Bionic Era

Chapter 50: Gift


Isn't Jiang Xiaonian locked up

When did you leave the message

No, this body is not Lu Wen’s!

Lu Wen suddenly remembered a detail from that day.

After Jiang Xiaonian discovered that his implant program was useless, he grabbed Lu Wen's arms with all his strength. He seemed very depressed and pale, but in fact...

Still pretending!

Everyone is acting.

He must have some kind of device in his hand. At that time, through contact, he copied a copy of Lu Wen's data!

Then he stumbled and knocked down several androids. One of them seemed to be... his current body

"It still doesn't make sense!"

Lu Wen knew that he was reborn.

As for what state it was in, he never knew.

If Xia Chuluo also had his body there.

Why does consciousness follow the copied data to this body

Why can he switch consciousness between two bodies

Could it be that his consciousness was split into two

"Isn't it strange why you woke up in a landfill?" Lines of text began to emerge.

"Number Zero used me to test you. I feel very uncomfortable. How can someone like me be used?" The familiar Jiang Xiaonian style.

"So I want to take revenge on him." This is a simple and clear tone.

"I have a guess, you are not a pure android, right?"

"I'm behind bars now. If you have anything to ask, just come and ask during the day. I'll be waiting for you in prison."

"By the way, your current body costs 20,000 yuan."

"But the chip inside is worth two million, which is twice as expensive as your last body. That's why you can identify those bionic human parts and assemble them for yourself."

"There is also a great gift, remember to accept it."

All text stopped abruptly.

Lu Wen probably understood what Jiang Xiaonian meant.

Jiang Xiaonian was tricked by Number Zero, so he harbored a grudge against Number Zero.

So you deliberately gave Lu Wen a second life and asked him to confront Zero

As for Lu Wen's body, no one except Jiang Xiaonian knew about it.

So Lu Wen can do whatever he wants with this body.

"More than two million chips... You are so rich, but you still want to defraud No. 5 Li Jian out of his money?" Lu Wen thought for a while and felt that something was wrong.

It's just equivalent to more than two million.

After all, it's all data.

With Jiang Xiaonian's methods, he should be able to get it for free.

"What's the big gift he's talking about?"

Lu Wen still felt wary.

No matter how much Xia Chuluo despised Jiang Xiaonian, that was Xia Chuluo after all.

"Forget it, while the night guard is still sleeping, let's sneak away and find some clothes."

Lu Wen looked around.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, almost forming a curtain of water.

Even if it is an android, its line of sight is disturbed to a certain extent.

He was about to leave when he suddenly stopped.


In Lu Wen's, in his mind, a picture suddenly appeared.

An earthy yellow planet!

Soaring on the spot


Jiang Xiaonian cracked one...many satellites so that he could connect messages between the two bodies

The parliament that controls these satellites is not aware of this problem at all, because all satellites are still operating normally.

What kind of magical operation is this

Didn’t Jiang Xiaonian major in fuel chemistry? Why are other abilities so strong

"By the way, one last thing, your two bodies can communicate with each other through the normal network, but that is very dangerous. Although it is also dangerous through the satellite, I have encrypted it."

"Although it is easy to be intercepted, the person who can crack my password is probably not born yet, unless Xia Chuluo changes his profession to study technology."

"I am not the only one using the parliament's satellite for free. There are at least 79 people from all over the world. I only captured these people. There should be more. The people in the parliament are all pigs."

"See you later."

A few more messages popped up out of nowhere.

Lu Wen began to wonder if there was any trap in this body.

"Forget it, Jiang Xiaonian has already entered anyway, so he can't make any waves for the time being."

I picked up a body worth more than two million for nothing.

Just find a place to commit suicide when you don't need it.

Now it is equivalent to having an extra life that no one else knows about, even Xia Chuluo doesn't know about it.


Suddenly there was a shout in the distance.

The beam of a strong flashlight penetrated the layers of rain and came from a long distance.

Lu Wen was alert.

He immediately fell to the ground, rolled several times, and returned to the sinkhole.

It is tightly attached to less than half a meter from the top surface.

Within a few minutes.

Accompanied by rapid breathing and the sound of splashing rainwater, a dazzling beam of light poked downwards.

"It's strange. I saw a shadow just now. Could it be that I was dazzled?" The middle-aged man's voice was breathless.

Lu Wen speculated that this man might be a little fat, and he was exhausted after running so many steps.

"Hey, these garbage still want to climb up?"

"With such heavy rain, a person would have rested long ago. A slave is a slave, and he will never be able to stand up again in this life."

"What kind of freedom do you want to fight for... is it worthy of a pile of plastic garbage?"

The man looked down, the sarcasm in his voice undisguised.

Lu Wen frowned.

An unknown fire rose in my heart, but this was not the time to take action.

Lightning flashed in the sky, followed by rumbling thunder.

Lu Wen calculated that the difference between thunder and lightning was about three seconds.

"Damn it, I don't know what's good about guarding this group of rubbish all day long. They won't be able to climb up even if I give them another hundred years!" The man said dirty words.

"Go back to sleep!"

The sound of footsteps could be heard again, trampling the rainwater on the concrete floor, which was very clear.

The man turned around and left step by step.

At this time, a flash of thunder flashed in the sky.

“1… 2…”

Lu Wen grabbed the time.

The footsteps came twice.



Lu Wen jumped up.

Despite the torrential rain, I turned over in an instant, clean and tidy!

The rumble of thunder was still overhead.

The fat middle-aged man in a security uniform didn't realize what was happening behind him.

Lu Wen stepped on the standing water and punched him behind the ear!


The fat middle-aged man fell to the ground.

There was no resistance, and he didn't even have time to turn around and look.

At this time, the thunder in the sky stopped.

Lu Wen squatted down and fumbled around.

[A pistol]

[One magazine, six bullets]


[Inn card]

[Other small hotel cards]

[Another inn card]


Lu Wen held a strong flashlight and put the pistol behind his waist.

"Surveillance must be deleted."

He quickly ran to the security booth in the distance, pulled up the surveillance records, and deleted them all.

After deleting it, he felt it was still a little unsafe.

It is not too difficult for technicians to restore the contents of the memory disk.

So he took out the monitored memory disk.

Physical destruction.

Ruined to pieces.

Conveniently smashed most of the surveillance equipment.

Next, I rummaged around the office for a while.

[Spare Magazine·Empty]

[A box of bullets, twelve bullets remaining]

[A coat]

[One thousand cash]




Starting after five o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, chapter chapters, chapter reviews, and book reviews were swallowed one after another. By eleven o'clock in the evening the day before yesterday, more than fifty items had been swallowed. Yesterday, there were so many swallowed throughout the whole day that I couldn't even count them. I know if I can have a good day today.

(End of chapter)