Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 169: Smiles like a fox (3)


When he closed his eyes, Nan Feng Xiao went to sleep again in a daze.

He hasn't slept well for a long time, so don't disturb him.

Murphy's body stiffened, and neither would he move or not.

She was confused into a pot of porridge, how did the situation develop into this way.

Yesterday she vowed to forget the howling of the south wind. She also agreed to Lu Qiyou and asked her to think about it for a while.

She actually had a relationship with Nan Fengxiao, what would dad think

Thinking of Dad, Murphy couldn't calm down.

Look at the sky outside, she hasn't returned all night

Oh my!

Regardless of whether he would wake Nan Feng Xiao, Morphy pushed his head away from his chest, lifted the quilt, and got ready to get out of bed.

Nan Fengxiao really woke up this time, he was a little bit angry, watching Murphy look for clothes in a panic, he sat up slowly and leaned against the head of the bed.

"What is it?" Nan Feng Xiao was very unhappy.


Morphy didn't dare to look at him, and she held the fire in her heart, pulled the pillow, and slammed the wind violently toward the south.

Pull the quilt vigorously to cover the scenery on the chest/front.

Nan Fengxiao took it easily, Jun's face wrinkled.

Murphy's eyes were red, and tears came down.

When Nan Fengxiao saw her crying, he was inexplicably irritable, and pulled the messy hair on her smooth back to one side.

Murphy's entire head was buried in the quilt, crying with rain.

She's finished, how can she explain to dad


"Get away!" Murphy raised her tearful eyes and stared at Nan Fengsiao fiercely.

She is drunk, is he drunk too

"Nan Fengxiao, did you deliberately?"

Nan Feng Xiao's face suddenly became cold, his eyes sharp as a sword, and his heart felt like a fire.

"You hold me and say you love me!" Nan Fengxiao looked at her coldly and said cruelly.

Murphy cried even harder, ignoring that she didn't wear clothes, and rushed over, facing the south wind, it was a brutal fight.

"You talk nonsense, you talk nonsense..."

Nan Feng Xiao's face was scratched by Murphy's nails, and blood appeared instantly.

Nan Feng Xiao's face turned black immediately, with a cold face, catching Murphy's moving little hands, and pressing her hands on the head of the bed.


Murphy couldn't struggle, and was even more aggrieved, tears like broken beads, unable to stop.

"Nan Fengxiao, did you force me?" Murphy kept her face away, not wanting to see him at all.

Why did he refuse to let him go? She stopped pestering him.

Nan Feng Xiao was taken aback, her indifferent handsome face evoked a mocking sneer, and she pinched Morphy's chin to let her look at herself.

"I forced you? Then tell me, who got these things on me?"

Murphy was forced to look directly at Nan Feng Xiaoguang's naked body, his neck and body were all bite marks or scratches that were neither light nor heavy.

The traces reminded her of what she did last night.

how come? How could she...

Murphy closed her eyes embarrassedly, her whole body trembling slightly.

Nan Fengxiao let go of her hand, facing the tip of her nose, smelling the delicious fragrance of her body, slowly speaking, "You told some truth last night."

Murphy opened her eyes suddenly, staring for a long time, looking at the man in front of him who was smiling with a fox.

"I'm drunk. It's your fault for you to take advantage of the danger. Can you believe what a drunk person says?"

Murphy explained in a flustered manner, fearing that he had said something that shouldn't be said, and immediately pushed all the blame on Nan Feng Xiao.

Nan Fengxiao smiled triumphantly, and brushed his fingertips over Murphy's pale side face, slowly speaking out word by word without any rush.