Bionic Era

Chapter 95: Admit defeat


"I noticed that all the servants in your house are humans and there are no androids. But now many wealthy families are more accustomed to hiring androids." Lu Wen looked at Wang Yang.

"Yes, Mr. Lu should also know that our family does not welcome androids very much." Wang Yang did not deny it.

"So, do you know about androids?"

"Of course I do. When I was young, I did an outdoor adventure program, and I talked about how to defend ourselves against awakened androids..."

"I just took the time to watch that video." Lu Wen smiled, "You see, this is the advantage of bionic people, they can do many things at the same time."

He spread his fingers, and the bionic material on the surface slowly faded away.

Several beams of light intertwined in the air, forming medium-sized projections.

It was the survival video from that issue that was projected on the screen.

Wang Yang was still very young at that time.

He was giving a demonstration to everyone using an android with its limbs removed.

The android was still alive, looking in pain.

"Don't worry when you encounter awakened androids in the wild. They have two weaknesses. One is the chip in their brain, and the other is the heart in their chest."

Wang Yang stabbed the android into the chest.

Accompanied by the wailing sound, there was splashing blue blood.

"The vitality of bionic people is very tenacious. Even if their heart is broken, the remaining blue blood in various parts of the body can last for several minutes before dying. During this period, they will slowly weaken."

Sure enough, the pained and wailing voice of the android whose limbs had been removed became smaller and smaller.

In the end, it is weak and will crash at any time.

"So the head was the most appropriate choice."

In the video, Wang Yang took out a saw and sawed open the android's head bit by bit.

At this time, the android is still alive.

I could hear the sound of my head being sawed open.

"Look, they have four chips in their heads..."

The video ends abruptly here.

This video was said to be too cruel, so it was later edited out.

Some of the media present were shuddering.

Although the current mainstream is against androids, there are not a few humans who are compatible with androids, and there is basically no difference in appearance between androids and humans.

The video just now caused some people discomfort.

"Mr. Wang, when you were a survival anchor when you were young, you thought the weak points of androids were their heads and hearts. What about now?" Lu Wen asked.

"Of course it is now." Wang Yang said lightly.

"Sun Tzu once said in The Art of War that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be in danger in a hundred battles." Lu Wen stood with his hands behind his hands. "Mr. Wang may not know that at the beginning of the design of bionic humans, there were several design models. Where should the related chips be placed? Bilan There was a dispute among core engineers.”

"One of the engineers named Yin Mu wanted to reduce the weaknesses of the bionic man, so he suggested placing four chips on the limbs. This suggestion was not adopted, but it was still retained."

"By the way, Mr. Yin Mu is Mr. Yin Long's father, but later Mr. Yin Long felt that being an engineer was too boring and did not inherit his father's wishes, so he chose the path of writing."

Lu Wen learned all this at Bilan Branch.

At that time, some said four chips were placed in the spine, and some said they were placed in the thigh.

In the end, I chose the most primitive method and kept it in my mind.

Although there was no such thing as awakening eighty years ago, the Blue Engineers at that time had already considered the possibility of androids losing control, so they designed the weaknesses of androids to be exactly the same as humans.

"Mr. Lu, you have said so much, what exactly do you want to express?" Wang Yang said in a bad tone, as if he wanted to chase people away, "It's very late now. Xiao Lei will have a speech and an exclusive interview tomorrow, so he needs a good rest. "

"Didn't I tell you everything?"

Lu Wen smiled.

"Mr. Yin Mu supported placing four chips on the limbs. This design was not completely abandoned. So later, when Bilan customized the android Daisy for Mr. Yin Long... he did not put the chips in his head."

Lu Wen called Bilan before coming.

Got this reply.

Daisy's chip is not broken, and the video record of the crime can be found inside.

Wang Yang's expression changed.

Completely changed.

That stability is no longer there.

"This is what you ignored. Before you leave, you should check if there is a chip in Daisy's brain."

"Mr. Lu..."

Lu Wen looked at him lightly.

"Mr. Wang, is there anything else you want to say?"

"Xiao Lei has nothing to do with this matter..."

Before Wang Yang could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lei Bin.

"Uncle Wang, he is lying to you!" He said loudly: "How could the bionic man's chip not be in his brain? I don't believe it..."

"Daisy will be restored early tomorrow morning."

Lu Wen took a few steps forward, passed Wang Yang, and came to Lei Bin.

He patted Lei Bin on the shoulder.

"Since you were a child, your family has given you the package of a genius boy. The package was so exquisite that you even believed it yourself."

"But your brain is no better than a pig's brain."

Lu Wen didn't know where he learned it, and he started to like using this round animal to curse people.

"In order to lower A12's approval rating, I fabricated that recording, so forget it... Now in order to lower my approval rating, I can actually risk two lives."

The fate of Mr. Yin Long and that gangster.

"If you were really a genius, I would admit defeat, but you..."

Lu Wen patted his face.

With an indifferent expression, he turned and left.

"The arrest can be made."

He spoke calmly.

Behind the media, executives from the Ninth District swarmed up.

Lei Bin's expression was dull and he was stunned.

Let the executives put a shiny silver bracelet on him.

Many people in their teenage years always feel that they are different.

But actually.

No different.

Liang Chen stood on the hood of his car and witnessed the whole process.

"Awesome, brother Lu Wen, even if I heard you say it once, I still don't understand the process."

"It's very simple. That gangster Zhao Xing likes money, so give him some money and ask him to do something, such as buying a knife. For example, ask him to go in and out of Mr. Yin Long's community within a few days, and then tell him that in the end Give him the money under the overpass." Lu Wen got in the car and continued to tell.

"In this way, we can fake the illusion that Zhao Xing killed someone for the treasure map." Lu Wen took a sip of water. "In fact, it was Wang Yang who killed Mr. Yin Long, took away the ninth book on the bedside table, and then returned to Under the overpass, he killed Zhao Xing and tore off the map cover of the ninth book, making it look like robbery and murder. "

"This Wang Yang is quite smart." Liang Chen sighed.

"No, he's stupid."


"Do you know about Jiang Xiaonian's case?"

"I've heard that several Li Jians died at that time. Fortunately, I don't have that name."

Good night, fellow book friends!

Thanks to the book friend Su Huanzhen who can’t be beaten to death, the book friend Guzi who doesn’t want to talk, the book friend I’m crazy about myself, the book friend GT’s ambition, and the book friend who is not afraid to reward me if I know it or not.

(End of chapter)