Bionic Era

Chapter 141: rural


"You know Pushkin, right?"

Lu Wen returned to the balcony and threw the poetry book to Wei Boyan.

Wei Boyan caught it.

"Have you ever heard of him? Is he the author who deceived your whole family?"


The collection of poems is very thin.

Turning it over, the catalog showed fifty poems.

Many famous poems are on it, such as "If Life Deceived You", "To Kane" and so on.

"This collection of poems was left behind by the murderer." Lu Wen said.

"So sure? The victim is a lawyer. It is not impossible to read this kind of literary works. Many literary workers are interested in these things." Wei Boyan shook out dozens of thin pages.

"The victim has obsessive-compulsive disorder." Lu Wen explained.

"It's hard to say, maybe I just like to be clean and tidy," Wei Boyan said.

"No, he has obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can see it in many details. He doesn't just like to be clean." Lu Wen said, "The tableware in the kitchen is hung together with the same length, and the ones with different lengths are arranged in high and low order. The tableware on the bookcase Books of the same type are grouped together, books of different types are arranged by thickness, and there are many other phenomena like this.”

Obsessive-compulsive disorder has many common manifestations in life.

Some people will repeatedly check whether the door is closed after going out.

Some people like to bite their nails and can't stop, or they bite their lips.

Others will wash their hands repeatedly until their skin turns red or even broken, and they refuse to stop.

"Although I am a bionic person and do not need training, I have also seen the training for human executive officers to become full-time officers, which emphasized the need to pay attention to the personality characteristics of the victim. Have you not started with obsessive-compulsive disorder before?"

"In the past few decades, regular training has focused on actual combat, dealing with androids."

Wei Boyan gave an explanation.

As more and more incidents of android awakening occurred, the Executive Directorate's various trainings began to focus on androids.

"You don't know, in the early days, many executive officers of the Executive Bureau could only be equipped with long rubber sticks. At that time, they had nothing to do all day long, and they just liked to study solving crimes."

Wei Boyan said that he himself had not experienced that era.

That was a very long time ago.

"Later, due to the emergence of bionic humans, everyone gradually had a gun. The Executive Directorate was approved to apply for more powerful weapons. Many people suffered from a phobia of insufficient firepower. During various trainings, the most common thing was the use of weapons. Traditionally, Many projects have been put on hold.”

"That's not the case in the Thirteenth District. Xia Chuluo is so good, he still went through all kinds of training."

"So your Thirteenth District can produce a lot of talents."

"This collection of poems was found on a bookshelf, among many books related to law. Given the victim's obsessive-compulsive personality, he would definitely not be able to bear it."

"So you think the murderer put it there."

Wei Boyan nodded and agreed with Lu Wen's view.

Make guesses through character analysis.

This approach is very unconventional.

But now traditional methods don’t work.

"This poetry collection originally contained fifty poems, but now there are only more than twenty. There are traces of cutting, and the previous poems are missing."

Wei Boyan carefully read through the poetry collection.

The murderer left behind this book of poetry and a pot of orchids.

There must be some connection.

"What's the first remaining poem?" Lu Wen asked.

He just took out the poetry collection and didn't read it.

But judging from the feel, this collection of poems is not complete.

""Village"." Wei Boyan replied.

"Is there a village in District 10 that is rich in orchids?"

"This is a difficult problem for you."

"After all, you are also the director of the 10th District Executive Bureau, the boss of the regional executive officers, but you don't even know this."

"I'm not a machine." Wei Boyan shrugged, "Some towns engage in fisheries, some villages engage in pig breeding, and some grow ginkgo trees and sell them for money. In such a large area, there are nearly 10 million people. How can I remember all the countless villages and towns outside the city?"

The middle-aged man said that he had reported it to the parliament a long time ago.

There should be a district chief for each district.

The Executive Directorate is only responsible for maintaining order.

Nowadays, no matter what happens, the executive bureau is contacted. Someone's cat is missing, someone's dog is lost, and such trivial matters can be found.

"Oh, I feel so tired. I really want to retire and open a gym."

"With the current economic situation, your gym will close down within half a year of being open."

"Forget it, let's go have lunch first, and then go investigate whether there are any villages that produce orchids."

The murderer's next target is in a certain village.

Although it is a bit unreliable to judge based on a collection of poems, there is no other way now.

"It doesn't have to be rich in orchids. It just needs to have a lot of wild orchids. It can even have 'lan' in the name of the village or town."

"Do you have any idea how much work this is?"

"It's not big. Give me all the forestry and breeding-related data in District 10, and I can sort it out over a meal later."

"Approval required."

"So troublesome?"

"It's so troublesome..."

Of course Wei Boan also knows that time is urgent and human life is at stake.

But there is no way.

You have to go through the process.

To use forestry and livestock-related information, you need to apply and obtain the consent of the relevant departments.

"Many of the guys in those departments are pensioners. They go to work at ten o'clock in the morning, go back to eat and take a nap at eleven o'clock, continue working at three o'clock in the afternoon, and get off work again at four-thirty."

"Is this the specialty of your tenth district?"

"No, this is the case in many regions, but these departments cannot be abolished." Wei Boyan was also helpless, "We have abolished some departments before, but then there were too many things and they were all handed over to the Executive Bureau, causing the Executive Bureau to become Get bloated."

A different kind of iron rice bowl.

There are few things to do and it is not tiring, but these positions have to be set up.

"Before, there was a wealthy businessman in the suburbs who cut down a large number of rare trees and said he wanted to build villas. We couldn't do it directly, so we reported it to the relevant departments. After several months, the homesteads were built. Over there That’s why I said go and take a look.”

"and after?"

"Let it go."

Wei Boyan drove to find a restaurant.

It's past eleven now.

Those departments have already begun to take a break, and no one responded to my messages.

"We have to wait until three o'clock in the afternoon."

"I'll go through the village names in my head first to see if there are any with 'lan' in their names."

The village name is the data that comes with the map.

In fact, it is just a simple query operation.

While the two of them were waiting for the food to be served, Lu Wen had already given his conclusion.

"There are five villages with the word 'lan' in their names. In addition, there are three small towns with the word 'lan' in their names."

"Let's start searching from the village in the afternoon."

(End of chapter)