Bird Dude Nie Bufan

Chapter 35: The genius treasure of Jiwo Village


The three of them were exhausted after so much tossing. Both Zhang and Li had to stop after eating half of it, which was really depressing. They all swear in their hearts that they must do enough next time!

Nie Bufan, who didn't know how dangerous the two were, thought he had shocked them, so he went to sleep peacefully. As for how much tofu was eaten in the middle, only God knows you know I know he doesn't know.

They slept in the same bed harmoniously until the next day. Zhang and Li, who were accustomed to getting up early, didn't say a word about what happened last night. In broad daylight, they were two magnanimous gentlemen.

When he got out of bed, Li Yi stole a kiss on the face of Nie Bufan, who was sleeping like a dead man. Zhang Junshi, unwilling to be left behind, stole a kiss on Brother Nie's lips while Li Yi was not paying attention.

However, Li Yi's ears were bright and eyesight, and out of the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the current situation, and his already gloomy face became even more gloomy. The two stood by the bed, neither of them leaving the room first.

Zhang Junshi smiled and said, "Brother Li, aren't you going to wash up?"

"Don't bother, do it yourself."

"I think I should give Bufan a quiet environment and let him have a good rest. After all, I was tired last night." Zhang Jun said honestly.

In fact, Brother Nie went to bed earlier and slept soundly.

"Yes, let's go together then."

"Very good, that's exactly what it means."

"Brother Li, are you going?"

"you first."



"I said, are you going?" Nie Bufan was finally awakened by their childish conversation and behavior.

The two of them turned their heads at the same time, and saw Nie Bufan leaning on the side of the bed, propping his head up, looking at them with a foolish look, a white and tender leg dangling uneasy outside the quilt.

This small sample, I really want to pounce on it and ravage it.

Nie Bufan waved his hands at them in disgust, and said as if he were chasing flies, "Hurry up and leave, and let me be quiet for a while."

Li Yi looked at Zhang Junshi, his eyes were weird, and the Buddha was saying: I want to give him some color, it's too arrogant!

Zhang Junshi looked back: I feel the same way, why don't we go together

The two turned their attention to Nie Bufan at the same time.

Nie Bufan was unconscious, turned over and prepared to catch up on sleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt that the quilt was lifted away, and then someone hugged his head and feet, and threw them against the bed curtain with force, and his body suddenly rose into the air.

"Ahhh..." Nie Bufan roared in disarray in the air, "I'm afraid of heights, I'm afraid of heights!"

Zhang Junshi and Li Yi turned a deaf ear and lost it even more happily.

"Aahhahaha..." Nie Bufan suddenly burst out laughing, "Hahaha, it's actually quite fun!"

Saying that, he was still doing all kinds of handsome moves in the air, and he looked as flat as he wanted.

Zhang and Li looked at each other, and after another high toss, they withdrew their hands at the same time.

Nie Bufan still didn't know it, he flipped in the air with his limbs wide open, and then gloriously slammed on the quilt with a prostrate posture, leaving a twisted human-shaped dent.

"Well... my nose is flat!" Nie Bufan's muffled voice came from the quilt.

Zhang Junshi couldn't help laughing out loud, while Li Yi covered his mouth and turned his back, his shoulders moving.

"You guys are really bad." Nie Bufan touched his nose and complained, "What if you make me stupid?"

Zhang Junshi fondly patted his head: "Even if you are stupid, I will not despise you."

"If you are stupid, the world will be at peace." Li Yi said seriously.

Nie Bufan pouted and hummed a few times without answering.

It seemed that he couldn't sleep anymore. Nie Bufan groped his clothes and got up. Out of the corner of his eye, he inadvertently glanced at the little guy on the bedside table and exclaimed, "Ah! Eyes opened!"

He crouched down beside the little monkey and poked with his fingers carefully.

The little monkey wrapped his hands and feet around his fingers, and curled his tail on it, then stuck out his tongue and licked it carefully, his eyes were wide open, and his face was cute.

"Wukong, you are so cute!" Nie Bufan said excitedly, "Grow up quickly, I will definitely find a Tang monk for you in the future!"

"What is Tang Seng?" Zhang Junshi asked curiously.

"A magical species that can recite sutras and Buddha, walk upright, and like to attract demons."

"..." How does it feel to be Wang Shichan

Nie Bufan excitedly went to feed the little monkey, watching its cheeks pumping milk, Nie Bufan's fingers were a little bit eager, and he wanted to poke a few more times.

"Bufan, how long are you going to stay here?" Li Yi asked.

"Well, let's go back today." He turned to Zhang Junshi and said, "Zhang San, can I trouble you to send someone to deliver some fresh milk to Jiwo Village every day? I'll pay the toll."

Is the travel fee explained like this... Zhang Junshi smiled and said, "This is easy, you don't need to spend money, just leave it to me."

Nie Bufan's eyes lit up immediately, he grabbed his hand and thanked him, "Zhang San, you are really my good friend."

"Cough cough!" Li Yi pretended to cough unhappily.

Nie Bufan patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "Although you are not very useful, at least you can knead the dough. The dumplings are delicious."

"..." Li Yi was speechless.

Zhang Junshi snickered.

Now that they decided to go back to the village, the three of them did not delay any longer, and they set off after packing up.

As soon as he entered Jiwo Village, Nie Bufan didn't have time to say hello to his chicken, but quickly ran into his room, closed the door, and stared at the little monkey lying on the palm of his hand. After a long while, the little monkey has not changed, and he is finally relieved. It seems that after the animals born outside the village return to Jiwo Village again, they will still maintain their original bodies and will not turn into chickens again.

Is this the way to break the curse? Nie Bufan's eyes gleamed, and Chu Buddha had already seen the bright future of Jiwo Village.

"Nie Bufan."

At this moment, Si Chenyu's voice came from outside the door.

Nie Bufan opened the door and said with a smile, "Brother Shi, what is the matter with me?"

Si Chenyu's eyes swept around him, and found that his eyebrows seemed to have a little more style, and there were also some suspicious traces under the collar.

He couldn't help teasing: "It seems that you spent another spring night."

Nie Bufan lifted a tuft of hair from his forehead and threw a wink: "Brother Wet is really eye-catching."

"..." Well, he once again underestimated the thickness of this man's skin.

"Nie Bufan, look at this." Si Chenyu took out an object from his arms and handed it to him, asking, "This was found in your village, do you know what it is?"

Nie Bufan took it over. It looked like the fangs of a beast, the white jade was transparent, and there were delicate patterns engraved on it.

"It's not like something from the Central Plains." Si Chenyu stared at Nie Bufan and asked tentatively, "Is it something from Jiwo Village?"

"It should be." Nie Bufan thought to himself: 80% of it was made by those guys who like to dig holes, and they didn't know how to hide it, but Si Chenyu discovered it.

"What is 'should be'?" Si Chenyu looked suspicious.

Nie Bufan sighed deeply: "Actually, there are many genius treasures in our Jiwo Village, but they are not kept properly, and are often played with by some naughty chickens, so I can't count them all."

"You said that there are many geniuses in Jiwo Village?" Si Chenyu was even more skeptical, "Can you show me?"

Nie Bufan gave him a sideways look: "Don't you know what 'wealth is not exposed'?"

"..." Si Chenyu was choked.

At this moment, the Nineteenth Heavenly Nv suddenly ran over excitedly. When he saw Si Chenyu, he was stunned for a moment, then immediately adjusted his expression, and instantly changed from excited and rude to solemn and indifferent. The speed of the transformation made Nie Bufan amazed. .

"Your Highness is well." Nineteen saluted him.

Si Chenyu returned a salute, then turned to Nie Bufan and said, "I hope to have the opportunity to see the 'genius treasure' of Jiwo Village in the future, don't worry, I will never take it by force. I will leave today. already."

After Si Chenyu left, Nineteen immediately dragged Nie Bufan into the room, and then closed the door nervously.

Nie Bufan folded his arms around his chest and said vigilantly, "What do you want to do? I, Nie Bufan, won't betray my body!"

"What kind of crap are you holding in your head?" Nineteen gave him a disdainful look, then smiled smugly, pretended to mysteriously scooped something out of his sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Guess what? What have I found?"

"A god egg?"

"Don't mention eggs to me!" Recalling her painful experience a while ago, Nineteen said fiercely, "It's definitely right this time, I found the last key!"

"Oh? What is it?" Nie Bufan widened his eyes with anticipation.

"That's it!" Nineteen carefully placed what was in his hand on the table.

This is a jade pendant carved with a unicorn. It is crystal clear and exquisite in carving. It is very valuable at a glance.

"It turned out to be it!" Nie Bufan exclaimed in surprise.

Nineteen said proudly: "You think it's right, right? We all guessed that the last key was based on the unicorn, and it seems that it is so now."

Nie Bufan didn't answer, but turned around and walked to the other side, and started rummaging through the boxes.

"What are you looking for?" Nineteen asked curiously.

"That's it." Nie Bufan took out a wooden box and opened it to face Nineteen.

Nineteen leaned over to look, and the whole person was stunned. I saw four jade pendants in the box, which were carved with Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Judging from the quality of jade and carving work, it is obviously a set with this unicorn jade pendant.

Nie Bufan scooped up the unicorn jade pendant and giggled, "I didn't think there was another jade pendant in this set."

Nineteen pointed at the contents of the box with trembling fingers: "This is..."

"Jade pendant." Nie Bufan replied earnestly, "This should come from the hands of a certain master. It is a rare work of art, and none of it is missing, which is even more valuable."

Nineteen looked sullen, and the spirit of the Buddha roamed the sky.

Nie Bufante sincerely thanked: "It's really thanks to you."

Nineteen felt dizzy for a while, and immediately beat the table with his fists desperately, with a suppressed scream from his mouth: "Ah! Why? Why is this?"

Nie Bufan kindly poured her a glass of water and comforted her, "Calm down, calm down."

"I can't calm down!" Nineteen said irritably, "I've been looking for it for so long, why can't I find the last key?"

"Be patient, you will find it eventually." Old God Nie Bufan was sitting at the table, stroking Wukong and comforting him.

"I'm running out of confidence." Nineteen sat down in the chair dejectedly.

Nie Bufan rolled his eyes and suggested, "Why don't you look for it until after Lixia, if you haven't found it yet, I will definitely find a way to help you solve the problem. I won't let you lose face."


"Really." Nie Bufan nodded cautiously.

"Brother Nie, you are so kind!" Nineteen was grateful and looked at him like a Buddha looking at God.

Nie Bufan's chin was slightly raised, and his spirit was alive, and he accepted Nineteen's worship with peace of mind.

This stuff is too nasty!