Bird Dude Nie Bufan

Chapter 40: Basalt mirror


The harmonious atmosphere of the boundless spring was completely destroyed by Nie Bufan. Si Chenyu didn't have the strong psychological quality of Li Yi, so he could only give up in disappointment.

In the end, Nie Bufan still didn't tell Si Chenyu the secret under the pond, or rather, he was choked by the water just now and forgot.

The two returned to Jiwo Village dry and wet, and they felt the atmosphere was wrong as soon as they entered the village. Li Yi, Li Huai, Zhang Junshi, Shen Muran, Tiannv and others gathered together for the first time, and even the shadowless Wang Shichan appeared. , seems to be discussing something.

Nie Bufan greeted, "It's really neat today, what are you talking about?"

Everyone looked at him, who was sunny, and at Si Chenyu, who was covered in water, with different expressions.

Seeing this, Si Chenyu didn't change his clothes, and asked directly, "What happened?"

Shen Muran said solemnly, "My key was stolen."

"Huh?" Si Chenyu was surprised, "You mean the treasure key?"


"How did it get lost?"

Shen Muran shook his head: "I don't know either. I woke up early this morning and disappeared."

Si Chenyu touched his chin and thought: "Jiwo Village is well-guarded. I don't believe that anyone can break through the surveillance of the chickens and steal the key without a sound. There is no second elegant guest in the world."

Saying that, he looked at Wang Shichan.

Wang Shichan opened his mouth and said, "On Qinggong, I have indeed never heard of anyone who can beat me."

"Also, outsiders don't know what the key looks like." Shen Muran added.

"Then," Si Chenyu said indifferently, "there is only one possibility left - guarding and stealing."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes focused on Nie Bufan.

"What do you see me doing?" Nie Bufan glared at them, feeling that his character had been greatly insulted, "I have always been upright, and I have never cheated on me!"

Everyone simply ignored his apparently untrue lie.

"It's not him." Wang Shichan said suddenly.

"How do you know?" Li Huai doubted.

"I was at his house last night."

Hearing this sentence, Li Yi and Zhang Junshi looked at him in surprise, then looked at Nie Bufan, their eyes seemed to accuse someone of being out of the wall.

Nie Bufan tangled: "Wang Wu, why are you at my house? I didn't see you."

"I'm resting in your main room."

Zhang Li and Li were relieved. That's right, how can someone like Wang Shichan have seven emotions and six desires? He is an outsider with few desires, so calm and elegant, just like a high-level demeanor.

As a result, the whereabouts of the key is once again a mystery.

Si Chenyu said, "It's useless if someone else takes the key. If he wants to get the treasure, he has to show up sooner or later."

The crowd nodded in agreement.

Shen Muran sighed, "It's all my fault, I thought no one would pay attention to that key."

Nie Bufan asked curiously, "Speaking of keys, what exactly are your respective keys?"

Si Chenyu and the others looked at each other.

Li Yi said: "The presence is considered a participant, in fact, there is nothing to hide."

Shen Muran nodded and said first, "Mine is a mirror, a basalt mirror."

Si Chenyu: "Qinglong bracelet."

Wang Shichan: "White tiger comb."

Li Huai: "The Vermillion Bird Hairpin."

Nie Bufan let out an "oh" and was silent in thought.

Si Chenyu tentatively asked: "Did you think of anything? Do you have any clues about the fifth key?"

"The fifth key?" Li Huai was puzzled. "Why ask him? Isn't it in the hands of the goddess?"

Everyone looked at the goddess.

The goddess was secretly nervous, but she pretended to be calm on the surface: "When the time comes, the fifth key will naturally appear. The current problem is the whereabouts of the Xuanwu mirror."

"Yes." Li Huai frowned. "The style of the key is very strange. How did others find out? Brother Shen, did you reveal anything to anyone?"

"It's impossible." Shen Muran vetoed, "Only two or three people in the family know about the key, and I won't talk about it casually. Besides, I have been in Jiwo Village all this time, and I have never had contact with other outsiders. "

"That's weird." The chickens in Jiwo Village are like ghosts, who can escape their thief's eyes

"It's useless to discuss these things now." Li Yi said, "We've been searching carefully in the village during this time, and I always feel that the key is still nearby."

Everyone nodded. Seeing that the time for Kaibao is approaching, they really don't want to give up their efforts.

Seeing their troubled appearance, Nie Bufan silently responded with infinite sympathy. Still thinking about opening treasures with them in the near future? Unexpectedly, things will come to the fore. Do the Daoists of Duobao have spirits in the sky and don't want them to take treasures

Nie Bufan returned to his room with a relaxed mood of just getting by. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a black shadow coming towards his face, landing on his face with a slap.

Nie Bufan pinched it down and said with a smile, "Wukong, you're in good spirits!"

The little monkey danced his limbs, and as soon as Nie Bufan's hands loosened, he jumped to the top of his head, tugging at his hair to search for lice.

"Huh?" Nie Bufan inadvertently glanced at the flower girl in the corner and seemed to be playing with something.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a mirror the size of a palm.

Nie Bufan took the mirror out of the girl's claws and looked around. This is a turquoise bronze mirror with two small black pearls inlaid on the top, like a pair of eyes. The edge of the mirror is engraved with a circle of simple patterns, the bottom is a long tail coiled along the edge of the mirror, and the back is like a scale. the same texture.

Could it be that this is the basalt mirror

Sure enough, as Li Huai said, the style is very peculiar, and most people would not consider it a key.

Nie Bufan looked at Miss Hua and asked, "Who stole this?"

The flower girl blinked her eyes with an innocent look on her face.

At this moment, the little monkey above Nie Bufan's head jumped a few times, stretched out his tail, and hooked up the mirror.

Nie Bufan pulled it down and said solemnly, "Could it be you?"

The little monkey split his mouth and smiled wrinkled.

"You," Nie Bufan pointed at it and said righteously, "You learned to steal at such a young age!"

The little monkey drooped his head and looked like he knew he was wrong.

Who knows Nie Bufan's words changed: "But, I have to say, you did a great job!"

The little monkey regained his energy instantly and patted his chest with his paws, expressing that he would make persistent efforts.

Nie Bufan praised it very much.

I really don't know what a simple little monkey will look like under his education...

Nie Bufan had just put away the Xuanwu mirror when he saw the goddess walking in like a thief.

"Nie Bufan, what should I do?" She leaned over and whispered, "The last key is still missing, and the basalt mirror is lost again."

Nie Bufan gave her a contemptuous look: "What are you anxious about?"

"How can I not be in a hurry?" Nineteen said melancholy, "Now the situation is getting more and more dangerous, and the day of opening the treasure is far away. What if the prestige of Bu Tiangong is planted in my hands?"

"Are you stupid?" Nie Bufan showed an "irrepressible" expression, "Before this, you really needed to worry, but now Shen Muran has lost the key, so it's his fault that he can't open the treasure, Guan Bu Tiangong What's up?"

Nineteen suddenly realized, excitedly said: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it?"

Nie Bufan said again: "In this way, before Shen Muran finds the Xuanwu mirror, you don't need to worry about anything else, just concentrate on finding the last key."

Nineteen showed a teachable expression and was full of joy.

After a while, she suddenly looked at Nie Bufan and whispered, "You said some time ago that you would help me, could it be that... Xuanwu Jing is you..."

"God can do it, God can do it."

Nineteen bowed his head and let out a series of sly smiles, and finally raised his head to worship: "Mr. Village Chief, you are so wise and martial!"

"Where, where." Nie Bufan raised his chin, looking like a master.

Nineteen is completely relieved this time. It feels like the sun is shining outside, and even the smell of chicken feces is fresh.

When Nineteen left, Nie Bufan stood at the window with his hands behind his back, looked into the distance, and sighed, "How can I go against the sky if God doesn't let me take the treasure?"

It was night, Nie Bufan was lying on the bed beautifully and dreaming of Duke Zhou. He looked so comfortable that he was jealous, but he didn't know that other people couldn't sleep for a long time.

The goddess is ignorantly stealing fun.

Shen Muran lost the key and was full of confusion.

Si Chenyu is thinking about the outcome of the battle with Nie Bufan, will there be no bones left

When Li Huai thought of continuing to stay in Jiwo Village, he had the urge to go crazy.

Li Yi had no idea, but was troubled by Zhang Junshi's strict man-marking tactics. He even shamelessly bought dozens of chickens to watch the field, making him unable to move an inch. He didn't dare to offend the chickens in Jiwo Village...

Zhang Jun was actually hesitating whether he should go into night raids or not, and if he didn't communicate his feelings for a long time, the heartless guy Nie Bufan would probably put him on hold soon.

He didn't know, just when he hesitated, someone had already acted first.

Wang Shichan, relying on his outstanding feats of lightness and excellent concealment skills, sneaked into Nie Bufan's room again, and kidnapped people into that little black hole full of spring.

Nie Bufan only felt that he had a strange dream, first flying through the clouds, crossing the ridges of the house, then surrounded by beautiful women, gently caressing, and then the fever surged and his mouth was dry. The body seems to be entangled by octopus, and the flexible tentacles can't tease the sensitive parts, from shallow to deep, never tired. Finally, it's pretty tits.

"Hmm." Nie Bufan suddenly opened his eyes, only to see darkness.

The right foot was lifted, and the body swayed up and down rhythmically. The person on the body was steady and powerful.

Nie Bufan was made to gasp for breath, and after a while, he said a somewhat broken sentence: "Li, Li Si, you are here again."

The man groaned, messed up the rhythm, and made Nie Bufan complain again and again.

"Ouch, you're so abominable!" Nie Bufan was frantic in the turbulence, "Can you follow the rules, it's immoral for you to steal people like this, uh... ah... you're enough... Take it easy! The soul is dull! I want to be big! Spit out foul language... um..."

Mouth was gagged.

In the darkness, I can only hear the sound of ooxx in my ears.

The night wind howls, the lonely moon is faint, and the sun is missing in the clouds...