Bionic Era

Chapter 127: Crack


"By the way, I remember that the devil living in my mind gave you tickets to the art exhibition. Remember to go see it when the time comes. It is my most satisfying work."

The little painter got up and didn't know what switch was triggered.

The entire underground world began to tremble slightly.

Deep in the earth below, there seemed to be thousands of gears turning, and the dense metallic sound sounded very uncomfortable.

Lu Wen noticed that Wu Yu's face turned a little pale.

"What's wrong?"

"A very strong odor suddenly came out."

"What is the taste?"

"The smell of rotting corpses."

Lu Wen's face was solemn.

During this period, people disappeared every day in Mowu City.

All the major districts were troubled by No. 0, but there was nothing they could do about him.

Later they also learned that the missing people had been transformed into monsters.

in a sense.

All those people died.

What controls their actions is just the cold mechanical body.

"Back up, back up!"

Lu Wen pulled Wu Yu and quickly retreated to the gate.

at the same time.

The whole earth was shaking more and more intensely. If it weren't for the support of those steel beams, Lu Wen doubted that the underground world would collapse on the spot.

In fact, it's almost the same as collapse.

A crack appeared from the gate to the little painter's feet.

The crack slowly opened.

Dark red light shines onto the hall from the ground.

Lu Wen couldn’t smell it.

But judging from Wu Yu's face, the smell should be getting stronger and stronger.

It was so strong that this guy who had killed a tiger with his bare hands covered his stomach, hunched over, and seemed a little nauseous.

The extreme stench can literally make a person throw up.

The crack in the ground gradually widened.


The first thing that caught his eye was a rotting hand.

Highly decayed.

Then there are endless hands.

The background color is dark red.

It was a very dark red color and uneven, as if it had been poured over and over again with countless blood to form the background.

Those corpses.

Fresh, or highly rotten, lie on top of the red.

It's like I'm crawling out of this cruel and disgusting place.

But their actions have already been fixed.

There were countless corpses. It was hard to imagine how Zero managed to obtain so many living people in such a short period of time.

"No wonder the security situation in various regions has improved during this period. It is said that there are fewer homeless people who often appear on the streets."

The crack has opened to the width of the entire hall.

Then the trembling in the ground stopped.

Very deep.

It is not known how deep the bottom of the crack is, because it has been filled with corpses.

Not only human corpses, but also some animal corpses.

Very strange animal.

Lu Wen has never seen it.

Some are still alive.

It looked like a snake, but its skin was smooth and without scales. It was as big as a human arm, burrowing in and out among the decaying corpses.

"How are you? If you can't stand it, go up first."


Wu Yu lay in the corner and retched several times.

His psychological quality is quite strong, and he can take a bath in a sea of blood without any problem.

That stench is really beyond the limit that most humans can tolerate.

Wu Yu asked himself that he had received special training before becoming a full-time employee, and he had experienced various tastes. He could even endure the smell of canned herring, and could even drink the soup, but this taste...


He retched again.

His face was as pale as paper.

"Dong dong dong..."

There were sudden footsteps above the stairs.

The underground is very empty, and the spiral stairs are all welded up with metal bars, making the sound loud when stepping on them.

Very dense footsteps.

Many people came down!

The sound was urgent.

The two looked at each other.

Calculating the time, the main force should have arrived.

"It's bad, I just forgot to tell them not to come down!" Wu Yu said.

"Although this place is not very deep into no man's land, it also has no signal, so there is nothing we can do to notify." Lu Wen responded.

"You must have a satellite phone inside your body. Your expensive customized model is fully equipped with all the necessary equipment."

"This is underground, and the satellite phone doesn't work. You go up first and stop them. I'll see what this guy wants to do."


This time Wu Yu did not refuse.

The young painter has no murderous intentions towards them, at least not yet. Lu Wen still has value.

Therefore, Lu Wen is actually the safest if he stays here.

He had also heard that Zero liked plotting.

Since we have said that we will promote Lu Wen to the position of parliamentarian, we will definitely not take action now.

"Be safe."

"Don't worry, I have data backup. If you really die here, remember to tell my new body what happened here."

Lu Wen's latest data backup was this morning.

So if you really die, resurrect with a new body.

The memory of that body only lasts this morning. This is also a drawback of the resurrection of androids, but it is acceptable. It is better than humans who can only live once.

Wu Yu glanced at the bottomless dark red crack and was about to leave.

There was already some faint light at the other end of the spiral staircase.

"It's too late, they're already down."

It took Lu Wen and Wu Yu several minutes to get down, out of caution.

Almost taking a step and then stopping.

But the executive bureau's troops were not so patient, and rows of tactical teams were sent directly inside.

"Wu Yu, how are you doing?"

"Fuck, the smell of corpses is so strong, vomit..."

"Lu Wen, hold on... ugh..."

Before those people on the stairs arrived, they were all lying on the cold wall and retching.

"If you can bear it, follow me down. If you can't bear it, go back quickly. Don't vomit here!"

"All the training you have received has been in vain? Look at Lu Wen, his face remains calm and calm. No wonder he was promoted to a second-level executive officer in just a few weeks!"

"Lu Wen is a bionic man, he has no sense of smell!"

I have to say that the training of the Executive Bureau is quite good.

All the execs just retched.

What is really spit out is...

"Media? Are you serious? Let the media in a place like this?"

The guy who threw up was the one carrying the camera.

The sign hanging around his neck indicates that he belongs to a certain social platform.

There were more than a dozen media outlets with different brands behind them.

"Isn't this just to clear your suspicion? I just let them in. Don't worry, these guys have already left their wills."

This is for first-hand news, even at the risk of life.

Lu Wen had nothing to say.

Everyone is doing it for his own good.

The bionic man actually has the function of video recording, but most of the people who take advantage of the video given by the Executive Bureau will not believe it, and will think that the Executive Bureau is partial to Lu Wen.

(End of chapter)