Bionic Era

Chapter 3: Dark red


[A family of four, parents, and a pair of three- and four-year-old twins]

The twins look almost identical.

It's definitely indistinguishable to the human eye.

Even Lu Wen's analysis system couldn't identify the differences between the two little girls just from two-dimensional images.

"This is Li Yu's family, right? Why is she the only one left now?"

Both little girls look a little like Li Yu, and it's not clear which one is her.

Lu Wen had seen many twins in his previous life, but it was really rare that they looked exactly the same.

The next few photos are all of a family of four.

Only, in the fifth photo.

The parents disappeared, leaving only two ten-year-old children.

[Judging that something happened to the employer’s family]

[Parents passed away]

The analysis system only gave such a conclusion.

The twins are more and more similar. Even their hairstyle, hair color, skin color, etc. are exactly the same. There is no difference.

Lu Wen picked up the last photo.

This photo is only half of it, and the fracture is not neat, and it was torn apart by external forces.

The remaining half of the photo showed a girl who looked about fourteen or fifteen years old. The girl had yellowish and slightly curly hair and was not tall. The other half of the photo was missing.

[99% of the time it’s probably my childhood employer]

The system quickly produced the analysis results.

As a housekeeping android, many of the programs in Lu Wen's original functional chip are designed to analyze his employer's family situation, personality, etc., so that he can integrate into the family.

[The employer also has a twin sister]

[The employer also has a twin sister]

Because we don't know other circumstances, we can't know whether Li Yu is big or small.

The system came to two conclusions.

Lu Wen put down the photo.

"Think on the bright side."

"Maybe this girl's older sister or younger sister has a problem and needs someone to take care of her. She lives on the third floor all year round or something like that."

"Well, what a heartwarming story."

Lu Wen tried to convince himself.

Judging from what has been discovered so far, this can definitely be a warm and slightly sentimental family story.

Why do you have to think in that scary direction

"Keep cleaning."

After looking around, Lu Wen calculated the time needed to clean this bedroom.

[Twenty-nine minutes]

Just simple dusting.

In addition to this room, the other five bedrooms on the first floor are all neat and tidy.

The five bedroom beds, wardrobes, etc. are all covered with white cloth and do not need to be cleaned.

From this point of view, his employer Li Yu should live on the second or third floor all year round.

[Successfully completed cleaning the first floor]

Looking at the time, it was already half past seven in the evening.

Li Yu has been on the third floor for more than an hour and has not come down during this period.

In a villa in Nuoda, there was only the busy figure of Lu Wen.

If everything goes well, he will be able to complete the task assigned by Li Yu tonight.

[Clean the second floor next]

[Then go dig an adult-sized hole in the backyard]

In the memory chip, these two instructions are ranked first.

Every time he saw this instruction to dig a hole, Lu Wen always felt a little uncomfortable and inexplicably panicked.

He went up the stairs step by step and came to the second floor.

[Depression of metal guardrail]

The metal guardrail at the stairway on the second floor seemed to have been hit by something, and a piece of it was dented.

Lu Wen touched it with his hand and analyzed it for a moment.

"It looks like... it was struck with the head?"

His fingers traced the small depression, and a cold metallic touch was transmitted to his memory chip.

Lu Wen imagined various scenarios, and the original functional chips also began to match in the database.

Finally got a more sincere result.

[Someone fell down]

[He hit his head on the guardrail]

[3% chance of coma, 31% chance of slight concussion, 46% chance of being fine, 2% chance... ]

"46% okay?"

Are human brains so hard? Or is this guardrail of poor quality

This has already been dented!

Lu Wen suddenly felt that his original functional chip was a bit unreliable and had no common sense as a human being.

This may be the limitation of bionic people. After all, they cannot think like a normal person.

But why did he fall

The analysis system did not prompt him that the ground was slippery and his employer might fall.

"What's on the ground?"

The corridors and stairs on the second floor have wooden floors.

The original color of the floor is dark red, but I didn't notice it just now.

Lu Wen only now discovered that there were some dried dark red stains attached to the floor.


"Wall paint?"

Lu Wen squatted down.

He has no sense of smell, which is very troublesome. Smell is a very important function of human beings.

Without the sense of smell, many judgments will become inaccurate.

Lu Wen began to miss the human body. The world's technology is so advanced, and he doesn't know whether it is possible to turn androids into humans.

"Fortunately, there are sensors."

Lu Wen turned on all the sensors in his body.

He reached over a small patch of stain.

The analysis system begins to analyze the components of these stains based on touch, shape, color, etc.

Within a moment, the analysis results came out.


Lu Wen was stunned for a moment.


He squatted on the ground and looked forward little by little along the dark red marks.

The blood stains were intermittent, as if something bloody was being dragged along.

A bloody drag mark formed.

There are only five rooms on the second floor.

"Second room."

The blood trail came out of the second room on the left and extended to Lu Wen.

Lu Wen stood up, turned around, and found that the blood stains were still spreading, extending to the stairs.

The entire staircase from the second floor to the third floor was filled with blood.

The blood stains had long since dried, and the dark red color seemed to blend into the wooden floor.

"There is so much blood?"

The light in the stairwell is a little dim.

Lu Wen stood in the corridor on the second floor and suddenly felt a little chilly.

He seemed to be in some horror movie, and the darkness around him seemed to be able to swallow him at any time.

[The employer may have had a fight with someone]

[The employer may have been seriously injured]

[The employer may have had a fight with some large animal]

[Employers may do part-time butchering work]


More than ten analysis results.

The analysis system of the original functional chip seems to be in a mess, and it is impossible to determine which one it is.

Among housekeeping androids, Lu Wen is considered the top model, but after all, he is not a scientific research android, and he does not have many integrated technologies in his body.

There was no way of knowing whether it was human blood or animal blood.

He is a born optimist. Even when he was about to die in his previous life, he was still happy to be able to study in textbooks.

But the current situation really made it impossible for him to be optimistic.

"You can't just sit there and wait. Go look at that room first and synthesize all the details."

Lu Wen just thought for a moment and made a decision.

If you hesitate, you will lose!

The real android wouldn't think about anything at the moment and would just start cleaning the room as ordered by his employer.

And he is just a fake android!

Lu Wen walked step by step to the second bedroom, whose door was ajar, and opened the door.

(End of chapter)