Bionic Era

Chapter 53: Paper ball


"He began to brutally combine humans and androids, without any rules and random combinations, creating countless monsters."

"That's a sign, you know?"

Jiang Xiaonian looked at Lu Wen and tapped the table.

"He won't live long!"

"He's anxious!"

After decades, in the end, they were just monsters.

Normally, this road would not work at all!

Lu Wen had heard of some machines controlled by human brainwaves in his previous life, but the prerequisite for brainwaves was that he had a brain, and purely mechanical machines would not work.

The soul is too profound.

With so many people dying every year, how many are able to be reborn

"Although I really want to find him personally, I am locked up in this place now. I am really afraid that when I get out, No. 0 will be unable to hold on and die, so I chose you."

"Of course you can back up your data and create clones, but I can guarantee that Zero will definitely know."

"And no one knows about the body I gave you except you and me."

"It's best not to let Xia Chuluo know. One day you will be on the opposite side of her."

Jiang Xiaonian smiled and leaned back on the chair.

He has finished what he should say.

As for whether it is true or false, and whether you believe it or not, it all depends on Lu Wen’s judgment.

"I believe other words for now."

Lu Wen crossed his fingers and placed them on the table.

"As for the last sentence, I believe that day will never come. I can only say that you don't know Xia Chuluo well enough. If you knew enough, you wouldn't be locked up in this place."

Say it.

Lu Wen stood up.

He opened the door and was about to leave when he suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaonian.

"Where is Li Jian?"

"Killed by me."

"He raised you from elementary school to graduate school..."

“No great things can be accomplished by those who are soft-hearted.”

"Do you know Tang Monk?"

"Have Xia Chuluo ever said that you like Kong very much?"

Xia Chuluo was waiting outside, sitting on a bench, seemingly bored, and kept scrolling through the pages on his phone.

Seeing Lu Wen coming out, she looked up.

"Some people are in a happy mood. Could it be that they have reached an ulterior agreement with Jiang Xiaonian?"

"So be it."

Lu Wen answered truthfully.

This girl Xia Chuluo is quite smart and doesn't know how to ask many questions.

"Take it."

"cell phone?"

Lu Wen took the mobile phone thrown by Xia Chuluo.

It's not the one from Li Meng before, but a new one, the latest one.

"You are a free man now, and you have everything you should have." Xia Chuluo said.

"This mobile phone... did you give it to me?" Lu Wen asked.

In fact, he himself is a human-shaped mobile phone. He has all the functions of a normal mobile phone.

So this thing just makes him look closer to humans.

As long as his body is still wearing an electronic bracelet, it will never be possible to integrate into humans.

"Otherwise? You are now in debt of more than three million yuan. Do I expect you to buy it yourself?"

"But why would Bilan Company allow an android who has just become a free man to owe more than three million? I don't have any physical assets as collateral."

Xia Chuluo patted his shoulder.

"Aren't you an asset yourself?"

"Can such an operation still be possible?"

Lu Wen was shocked.

What kind of company is this

"Let's make an agreement first. If we don't give you enough money when it's due, we'll have to recycle the body and the original functional chip. Then we can only give you a cheaper one."

"Expiration? When?"

He said it was expensive countless times, but Lu Wen actually liked this body.

As long as there are enough bullets, it is walking fire suppression!

"See for yourself, it's in your original functional chip."

Xia Chuluo stood up from the bench and frowned slightly.

Having a broken rib is quite uncomfortable.

Lu Wen searched for the original functional chip and found that it was indeed there.

"Five years? Three million? And interest?"

"Within five years, the price of body damage will be calculated separately, and the weapons and ammunition will be replenished by yourself?"

"What kind of shady company is this? Why hasn't it closed down yet?"

He suddenly felt like he was suffocating.

Five years is just the time to change to blue blood.

"There are only two companies on the market. They are still competing as a duopoly and engaging in a price war. Your body is cheap enough. If one of them loses, the price of bionic humans will skyrocket."

"Isn't it better this way? Those factories will choose manpower instead of bionic people, and the problem of unemployment will be solved."

"I found that you are really capable of..."

Xia Chuluo held his forehead and said nothing more.

The weather today is not bad, the sun is soft.

The two returned to the car.

"Did you see the notice?"

"I saw it, and another monster appeared. I compared it and found that it was a person who disappeared three days ago."

People often go missing during this time.

Two missing monsters that were transformed into half-human androids have been found.

"Go over and have a look."

"I'll just go. You go back and rest. It's no joke to break your muscles and bones."

"I'm not worried if you go. He might have attracted you there on purpose."

"What if he wants to kill you first?"


In the end, Lu Wen could not defeat Xia Chuluo.

The two of them went together.

There are some sparsely planted street trees on both sides of the road, with sycamores on one side and sycamores on the other...

Lu Wen was driving on a crowded urban road. Life had not yet gripped his neck, so he could only find numbness and suffocation in the bodies of pedestrians.

Light, shadow and color fill the emptiness of the city.

More than ten minutes later, the two came to the place where the monster was.

"The monster is gone."

An executive had arrived before the two of them.

Lu Wen saw the cordon and the sewer manhole cover that had been pried open.

"These monsters just love sewers."

He was reminded of some classic monster movies, and the sewers were an obvious place for a lair.

But reality cannot be confused with movies.

The No. 0 in Lu Wen's imagination should be that kind of weird old man wearing a white coat, wearing experimental glasses, and holding a bottle with a green solution container in his hand.

And it should be in a laboratory-like place.

"You are distracted." Xia Chuluo reminded.

"Theoretically, androids will not be distracted."

The blocked roads looked chaotic.

More than a dozen cars collided, and there were several injured. The ambulance hadn't arrived yet. They were lying calmly on both sides of the road, and even took selfies in their moods to post on

Lu Wen got the surveillance video and shared it with Xia Chuluo.

"He just came out to do some damage, and then got into the sewer again."

The monsters did not actively hurt people, and many androids also protected humans. Most of the injuries were caused by car accidents.

The monster this time also looks quite distinctive, with two heads, one human and one bionic.

Is Number Zero completely letting himself go

More than a dozen shops on both sides seemed to have been looted, and the glass doors were all broken to the ground.

The worst thing was that a gold shop was really looted.

Monsters just wreak havoc.

Then someone who was brave and not afraid of death, just after the monster left, while the shopkeeper was still shaking and hiding under the counter, picked up a large pile of gold chains and ran away.

There’s more than one person!

"Seeking wealth from danger?"

The two came to the door of the gold store.

The shopkeeper was crying with runny nose and tears.

Two executives were asking questions and others were taking notes.

When Lu Wen and Xia Chuluo walked into the store, broken glass was everywhere.

The shopkeeper collected the remaining gold jewelry and placed it on the red cloth.

The front of the store is just the front desk, displaying gold jewelry, and there is a door leading to the back, which seems to be a place to store items.

"Sir, nothing happened later."

As soon as Lu Wen walked to the door, the shop owner said hurriedly.

"What, is there a jar of aqua regia in the back?"

The shopkeeper's face suddenly turned pale.

Xia Chuluo glanced at Lu Wen in surprise.

"When did you become smarter?"

"Poverty forces me to become smarter."

Lu Wen smiled faintly. This kind of thing had happened to his colleagues in his previous life.

No matter what, the gold jewelry must be recovered.

The two looked at the surveillance camera and were about to leave.

Lu Wen suddenly discovered a problem.

"The monster spends the longest time in this store."

"Almost twice as long as other stores."

He looked down and around.

I wasn't paying attention when I came in just now.

Look more carefully this time.

[glass shards]

[glass shards]

[glass shards]

[paper ball]

[glass shards]

Among the countless broken glass shards, a small white paper ball was very inconspicuous.

I just asked other authors, newbies are being rewarded and the boss has to update more... emmm... I will update tomorrow, book friends, don't be anxious... I have been tinkering for the past two days on how to bring out the characters like other books.

(End of chapter)