Bionic Era

Chapter 32: The funeral and the girl



The black car arrived not far from a building in the hazy rain and fog.

Yes, it rained again.

It started to rain halfway through.

One city, two worlds.

Gloomy weather makes it difficult to have positive emotions.

"You don't seem to want to save that Jia Hua?" Lu Wen asked.

"Why don't you want to? I worked so hard to drive all this way here just to save him?"

"It was clearly me who was driving."

The building is not too high, with a total of twenty-one floors.

Haiti Construction has a branch office in the Third District, located on the 20th and 21st floors of the building in front of me.

The two of them walked towards the gate.

The security here is not strict, and there is no need to check IDs when entering or leaving.

"Would you like to change your clothes?" Lu Wen suggested.

"The murderer knew we were coming and knew what we looked like, so what's the use of changing clothes?" Xia Chuluo responded nonchalantly, "What if he is later regarded as an accomplice by the enforcement bureau of the third district and shot What to do if it falls?”

"I remember that you are well-known in various executive bureaus. Are you worried that they won't recognize you?"

"Yes, you have a good reputation, so I'm even more worried."


Needless to say, with Xia Chuluo's temperament, he must have offended many people in the third district.

It's a miracle this girl survived to this age.

Before coming, they had notified the Executive Directorate of the Third District.

"Twenty-one floors."

The two took the elevator to the top floor.

Stepping out of the elevator, as far as the eye can see is the branch office of Landi Construction.

Lu Wen walked in front, showed his ID, and said to the girl at the front desk: "How to get to the general manager's office?"

The little girl raised her head and saw the ID. She was stunned for a moment, then moved her eyes to Lu Wen's face. She immediately blushed, bit her lip and said, "The manager's office is over there on the left. Go to the end.”

"Okay, thank you."

Lu Wen took back his certificate and was about to leave.


"Is there a problem?"

"Can I have your contact information?" The little girl was very bold and proactive.

Lu Wen was stunned for a moment, but before he could speak, Xia Chuluo spoke.

"He is a bionic man. If you have a case, you can contact me." She smiled slightly and put her contact information on the front desk. "Lu Wen, left hand."

Lu Wen raised the electronic bracelet on his left hand.

A blue halo flickered.

The two of them walked towards the inside of the company, leaving the little girl with a look of astonishment standing at the front desk.

"Emotions will affect people's judgment." Xia Chuluo said seriously: "What people call emotions is just a chemical reaction that allows offspring to reproduce."

This is a line from "Rick and Morty."

"You are seriously discussing relationship issues with a robot." Lu Wen also responded seriously.

The door to the general manager's office was ajar.

As soon as he reached the door, Xia Chuluo made a stop gesture.

"No need to go in, we're late."

Three numbers were written in marker on the door.




Xia Chuluo didn't open the door, but turned around.

"Let's go to the rooftop, she's waiting for us."

It's unclear what the significance of these numbers is, but Lu Wen still wrote them down.

He had to be rigorous in doing things, so Lu Wen opened the door and took a look. No one was there. He hurriedly followed Xia Chuluo.

When passing by the front desk, the little girl's expression was obviously complicated.

It's getting late.

The iron door leading to the rooftop was rusty, and the rusty iron lock had been pried open.

The door is open.

It's drizzling outside.

The sky was gray.

Only the huge light blue projection advertisement in the distance can bring a little light to this world.

There was already a thin layer of water on the concrete floor.

Some unknown white flowers took root in the gaps in the wall, growing tenaciously in the face of wind and rain. The rainwater streaked across the petals, leaving no trace.

Lu Wen walked in front, blocking half of Xia Chuluo's body, and the two of them walked on the rooftop through stagnant water.

"Number Zero said that you must choose to do it on a rainy day. The sound of rain and thunder can cover up the sound, but the rain will wash away my traces." The man was sitting on the edge of the rooftop, holding a gun in his left hand and hanging his two feet outside. Anyone with a fear of heights would probably suffocate with fear.

A very clean girl's voice, sweet and beautiful.

He wears a blue plaid shirt, hat and mask, and has neat short hair.

She turned her back to the two of them and looked into the distance, with the unconscious Jia Yu beside her.

"Why choose a place like this?"

Xia Chuluo sighed and walked out from behind Lu Wen.

The rain wet her short hair and ran down the side of her face.

In the distance, the sound of helicopters rumbled.

Lu Wen looked up.


[Belongs to the Third District Executive Bureau]

[Sniper Rifle]

A beam of bright light hit the rooftop, illuminating the dark space.

This was a place where she could escape, unless she could hold Xia Chuluo hostage, but the possibility was almost zero.

"Executive Officer Xia..." The girl stood up, turned around to face the two of them, and smiled. She was a very beautiful girl, "Number Zero wants to see your assistant, but I want to see you even more... Thank you for choosing to eat. Come back after dinner.”

Although the two met for the first time, they had made a promise five hours ago.

That lunch time.

"You know I'll help you, so there's no need for this."

Xia Chuluo is not very good at negotiating, and her style of doing things has always been straightforward.

Lu Wen could use the negotiation skills of analytical system, but he suddenly understood Xia Chuluo's intention of eating that bowl of noodles.

"Sure enough, ten points of credit and nine points of fault."

Miss Xia will definitely have her own way, and there is nothing Lu Wen can do to stop her.

He sighed softly, walked aside, and picked two small flowers from the cracks in the wall.

He figured out the cause and effect, and also understood the ending of the story.

The rainwater formed a thin line in the sky.

"Thank you. The last person will trouble you. If then..."

Ye Ling murmured softly.

She raised her left hand, pointing the dark muzzle at the unconscious Jia Yu.



Two gunshots were heard in the air.

A sound came from Ye Ling's hand.

The bullet penetrated Jia Hua's head.

Another sound came from a distant helicopter.

Blood flowers bloomed on her chest, blooming in the water curtain, dyeing the blue shirt red.

The twenty-first floor is not too high.

Ye Ling slowly fell backwards.

The cold rain hit her, and she closed her eyes with a smile, as if she thought of something wonderful.

The rain washed away the blood, leaving the sad blue color.

Her falling body was like a blue jacaranda with withered branches that year, beaten away by the wind and rain.

"It turns out that none of them can be saved."

Lu Wen and Xia Chuluo stood in the rain.

With white flowers on her chest, she was solemn and silent, as if she was attending a unique funeral.

The tinkling sound of rain was the sonata of the world's funeral for that girl.

(End of chapter)