Bionic Era

Chapter 34: Death of Number Five


District 15 is a very special district.

It is famous for its scenery and sharks.

Green plants cover most places from the city to the suburbs and countless small towns around it. A vast inland sea occupies one-third of the area of District 15, and the seawater spreads to the outside of the no-man's land abandoned due to the war.

"Is this the place where the man invited him to take a vacation?"

Lu Wen drove and observed the surrounding environment.

There are many single-family villas nearby, all for rent.

Many young people like to pursue excitement. They will drive a speedboat and throw large pieces of fish into the sea to attract the sharks swimming in the sea.

The smell of barbecue is in the air.

"just in front!"

Xia Chuluo saw the camouflaged vehicle of the Executive Bureau.

Presumably Li Jian is not far away.

There is a cliff.

Under the cliff are black rocks and pure white waves.

There is a villa on the cliff. The design of the villa is very unique, with two-thirds of it hanging over the cliff.

When you wake up every morning, you can see the blue sea and sky through the floor-to-ceiling windows, which makes you feel comfortable.

“Really a great place to vacation.”

Li Jian's figure can already be seen in the distance.

"Didn't these pigs all call and tell them that this was a trap?" Xia Chuluo said angrily.

Just now Li Jian's call failed, but she had already dialed the number of one of the executives.

Did these people turn a deaf ear to her words

"This is a good place to destroy corpses and eliminate traces."

There are records about sharks in this inland sea in Chinese documents.

Every year, a large number of tourists overdo themselves and are killed by sharks.

From a distance, Li Jian is actually well protected.

Several executive officers from the executive bureau were dressed in plain clothes and eating barbecue among the crowd, not far from Li Jian, as if they were traveling.

Enjoy the scenery and chat.

It turned out that Li Jian was used as bait, which was what Li Jian was most worried about at the beginning.

"Li Jian seemed very calm, but his face was a little pale and sweat was still pouring from his forehead. He was probably frightened." Lu Wen's sight sensor worked better than Xia Chuluo's eyes.

But those executives seemed very relaxed and comfortable.

Considering the murderer's crime habits, everyone has a tacit understanding.

As long as there is a tendency for service androids or other androids to approach the scenic spot, they will be arrested immediately.

The murderer will let the android destroy itself after committing a crime, so as long as the android is left behind, the chance of solving the case will be greatly increased.

"You're a plainclothes guy. Since the murderer has already targeted No. 5 Li Jian, how could he not know that many people have been to his house in the past two days?"

Xia Chuluo felt that his intelligence had been insulted. Why should he work with such a group of people

Information asymmetry among bullies and killers

Perhaps this method works well for ordinary suspects, but when it comes to suspects with a slightly higher IQ and relatively strong technical ability, it is useless.

The two got out of the car and hurried towards the cliff.

"Pay attention to these service-oriented androids around the scenic area." Xia Chuluo warned.

There are many people on the edge of the cliff who come out to enjoy the scenery. In such a dangerous place, there are no railings, and there is even a bungee jumping project!

There are sharks swimming below, which is really exciting, but I don’t know if it will scare people into heart attacks.

The population is well controlled.

"I remember you said that people will develop inertia of thinking due to past experiences." Lu Wen suddenly said to Xia Chuluo beside him.

"Why do you suddenly want to say this?"

"Have the executive bureau's androids been controlled before?"

Xia Chuluo was suddenly stunned.

Lu Wencai joined the Executive Board and looked at this issue from God's perspective. It is actually very simple.

But after all, Xia Chuluo has been in the Executive Bureau for a long time, and she has been extremely busy these two days. No matter how smart she is, she is only human after all, and she will feel tired.

She turned her head sharply and looked at the executives who were very close to Li Jian.

Among them is an android!

And he is also a second-level executive officer who has obtained the status of a free man!

The man was slowly taking something out of his arms.

"Damn, is he wearing a body armor today?"

They are too far apart.

At this moment, I can only pray that No. 5 Li Jian, who is afraid of death, puts on a body armor when he goes out.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several continuous gunshots resounded over the cliff.

The entire scenic spot was quiet for a moment.

Soon there was chaos, people ran in all directions, and screams and shouts could be heard.

The vendor's stall was pushed over and hot oil spilled all over the floor.

People panic and choose their own way.

Some people actually choose to jump into the sea!

No. 5 Li Jian looked at the android executive with a look of disbelief on his face.

Gurgling blood flowed from his body.

The huge impact brought his body backwards, and he stumbled and fell over the cliff.

"Grass (a plant)!"

Xia Chuluo said so many wonderful words today.

She was furious, ran against the crowd, drew her gun and hurried over.

Lu Wen followed closely beside her.

At the same time, several other executives reacted and rushed forward, throwing the android executive to the ground.

the whole process.

From the sound of the gunshot to the time everyone subdued the android, it actually only took a few seconds.

But, after all, no one could save Li Jian.

Two hours passed.

Several Executive Directorate ships searched the waters under the cliff for a long time.

They chased away the sharks and someone went down in a wetsuit.

In the end, only some bloody bones, some torn clothes, and a few torn photos were recovered.

There are many children in the photo, and in the middle is Li Jian when he was young.

He loved to carry the pictures with him and said the children would bless him.

"He is so afraid of death, why didn't he put on a bulletproof vest when he went out this time?" Xia Chuluo sat quietly on the boat, looking at the undulating waves in the distance, with several broken photos in front of him.

"Perhaps because I feel that the case has been closed, or because I am protected by someone from the Enforcement Bureau, or perhaps because I am a student who has previously sponsored me, so I relax my vigilance."

Lu Wen felt it was a pity.

This Li Jian is a very real person.

He is greedy for life and afraid of death, and uses money to do things, but he is kind-hearted. Even when he has no money, he never forgets to help those poor children.

After a while, another call came.

Hospital phone number.

The monster died and could not be saved.

He wailed in pain every second of his life and endured great suffering. The sedatives had lost their effect on him.

Many medical staff couldn't stand it anymore and applied for euthanasia.

Didn't wait for approval.

The monster stopped wailing and its heart stopped beating.

His body is lying quietly in a special morgue.

Many forensic doctors have rushed over.

Lu Wen stood on the bow of the boat, the waves were undulating, and there were countless dark blue secrets buried under the water.

The world was becoming more and more complex and strange, and he felt very uncomfortable, as if there was a pair of eyes staring at him from the dark.


(End of chapter)