Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 143: Fanwaikong and boss Yu


Looking at himself in the mirror who was transformed so that his mother couldn't recognize him, Sora looked back at Boss Yu blankly.

Boss Yu was smiling and said with satisfaction, "Although the foundation is not very good, it is unexpectedly suitable for makeup."

null:"… "

What do you mean, the foundation is not very good?

"Okay, let's get started now."


Don't blame him, he has never been exposed to this kind of thing. As a foreigner, he can't even understand what it is.

Only then did Boss Yu realize that the person recommended by him this time seemed unreliable.

"However, the time is too late. Even if you go out to find it, you need to cultivate it slowly." He sighed, and took a closer look at the young man in front of him who looked very good after putting on makeup. "Forget it, let's teach now, there is still some time, even if you teach one sentence at a time, you will always be able to take the stage."

Sora has actually retreated a bit. He thought about whether to give up this mission or not. He is still here now, but it is only supported by his firm belief that he does not want to give up as a game otaku.

Anyway, it's just to replace a scene, not really to develop a famous character, so Boss Yu thinks that the problem can still be solved.

"Don't worry, as long as you are steadfast and willing to learn, it is not that difficult." Boss Yu said softly.

He was already very good-looking, and when he looked at him with such gleaming eyes, Sora couldn't seem to remember what he wanted to say.

When the sky was about to go offline, a friend he met online who came to play games excitedly asked him if he had given up on his mission, and said with a bit of schadenfreude, "Every time you play games, you are better than me. I should be stronger than you this time."

Sora was silent for a while, then took a deep breath and said, "I haven't given up on the mission yet, maybe I can finish it."

"What? It's only strange that your mission can be completed. Don't insist."

"Do not."

Sora is an otaku who likes to play games. He doesn't like socializing, he doesn't like going out, and he is usually reticent. A few of his friends are almost acquainted by playing games, but there is no way to say how close they are.

He has always been better at playing games than others. Although he is not as good as those professional players, he is considered to be the most high-end group among amateur players, and many "friends" around him like to say some sour words occasionally. In his country his side is a relatively common phenomenon.

He is not a successful person in reality, the game is the only place where he can experience the joy of success, and he doesn't want to lose that.

Sora, who was hesitant to give up, decided to persevere no matter what.

"Isn't it just singing? It's just a special song. When I was a child, I was a church choir, what's there to be afraid of!" Sora thought through gritted teeth.

Besides, Boss Yu seems to be a very gentle person and should be a good teacher.

But soon, Sora realizes how naive he is...

gentle? nonexistent!

It is necessary to train Kong to the point where he can take the stage in a short period of time. Boss Yu knows that the people recommended over there have extraordinary physical strength, so he decided to give Kong twice the training volume of ordinary people.

Ordinary people may not be able to endure such high-intensity training, but Boss Yu asked the other side and knew that the person they recommended should be fine, and because the time is really short, it is not enough to be a gentle and kind teacher.

So, what Sora met yesterday was a gentle and dignified beauty, and the next day, he met a ruthless Master Yan who showed no mercy to him.

"Come again!" The delicate bamboo slapped on Kong's back, making a crisp "pop" sound.

Sora initially adjusted the pain to 30%. He didn't want many players to directly turn off the pain, because he felt that this pain was also a way to experience the game.

This should have been a little painful at first, but because the pain has dropped by half, Sora felt a strange numbness and slight itching, and it seemed that there was only a slight pain.

For a time, Sora felt a little weird in her heart.

Boss Yu on the side raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you hear? Come again!"

This is how he disciplines his disciples. In fact, he himself was disciplined by his own master in the same way. The stimulation of pain can improve people's concentration. This is an ancient method.

Kong obediently began to learn to sing. Boss Yu taught him one sentence at a time, and he learned it one by one. Gradually, he began to look somewhat different. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was greeted with more severe teaching from Boss Yu, and he began to criticize every word of his. pronunciation and tone.

The bamboo stick would hit him from time to time, and every time he hit him, Kong would shiver, not because of the pain, but because he felt more and more strange. Very uncomfortable.

Boss Yu was merciless, and he didn't soften his heart because of Kong's trembling. He could see that Kong's state was actually good, and although this type of play was painful, it also healed quickly. will stay.

This is a kind of skill, he is not waving this bamboo stick that is a little old at random.

Day after day, Sora felt that he was getting more and more strange. It was clear that Boss Yu was no longer as amazed as he was when he first met him. Of course, he was still very beautiful, but as a master Yan, he lost that charming and elegant attitude, and suddenly Become awe-inspiring and inviolable.

Mingming Kong was also learning from him very simply and earnestly. However, when the bamboo sticks hit him day by day, and Boss Yu started to teach him how to move, he still had some subtle thoughts.

"This is just an NPC, and it's not the kind of beautiful NPC with big breasts that I used to like." Sora was very confused. The game characters he liked in the past were very cookie-cutter, with a little European and American style of female characters. , The chest and thighs are long and handsome. No matter how you look at it, Boss Yu does not match the last one.

… even the gender is wrong.

"What are you thinking about?" Boss Yu's voice was calm, because he was so close to Kong, he could see his long eyelashes clearly one by one, "I told you not to be distracted!"

The bamboo stick landed on Sora's body accurately again, causing him to tremble slightly.

Kong: "..." Yes, it's this bamboo stick, it's so weird!

At this moment, a guy fell in, Boss Yu frowned and turned his head, only to see a group of big bosses walking up around a young man dressed in a new style, who looked at Boss Yu with critical eyes up and down, "You are the one. Boss Yu, who is famous in the south, right?"

Boss Yu glanced at the guy who fell to the ground and moaned and couldn't get up for a long time. Instead of showing an angry look, he showed a smile, "I am." Someone like him who seeks a living in the lower class has no pride. Besides, he used to be famous in the south, and he was a guest of many dignitaries, but since his voice broke, he has lost his former glory, and only relied on the Jade Butterfly Theater to make a living.

Sora looked at him, the cold and harsh master just now, has changed back to the peerless beauty with outstanding and indistinguishable demeanor when he first met.

"Take it away!" The man didn't say much. Several soldiers rushed up and took Boss Yu directly in Kong's blank line of sight.

He didn't even react. Before he left, Boss Yu turned around and explained to him, "Practice hard, I'll check your homework when I come back!"

The young man glanced at Sora with a look of disgust. Sora, who didn't wear makeup, was really just a thin and ordinary young man. He was really not very conspicuous. .

This group of people didn't take Sora seriously, they whizzed in and whizzed away in a flash.

Kong was waiting for Boss Yu to come back in the Yudie Theater, and he was nowhere to be seen.

Boss Yu was away, so Kong had no intention of practicing. He stared at the bamboo stick that Boss Yu had been holding in his hand for a while, then looked at the guy next to him who was still bruised and bruised, "Boss Yu hasn't come back yet?"

"No." The guy seemed a little disturbed and whispered, "The boss doesn't know if he can come back safely this time. This group of people is not a good person."

He only dared to say this sentence, and he refused to utter a word again, and immediately closed his mouth, for fear of causing trouble.

Sora looked at him blankly, and blankly at the Yudie Theater, which had become much desolate after Boss Yu was gone.

In fact, he came here to do the task for just over a month in total, but for some unknown reason, everything here made him feel very familiar in such a short period of time.

Familiar yard, familiar scene, familiar people, familiar... Bamboo strips.

It's just that the most important person is gone.

"Is this the so-called immersion?" I wondered, "I've been doing role-playing diligently since this time, and I've been completely immersed in this role, so I feel familiar and friendly here?"

At this time, he still has the mind to analyze the situation.

It wasn't until he heard the chaos of soldiers and horses outside and the faint sound of crying, he quickly woke up and hurried out.

No matter what, Sora never expected that he would see a dying Boss Yu.

His face was pale and he was only wearing a thin cloth. The theater people carried him to the bed. Sora saw several theater people crying around his bed. Bewildered.

"Come here." Boss Yu's voice was extremely weak, but just after he spoke, everyone looked at Sora, and Sora walked over to Boss Yu like a conditioned reflex before he could react.

"I'm afraid, I can't teach you any more," his voice was very low and low, Sora had to bend over and put his ear to his mouth to hear clearly, "I'll have someone pay you back, you Let's go back."

Sora was silent, clenching his fists unconsciously.

"This is just an npc." He said to himself over and over again, "this is just an npc, he is just an npc!"

"I know, you're from there, I'm afraid you're not an ordinary person." Boss Yu said word by word, "You and I have only met for a short time, and I don't know what kind of person you are. But maybe , Maybe if you have a little idea of ​​revenge for me... Please don't... It's not worth it."

"My name is Yu Chunhe. I am a lowly person. Whether I die or live, I really don't need to do anything for me."

"But maybe, it's just me thinking too much... After you go back, live your life well, you will forget your days at the Jade Butterfly Theater... completely."

"Ah, please don't forget it so thoroughly. Maybe if you remember it later, you can come to my grave and sing to me the play I taught you these days... This was my favorite play... "

"Sorry, I said something stupid again..."

"you… "

He seemed to be gradually blurring his consciousness, Sora felt his head buzzing, and the cries of the people around him made his ears ring.

Last sentence, what did Boss Yu say to him?

Ah yes, he told himself not to avenge him.

You are just an NPC, and I will not avenge you. Sora thought to himself.

Besides, in just over a month, how deep the relationship can be, NPCs will die if they die, which game does not die NPCs, how normal.

He calmly took his reward and returned to the seminar to hand in the task.

However, for some unknown reason, Sora quietly took the bamboo stick.

It's clear that you're just an NPC.

But I still want to avenge you.

Yu Chunhe, I miss you very much.

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