Bird Dude Nie Bufan

Chapter 90: The Battle of Capture (14)


After playing in Yashe for a day, Nie Bufan still followed Fan Luo back to the mansion, with the emperor's bodyguards escorting him in the dark, Wei Di and the others had no chance to rob him at all.

Nie Bufan sat in the carriage and waved cheerfully to the few people who watched him leave. Except for Wei Dian's frightening eyes, everyone else smiled back. As for the sadness behind the smile, only they themselves knew...

After staying in the National Teacher's Mansion for two days, relying on Fan Luo's connivance, Nie Bufan led his chickens to scourge the National Teacher's Mansion. base. In the grass, among the branches of the trees, on the corners of the walls, and on the eaves of the house, new chicken coops can be found from time to time. The ornamental fish in the pond also suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes and were almost completely swept away.

In the past, Fan Luo could not bear to pack the people back to the palace, but after that kiss, something seemed to have changed subtly, and there was nothing he could do to avoid it.

It was not until the third day that the emperor finally issued an decree to ask for someone. He suspected that if he did not order, someone had no intention of returning to the palace.

During this period of time, in addition to dealing with state affairs, he also took great care to capture the murderer who poisoned him that day. Thanks to Fan Luo and the people from the Taiyuan Hospital, they found out the source of the poison in time, so that they could follow the clues, and finally found the man who secretly communicated with Li Fei. The reason was that Emperor Yu ordered to destroy the child in Concubine Li's stomach. Although Concubine Li was not executed, she was imprisoned forever. This matter aroused the man's resentment, and he decided to come to a dead end. Unfortunately, because Nie Bufan stepped in, he never had a second chance to attack, and he finally went to a dead end.

Naturally, Nie Bufan did not know the inside story, nor was he interested in knowing it. The darkness in the world is endless, and it is better to be a dashing and confused person if you live too clearly.

Fan Luo took Nie Bufan into the palace, and the first sentence of Emperor Yu was to ask: "You are really happy, and if I don't call you, you don't know if you will return?"

Nie Bufan ignored his dissatisfaction and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I heard that you have captured the bad guy wisely and skillfully."

The Emperor gave a noncommittal "Hmm".

"So, the misunderstanding that I was used as a scapegoat was completely cleared up?" Nie Bufan said again.

Emperor Yi stared at him: "What do you want to say?"

Nie Bufan smiled brightly: "Now that it's clarified, shouldn't Xiaobao also leave the palace?"

"Leaving the palace?" Emperor Yu said sternly, "When did I say that I would let you leave the palace after the matter was settled? I have decided to officially seal you as my servant."

Nie Bufan hesitated for a while, then said as if embarrassed, "Your Majesty, Xiaobao wants to explain something."

"Actually, Xiaobao is just an illiterate little white man. A high-end position like a bookkeeper is really not suitable for me. Even if it is a eunuch, it is a bit 'superfluous', so I hope the emperor can make the best use of it. The chickens who should raise chickens , the people who should let the wind out, each perform their own duties, and the world can be in harmony."

The corners of Yu Huang's mouth twitched, and after a long silence he said: "Don't worry, I will definitely 'make the best use of people', leaving you in the palace will naturally have your place. You can raise chickens if you like chickens, and feel free to go out and let the wind out. , I won't hold you too much."

Nie Bufan's face was full of melancholy. He looked at Fan Luo, and then at Emperor Yu. He suddenly showed an expression of resignation, and said, "Your Majesty, I have one more thing to explain."

"Speak." Why are there so many things to explain? It's not easy enough to be a servant book for you!

Nie Bufan took a deep breath, clutched his chest and said, "Xiaobao has a heart, and plans to let go of everything and stay with him."

Emperor Yu's eyes slammed, and Fan Luo felt inexplicably bad.

Sure enough, Nie Bufan turned his head to stare at him, and said affectionately: "I have mutual admiration with the national teacher, and our hearts are clear. As long as we leave the palace, we will make a life-long decision. Your Majesty, what you love, I have no choice but to make it happen."

Yu Huang narrowed his eyes, not believing his nonsense in his heart. He grew up with Fan Luo and knew Fan Luo too well. How could a person with few desires be easily emotional? When he sent him a picture of the man's acacia, there was a lot of teasing, and he didn't really think that he would fall in love with a man. With Fan Luo's self-sufficient character, he would never take that step.

Fan Luo squinted at Nie Bufan, this guy said before that he would take the blame for him, but he really did what he said and made him take it completely.

"National teacher, what do you say?" Emperor Yu asked casually.

Unexpectedly, Fan Luo gave him an unexpected answer: "As Xiaobao said, Wei Chen is indeed in love with him, if the emperor can do it, Wei Chen is willing to immediately resign as the national teacher and hide in the village from now on. wild."

Emperor Yi looked at him in disbelief, while Nie Bufan gave him a "very good" look.

The room fell into silence, Yu Huang looked at the two of them quietly, and when he saw them looking at each other, it seemed that they were really having an affair.

He hummed: "How do you convince me of your relationship? Just a few empty words?"

In fact, in his capacity, there is no need for too many scruples at all, and no one can take away what he wants. But Fan Luo was his confidant and friend, and the person he trusted most. If he is interested in someone else, even if it is a concubine in the harem, he can be a favored person and give them to him.

Only Xiaobao, he couldn't bear it. He wanted to see if the two were fake or real.

"Then what should I do according to the emperor's opinion?" Fan Luo asked.

"I will give you a chance to have a love affair in the palace." Emperor Yu said with some malicious intent.

The national teacher was surprised: "What?"

Emperor Yu added: "In front of me."

Nie Bufan immediately said: "Your Majesty, how could a shy person like the national teacher do it in front of you?"

Isn't that the point? Fan Luo looked at him in confusion.

"Oh?" Emperor Yu said lightly, "You mean, you can do it without my face?"

"Why not?" Nie Bufan answered frankly.

Fan Luo had the urge to cover his face, and wanted to pry open this guy's head to see if it contained some kind of substance that humans couldn't understand.

"Okay." Emperor Yu held back his anger and said loudly, "Come here, set up in Guangyan Hall."

The group came to Guangyan Hall with a strange atmosphere.

Ji Huang raised his chin towards the big bed in the hall and said, "How is it here?"

Fan Luo's face was expressionless, but Nie Bufan looked around with interest, then nodded and said, "That's right."

"Then it's up to you." Emperor Yu said gloomily, "Don't let me down."

After he finished speaking, he simply flicked his sleeves and left.

Nie Bufan threw himself on the bed and rolled a few times, turned his head to look at the wooden figure, patted the edge of the bed, and said, "Come here."

Fan Luo walked over mechanically and sat upright.

Nie Bufan leaned over to him and asked in a low voice, "Where do you think the emperor would hide and peek?"

This is really a question of IQ.

Fan Luo sighed, looked at him and asked, "Why did you agree to the emperor's proposal?"

"Long pain is worse than short pain, and early termination will avoid future troubles."

He felt that it would be more troublesome. Fan Luo looked at the sky speechless.

At this time, the sound of clothes rubbing suddenly came from behind, Fan Luo looked back and found that Nie Bufan was actually starting to undress.

"You..." won't really do it, will it

"The play has to be complete, and the emperor can't let the emperor see the joke." Nie Bufan said as he took off, "Don't sit still and act quickly."

Fan Luo hesitantly reached out to his belt, his heart beating irregularly.

Suddenly, with a heavy weight behind him, Nie Bufan leaned against him and whispered in his ear, "I'll help you."

Overwhelming him, Nie Bufan, who was only wearing a single shirt, stretched out his unruly thieves and began to destroy the flowers inhumanely.

Fan Luo's official uniform was quickly ripped apart by him, with large swathes of skin falling out, long hair scattered, eyes glamorous and lips beautiful, as beautiful as a delicate rose.

However, Village Chief Nie's aesthetics have always been bizarre. No matter how beautiful people are, they are no different from beasts in his eyes. Adhering to the concept that color is empty, he said sincerely: "Guo Shi, I'm going to shut up, bear with it."

Is this treating him as a feast for human flesh? Fan Luo was entangled in his heart, but his body did not reject his touch.

Nie Bufan leaned down and approached slowly, his long hair falling like feathers. Fan Luo's eyes were condensed, his expression focused.

Suddenly, he lifted the quilt and covered the two of them.

Nie Bufan only felt the blackness in front of his eyes, and then he was hugged tightly, and then his lips were pressed together, and the tongue danced.

In the quilt, the air was thin, the two of them were breathing hot, their skin was rubbing, the heartbeat seemed to be amplified, but the world became very small.

At this moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps in his ears, from far to near, Fan Luo understood, and reluctantly let go of Nie Bufan's lips.

Immediately, the quilt was suddenly lifted, and the gloomy and blackened face of Emperor Yu appeared in front of the two of them.

Nie Bufan's red lips were slightly swollen, his eyes blurred, and he looked like he was asking you to pick it.

The Emperor was furious, and without even looking at Fan Luo, he picked up Nie Bufan and rushed out of the Guangyan Palace.

Fan Luo looked at their backs motionlessly, his eyes were melancholy and deep.

The Emperor threw Nie Bufan on the dragon bed and said angrily, "How dare you do it!"

Nie Bufan grabbed the quilt and muttered, "Didn't you do it yet?"

"What did you say?" Yu Huang suppressed him and said with a sinister smile, "Wei Xiaobao, please remember that from now on, you can only be my person, and you are not allowed to hook up with others."

"Why do I just take three and four?" Nie Bufan firmly said, "I like the national teacher, why don't you be gracious and give me a chance from the beginning to the end?"

Emperor Yu gritted his teeth: "Is there anything I can't compare to the national teacher? What do you like about him?"

"He is as beautiful as a flower." Nie Bufan answered quickly and clearly.

"..." Emperor Yu had nothing to say, just in terms of appearance, he was indeed inferior. Everyone has a love for beauty, and the reason is very strong.

"There are so many good-looking people in the world, do you see one and love the other?" Emperor Yu didn't believe that he could win the heart of this guy, and he asked again, "Apart from looks, do you like the other?" What is he?"

"Keep yourself clean," Nie Bufan replied.

"..." Killed again. If you talk about the most unclean race in the world, the emperor is definitely ranked first, and the seventy-two concubines of the three palaces and six courtyards, as long as you have enough physical strength, no one cares about how many women you have in one night. It can be said to enjoy the blessings of Qi people, arching countless good cabbage.

Emperor Yi still didn't give up, he had to find a reason enough to defeat him.

He asked again: "Apart from being beautiful and clean, what else do you like about him?"

"Will be willing to let me press."

"..." Well, if you are honest with him, you will lose. The Emperor was beaten to pieces.

Nie Bufan stared at him without blinking, as if waiting for him to continue asking. Apparently, someone has a whole bunch of compliments ready to hit him.

Yu Huang finally stopped asking for guilt and decided to turn his grief and anger into strength and kill him!

Lifting off his robe, he went straight to the battle with the knife, without giving Nie Bufan a chance to resist, he pierced into the bottom.

Yu Huang said hoarsely: "Xiaobao, stay by my side, I will always love you."

"No, don't..." Nie Bufan struggled.

"Don't do it either." Emperor Yu increased his movements and said firmly, "No one in the world dares to disobey my order."

Nie Bufan bit one of Emperor Yu's nipples in one bite.

"Ah, damn it." Emperor Yu screamed in pain, pinching his chin and blocking his lips fiercely. The other hand lifted his leg high, rammed it hard, and completely possessed him.

"Um... ah..."

In the huge bedroom, there were intermittent groans, and the curtains flicked, unable to hide the spring in the room...