Bionic Era

Chapter 122: The troops are coming


“…I put the snow into my mouth very slowly so that it couldn’t feel my breath…”

The beginning of this classic movie sounded in the off-road vehicle.

This is a movie that Xinhong IV06-0000079 likes very much. He gave himself a name for this, called Vasily.

Many years ago, not long after the movie was first turned on, he accidentally saw that movie.

That movie was an awakening for him.

As a military android, he took the initiative to apply to cancel the fuse measures in his body, and promised to bring countless heads of people who escaped from the androids to the Executive Directorate.

He loved the feeling of his prey appearing in his scope.

Many times, he would bury himself under the yellow sand.

The no man's land gave him a natural battlefield and camouflage.

He has an advantage over human snipers.

It can endure extreme weather conditions and can remain motionless in freezing cold or scorching heat for long periods of time.

Seeing the opponent appear in the scope, and then shooting him dead, the blue blood splashed in the air.

That's a sense of accomplishment.

Sometimes, he won't be too anxious.

He drives away prey.

He hid under a window in an abandoned high-rise building, deliberately missed the target, and then watched the androids running exhausted and hiding in despair. He would feel very comfortable, and he enjoyed that feeling.

"Vasily, your name will stay in the history books with glory, and number nine is just one of those honors."

he said to himself.

The abandoned city where Organization No. 9 once stayed is not far away.

He stopped the vehicle and took out his binoculars to watch.

As expected.

no one.

This is a ghost town.

"No. 9, you can't go too far. I will catch up with you, take off your head, and display it in front of everyone."

Calmness and endurance are the most basic qualities of a sniper.

He once tracked it for half a month, and then buried it in the loess for two days and one night, just to wait for the right second of opportunity.

He only needs to appear in his camera for one second, and that's enough.

He enjoys the chase.

This is the hunter chasing his prey.

Vasily got back in the car and drove into the city.

He found some aging wires, tattered clothes, and useless limbs. These were all traces of the past where androids had lived.

"I just left this morning."

Based on the traces at the scene, he made a simple inference.

Vasily was in no hurry.

Large-scale bionic humans move usually very slowly and cannot go very far.

And he is just one person.

Killing their leader among a group of androids feels very satisfying when I think about it.

He returned to the car and turned on automatic driving.

The roar of the engine, accompanied by the sound of wind and sand, echoed in this deserted city.

Vasily took out the sniper rifle that had been with him for many years and began to calibrate it, returning to zero at a distance of three hundred meters.

"The weather in the no-man's land is good today. No. 9 will be very happy to die in such a sunny time."

He had only heard of No. 9, but had never actually seen it.

But judging from all the androids I've seen before, these guys are simple-minded.

The sunshine is very soft.

But a dazzling light appeared on a tall building in the distance.

The dazzling light hit the car's windshield.

Vasily felt a chill in his heart.

He made a mistake!

I haven’t made such a stupid mistake in many years!

Years of victory have allowed him to develop an arrogance and prejudice against androids, even though he himself is an android.


There was a gunshot from somewhere.

The car tires burst.

The car body then turned sideways and rolled several times on the cracked road, its heavy body kicking out heavy dust.

Finally it stopped, and the entire cross-country was on all fours.

The entire car body has been severely deformed.

"Tick tock...tick tock..."

Vasily heard the sound of water.

The sound of oil leaking!

Fortunately, he had modified his body and was strong enough.

Vasily held his sniper rifle and forcefully opened the car door with a bang.

He is gambling!

I bet the android on the tall building had little sniping experience and couldn't kill him in just a few seconds.

Vasily climbed up and down and rushed towards the dark windows of the abandoned building nearby.


Another bullet.

Hit him just a short distance away from where he had just escaped.


If he were even half a step slower, his head would be gone.

Vasily stepped up to the window and climbed in with all his strength.


There was another gunshot.

Bullets hit the concrete wall outside the window.


Vasily leaned against the window.

The world seemed to have become quiet.

It was so quiet that he could hear his own heartbeat.

Very thrilling!

But he successfully escaped from being a prey!

"No. 9, you still lack experience after all."

Vasily knew he had made a mistake.

He was careless.

Caution should be an essential quality for a sniper.

He has retained this quality to this day.

But his opponent was a bionic man, so he relaxed his guard.

"Relax, Vasily, he can't see you now. The identities of prey and hunter have been interchanged."

He took a deep breath.

Take control of yourself and tell yourself that you may only have one chance to take the shot.

He took off his hat and held it with his sniper rifle.

Slowly stretched to the window, revealing a small half of the hat.

waited for so long.

very quiet.

The expected gunshot never came.

He also had no way of judging the sniper's position.

But Vasily is also an android, so he can recall fragments of his own memories.

He replayed his memory and saw the tall building where the dazzling light was.

"No. 9, that location is not very suitable for hunting. It is facing the sun, and the light reflected by your sight will reveal your position."

He felt pity for this opponent.

Although it is more interesting than other androids, it doesn't stop there.

Abandoned high-rise buildings line both sides of the street.

Vasily moved slowly inside the building.

He controlled the sound of his footsteps.

The body is hunched over.

The reinforced concrete of this ruin made no sound.

Until he came to the spot he felt was best for shooting.

"This is it."

Vasily calculated it countless times in his mind.

He took another deep breath.

Then he suddenly turned around and appeared at the window.


A quick shot.

Without any aiming, he had already deduced the conclusion.

After one shot, he immediately hid back.

The opponent seemed to have no time to fight back.

Vasily heard the sound of a body falling to the ground.

A smile appeared on his lips.

But he did not let down his guard.

Based on the previous contact, Number Nine is more dangerous than other androids.

Vasily did not go out rashly.

He tentatively stretched his hat to the window again, this time only a little.

after a long time.

Still no response.

Vasily carefully walked out of his tall building, quickly crossed a street, and rolled into another tall building.

"What a pity. An interesting android finally appeared. I should have hunted him down for a few more days."

Vasily is sure that Number Nine is dead.

He came to the place of previous judgment with regret.

There was only a sniper rifle and a small half of the already decayed android body.

The regret disappeared.

He flopped down.

Good night, fellow book friends!

The third update added for Bridge Girl.

Thanks to book friend Jiufang Xia for the tip.

(End of chapter)