Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 179: We have no future (1)


"I love you."

These three words made Morphy's eyes suddenly wet, and this was the second time she had heard it today.

Love her!

Nan Fengxiao lowered his head, kissed her red eyes, and murmured, "Then you, do you love me or not? Do you love the same as before?"

He needs a reassurance to make him move forward desperately.

Murphy opened her mouth, her throat dry and she couldn't say a word.

Nan Feng screamed, staring at her urgently, "Moffey, I want to listen."

Helpless, Morphy held back his tears and nodded slightly.

Nan Fengxiao didn't let it go, he had to hear her talking.

"Moffy, you say, I want to hear your own words."

"I love it." Urged, Murphy blurted out, rubbing her white fingers on the handsome face twisted into a ball by Nan Feng Xiao, "Very in love."

Nan Feng Xiao was stunned for a few seconds, then, he hugged Murphy hard, and said to himself, "Enough, this is enough."

His tone, unlike his usual way, was dull like a child.

Murphy hugged Nan Feng Xiao, fingers interspersed among his black hair, and said with difficulty, "South Feng Xiao, we have no future."

Their identities will never change, he will always be her brother, and no one can change this.

"Yes." Nan Fengxiao propped his hands on both sides of Mo Fei, his black eyes staring at the person under him, his voice sonorous and powerful.

Murphy pursed her lips, stood up, and deliberately changed the subject, "Let's go see the child. I heard that she had a trouble all night last night."

Murphy didn't intend to keep entangled with him on this issue, a future that could not be talked about.

Nan Fengxiao was silent for a while, and bit Murphy's lip suddenly. Murphy suffered from a pain, hammered him hard, and said, "Why are you biting me?"

Murphy touched the still painful lips, her eyes filled with blame.

Nan Fengxiao was expressionless, raised a hand, and gently wiped Murphy's lips, a magnetic voice sounded, "What did your father say just now?"

This is the question he is most concerned about at the moment. Has she been wronged? Has Mo Xiangyang blamed her

Morphy shook her head, moved away from Nan Fengxiao's body, sat up on the bed, sorted her clothes expressionlessly, and uttered two words, "No."

Nan Feng Xiao frowned and stared at her back, "No?"

Does Mo Xiangyang really ask nothing? still is

Or... This girl didn't tell her and didn't say anything

Nan Feng Xiao grabbed Murphy's arm, his black eyes stared at Murphy and looked at it.

Murphy looked helplessly at the big hand on his arm, and had to explain again: "I said as you taught me. Dad didn't doubt anything."

How could Dad didn't doubt it, he just didn't say it.

Looking at what Dad did, he was obviously disappointed.

Nan Fengxiao still refused to let go, and Murphy looked at him angrily, "Then do you still want to see the children, or do you want to return to the group?"

She asked him how he was, but he didn't say anything, and Morphy didn't keep asking.

Nan Feng Xiao coldly snorted, and grabbed the unkempt hair with his hand, adding a trace of evil and sullenness, and it didn't look like the loneliness just now.

"Look at my daughter." Nan Feng Xiao smiled evilly, and his big hand naturally hugged Morphy's waist.

Morphy's body stiffened, and her footsteps stopped.

"Nan Feng Xiao, this is at home." Murphy kindly reminded.

Nan Fengxiao looked indifferent, glanced at his hand, shrugged, "I know."

Murphy almost swears, he knows, he knows where his hands are