Bird Dude Nie Bufan

Chapter 77: The battle of capture (1)


Zhang House.

"Father, I'm back." Zhang Junshi respectfully greeted his father.

Father Zhang stared at the account book in his hand with a solemn expression. After a long while, he hummed in a low voice: "After so long, you are finally willing to come back?"

"I dreamed that my father missed my baby not long ago, so I rushed back to see you without stopping." Zhang Junshi replied solemnly.

"Who will miss you, unfilial son!" Father Zhang threw down the account book and pointed at him angrily, "Let's go as soon as you say it, and go back as soon as you say it. Do you think your home is an inn?"

Zhang Junshi calmly said: "If my child remembers correctly, every time my father 'distributed' the child in a fit of anger."

"You still dare to take the blame!" Zhang's father blew his beard and stared, "If you work hard to be strong and honor your ancestors, I will 'distribute' you, will you?"

"Dad said yes." Zhang Junshi honestly pleaded guilty.

Father Zhang snorted a few times, his face full of hatred that iron is not steel, he took a breath, and said, "Since you are back, don't run around. Take care of yourself and let your father enjoy the happiness."

Zhang Junshi was a little surprised: "Dad, you are always strong, it is the time when you can do great things, why bother"

"What do you know?" Father Zhang said dissatisfiedly, "You are too old to be old, and you are idle all day long, and you don't even have a family, right?"

Um, how could he be idle? Zhang Junshi felt very wronged, and then heard his father mention "starting a family", and he instantly became vigilant.

"Just in time, I'm going to entertain a few friends in two days. You can get to know their daughters by the way."

"Are you going to give me a blind date?" Zhang Junshi secretly sighed.

"What do you think?" Father Zhang gritted his teeth and said, "You don't see some people who like to bring their grandchildren and granddaughters to present treasures, as if their family can give birth. So, quickly give me a kiss, and give birth to him for ten years. Eight little devils, so that some people know what 'full of children and grandchildren' is."

Zhang Junshi pondered for a while, and seemed to be thinking about how to explain his funeral... As a man on the edge who had been bent, he felt that Yali was big.

He tried his best to say in a calm and sincere tone: "Dad, the boy has a sweetheart."

"What? You have it!" Father Zhang was overjoyed and asked quickly, "Which lady is that? Oh, no, no, no, it doesn't matter even if your family is poor, as long as you are of good character, I will not object!"

"Well, his character is not very good."

Father Zhang asked cautiously, "Why is it a bad law? I don't have a good character, I don't know etiquette, or I'm just a slut?"

Zhang Junshi said in a cold sweat: "It seems to be a little bit."

"What? How can you look at such a person, your eyes are covered with paper?" Father Zhang was about to get angry, but thinking that this matter was related to future generations, he suppressed his anger and said as calmly as possible, "Tell me, you How did you fall in love with others? As my son, you can't have such a bad vision?"

Zhang Junshi's thoughts were flying, and the time he lived in Jiwo Village was the happiest time in his life, and he couldn't help laughing every time he thought about it.

Father Zhang saw his son's delusional expression, and his heart was desolate, this is a waste, a complete waste! In the end, which fox spirit made his son who is both academically good at making him a fool?

"If you really like it, then bring it back for your father to meet." Zhang's father decided to minimize his requirements for his daughter-in-law. As long as the person is decent, he will follow his son. Anyway, it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. , he didn't believe that this kid would really like some crooked melons and cracked dates!

Zhang Junshi was also very surprised at his father's rare tolerance, but the more he was like this, the more bleak he felt about the future.

"Let's talk." Father Zhang sat on the Grand Master's chair, posing with a sluggish look ready to take the blow, "Who is she?"

Zhang Junshi carefully looked at his father a few times, secretly measuring his father's ability to bear, hesitating whether he should be open and honest at this time.

"What are you doing?" Father Zhang shouted impatiently, "Hurry up and explain it to me!"

Zhang Junshi finally made up his mind and said slowly: "When I was in Xishan City, I met a man. He lived alone in a small mountain village and raised a group of unusual chickens. Although he had nothing, he was happy. Love. He is a fool, loves to tease people, doesn't care about money but enjoys the fun of making small money. Being with him seems to be able to forget all the troubles in the world."

The barren land is rich because of him. Zhang Jun really added a sentence in his heart.

Father Zhang was stunned, he could clearly feel the affection contained in his son's tone. The person in his mouth has a unique personality, and it can even be said to be a bit deviant.

Is there really such a woman in the world? To be able to live so unrestrainedly.

"Okay, I probably understand." Father Zhang waved his hand and said, "Our Zhang family is not a famous family, there are not so many rules, as long as she abides by the way of women and gets along well with you, as a father, you can try to accept it. ."

"No, Dad, you still don't understand." Zhang Junshi lowered his eyebrows and said, "He will never be able to abide by the 'wife' way, because he is a man."

Father Zhang could hardly believe his ears, and after a while, he asked uncertainly, "Do you say it again?"

"He is a man." Zhang Junshi said word by word, "the descendant of the Duobao saint, the holder of the fifth key to the treasure, and the head of Jiwo Village, Nie Bufan."

The next day, Zhang Junshi calmly listened to the performance reports of several stewards with a face of being beaten.

Yesterday's conversation ended in violence, and he had expected this to happen, but he didn't regret confessing to his father. His father is not a person who sticks to the old rules, and the situation of the Zhang family is rather special. The family headed by the father has always been a meager male. The family often adopts stepchildren, and the relationship is inseparable. Even the father is not the biological son of the grandfather. Since its founding, there has never been a calamity of brothers fighting for power and profit. This is the reason why the Zhang family can be rich enough to rival the country, and its internal unity is legendary.

If Zhang Junshi has no children in the future, then he can choose to give up his inheritance rights, leave his family, and become a collateral line; he can also choose to adopt a child under the name of a clan brother to continue the family business. He himself is more inclined to the first type, with his ability, even without family support, he can start from scratch. It is not difficult to earn a fairly well-off family property without seeking great wealth.

He will borrow the family's caravan next, and he won't be able to hide his extraordinary identity for a long time.

Zhang Junshi secretly sighed, he was doing his best here, just asking that guy to stay safe and not cause him any more trouble.

Li House.

In the yard, two figures staggered, punching back and forth. Among them, the older martial artist attacked sharply, and his martial arts skills were obviously better than that of the other young man, but he was still unable to defeat him.

After hundreds of rounds of fierce fighting, the young man suddenly pushed his hand, using his strength to fight, not only to resolve the key blow, but also to subtly knock the elder back.

"Okay!" The older man laughed loudly, "In these days away from home, Gong Yu's martial arts have improved a lot. What kind of move was that just now?

The young man raised his braids, turned around and stood still, it was Li Yi - "Gong Yu" was his name.

"Master accepts it." Li Yi clasped his fists and said, "The trick just now is called Tai Chi, and it was a trick that my disciple accidentally learned while talking with the head of Jiwo Village."

"The village chief of Jiwo Village?" The master smiled, "Is that the Duobao descendant Nie Bufan who holds the fifth key?"

Li Yi nodded.

"Just talking can make you realize such a subtle trick. It seems that this person's martial arts cultivation is not low."

The corner of Li Yi's mouth twitched a few times, and he was embarrassed to tell his master that he was a second-hand man.

His master was quite interested, touched his chin and said, "I must go to meet him when I have time. Maybe after talking with him, I can come up with some great tricks."

Hearing this, Li Yi's cool face twisted a few times and said, "Master, he doesn't know martial arts at all."

"Don't know martial arts?" The master asked strangely, "Then how can he make you realize new tricks?"

"He... just taught me to knead dough." Li Yi replied gloomily.

"Kneading dough?" The master looked suspicious. When did kneading dough have such a miraculous effect?

"It's hard to explain in a few words. Another day, the disciple will personally demonstrate the method of kneading dough to the master, and it will be treated as if you suddenly attacked the disciple and beat the disciple to half-death and let the disciple kill himself. Thank you for finally falling into Jiwo Village."

A master was shocked. What's the matter with such a bitter thank you? What tragic thing happened to him in Jiwo Village?

What horrific thing? That really is the Jilu never to return, from now on the woman is a floating cloud.

Li Yi's heart is sour! It doesn't matter if you become a member of Wanwan sentient beings, but Wanwan is so clean and tidy, so unwilling to turn back.

What's even more tragic is that the person who caused him to bend has no consciousness, and recklessly expands his foundation with joy, as if he is afraid that he will be lonely and lonely on the detour.

"Master, I want to ask you a favor in a few days." Li Yi calmed down and said to his master.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Help me protect someone." Li Yi said slowly, "Also, it must be kept secret from the rest of the family, not even my father."

The Li family is different from the Zhang family, and it is absolutely not allowed for the children of the family to spoil the family style and have sex with a man. Li Yi's father was especially strict. Once he found out about Nie Bufan's relationship with him, Jiwo Village would probably be disturbed. It should be said that all the people and things related to Nie Bufan will be disturbed.

I hope that he can be successfully extradited back to the village. The ability of someone to cause trouble is too melancholy.

"Look, look! This is your service?" In Yunlai Inn, Nie Bufan was reasoning with the innkeeper, "What's up with the chicken feathers and chicken excrement in this place? I thought I entered the chicken coop just now. Did you throw all the chickens in the kitchen into my room? Are you dissatisfied with my stay at your inn?"

The boss wiped his sweat and said, "I'm very sorry, I'll ask someone to clean it up for you immediately."

"Is it enough to clean it up?" Nie Bufan was furious. "You smell how bad this room smells. Can you still live in it?"

"It was our negligence, our negligence."

"Tell me, what are you going to do?" Nie Bufan said in a gloomy voice, "If you don't give me an explanation, I'll go to the government office and tell you Yunlai Inn for cheating."

"Don't, don't, it's easy to discuss anything, it's easy to discuss." The boss smiled stiffly, "Well, the two of you will be exempted from the accommodation fee for the next half month, even if the shop compensates for the poor hospitality."

"Half a month?" Nie Bufan snorted coldly, "I've paid a deposit for several days, and where can I live for half a month?"

"So, what do you mean?" The boss continued to laugh.

"Well, we don't need you to pay back our deposit, but you are responsible for our three meals a day these days." Nie Bufan pretended to be generous, "I don't need any big fish and meat, simple three dishes. One soup will do, how about it?"

What else can the innkeeper say, he can only admit that he is unlucky. He really couldn't figure it out, how could there be so many chicken feathers and chicken excrement in this room for no reason? He didn't suspect that the two of them had done it by themselves. After all, no one was so bored with such a big battle, just to save a few days of accommodation and food.

As soon as the boss left, Nie Bufan slammed the door shut. As soon as he turned around, his original angry expression was replaced by a bright smile, and he proudly compared a "v" to Tai Bai.

Thai white five-body cast to the ground.