Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 121: The third night (1)


In the study late at night, Run An looked at Ah Jing who was concentrating on flipping through the materials, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"I knew it would be like this... At the beginning, you shouldn't have entered Nuosolan Company to capture John. Fenghui and the others, didn't any of them survive in the end?"

"Yeah, I regret it too." Hearing this, Ah Jing stopped turning the pages of the book.

Back then, Fenghui and the others watched a real horror movie and were cursed. When the date of Lu Yuanxiu's death came, she was actually stolen from the dragon to the phoenix. At that time, in order to prevent the horror movie "Death Ringtone" from killing Lu Yuanxiu, Run An and the others did not carry any communication equipment on them, so Run An used the ability of the soul-eating ghost eye Playing to the limit, he quickly went down the mountain to find the phone booth to call the police, but suffered serious internal injuries.

It was for this reason that Ah Jing decided to take the risk and use John as the last bargaining chip for Fenghui and the others to survive. However, she stepped into the forbidden area of death because of this.

At this moment, a memory suddenly flashed in her mind.

"By the way... I remembered. At that time, when entering a special space-time floor, you only needed to authenticate with an ID card, and you didn't need to check your fingerprints..."


"Yes. At that time, I felt very strange. Why do you only need an ID card to enter and exit such two important floors? Later, I asked Hao Lin, and she replied, because when I was in E City, my father When I took away the mirror, I set a fire on it, which caused the head of the company to burn his hand and lost his fingerprints. So for this reason, I canceled the original fingerprint authentication device, so that I could go up... So, it should be my father who did it for me. It was only after I was allowed to enter those two floors that the fire was set..."

Hearing this, Run An suddenly shivered.

He recalled that at the beginning, Ren Senbo mentioned that he had a premonition that it was too late for Ah Jing to enter Nuosolan Company in order to get John back, so it was too late for Mu Jing to take her out. However, if Ren Senbo deliberately used the fire to let Ah Jing enter the floor of the alien space smoothly, wouldn't it be unreasonable

But Ren Senbo has no reason to let his daughter enter that kind of space...

Then, Run An had to come to a terrifying conclusion.

It's not because Ren Senbo set off the fire that caused the leader to lose his fingerprints, but... that space itself caused the fire to burn the leader's fingerprints! Since then, she has been luring Ah Jing into that space!

Moreover, it was Ren Senbo who projected the Nuosolan family's attention to China. In fact, there are similar supernatural buildings in foreign countries, and Nuosolan Company also established a secret experimental facility there. Ren Senbo, who single-handedly pushed his daughter into the chain of curses, still thought he was saving her...

This curse is really terrifying! It is possible to create an inevitable death trap through these seemingly accidental and irrelevant phenomena!

Ling's crying made Feng finally worried.

"Ling... don't cry, tell me, what is it that has entered the house? If you don't tell me, I really can't leave!"

"Please... please come back and stay with me! Feng, I beg you, okay? Please..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry, Ling. I can only come back at one o'clock in the morning at the earliest. Recently, during the accounting review, I found a batch of goods at a loss. To do a big deal with us, we have to immediately prepare tomorrow's negotiators today, as well as the calculation of quotations, etc... I'm really sorry, there are too many things to be busy, if you don't give me an exact Reason, I really can't come back now."

Ling was already so frightened that she didn't even have the strength to tremble. Although the room looked peaceful, she was sure that something must have invaded the house, but her husband couldn't come back!

"Feng... It's the first time I've begged you so much since I got married... I'm really scared, I'm really..."

"Okay, I'll try my best to come back as soon as possible, don't worry, can you sleep for a while? I'm sorry, goodbye."

After Ling heard the sound of "beep", her heart also seemed to fall into the bottom of the valley. She slammed down the phone, blaming her husband in her heart, turned on the lights in all the rooms, and adjusted the volume of the radio to the maximum, got into the bed, and looked around every corner of the bedroom tremblingly.

She also felt that her behavior seemed a little too crazy. Obviously there is nothing, but why does she feel so panic when it comes to eight o'clock

In this restless and anxious mood, she gradually fell asleep.

When the second day came and the sun came back into the room, Ling woke up and breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that her anxiety last night was a little too funny. Now, the tension in her heart has weakened a lot.

Looking towards the hanger in the bedroom, Feng's suit was already placed there.

He hasn't gone to work yet

Ling got up excitedly, and before she could put on her coat, she ran out to see that her husband was placing her favorite sandwiches on the breakfast table.

"Feng... You are back... You scared me to death last night..."

Lingjiao flung herself into Feng's arms, who also smiled and said, "You really scared me, and made me lose my mood for the meeting. What's wrong with you? You said something invaded our house?"

"Oh, probably... it's because you've been coming back so late." Ling looked very pitiful, Feng stroked the bangs on her forehead, kissed her cheek, and said, "Honey, it's really heart-warming." I was wronged. After the honeymoon, we hardly lived a married life. But it doesn't matter, I will make it up to you when the Chinese New Year comes. Where do you want to go? I can take you there!"

Seeing Feng's sincere attitude, Ling's resentment and dissatisfaction disappeared immediately.

"Okay, I have to go to work too, you can eat breakfast slowly."

After he left, Ling was alone in this empty room again.

After breakfast, she decided to go for a walk.

After putting on her coat and a scarf, she combed her hair before going out to make herself look as energetic as possible.

When I came downstairs, when I passed the administrator's office, the administrator, Mr. Wang, greeted Ling with a smile: "Miss Ling, good morning!"

"Well, good morning!"

When she came outside, she breathed the fresh air, which made Ling feel much better.

The sense of depression from last night gradually disappeared without a trace.

Out of the community, she plans to go to a nearby supermarket to buy something. However, when passing a library, it is not bad to simply go in and read some books.

This library is very big, she first went to the library on the second floor. Looking at the dazzling array of bookshelves, she wanted to see if there were any bookshelves for online novels, because she had recently encountered a bottleneck in her creation.

At this time, when she passed a desk, she saw a woman holding a book, and that book was an online novel she wrote.

Seeing the woman watching so intently, she sat beside her and asked, "Miss, I want to ask..."

The woman looked up and asked, "What?"

"You... like this novel very much?"

"Well, yes, it's okay to write."

Ling happily replied: "That's great, I'm actually the author of this book."

She thought the woman would be shocked, and then excitedly discussed the plot in the book with her, but she just said "Oh" indifferently, and said, "I see. You can write well."

After she finished speaking, she continued to turn her gaze back to the book.

Ling suddenly felt a little disappointed. Could it be that she doesn't like this book

For a moment, she was very embarrassed, because it was neither to stay nor to leave.

But at this time, the woman suddenly closed the book and said to her, "You... have you encountered any strange things recently?"

Hearing what she said, Ling immediately tensed up, and before she could reply, the woman's eyes suddenly became very strange, and she said, "You are cursed."

Ling's body immediately tilted back a short distance involuntarily.

"you… "

"You worked for Northoran, right?"

Hearing what she said, Ling was even more astonished.

"Who are you... what does the curse mean?"

She began to look at this woman carefully. She was very beautiful, but her face seemed to be shrouded in an indescribable dark atmosphere, which made people feel very strange.

"Your home now has an intruder."

When the woman spoke, her tone was completely peaceful, but Ling's back was completely chilled.

The woman stood up, went to the bookshelf and put the book back, turned her head and glanced at Ling, then walked towards the door of the library without saying anything.

How could Ling let her leave just like that? She ran over and grabbed her shoulders, and asked, "Tell me! Who are you! What does the curse mean? Also, do you know the truth? Nuo Solan company really existed, right?"

The woman gave her a cold look, and actually started to smile. The laughter made her shudder.

"You'd better find a way to find out that intruder earlier. Otherwise..."

Then she let go of Ling's hand and quickened her pace towards the door.

Ling ran over again and asked, "At least... tell me, what's your name?"

At this time, half of the woman had stepped out of the door and disappeared behind the wall.

"My name is... Wen Zimei."

Then, the other half of her body also stepped out, completely disappearing behind the wall. And Ling ran out to have a look...

But I can't see the figure of that woman again!

Ling ran out of the library, looking around for Wen Zimei. However, she was nowhere to be found in the vast crowd.

curse? Nosolan

what is going on!

"Wen Zimei! Where are you, come out for me!"

She desperately shouted desperately in the street.

At this time, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

She was so frightened that she turned around and saw a handsome man in a suit looking at her suspiciously, asking, "Who are you? Do you know Wen Zimei?"

Her eyes widened, and she nodded. Then the man in the suit said, "What's your relationship with her?"

"Relationship... I just met her just now..."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the man in the suit suddenly convulsed, his hands trembled involuntarily, and he desperately looked around, took Ling's hand and ran wildly.

" come to my house! I have a lot to ask you!"

At this moment, Ling suddenly felt that this man looked familiar. She searched desperately in the memory bank of her brain, and finally, she immediately said his name: "You... aren't you Director Lu Shenhuai? The Director of the Development Department of Nuosolan Company!"

Shen Huai stopped immediately, looked at Ling carefully again, and asked, " remember Nuosolan Company? How is it possible? Tell me who you are!"

In the following time, both parties explained their specific situation to each other.

"You said... the curse of time and space? Nuosolan company was really a haunted building?"

Although Ling was already mentally prepared, she was still quite frightened.

After Shen Huai pondered for a while, she said to her: "Tonight, I will bring some friends I know to your house. They are all people who know something about supernatural beings. If... If Wen Zimei said that, then you The home... did enter an intruder!"