Bionic Era

Chapter 38: spider


At noon, there is no sunshine.

After a brief chat, Lu Wen returned.

Brother Cockroach stayed in the organization and said that he would go to him soon to help him remove the positioning device from his body.

If possible, it is best to remove the bracelets as well.

In this way, Lu Wen can completely integrate into the human world.

The off-road vehicle was traveling through an uninhabited area, with yellow sand slapping against the windows. When it was returned to the car rental agency later, it would probably cost a lot more.

Lu Wen thought of many things, such as the dead Ye Ling and the terrifying monster.

"When I read a novel in my previous life, the protagonist was targeted by the boss. How did he usually survive?"

It seems that the boss will say "This child cannot be kept", and then send his subordinates one by one to feed the protagonist with experience.

When the protagonist is almost developed, will the boss personally feed him experience

Reality cannot be thought of along the lines of fiction.

You have to be alert at all times.

More than two hours later, Lu Wen drove onto the road on the outskirts of the city.

"Are you still alive? You weren't brainwashed by those bionic people, were you?" Xia Chuluo sent a message.

"As long as I don't have a brain, they can't brainwash me." Lu Wen responded.

"That's good... pay attention to safety when you come back. Several monsters have appeared in the city. The ones that appeared this time are extremely aggressive. There is also one in District 13, but it has not been caught yet. The Executive Bureau is now a bit short of people. ." Xia Chuluo gave some instructions.

This is the drawback of the rapid development of bionic people.

After the incident with No. 5 Li Jian, all low-level androids directly under the Executive Directorate were forced into hibernation.

Even the senior executive androids who have obtained the status of free persons are still forced to stay at home and accept the monitoring and positioning of the Executive Directorate.

Lu Wen was completely accidental.

Xia Chuluo's existence in the executive bureau is a bug, and the chief executive has nothing to do with her, so Lu Wen is lucky that he has not been forced into hibernation and can move freely.

Without the help of the androids, the executive officers of the Executive Directorate suddenly found that there were more things to do. Even trivial matters had to be handled personally. Without the assistance of the android assistants, they felt uncomfortable in various ways.

"I know, I will be careful." Lu Wen responded.

He slowed down and drove into a city surrounded by tall chimneys.

The gray fog became thicker.

When I returned the off-road vehicle to the car rental agency, the person in charge was unexpectedly easy to talk to. He didn't charge any more and even gave me a 20% off membership card.

Lu Wenxunsi has such a good attitude that he can come to his house next time he rents a car.

"Take the bus back."

The place where the car was rented was a bit far away from Xia Chuluo's community.

Lu Wen leaned against the newsstand on the street, flipping through a magazine while calling up a map of the area in his mind.


[There are four subway entrances and five bus stations within a radius of one kilometer... ]

[Planning a route for you...]

[Special model detected]

[Attack intent detected]

[Fatal danger detected]





A chill rose from behind.

Lu Wen suddenly turned around. He went out without a gun today and threw out the magazine in his hand.

at the same time.


A loud noise came from the second floor where his back was turned before, and a twisted figure broke through the glass with a ferocious face and rushed towards him.

Glass shards splashed with blood.

The magazine hit the monster in mid-air, and the monster stretched out its twisted hands... its forelimbs, pulled the magazine away from its face, and dropped it to the ground.

Lu Wen didn't know how to describe the spider-like thing he saw in front of him.

[Human head]

[Left arm bionic component, core red fifth generation, number V23-0001945625]

[Special model of right arm, sharp blade, no data recorded]

[Human left leg]

[Special model of the right leg, no data recorded]

The head was bald, the scalp was torn, and the white skull had a big hole.

It seems that a few chips can be vaguely seen.

The facial features were still human, but they were a little oozing, the eyes were dull, and blood was dripping from the corners of the cracked mouth.

His pale face looked like a painted skin that had been forcibly stitched together.

The left arm is a normal bionic human limb, and the right arm is a long knife with a metallic luster. It clinks on the ground, and there is dripping blood on the knife.

It lay on the ground, on all fours, like a spider made of metal and flesh.


Some screamed and ran away.

Others were hiding in nearby shops, shivering.

The shopkeepers quickly closed the glass doors one by one.

[Protect humanity as a whole]

[Protect human individuals]

The androids on the street reacted quickly.

Gradually they gathered around.

Most of them are housekeeping-type androids, many of whom have the same face shape, and there are also a few security-type androids and labor-type androids.

There were also androids driving cars, blocking the streets on both sides, and making danger signals.

[Principle Zero of Bionic Man: Bionic Man shall not harm the human race as a whole, or cause harm to the human race as a whole through inaction]

[The first principle of bionic people: Unless it violates higher-order principles, bionic people must not harm human individuals, or cause harm to human individuals through inaction]

Regarding injuries, the interpretation programs in different bionic bodies are slightly different.

But most of them exclude some low-risk operations.

Some jobs are dangerous to a certain extent and are performed by humans. At this time, androids cannot stop them.

"This man is dead, and all actions are controlled by the program."

Lu Wen quickly calmed down and made a judgment immediately.

This monster is different from the last one. The last one was still breathing, but this time it was completely dead.

The monster stared at him after landing.

"Is he looking for a weakness in me? Taking advantage of this opportunity to attack?"

"Or do you simply want to observe me?"

"Did you happen to meet me by coincidence? Or did you come to me specifically?"

The androids around him gradually approached.

The appearance of this monster is quite terrifying to humans.

But as many people believe, androids do not feel terror, they have no emotions, and all their emotions are just the result of programmed control.

Of course, there is no conclusion yet as to what the awakened androids are.

"If you don't take action, you'll have no chance."

Lu Wen said something to the monster.

He was not sure whether the monster was controlled by someone or whether it simply relied on the programs in those chips.

But if you really want to kill him, wouldn't it be better to hide in the dark and shoot coldly


The monster made a strange noise.

It had flexible limbs, crawled a few steps around Lu Wen, and turned its head as if thinking.

Drops of scarlet blood flowed along every part of his body, mixed with a blue sheen.

Lu Wen tensed up and squatted down slightly, ready for the monster to attack.

To be honest, I'm still a little scared.

But he couldn't show it.

(End of chapter)