Bionic Era

Chapter 147: Times have changed


"So you have a source of income."

Lu Wen looked at Xu Eryi calmly.

"Yes, after all, there are always some stupid outsiders coming here, and they are all very easy to deceive. A living person..." Xu Eryi smiled and said: "In the eyes of those organization leaders, they are quite valuable."

"How to say?"

"You'll know then."

Two young men came forward to check Lu Wen's body, but no weapons were found.

Then he tied his hands behind his back with a piece of wire.

"Pay attention to his spider. It looks like a mechanical pet, but its legs and feet are very sharp and must be tied up."

A group of young people worked hard for a long time and finally caught Lu Wen's spider.

Like tying up a crab, all eight legs were tied up.

Then, one person and one spider were taken into a dilapidated van.

Xu Eryi is responsible for driving.

The two young men watched Lu Wen and Spider to prevent them from escaping.

The remaining people continued to wait in the dilapidated factory.

"Actually, I have a lot of money. How about I transfer some to you and you let me go?"

"Haha, I'm not a fool. The funds of you rich people are specially managed by someone. Once there is an abnormality in the account, someone will track it here. By then, none of us brothers will be able to escape."

"So you were just trying to grab a little cash in the first place?"

"Yes, originally you only needed to withdraw a little cash to avoid bankruptcy, but you are committing suicide. It just so happens that I haven't done this business for a long time."

The security problem in Baker City is more serious than Lu Wen imagined.

I can tolerate this happening for a long time.

This security...

Equivalent to none.

"Have you ever been investigated by the Executive Directorate for doing this kind of thing?"

"Can the Enforcement Bureau investigate?" Xu Eryi glanced at the rearview mirror in the car, "There are a large number of missing persons cases every week. This is Baker City, and this kind of case is the most common."

"Do you know where I'm from?"

"Mowu City? Right? I've heard since I was a child that there are many rich people and good security in Mowu City, but I was born in this garbage-like city!"

Dissatisfied with birth.

Somewhat pretentious.

I have a certain yearning for the city of Mowu.

Based on these points, Lu Wen had a way to get Xu Eryi to let him go.

But he didn't.

Xu Eryi only had a rough understanding of Baker City. Living at the bottom of society, Lu Wen needed to find someone with a slightly higher level.

"The pollution in this city is very serious, much more serious than in Mowu."

Lu Wen leaned against the window.

Although his hands were tied behind his back, he was not restricted too much.

Even though most of the resources have been depleted, the huge chimneys reaching into the sky are still spitting out thick smoke.

The vehicles are also old-fashioned and dilapidated.

The black smoke from the exhaust forced people passing by to cover their mouths and noses.

Abandoned railroad tracks crisscross the road.

Gravel and asphalt debris littered both sides of the tracks.

These tracks once transported a large amount of supplies, coming and going every day. The black smoke from the locomotives continued to rise with the economic development, making the city reach extreme prosperity.


The dilapidated van pressed against the rails and the entire vehicle shook.

"I don't know what those gentlemen in the parliament do for a living. Why haven't they dug out the railway tracks on the road after all these years? My brains are about to be shaken out."

Xu Eryi drove the car and kept complaining.

The reddish black pipes are also a relic of the times.

People paint the pipes red.

The red paint peeled off, and the rainwater corroded the pipes, leaving them stained with rust.

People shoveled away the rust and applied red paint again...

This process was repeated for many years.

till the end.

The factories closed down, the once bright lights dimmed one by one, the tall iron towers were no longer maintained, and the roar of the trains on the tracks became only silence.

Later, when people walked in the rusty steel city, they could occasionally learn about the original prosperity from the older generation.

If this were the case, the city might still be saved.

Tourism can be developed.

Transform those abandoned factories to attract people from other cities to come and visit.

Just like those two cities in the north attract tourists through their winter snow scenes.

But this city just can't do it.

The extremely high crime rate deters tourists.


The van stopped in front of a bar.

The signboard of the bar is also made of broken iron sheets. Several crooked lamp tubes are fixed on the iron sheets, in various colors, but the lighting is very dim.

"Come down!"

Two young men.

One person pushed Lu Wen, and the other person held the spider in his hand.

The mechanical spider seemed to be dead, with its two eyes closed and its eight legs tied together.

Xu Eryi pushed open the squeaking iron door.

Colorful lights shine out, followed by strong heavy metal music.

Lu Wen looked at the people shaking their heads and felt like a group of zombies.

"I'm actually curious, what is the price of a modified person like me?"

"Five figures."

"A life is only worth five figures? If you dismantle it yourself, the profits from those parts and organs will be much greater than selling them directly."

"We don't have that technology."

Everyone walked towards the inside of the bar.

Pass through the noisy area and come to the area behind where you wait for the elevator.

In this city, even the elevators are rusty.

Stainless steel is said to be rusty. How many years has it been since it was replaced


There was a sound and the elevator door opened.

Xu Eryi directly pressed the button on the topmost floor, the 23rd floor.

The top floor is different from what Lu Wen imagined.

"The arena?"

Black exterior glass.

Gray cement wall.

Light tubes of various colors hang from the ceiling.

There is also a simple bar, with various types of drinks neatly placed behind the bar.

Several arenas were placed on the concrete floor.

Very rough decoration style.

The android parts, limbs, interiors, heads, etc. scattered all over the place are mostly military type.

Lu Wen remembered that Huang Liang had said that before he escaped from Baker City, he was caught and went to the underground ring to fight for the entertainment of those rich people.

"It turns out that the underground arena is not necessarily underground."

This location is on the top floor.


Through the glass of the exterior wall, you can see the darkness and dark red surrounding the surrounding areas.

A life and death battle is taking place in one of the arenas.

Two modified androids were desperately attacking each other.

There were a group of people in suits and ties around. They took out cash from their arms and threw it on the waiter's plate as a bet.

"Red blood?"

Lu Wen frowned.

Not two androids, one of them is a cyborg.

A very short fat man walked towards him, smiling, and the flesh on his body trembled with his steps.

"Lesui, you haven't brought fresh goods for a long time." The fat man said.

"Master Qi, the goods this time are not simple." Yu Eryi put on a very humble smile, "This man is from Mowu City, and he is a rich man."

"Oh? Mowu City..."

The fat man stepped forward and looked at Lu Wen carefully.

"Okay, you go back first and come over tomorrow to get the money."

He said to Eryi and others.

When he heard the word money, Yu Eryi smiled even more humbly.

He patted Lu Wen on the shoulder and said in a slightly regretful tone: "Sir, times have changed. This is not a place you are familiar with. Just accept your fate."

After that, he was about to turn around and leave with the other two young men.

The spiders were thrown on the ground haphazardly.

Lu Wen smiled.

The order is issued.

The mechanical spider suddenly opened its eyes, and there was a bit of cruelty in its scarlet gaze.

"Little man, times have not changed."

(End of chapter)