Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 4: Nightmare (4)


"Mom, you don't mean anything, your nose will grow longer?" Duo Duo tightly circled Murphy's neck, and kept leaning on Murphy's body, but Yin Tao's small mouth was pretending to be angry and muttering.

Murphy's face was slightly hot, and she did promise Duo Duo to pick her up on time at nine.

The accident happened just now on the road, and it was delayed for a few minutes.

However, her daughter is very paranoid, catching her own mistake and letting it go.

"Okay, it's my mother who was wrong, OK?"

Murphy said, smiling on her face, and picked up her daughter.

Blame her, she has been educating Duo Duo on the principles of life, Duo Duo is smart, she only said it once, and Duo Duo remembered it.

"Then I will forgive my mother for the last time!" After Duo said, he buried his head in Murphy's chest and whispered softly, "Mom, can you not send me to godmother when you work? I want to talk to You stay together."

Compared with children of the same age, Duoduo speaks the earliest, but there are still many words that are not clear.

Murphy was sad to hear, so she nodded her head and agreed.

She also wanted to stay with her, just for fear that she would be wronged.

When Duo Duo heard that she agreed, the whole person grinned, revealing two shallow dimples.

"Look at your mother and daughter. What I know is that I am selfless to help you take care of your children. I don't know. I thought I was a trafficker and deliberately separated your mother and daughter."

A loud voice came from the kitchen, with irony, but it was a joke.

When Morphy walked to the kitchen holding Duo Duo, she saw Li Wei wearing pajamas, her hair high, and a baby bottle in her hand.

It seems that he is preparing to make milk powder for Duoduo.

"Sister, what are you talking about, it's too late for me to thank you."

"Look at you, beautiful and kind, you must be loved, flowers bloom, cars—"

"Hey..." Li Yuwei suddenly turned around and stuffed the bottle into Duo Duo's mouth. Although the action seemed rude, it would not hurt the child.

Duoduo is also used to it, opening his mouth cooperatively, drinking happily, so unhappy.

"Shao poor mouth!" Li Yuwei squeezed his eyebrows at Murphy, folded his hands on his chest, looking like a strong woman.

"Something practical, how can I thank you?" Li Yuwei really still stretched out his hand.

Murphy did not expect that Li Yuwei would actually stretch out his hand with her, she was dumbfounded and could not tell why.

Duo Duo, who was biting on the pacifier, saw the appearance of two adults, and his grape-black eyes rolled, and suddenly he hugged Li Yuwei, chirped, and a wet kiss fell on Li Yuwei's left cheek.

"Godmother, Duo Duo thanks her mother, haha."

The little guy said naively, too clever.

Murphy and Li Yuwei were both taken aback, looked at each other, "poof" and laughed at the same time.

"Sure!" Li Yu slightly squeezed his round cheek, "Godmother, accept your gift."

He turned his face and said to Murphy, "It happens that you are taking a break today, and I will introduce you to a part-time job, do you?"

When Morphy heard that he was interested, why not do it because of money

Li Yuwei is also a well-known fashion designer in Haicheng. He usually helps them with their mother and son. After a long time, Murphy is also embarrassed.

"Do it, but—" After finishing speaking, he remembered that he had promised Duo Duo to be with her today. If he went to work, he had to say something to Duo Duo. Duo Duo almost didn't believe her mother.

Seeing Murphy's worried face, Li Yu explained hurriedly, "Don't put on a bitter melon face, I don't know what you are worried about yet."