Bird Dude Nie Bufan

Chapter 6: fish meat


"Although the house is simple, but at least clean it?" Li Yi said to Nie Bufan while throwing the quilt to the landslide.

After a few days of recuperation, Li Yi's body has recovered a lot. Although it's a bit strange, even though he didn't drink any decoction, his internal injuries are clearly showing signs of improvement...

"You sleep with me, eat mine, do you think it's too bad?" Nie Bufan gave him a sidelong glance, then handed him a lentil basket, and said, "If you are idle, you will be idle. Help pick vegetables."

Li Yi looked at the things in the dustbin and asked, "How to do it?"

"That's it." Nie Bufan gave him a demonstration, but he didn't say anything about his ignorance.

Li Yi sat upright, peeling lentils expressionlessly, moving gracefully, as if embroidering.

Nie Bufan glanced at him, suddenly sat across from him, and asked, "How long are you going to stay with me?"

"What?" Li Yi said without raising his head, "Brother Nie is expelling guests?"

"That's not true. Anyway, there are not many more of you in the village, and one less of you. It's just that you are a good young master. Are you used to living in our poor house?"

Li Yi calmly said: "Brother Nie is fine if you don't dislike it. I have received your life-saving grace, and I haven't had a chance to repay, so I decided to stay here temporarily and see if I can do a little bit for the village?"

As if he was thankful, Nie Bufan glanced at him suspiciously, then pulled out a few onions with dirt from somewhere, and said, "Peel it off by the way."

Li Yi paused, and accepted the envoy without objection.

Seeing that he was still hardworking, Nie Bufan was satisfied. He walked to the door and shouted, "Chicken servant, after you soak the sheets, go and tidy up the room I slept in these days."

Landslide promised not far away.

Nie Bufan turned his head to Li Yi again and said, "Since you want to live temporarily, I'll give you a room. Later, I will help you with work in the village, including food and housing, and no wages."

Li Yi's fingers trembled, feeling like he was an employee...

"Brother Nie."

Just as Nie Bufan was about to go to the kitchen to cook, Zhang Junshi's voice came from outside the yard.

Looking back, I saw this young man with a smiling face, wearing a dark robe, looking very resistant to dirt, and still following two guys behind him.

"You're here, welcome." Nie Bufan greeted him with a smile.

Zhang Junshi motioned to the people behind, and the guy immediately handed over a gift - two grass carp. I originally wanted to buy some valuables, but I felt that it was inappropriate to choose and choose, thinking of Nie Bufan's unusual behavior, it would be better to send something practical.

"Thank you, I made you spend money again. Let's stay for dinner today." Nie Bufan took the grass carp and warmly invited him.

Zhang Junshi nodded implicitly in agreement, and then ordered the two guys to find the landslide partner, while he followed Nie Bufan carefully into the house. With the previous experience, he couldn't help but take it lightly. There may be unpredictable "dangers" hidden anywhere here.

When he entered the ground room, he saw a strange man sitting in the room at a glance. His face was handsome, his temperament was sharp, his eyes were like sharp swords, and he ignored the patched and ragged dress, as if he was a gentleman with extraordinary bearing. .

"Who is this?" Zhang Junshi asked calmly.

"Oh, let me introduce you to you."

Nie Bufan said, "This is Zhang San."

Zhang Junshi: "..."

"This is Li Si."

Li Yi: "…"

"You guys chat first, I'll cook." After speaking, the man had already walked out of the room.

There was silence in the room for a while, Zhang Junshi clasped his fists: "Next Zhang Junshi."

"Li Yi." The gift returned.

The two looked at each other and sat silently on either side of the table. If you look closely, you will find that both of them are just sitting empty, and the stools under them are not very complete...

"Brother Li and Brother Nie?"

"My employer, I'm temporarily employed by Village Chief Nie to help the village with some affairs."

Zhang Junshi looked at Li Yi who was peeling lentils, and asked hesitantly, "How can someone like Li brother be?"

"The family is in the middle of the road, and I can only make a living here."

"… "

Nie Bufan didn't know what the two talked about. He worked in the kitchen for a long time and finally came up with three dishes and one soup.

He is usually too lazy to be like a hibernating bear, and he is only good at cooking.

When he brought the dishes to the table, Zhang Junshi and Li Yi were sitting on both sides like two statues, and the atmosphere was a bit dull, until Nie Bufan greeted a few people for dinner, and it eased.

Looking at a few dishes on the table, fried chicken, steamed fish (see Jiwo Village Cheats 4), lentils, and vegetable soup. Zhang Junshi was quite surprised. He never thought that Nie Bufan could really cook such normal food, and the tableware and chopsticks were also very clean. It was much better than he had imagined. He was already ready to go home and drink medicine.

Li Yi looked as usual, raised his chopsticks and put a piece of fish in his mouth, suddenly paused, and then continued to eat silently.

Zhang Junshi also started. He ate a piece of chicken first, and said with a smile: "Brother Nie's chicken is really delicious. My restaurant has been doing more business recently, thanks to Brother Nie."

"Where is it." Nie Bufan said with a smile while eating, "I am thanks to the care of Mr. Zhang Sangong."

"Haha." Zhang Junshi smiled and glanced at Li Yi without a trace, then picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth.

"..." Zhang Junshi suddenly showed a hesitant expression. Seeing that the other two were not out of shape, he ate another piece of fish in silence.

After holding back, he asked, "Brother Nie, I wonder if there is a problem with my taste buds. Why do I taste chicken in the fish?"

"Hehehehe." Nie Bufan replied without blushing, "It's not surprising, I cooked this fish with chicken broth."

"That's it." Zhang Junshi was stunned, but he was still muttering in his heart, the fish boiled in chicken soup can't taste the taste of fish at all? It still tastes good though...

Li Yi didn't lift his eyes. He hadn't eaten meat other than chicken in the past few days. He finally made a fish, but it still tasted like chicken. Nie Bufan probably had a soft spot for chicken and chicken.

"By the way, Brother Nie." Zhang Junshi said, "Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the city will be very lively at night. I would like to invite Brother Nie to drink and admire the moon. I wonder if you would like to enjoy the glory?"

Nie Bufan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Alright, it should be fun."

He turned to Li Yi and said, "Li Si, do you want to go?"

Li Yi's face was heavy, and after a long while he replied, "I won't go any longer."

Nie Bufan guessed that this person might be worried about being found by Hua Peacock, so he didn't say any more.

Zhang Junshi was slightly overjoyed: "It's a pity that Brother Li didn't go. In that case, Brother Nie, we'll make an appointment to meet at the restaurant at You Shi, and then go to the night market after dinner."

"Well, okay, see you then."

After the meal, Zhang Junshi drank another cup of tea and prepared to leave.

Nie Bufan grabbed him and said, "It's a matter of courtesy, and I received your fish today, so I should also express it."

Zhang Junshi was about to say no, but who knew that Nie Bufan had already run out, and he saw him bring something in not long after.

Putting it on the table, it turned out to be a basket of eggs.

The corner of Zhang Junshi's mouth twitched. Nie Bufan seemed to love giving away eggs. This time, the improvement compared to last time was that the eggs in the basket were obviously selected. They were about the same size and looked like eggs.

"…Thank you."

At this time, the two guys also finished eating, and by the way, they loaded two cages of live chickens.

Zhang Junshi led them away, and before leaving, he told them to make an appointment for tomorrow.

"You sell all your chickens to him?" Li Yi asked suddenly when he saw those people were gone.

"Yeah." Nie Bufan stretched and started to move his muscles.

"Zhang Junshi is the son of the Zhang family in Belvedere, and I never thought that he would appear in this small town."

"He seemed to have said that he was here to inspect the semicolon." Nie Bufan replied while stretching.

A hint of disapproval flashed in Li Yi's eyes, and he didn't continue to speak.

Nie Bufan bent down, looked at Li Yi from between his legs, and asked, "Are you really not going out tomorrow?"

"Don't go."

"That flower peacock probably won't go out, so you don't have to hide."

"Flower peacock?" Li Yi was puzzled.

Nie Bufan stood up straight and replied, "Is it your younger brother who came to see you that day? Look at his arrogant demeanor, doesn't he look like a flower peacock?"

Li Yi was silent.

Nie Bufan said again: "Meanwhile, brother, why is there such a big gap? You wore dark clothes that day, like a crow, so I don't blame me for treating you as a killer. Having said that, the tastes of the two of you are equally astounding. Compliment."

Your Excellency does not seem qualified to judge the taste of others! Li Yi glanced at him in disgust, and when he mentioned the situation of being rescued that day, his face was extremely ugly.

All right! After exercising, Nie Bufan exhaled, and regardless of Li Yi's entanglement, he ran out.

But after a while, he turned his head back and warned, "You can clean the room later, anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle."

"… "

Nie Bufan originally wanted to make some preparations for today's Mid-Autumn Festival tour, but after wandering around for a long time, he found that there was nothing to prepare for, so he simply dressed up as usual, brought two bodyguards, and a cloth bag on his back.

Li Yi watched from the side, secretly mourning for Young Master Zhang. I think he must be dressed decently, but if there is such a person beside him, then I don't know what the situation is...

Nie Bufan finally combed his half-length hair again, and went out with two roosters.

Entering the city, there are people everywhere. Nie Bufan, as always, earned a 100% return rate, and walked slowly to Zhang Junshi's restaurant. When the two guys saw him, they ran to report with strange expressions.

After a while, Zhang Junshi walked downstairs refreshed, and saw that he was dressed in a clean and tidy Confucian attire, a hair scarf, and long-sleeved bo belts, just like a graceful and noble son. However, when he saw Nie Bufan, the handsome smile on his face was immediately replaced by looks of surprise, stiffness, annoyance, etc.

He patted his head, how could he forget Nie Bufan's peculiar taste in clothing? He didn't care about his poverty, and even if he dressed plainly, it did not hinder their friendship. But this outfit is completely beyond the normal range. Look at the hair that flutters in the wind, the sleeves of different lengths, the hem that seems to be torn, the collar with twisted folds... A rooster is simply beyond words to describe.

However, he was still calm and didn't take it seriously, like Ling Feng's knight on the cloud, unrestrained and unrestrained.

How can there be such a person in this world

Zhang Junshi sighed in his heart and stepped forward to lead him in.

"Brother Nie, tonight's night market is not only lively, but also many unmarried women come out to play. How do you win women's favor with your outfit?"

Nie Bufan looked at himself, nodded and said, "Yes." He had never seen beauties in ancient times, but it was not his style to be rude in front of women.

Zhang Junshi secretly shed tears, so he knew it too!

"Since that's the case, why don't I help you pick out some clothes. It's rare to celebrate the festival, so you should always be happy."

"Alright." Nie Bufan responded noncommittally while looking around.

Zhang Junshi showed joy and hurriedly rummaged for clothes.

"Are you sure, I fit this suit?" Nie Bufan asked, looking at Zhang Junshi and taking out this suit.

"It must be suitable, you quickly try it."

"Okay." The hand feels good, but I don't know what the effect will be when I wear it...


The author has something to say: "Chicken Nest Village Cheats"

Fourth, animals that died before entering Jiwo Village will not change their appearance, but they will taste like chicken after cooking, but the meat quality will vary slightly depending on the animal.