wood to make fire.

He took this simple little torch and repeatedly used the flame to bake it several times on the blue rock that made the bed, drying and warming the stone.

Wilderness live broadcasting is the current trend, so nine out of ten viewers can tell the way of the anchor.

They can already conclude that the anchor will carry some dead grass and leaves and spread it on the rocks, and then cover the top with a layer of soft vines, and a bed for shelter will be ready.

Keluo Jiujiang did not have it.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the anchor stood at the entrance of the cave, looked at the unpleasant weather above his head, and sighed deeply.

"It's going to rain." Luo Jiujiang murmured, "I still have to hurry up before it rains, or I'll get wet."

Yes, of course it is.

The barrage is urging the anchor to stop pretending to be melancholy.

Hurry up and find moss! Go scratch the litter! A little later those little things that make a bed will be soaked through!

Luo Jiujiang thought so too.

Then, as Luo Jiujiang stepped out, the camera in the live broadcast room also followed Luo Jiujiang's figure and left the cave.

Although most people want to continue to see the cold god who stayed in the cave, there is no way, this flying camera is bound to Luo Jiujiang's fingerprint iris.

The camera that can change the permission of the live broadcaster is not absent, but it is too expensive, and the original owner Ye Lianjiang cannot afford it.

So now, all the audience can only watch Hanshen get farther and farther away from them with regret and loss.

At the beginning, some people reluctantly asked Luo Jiujiang: - "The anchor must be fast, come back soon."

- "Yes, faster than rushing to pay!"

- "Yes, as fast as you put on that silver bracer!"

However, after three or five minutes, this kind of barrage has completely disappeared from the screen.

Everyone is more curious about other questions.

- "How did you do it, anchor! How can you be so good, so fast!"

- "According to the speed of the anchor, it's at least five kilometers away from the cave camp now. What do you want to do, anchor?"

- "I remember the last time the anchor was so fast, a big turtle gave his life for a pot..."

Luo Jiujiang anchor is moving.

The anchor Luo Jiujiang came to the water's edge.

The anchor Luo Jiujiang took off his jacket and trousers.

Seeing this scene, some people couldn't help explaining it in public, and they didn't know if it was an occupational disease.

- "We can see that the young anchor is standing on the shore and ready! This is the anchor's second diving. It can be said that it is very stressful for newcomers."

- "Let's review the anchor's information: the anchor met Hanshen three hours ago, and now he has successfully created the Hanshen who touches porcelain and eats with Hanshen, so that Hanshen is willing to open a restaurant for him, tie with Hanshen, and deceive Hanshen. The Bracers of God, and the record of holding hands with the God of Cold!"

- "I have to say that in just three hours, the anchor has achieved something that no one has been able to ask for in three years. From this, we can see that although the anchor has only just debuted, he is already a potential player in the live broadcast industry. Extraordinary fierce general - well, in the water, in the water!"

- "I saw the anchor jumping, turning his body 180 degrees, headed into the water, the water splash is very small, beautiful! The anchor jumped, jumped!"

- "Let's count in our hearts, one, two, three—"

- "Okay! The anchor is coming up again, coming up! There is also a mutant black turtle that came up at the same time as the anchor - oh, I finally know what the anchor is doing. I think, tomorrow morning, the anchor will have a new cauldron. already."

The barrage was already laughing.

- "Hahaha, the great god in front of me is so talented."

- "We need a soul interpretation like you."

However, given that people's attention is easily diverted, under Luo Jiujiang's operation of catching turtles and finding pots, few people still remember that the purpose of Luo Jiujiang's trip was to collect moss and make beds.

- "Okay, now the anchor can go back with confidence."

- "Yes, there is a pot, there is a pot. To be honest, when the last pot shattered, I was really heartbroken."

It doesn't matter. If you forget to make the bed, forget it. Luo Jiujiang remembers it anyway.

Just when everyone thought that Luo Jiujiang should return to the original path, the development of the situation exceeded their expectations again.

He deviates from the river bank at a 70-degree angle, but from the direction, he is still heading deep into the jungle.


So, what is the host doing

When you're running fast, we can understand you're looking for moss. When you plop into the water, we also understand that you are looking for a pot. But now that the pots are all over, if you don't go back, what are you going to do

What's in it so appealing to anchors

Are there caves in the deep forest? The most important thing is, is there a god of cold? !

Luo Jiujiang ignored everyone's complaints and slanders. Under the cover of his unfolded divine consciousness, Luo Jiujiang couldn't hide the situation in his heart.

He quickly determined his goal, and then rushed to the location he found in a way that people in this world could accept.

In fact, teleportation is faster, but this method is undoubtedly beyond the ability of these audiences' worldviews.

Even though Luo Jiujiang had slowed down and tried to move as straight as possible, fans still felt dizzy because of the high-speed moving cameras.

- "The change in this color block... The anchor just ran out of a kaleidoscope!"

- "I beg the anchor to stop running, you have already run out of 3D effect, I am dizzy 3D..."

- "The anchor's battery life is so strong and the speed is so fast, I feel that as a man, I really have nothing to say."

- "??? Why are you fat four upstairs? Report it."

Many people were curious, and were too dizzy by the changing light and shadow on the screen, so they had to watch while enduring the feeling of vomiting.

It turned out that the clips they watched did not disappoint them.

Because these people watched helplessly, Luo Jiujiang suddenly stopped and stood still. Immediately after that, without even giving everyone the opportunity to notify the barrage of "The anchor has stopped", Luo Jiujiang's hand suddenly raised!

A fluffy, colorful, long tail that swayed back and forth just fell into Luo Jiujiang's hands.

The next moment, he clasped his hands on his tail and pulled his arms with force. The animal that was originally living in the tree was swung into a circle by Luo Jiujiang!

With this unexpected surprise, the animal realized it later, and the howl that was half a beat later finally resounded throughout the live broadcast room.

Only at this time did everyone realize that Luo Jiujiang didn't even have time to pant, so he dragged a glossy and watery mutant tusk leopard from the tree with his bare hands!

Viewers who were stunned by the sudden turn of events: "… "

The leopard who was suddenly torn down the tree: "#... ¥%... "

No, why did you suddenly come here to catch leopards

And you can actually find it like this

What did Leopard Leopard do wrong? Isn't Leopard Leopard hiding from the rain

By the way, the anchor just said "it's not good if you get wet for a while", isn't it for the sake of him going out to find moss, but for the skin of the leopard...

The onlookers were dumbfounded.

This operation, they really can't be bothered.

Although Wilderness Live has been popular for a long time, viewers have never seen this type of anchor Luo Jiujiang.

Drill wood to make fire without fire.

If there is no pot, kill the turtle and take the pot.

Come to look for the mutant leopard without a mattress to sleep at night.

This, how to say this

Is the anchor's thought loop one-liners? !

When many people were amazed by the rich and colorful ideas of the anchor, a barrage that clarified the truth floated by on the screen.

- "Remember what I just said? 'Last time the anchor was so fast, a big turtle gave his life for a pot...'"

- "Yeah, the leopardskin blanket seems pretty warm..."

- "They're talking about turtles and leopards, am I the only one who pays attention to other things? When the host was so fast last time, the token of Han Shen's love was already brought to the wrist by the host!"

The flying camera is just the most basic online version. It does not have artificial intelligence installed, and of course there is no channel or program that can let it know what the audience is talking about in the live broadcast room.

It can only spontaneously find the most suitable shooting angle, and then record the scene of Luo Jiujiang hunting the mutant tusk leopard on the camera and give it back to the audience completely.

Later, the live video recording of this section was adopted by the military and became the teaching force of the hunter department to "fight against leopard-type mutant creatures".

Whether it was a neat swipe with its tail, or a head-on kick directly on the leopard's wet nose, but it didn't touch the leopard's wide-open mouth at all, or turned over on the leopard and used his arms to go around the leopard. The leopard's short neck and the neat movements that took the leopard out of breath within ten seconds are all amazing.

This textbook later even became a multiple-choice question.

Why are few people adopting the 'standard leopard killing method' to hunt leopards

A. The average person does not have the strength that a founder can strangle a leopard with a single arm.

B. The average person does not have the courage to kick the leopard in the face of the founder.

C. The average person does not have the luck of running into a leopard head-on for three minutes in the forest.

D. There is no Han Qianling waiting in the cave where most people live.

- This is a multiple-choice question, and the final answer is ABCD.

"Option D is to examine the background of the textbook case. You can make a point here." The teacher explained.

In short, under the witness of the vast number of netizens, Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling have a mattress for the night.

Someone summed up his parkour operation for Luo Jiujiang.

- "When the anchor became faster for the first time, Turtle just passed away."

- "When the anchor became faster for the second time, Leopard Leopard also passed away like this."

- "Now the anchor is going to fly back, and it is expected that there will be a third process of speeding up. This time I guess, we will leave the live broadcast world because the speed is too fast to dizzy the live broadcast."

As expected by netizens, Luo Jiujiang returned to his heart like an arrow, with full speed and horsepower, and the half-minute journey was compressed in one second, which made people dazzled and had a splitting headache.

During this period, Luo Jiujiang also explained to the audience: "Look, we now have a small blanket for the night. This is called 'Love's Leopard Leopard'."

audience:"… "

God TM loves the leopard leopard!

Two minutes later, Luo Jiujiang appeared at the entrance of the cave on time.

Han Qianling had already counted everything in the two's backpacks, and just at this moment, he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

Without even realizing it, Han Qianling unconsciously showed a little smile.

He turned his head to look at Luo Jiujiang behind him, and said softly, "You came back with...?"

In the middle part, Hanqianling automatically silences the sound.

He saw Luo Jiujiang holding a large curl of furry leopard skin in his left hand, and at first glance he knew that it was very good, and it must be quite thick to the touch.

He also saw that Luo Jiujiang was holding a black turtle shell in his right hand. Inside the turtle shell were a few handfuls of wild vegetables that Luo Jiujiang had just picked on the spot. Those are the ingredients for tomorrow morning's wild vegetable soup.

Han Qianling: "..."

Han Qianling stared blankly at the scene in front of him, thinking of the whole process that Luo Jiujiang completed in just ten minutes, Han Qianling only felt a little dazed.

He couldn't help but think of a very fitting poem.

-Left pull Huang, right Qing Cang!

Luo Jiujiang calmly spread the roll of leopard skin processed on the spot onto the bluestone rock. This time he reached out and touched it again, only to feel that there was warmth and softness.

Luo Jiujiang was satisfied.

During the bed making in Luo Jiujiang, the talented players in the barrage all spoke enthusiastically.

- "Last time the anchor said that there was a shortage of pots, but you didn't say anything, so the anchor turned his attention to the mutant black turtle; the last time the anchor said that there was a lack of mattresses, and you didn't say anything, the anchor turned his attention to the mutant tusk leopard. "

- "And in the future, the anchor said that there is a lack of a partner, so you don't make a sound... The anchor should turn your attention to the cold god!"

- "Save the cold god, let's rush the duck!"

It's a pity that their chills don't need the rescue of the audience.

On the contrary, Han Shen is still happily jumping into the trap himself.

Han Qianling also came over to take a look at the simple bed. He imitated Luo Jiujiang's appearance just now, put his palm on the leopard skin and pressed it.

"Very comfortable." Han Qianling nodded in approval. As if he couldn't find any topic for a while, Han Qianling hesitated before asking, "Do you want a pillow?"

Just now, Han Qianling saw Luo Jiujiang's hunter certificate and knew that he was sleeping rough for the first time. He was afraid that he would not be used to it, so he specifically asked a question.

"I don't need a pillow." Luo Jiujiang laughed dumbly, "Of course you can pillow my arm if you want."

"… "

Han Qianling hesitated for a moment. Judging from his expression, he seemed to take Luo Jiujiang's words seriously again.

His eyes flashed twice, and finally his eyes fell on the wrist guard on Luo Jiujiang's right hand that he personally watched Luo Jiujiang put on.

Looking at the bracer, Han Qianling made a firm decision.

"No." Han Qianling said word by word, "It's up to you to rest my arm."

Luo Jiujiang was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

The system looked indifferent.

The audience went crazy on the spot.


It rained heavily that night.

The rain outside the cave roared, and when the sound was the most intense, it sounded like a waterfall.

However, after staying in such torrential rain for a long time, people will feel that their hearts gradually calm down. The background sound of the rainstorm, which sounds more like regular white noise, can even help hypnotize.

- Most viewers don't think so.

The fire in the cave is always on, ensuring that the flying camera still has sufficient warm light in the deepest night.

It brought out everything that happened in the cave in full detail.

Therefore, on the blue rock covered with leopard skin, the two figures facing each other with their foreheads almost pressed together made the fans almost cry.

You know, the piece of blue rock that was swept out to use as a bed was not wide in the first place.

Originally, when the two of them lay down, each of them was still cradling an empty bag—of course, in the end, neither of the two of them could convince who should rest on the other's arm.

When the two of them lay down, the distance was not too close.

Who knows, after the two fell asleep, they were like two magnets attracting each other. In their sleep, they slowly got closer and closer to each other...

Some viewers are still not giving up:

- "The cold god is so alert, as long as the anchor gets closer to the cold god, he will be cut into pieces by the sword drawn in the cold god's dream in a while."

After this period of live broadcast, some people have been promoted to Luo Jiujiang's personal Qinggong fans, and they will protect Luo Jiujiang when they see this kind of message.

- "I've never heard of Han Shen's good dreams killing people, and where do you put the anchor's Qinggong?"

Some viewers are not convinced:

- "I have internal information. I know that the coldness is very light, and I can wake up with a little bit of trouble."

- "Yes, I testify, there is such a thing. The rain outside the window is too loud, so Han Shen is not affected by the anchor's breathing and heartbeat. After a while, as long as the anchor moves forward a little, close to Han Shen's body Within three inches of the side, next…”

Then the audience saw the next moment that their cold spirits moved towards Luo Jiujiang as if they were consciously asleep.

Close to three inches, close to two inches, one inch...

Until Luo Jiujiang's exhalation went down to the ground and lifted Han Qianling's bangs, Han Shen still slept soundly and didn't wake up at all.

Audiences:"… "

Fans turned into lemon spirits, gloating to see how Han Shen finally opened his eyes.

- Then Han Qianling really opened his eyes.

He seemed to be still immersed in drowsiness, but he opened his sleepy eyes to look at Luo Jiujiang, and then closed his eyes with peace of mind.

By the way, before going back to sleep, Han Qianling smiled gently at Luo Jiujiang's sleeping face.

Audiences:"… "

what! How can there be such injustice in the world! why!

They're going to be sour!