Bird Dude Nie Bufan

Chapter 47: A strange treasure hunt (4)


Nie Bufan followed the chickens toward the depths of the passage. The surrounding light was dim, the air was cold, and there was rotten dust. Occasionally, some small creatures could be heard crawling in the corner.

"Which way should we go?" Nie Bufan asked in a low voice, looking at the fork in the road not far ahead. Although the sound is small, it is particularly clear in the silent space.

A chicken jumped out of a fork and clucked a few times.

Nie Bufan nodded to show his understanding, and walked into the fork with the chickens.

After walking a few steps, he looked back again. He seemed to be able to hear Si Chenyu's roar from so far away. The earth-shattering roar from before really startled him. But when he thinks of his naked body diving, he thinks it's worth it. It's a pity that there is no camera, otherwise he can add another beautiful collection.

Just thinking about it, another treasure room appeared in front of Nie Bufan. The light inside was slightly yellow, much brighter than the passage.

He walked in quickly, and at first glance, he saw the night pearls placed in the four corners, which were as big as the mouth of a bowl, and any one was very valuable.

Nie Bufan cursed in a low voice, "Damn rich people!" Then he neatly took out two and stuffed them into his satchel, leaving two lights behind. In fact, he does not love money, what he loves is this pure natural lighting function.

Looking around, this treasure room has only one entrance and exit. The three walls are inlaid with stone partitions. There are several rows of jade boxes in the right partition. There are forty large and small. several. The jade box feels smooth and cold, and the texture is crystal clear. No matter what is inside, these jade boxes alone are enough to buy a large manor.

Nie Bufan took one, opened it, and saw that there was something like fine sand inside, pure gold, fine sand, and it smelled like there was some kind of light fragrance. Although I can't recognize what it is, since I don't hesitate to use this kind of jade box to save it, it can be seen that its value must far exceed the jade box itself.

He flipped through the other jade boxes, and they contained all kinds of strange things, including lumps, granules, and sticky objects.

Nie Bufan lost interest after watching it for a while, turned around and walked towards the left side.

There are a lot of porcelain jars in the horizontal partition here, and a few of them fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. After plucking the pieces with a stick, Nie Bufan couldn't see what the black, yellow and yellow things were. Rotten, but no odor, probably has evaporated.

He got up and carefully removed an intact porcelain jar with a cork cover on it. After pulling it open, there were still several layers inside.

"It's sealed tightly." Nie Bufan whispered.

There were a few chickens purring around, seemingly excited.

Before opening the last floor, Nie Bufan could smell a refreshing aroma of wine, and when it was fully opened, the entire treasure room was filled with the aroma of wine.

"Well... it smells so good!" Nie Bufan was intoxicated for a while, then squinted and smiled, "This is really a good thing, a hundred years old!"

The chickens all came together, surrounded him densely, flapping their wings and making a noise.

"Okay, everyone who sees it has a share. After returning, I will let you taste it." Nie Bufan waved his hand generously.

In fact, these chickens may not really like to drink, but they can't help but feel restless when they smell this fragrance.

"I'll try it first." Nie Bufan took out a wooden spoon from his pocket and drank it slowly.

The mouth is sweet and fragrant, the tip of the tongue is slightly numb, as if there is a slow flow slipping through, and the limbs, spleen and lungs are all relaxed at once.

Nie Bufan couldn't help but take another sip. This time, he felt a little different. The sweet was bitter, the bitter was astringent, and the spiciness was a bit stronger.

He felt strange in his heart. After taking the third sip, he suddenly felt full of qi and blood, his heartbeat increased, and his soul was immersed in the aroma of the wine, floating like a cloud.

Nie Bufan sighed, never feeling so comfortable before. He is not a good wine person, but at this moment he has to admit that this jar of wine is very special, which makes people a little bit addicted to it.

Resisting the desire to continue drinking, he sealed the mouth of the jar again, and while swinging it back into the distance, he warned the chickens: "You must not break these wine jars, or I will stew you!"

The chickens grunted in protest, but dispersed obediently elsewhere.

Nie Bufan nodded in satisfaction, then turned his head to look at the central partitions, and just took a few steps there, he felt top-heavy and his vision became blurred, he staggered to the wall, his whole body was Start to heat up.

Oops, bad, the wine is on the rise.

Nie Bufan sat down on the ground along the wall and rubbed his legs. I had a love affair just now, but my stamina hasn't recovered yet. I'll be drinking again. It's really the rhythm of being drunk and dying.

His eyelids drooped down involuntarily. He took a look at the environment with all his strength, and secretly wondered how likely it was to take a nap here.

"Guys, please help me keep watch, I want to sleep. If there is an emergency, call me." Nie Bufan instructed in a daze, leaned to one side, and fell asleep like this.

The chickens looked at each other in dismay, exchanged dozens of incomprehensible and mysterious glances, and then walked outside in unison, quietly and without leaving a trace, and abandoned their master so mercilessly...

I don't know how long it took, there was a slight wind sound in the passage, and then I saw a figure swept into the treasure room like lightning.

Under the dim light, that person's face gradually became clear, it was Wang Shichan who was outstanding in his meritorious deeds.

When he saw Nie Bufan leaning against the wall, he was secretly startled, hurried to his side, and carefully lifted him up.

"Nie Bufan, Nie Bufan." Wang Shichan patted his face lightly. Seeing that his lips were slightly open, and there was a scent of wine in his breath, he had some guesses in his heart—this guy is actually drunk

Wang Shichan released his hand, and Nie Bufan fell back to the ground, shrank his legs, and continued to sleep.

Suddenly, Wang Shichan's eyes widened, and he pulled Nie Bufan up again, tore off his clothes, and saw the tooth marks on the back of his neck and a few suspicious hickeys on his chest.

Did he really do something wrong with Si Chenyu just now

Wang Shichan recalled the ambiguous moans he heard across the mountain wall before, and felt inexplicably unhappy.

He stared at Nie Bufan's sleeping face, poked his forehead with his hand, and scolded, "You unruly little bastard!"

In order to completely confirm the suspicion in his heart, Wang Shichan neatly took off Nie Bufan's trousers and lifted his legs to check his lower body.

The mouth of the acupoint was red and swollen, opened and closed, and the fingers were inserted, and it was still a little wet.

Nie Bufan twisted his body and murmured unconsciously, "It hurts..."

Wang Shichan narrowed his eyes, but his fingers did not withdraw, so they were embedded in it, motionless. Nie Bufan clamped his legs and wrapped his fingers tightly, creating a slight friction with the inner wall.

Wang Shichan's eyes sank slightly, looking at his flushed face, messy clothes, a few ambiguous hickeys dotted on his bare upper body, two slender legs bent and folded, his posture is like a child, innocent and defenseless.

"Why can't you..." Wang Shichan whispered softly, his expression a little helpless.

He pulled out his hand and was about to help Nie Bufan get dressed, but suddenly stopped. He snorted, took him into his arms, and let him sleep on his shoulders, but his clothes remained messy.

Nie Bufan's head rubbed against Wang Shichan's chest, as if he had found a comfortable position, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Shichan lowered his head and put a kiss on his lips, hugged him, and began to meditate on Paramita.

At this moment, another person walked in outside, and it was Si Chenyu. He didn't expect to see the intimate scene of the two embracing each other, only to see Nie Bufan's clothes wide open, most of his skin exposed, lying lazily in Wang Shichan's arms with a contented look on his face.

This guy won't have a fight with Wang Shichan after he's done it with himself, right

Si Chenyu thought very unpleasantly, and a kind of anger arose in his heart that his possessions were forcibly taken.

"I can't believe that the prince who has no desires and no desires has such a hobby?" Si Chenyu said sarcastically.

"It's not as good as your lord." Wang Shichan looked at him indifferently, not at all nervous about being caught and raped, as if holding Nie Bufan like this was natural and natural.

A cold light flashed in Si Chenyu's eyes, he paced in with his hands behind his back, and asked, "What's wrong with him?"


Can you sleep here too? How thick is this nerve? Are you actually tired? Si Chenyu sneered.

"Did you do it with him?" Si Chenyu asked again.

"I did." Wang Shichan admitted calmly.

Si Chenyu didn't expect him to answer so calmly, and was speechless for a while.

At this time, Wang Shichan carefully put Nie Bufan aside, then stood up to face Si Chenyu, and said, "What happened just now? Did you force him?"


"I heard his cry."

"Isn't he called that often?" Si Chenyu said casually, "Don't you know his personality? Lawlessness, rudeness, no distinction between superiors and inferiors, open mouth, and a lot of bad deeds."

"Since you are so out of sight of the prince, why do you have to cross that line?"

Si Chenyu was speechless.

Wang Shichan added: "He really doesn't care about the secular etiquette and lives a free and unrestrained life, but maybe he didn't even realize that he actually values everyone around him. It seems that he has no worries, but he is actually timid and lonely. It is very important to have a relationship with him. It's easy, but if it is abandoned by someone who values it after giving it, it will definitely cause him great harm."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your Highness is a relative of the king's family, and it is absolutely impossible for a man to do anything that would harm the royal family's face. Bufan may be just a plaything that is used as a pastime for you, which can be discarded at any time. There is not a lot of him, so why do you have to make him your guest of honor?"

"I'm a relative of the king's family, so why is the prince not a son of a noble family? Aren't you afraid of being stigmatized by stigma?"

"I'm different from you. The family has long regarded me as a family member. I can live in seclusion without any worries and accompany me for a lifetime."

"How long have you known him, yet you are willing to give up everything for him?" Si Chenyu said in surprise.

"I believe in fate and my own choice. I didn't lose anything, on the contrary, I had him." Wang Shichan looked at Nie Bufan with bright eyes and slightly raised mouth, "If I stay, he will definitely be with me. Walk through every day in the future, never give up.”

Si Chenyu couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Don't forget, he's not just a man like you."

"I know." Wang Shichan turned his eyes back to Si Chenyu, and replied, "Do you think he is provocative, really just to enjoy the pleasure of fish and water? I am sure that even if he is pure in his life and has few desires, he will not There is the slightest discomfort. It is us who really can't resist the desire."

Si Chenyu couldn't refute, although Nie Bufan often teases others unconsciously, but his eyes are clear and clear, without that lewd color.

"My lord, I hope you can think carefully about how to deal with your relationship with Bufan." Wang Shichan's eyes were cold, "If you dare to hurt him, you will never be polite. Besides, you don't know how bad it is to find such a wonderful person in the world. Is it an easy thing?"