Bird Dude Nie Bufan

Chapter 92: The Battle of Capture (16)


"What? That guy got on the boat to Qiyu Island?" Zhang Junshi was shocked with the letter sent by the big vessel.

"What? He got on the boat to Qiyu Island?" Contrary to the others' reactions, the corner of Tai Bai's mouth rose at a suspicious angle.

Li Yi carried him away, snatched the letter from Zhang Junshi's hand, and swept the few lines of chicken feet, his eyes blazing.

Zhang Junshi eased his breath and said to Tai Bai, "Brother Tai Bai, it seems that I have to trouble you."

"What trouble me?" Tai Bai looked at the sky.

"I would like you to write a letter to stop the boat from Guidao and help us pick him up. If you can call that boat and send him back to the village, we will be very grateful." After speaking, Zhang Junshi took pen, ink and paper from the desk. Yan, spread it out flat, smiled and motioned for him to start writing.

Tai Baiyou said: "This is not easy to handle. Although I am the young island owner of Qiyu Island, the business on the island has always been managed by my father and my second uncle, so it is not easy for me to intervene."

Li Yi squinted at him and said coldly, "Perhaps it would be more effective to exchange you as a hostage."

Tai Bai's face rarely turned pale. He looked at Li Yi, who had a cold face, and Zhang Junshi, who was smiling like a tiger. There was a ghostly Wang Shichan behind him. He finally gave in, picked up the pen, and wrote with a sigh. Order, stamped with the family seal.

In the letter, Tai Bai asked the merchant ship to dock at Jingyang Port and let the "guests" on the ship go ashore, and at the same time, he also specifically proposed to take good care of him.

Zhang Junshi looked at it seriously for a while, and said, "This letter alone is not enough, someone must come to pick it up, otherwise who knows where he will go once he gets ashore?"

The rest of the people nodded their heads sympathetically.

Li Yi frowned and said, "We are all under Wei Di's surveillance, and it is difficult to escape."

"You and I may not be able to, but Brother Wang will definitely be able to." Zhang Junshi and Li Yi turned to look at the same time, only to see that there was no one in the corner where Wang Shichan was standing.

At this moment, Nie Bufan was standing at the bow of the boat, with his arms open, enjoying the cold sea breeze, his hair was messed up in the airflow like a gust of wind, and under the horrified eyes of the crew, he sighed: "The wind, come more violently. !"

More violently? The biggest fear of sailing at sea is a big storm, okay

Nie Bufan's lips were purple from the sea breeze, and he had to pose on the bow of the boat, and his chickens also twitched, standing upright in the wind with their feathers erect.

Master Guo Shi finally couldn't stand it anymore, hooked his waist, dragged him directly into the cabin, stuffed it into the quilt, and wrapped it into a ball.

"Which nerve do you think you are wrong?" Fan Luo squinted at him and scolded, "I have nothing to do and run to blow the cold wind, do you want to blow it to death?"

Nie Bufan sniffed and muttered, "It's just blowing the wind, it won't die."

Fan Luo shook his head, turned around and went out to ask someone to prepare some hot water. When I hugged him just now, I felt that his whole body was completely cold, like a zombie.

Nie Bufan rolled on the bed, as if he had grown lice, feeling uncomfortable.

It has been two days since his letter was sent, and I don't know if they have received it? Although he was talking about going to the island to play, he still wanted to go back to the village. He misses the chickens in Jiwo Village, the flowers and plants in Jiwo Village, and the freedom of Jiwo Village.

Really, would love to go back.

He grabbed a passing chicken by the bed and shook it, "You said, when can we go back?"

The chick spread its wings and threw a feather at him, despising him with its corns, and if the wings were replaced by human hands, it might be able to compare the middle finger.

Nie Bufan pointed at it and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm your village head anyway, so please respect it? If you guys are more aggressive, why would we be in desperation?"

This is Nie's style, making trouble everywhere, letting others clean up the mess, and then complaining about their incompetence.

All the chickens in the cabin collectively turned their backs and used their butts to show him a black hole of contempt from front to back.

Nie Bufan sighed sadly, "The chicken heart is scattered, and the team is not easy to lead."

At this time, Fan Luo came back, followed by a handyman carrying hot water. The handyman left the cabin after placing the wooden barrels, and before leaving, he glanced at Nie Bufan and his chicken curiously. He and the rest of the crew have an unsolved mystery in their minds: When exactly did these creatures get on board

Fan Luo reached out to test the water temperature and waved, "Come here and wipe your body."

The conditions on the boat are limited, as long as there is a bucket of hot water, there is no need to think about taking a bath.

Nie Bufan got up lazily, undressing as he walked over.

Fan Luo did not dodge or evade this time, squinting at his every move.

Nie Bufan never knew what embarrassment was. He took off his bottoms a few times, squatted by the wooden barrel, raised his head and asked, "Will we wipe it together?"

Fan Luo's eyes slid along the back of his neck, and finally turned back to his face, calmly said: "No need, you wipe it yourself."

Nie Bufan then put his hand into the water, squeezed the bath towel, wiped his arm, then bent down and directly immersed his head in the water, bubbling up. Then I saw a few chickens approaching, imitating Nie Bufan, immersing their heads in the water and bubbling together.

Fan Luo's mouth twitched, not knowing what expression to use to explain his feelings.

With a swoosh, Nie Bufan raised his head, and the chick raised his head as well. Immediately, water splashed all over the place, and the silver light shimmered, and the shapes of people and chickens were very "wet". People shake their heads, chickens shake their feathers, and their movements are extraordinarily uniform.

"Well, it's comfortable." Nie Bufan wiped a handful of water and narrowed his eyes contentedly.

Several chickens also seemed to be feeling fine, and one even wanted to jump into the bubble.

With a sullen face, Fan Luo pulled all the chickens away, snatched the bath towel from Nie Bufan's hand, and said stiffly, "I'll wipe it for you. If you play like this, the water will get cold soon."

"Oh." Nie Bufan did not object and obeyed the order obediently.

Fan Luo asked him to stand up and carefully wipe his face, neck, chest, abdomen, arms, and back with a wringed bath towel...

Staring at his half-naked body, various discordant images appeared in Fan Luo's mind, and the movements of his hands became slower and slower.

Nie Bufan felt his hand stop on his lower back, and asked strangely, "Are you going to take off your pants?"

Hearing this, Fan Luo's half-closed eyes revealed a bit of evil, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Of course, it's easier to wipe when you take it off."

"Okay then." Nie Bufan stretched out his hand to untie his waist rope. Fan Luo grabbed him and whispered in his ear, "Are you so defenseless against anyone?"

"What are you guarding against?" Nie Bufan looked at him, and said in a naive manner, "You saw it too, I'm naked and I have nothing on my body, what should I be guarded against?"

Fan Luo's eyes were deep and he said, "I'm a man."

"I know, it doesn't need to be emphasized." Nie Bufan pointed at himself and said with a smile, "I'm also a man.

"It is said that men and men..." Fan Luo said word by word, "It is also possible."

Nie Bufan glared at him strangely, his eyes subconsciously looking between his legs.

Fan Luo threw away the bath towel and took him directly into his arms, letting him feel his changes closely.

"How?" Fan Luo put one hand on his hip and raised his chin with the other. He bowed his head slightly, and the hair on his forehead fell gently, brushing the end of his charming eyes.

Nie Bufan ignored his electric eyes, stepped on his instep with one bare foot, and said contemptuously, "It's not right to be in heat anywhere, the national teacher is already at this age, haven't you learned to cultivate yourself?"

Fan Luo smiled evilly: "I'm adapting measures to local conditions, nurturing one's temperament and lustful desires."

Nie Bufan leaned back and looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you full for lunch?" Fan Luo asked suddenly.

"I'm full." Nie Bufan nodded subconsciously.

"Well, you should have physical strength."

"What?" Before Nie Bufan could react, his eyes flickered, and the next moment he was crushed on the bed.

"Wait!" Something seemed wrong.

Fan Luo didn't give him time to resist, and directly gambled his mouth firmly. He has been thinking about it for a long time, and after crossing that psychological barrier, he is even more impatient. People who are hot on the outside and hot on the inside are extremely surging when they are passionate.

The reason why Fan Luo is able to learn from the past and the present is because he has the ability to never forget. Although he has only seen it once, he remembers every detail of the acacia map clearly. Incomparable network.

Nie Bufan's ill-predicted proposal at the beginning has now been implemented on his own. It is truly self-inflicted. But strictly speaking, he is probably the only one in this world who has this kind of physique that can recruit "foundation" anytime, anywhere. Is it because he raises too many chickens and is angry with people

Fan Luo was thoughtful and kept stroking his tongue with his fingers, giving him no chance to cry out.

"Um... um..." Nie Bufan stared, unable to bite, his jaw was almost stiff. There are people coming and going outside the cabin door, as long as someone shouts, someone will definitely hear it, but unfortunately he can only squeak twice now.

He squinted to the chickens for help, but found that these guys were watching calmly, with no intention of saving the field. They are probably not surprised, and at this time, they just need to keep silent.

Nie Bufan wanted to cry but had no tears, secretly scolding these guys for being dishonest.

At this moment, a loud eagle roar came from outside the cabin.

Nie Bufan's eyes lit up, and he struggled even more. This struggle made Fan Luo's breathing faster and faster, and his desire rose. Taking advantage of Nie Bufan's distraction, he suddenly entered. At the moment of entering, he leaned over to hold his lips accurately.

so tight! Fan Luo secretly sighed and began to twitch, gradually increasing his strength.

Nie Bufan was grieved and indignant. Hearing the whistle of the great instrument, he scratched his hands frantically on Fan Luo's back, making criss-cross traces.

Fan Luo just frowned slightly, and whispered while moving: "Don't reject me, Xiaobao, give me a chance to have you."

Nie Bufan stopped struggling and looked at his serious eyes.

He had seen this kind of look in the eyes of Zhang Sanji and others. It was the most treasured thing in his life, and it was irreplaceable.

However, for this kind of look, integrity can be lost, and nature cannot be moved.

"Hey!" Fan Luo cried out in pain, covering his forehead.

It turned out that Nie Bufan grabbed a hapless chicken while he was not paying attention, and poked a mark on his forehead with his chicken paw.

The chicken that was used as the murder weapon was very irritable, flapping its wings, and left various twisted bloodstains on Fan Luo's arms.

Seeing that the situation was good, Nie Bufan greeted, "Guys, come on! Gang fight!"

The other chickens got the order, and they all rushed over screaming, kicking and pecking wildly around Fan Luo.

Fan Luo was forced to retreat, and while defending himself, he wished for a moment of dissatisfaction. He should be fortunate that these chickens are only average in combat effectiveness. If they encounter a beast like gold, they will have to peel off their skins even if they don't die.

Nie Bufan was able to escape the claws, put on his clothes in a hurry, and rushed towards the cabin door.

Fan Luo reacted quickly, grabbed a chicken leg, and swung it towards Nie Bufan. The chicken that was thrown out quickly passed by Nie Bufan, rolled around in the air, and stepped on the hatch door that had just been opened, and slammed the door again.

The chicken jumped into Nie Bufan's arms with strength, Nie Bufan took a few steps back, grabbed it, and continued to open the door. As soon as his hand touched the doorknob, another object flew behind him and inserted it into the gap of the hatch - it was a dagger.

Nie Bufan turned around and glared at Fan Luo. Seeing that he was covering his lower body while struggling to fight chickens, he was distracted to pay attention to Nie Bufan's movements.

Nie Bufan ran back to the bed aggressively, put one foot on the bed, reached out to hug Fan Luo's head, and gave him a deep kiss domineeringly.

Fan Luo was stunned for a while, and was in a trance when he suddenly felt a chill in his lower body, and the blanket that originally covered his body was pulled away.

Nie Bufan stretched out his hand, grabbed the upright thing between his legs, and slapped it hard. Fan Luo let out a muffled cry, bent down and curled up, even if he didn't see his expression, he could imagine how horrific it was.

"Hmph, demo, am I so pushy?" Nie Bufan left these words condescendingly, and then walked out of the cabin leisurely.

The big tool hovered in the air for a long time, and was impatient for a long time. When Nie Bufan appeared, it rushed down immediately, deliberately creating a turbulence around him, and then the boss unwillingly landed on the bracket.

While Nie Bufan took the letter from its leg, he muttered dissatisfiedly: "Daqi, you are too lazy, but if you send the letter, just show me your face, how can you take on the big responsibility in the future?"

Daji glanced at him contemptuously, realizing that you are too embarrassed to talk about others!

Nie Bufan opened the letter and struggled to decipher the words.

At this moment, a hand reached out from behind and took the letter from his hand.

Nie Bufan turned his head to see that it was Fan Luo who had been dressed neatly and had a dark complexion.

Did he recover so quickly? The word "admiration" flashed across Nie Bufan's face.

Fan Luo tried his best to ignore his shining expression, read the letter at a glance, raised his head and asked, "Do you know Tai Bai from Qiyu Island?"

Nie Bufan nodded.

"That's easy to handle." Fan Luo folded the letter and said lightly, "With this letter, we can go ashore at Jingyang Port ahead of schedule."