Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 46: Who sent them? (4)


She didn't notice that outside the window, a sports car was hidden behind a big tree, and the man inside watched her movements with his mouth slightly raised.

"Back to Kyoto!"

She is happy, he is happy!

Before Morphy had time to eat breakfast, he took a cold bread from the refrigerator and stuffed it in his bag. If he had time, he could eat something secretly.

Today the company sent their team to do an outdoor interview, and they visited a small, well-known local entrepreneur in Haicheng.

The reason why Murphy was able to have such a good opportunity was all because a colleague was sick, and the company sent her temporarily.

Otherwise, such a good thing, even if Morphy burns the high incense for a few days, it will be useless.

As soon as he left the house, before the door could be closed, Murphy was grabbed by the landlord’s wife.

"Madam, what's the matter?"

The landlord's wife pulled Mophy into the house, and took another look at the window, making sure that no one would return to Mophy.

Murphy finds it strange, why is the landlady weird today

"Xiao Fei, haven't you offended anyone recently?"

The landlord’s wife was very nervous, as if she was about to say something important.

Murphy couldn't turn the corner for a while, "Madam, offend people? I... don't know how?"

The wife was in a hurry when she heard it, and her words flowed like a stream, but she didn't even dance.

The landlord’s wife is usually a big-mouthed person. Apart from speaking straighter, she has a nice heart.

Sometimes she and Li Yuwei are busy, Duo Duo will ask the landlord to help with them.

"You stupid girl!" The landlord was very angry, and slapped Murphy's hand. "You must have offended someone outside, and you don't know. When you didn't come back, there were a group of people who looked fierce and evil. I came to you."

Murphy's heart beats, is it Dad's or Nan Fengxiao's person

Why did they find it so quickly

"Madam, what kind of people are you?" Murphy asked anxiously.

Even the voice was trembling, if it was really the south wind howl, would she consider changing the place

The landlord’s wife raised her head and recalled: “I came here four or five, dressed in black suits, and wearing glasses. They were tall and big. One of them, probably their leader, kept asking me About you."

"Then what did you say?" Murphy was completely panicked. Hearing what she said, she was not like the person sent by her father.

Did the landlord’s wife say everything? Does Nan Fengxiao already know the existence of Duo Duo

He didn't like himself in the first place, knowing that he kept all his life Duo Duo, would he do to his children

"No no!" Seeing her panicking like this, the landlord's wife quickly explained.

"How could I tell him, I said you moved here for so long, I only said a few words to you, and I don't know you very well."

Murphy listened quietly, sweaty palms.

"What about the blossoming matter? Did you say it?"

"Not even more of this. You go out early and return late every day. Dodo will follow you out early and go back to school at night, or it's at Xiaoli's place. I rarely see Dodo for so long, maybe this community No one knows that you have a daughter."

What the landlady said is true. She is busy at work and sends Duo Duo to the kindergarten together at work. After get off work in the evening, I will go to the kindergarten to pick up Duo Duo and come back together.

She does everything for Duo Duo, but she still picks Duo Duo home every day.

"What then? Did they say who sent them?"