Bionic Era

Chapter 161: The brows are depressed


"Who uploaded the information?"

"Anonymous people, network addresses are disguised layer by layer to other cities."

"How many people know this information?"

"Not much. The little genius just found out and sent it to me, and then I shared it with you."

three people.

It is impossible for Lu Wen and Wei Boyan to upload this information.

The little genius is still tracking the Internet address of the person who posted it, and it probably isn't him.

"In other words, the murderer may have known this information a long time ago?" Lu Wen pondered.

A lot of things happened to that doctor's clinic back then.

Most of the old executives who have been on the job for more than ten years know this.

If someone wants to investigate, he will surely find out and find something wrong with it. From this, it can be deduced that the person in charge of the Executive Directorate at the time may have collected the money.

"It seems the murderer's computer skills are pretty good."

This opponent is more difficult than Lu Wen imagined.

What Wei Boyan was most worried about happened.

Public opinion has risen and cannot be suppressed.

This information on the collection of property by Executive Bureau personnel is like a time bomb, waiting to be thrown out by the murderer at this moment, detonating the already fermented network environment.

"Did you see that those guys on the Internet gave the murderer a nickname, 'Wandering Poet'." Wei Boyan said.

"This name... is quite elegant."

It is destined to be a restless day.

The two drove back to District 10.

When passing by the gate of the Executive Bureau, I saw some people holding plaques.

[When the executive has fallen and cannot protect us, who can stand up]

This line of words has an arrow pointing to four words on the other side.

[Wandering Poet]

So far, all the murderer's goals have been achieved.

He became a hero.

An alternative urban hero.

The embodiment of night, the justice on the edge of gray.

"Three possibilities."

Lu Wen looked at the plaques outside the window.

"First, there was a case more than ten years ago. It was probably an unjust case. Many people were involved, including the current deceased. The murderer wanted to make that case known to the world."

"Second, he only chose to start killing people because he had witnessed too much justice not being served and his heart was twisted."

"Third... the murderer simply wanted to be famous and get more responses from people."

It was a hot sunny afternoon in June.

Those standing on the roadside holding signs wiped the sweat from their foreheads from time to time.

Wei Boyan looked at the people outside and added helplessly: "You have overlooked one point. Fourth, the murderer wants to trample the reputation of the Executive Bureau into the dirt."

"By the way, don't those guys holding signs have to go to work? They start gathering as soon as there is any disturbance." Lu Wen asked.

"Who knows, many of them are freelancers, or part-time workers who spend three days fishing and two days working online."

Freedom is engraved in the hearts of every citizen of Mowu City.

So you can often see demonstrations.

Work during the day and march at night, or reverse it.

In the programming of military androids, demonstration groups are not considered human beings and have been removed from the concept of 'human beings', so they can be attacked at will.

Of course, due to the pressure of public opinion, attacks on demonstrators are generally rare.

"We're here, the psychiatrist's community."

Lu Wen parked the vehicle on the side of the road.

A very high-end villa community.

Covered with green plants, the environment is good and security measures are in place.

"She is said to be a psychiatrist, but actually she is more like a psychological counselor. She has a good reputation. She has made a lot of money over the years, and some old people will leave their inheritance to her." Wei Boyan found the psychiatrist. data of.

This doctor has a background in medicine and psychiatry.

But now, most of the time, I provide mental health counseling to many people at home.

"The old man left his inheritance to her? Are those old people her clients?"

Lu Wen checked the information.

It really is.

It is strange that a client would leave an inheritance to his counselor.

But some reports went into more detail and spoke highly of this psychological counselor.

"These elderly people are relatively lonely on weekdays. Their children are away from home and they don't go home very often. Some even send them directly to nursing homes. They talk about inheritance distribution, so..."

This is a very warm psychological counselor.

Some nursing homes will invite her to enlighten those lonely elderly people.

Over time.

Those old people regarded her as their own family, a family member who was closer than blood relations.

"There is still such an operation."

Receiving an inheritance is a very comfortable thing.

Especially someone else’s legacy.

Lu Wen understood this feeling.

The two showed their ID cards and entered the community.

Beautiful environment, turquoise lake water, even though it is summer, there is a cool feeling as soon as you enter the community.

Good greenery is no longer enough to describe this community.

It seems as if the entire community is built in the forest.

"People who come to her for counseling about psychological problems will probably have half their psychological problems improved as soon as they enter the community. Living in a place like this, it feels like they can live a few more years."

Wei Boyan sighed.

This is called life.

His kind of work, where he rushes back and forth every day and struggles on the edge of life and death, can only be said to be alive... not... for some kind of belief.

The villa where the psychological counselor lives is at the end of the community.

The two of them walked through the dense trees. On the path, they could see many wealthy people taking leisurely walks or walking their dogs.

"If I live to retire, I will rent a farm in the suburbs, build a villa, and lie in front of the villa to watch the sunrise and sunset every day," Wei Boyan said.

"Don't set flags casually."

Lu Wen remembered some movie scenes.

Those who set this kind of flag usually don't live long.

He felt that Wei Boyan was not bad, and the longer he lived, the better.


The two came to the villa.

Green vines climbed up the walls of the villa and hung in front of the windows, and some even bloomed white flowers.

"The biggest ability of this kind of person is deception. Remember to get to the point later and ask her the reason for the transfer." Wei Boyan said.

"You may be fooled, but I'm just a machine."

Lu Wen knocked on the door of the villa.

While waiting for the door to open, he observed his surroundings.

"There are three surveillance cameras. The security conditions are good. There is a small pool next to it, but the surrounding area is very clean and there are no traces of mud or water. So there are no children or dogs in the house."

Detailed analysis learned from Xia Chuluo.

Lu Wen didn't learn much and barely got started.

While he was observing, the door slowly opened.

The person who opened the door was a rather well-maintained middle-aged woman.

"Hello, we are here..."

"Be still, sir, your brows are frowning and you look like you have a lot of worries."

"I'm an android."

Good night, fellow book friends!

Thanks to the book friend Beihai Youyu Qixian for the tip.

(End of chapter)