Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 111: Women are like this (3)


The little guy may have not adapted to the new environment, and has been pulling her to play games. After finally getting tired of playing, he fell asleep obediently.

The caller was Nan Fengxiao, and Mo Fei was taken aback for a while and hung up the phone.

What does he want to do again

Charles was surprised that the phone was actually hung up and dialed again.

Murphy returned to her room, before sitting down, the phone rang again.

Before the bruises on his neck disappeared, Murphy got angry when he thought about it, and when he got on the phone, he just sweared.

"Nan Fengxiao, you are endless, I said, Duo Duo is mine alone. I don't know what you mean, and I don't want to know. I have nothing to do with you. My daughter knows how to educate. Mr. Nan is troubled to be sentimental."

Charles was stunned, his mouth open, admiring the person on the other end of the phone.

For the first time, he heard someone say that Nan Fengxiao was affectionate and was still a woman!

"Um..." Charles said slowly when Murphy stopped, "Well, is it Miss Mo?"

Worried that she could not understand English, Charles had to ask in crappy Chinese.

Murphy was taken aback, glanced at the screen, it was Nan Fengxiao's number!


"I am a friend of Nan Feng Xiao, and that's the case. Nan Feng Xiao had an accident."

Charles doesn't have a good grasp of Chinese, so he just uses all the Chinese he knows, I don't care if it's right or not.

Murphy stood up abruptly, her heart beating faster, and asked vaguely, "There was an accident? How is he?"

What happened to Nan Fengxiao? Murphy almost burst into tears.

Charles raised his eyebrows, he was so worried, and just kept saying, don't be affectionate.

Stains stains, women are like this!

Looking at Nan Feng Xiao who was half-drunk, a bad idea suddenly came to his mind.

Charles deliberately pretended to be uncomfortable, and said in a low voice, "Come on, he is in the heaven and earth, drunk and conflicted with others, now..."


Before Charles had finished speaking, there was a busy tone on the phone.

Throwing the phone on the sofa, Charles sat down, raised his legs, and took out his phone to brag with the beauty.

Murphy didn't know how she changed her clothes or how she came to heaven and earth by taxi.

The man's words were all in her mind: Nan Fengxiao had an accident.

When the car arrived at the "Heavenly House", Murphy gave the driver one hundred dollars directly, and ran towards the inside without even getting the change.

As soon as he entered, a man wearing a manager's logo greeted him with a photo of her in his hand.

In that photo, she looked young and green, just like a high school student.

Murphy can't remember when he took this picture.

"Is it Miss Murphy?"

The man called the manager was determined, but he still asked respectfully.


Murphy looked everywhere, but it was too dark inside to see people's faces clearly.

Is this all about ktv? How can I feel an indescribable feeling.

The women inside are exposed, and some men even hold the woman in their arms, feeling extravagant.

Nan Fengxiao comes here often

"Excuse me, is Nan Feng Xiao here?" Murphy had never been to such a place before, and she was shocked.

"Miss Mo, please come with me."