Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 122: The third night (two)


"Hacked into what?"

After a while, Run An and A Jing arrived at Ling's house, and A Jing began to observe Ling's every room.

"You mean that at eight o'clock in the evening, there will be a feeling of invading your home?"

"Yes..." Ling faced the group of strangers with some submissiveness. She didn't know what happened, but she let these people she had never met come to her house, and let them enter and leave the room at will.

Ah Jing looked at Run An, and the two exchanged a look.

"In this case, Miss Ling, you should move out as soon as possible," Run An immediately gave this suggestion: "Discuss with your husband, we can talk to him when the time comes, you may feel incredible, but... I think Your feelings are not unfounded."

Ling still couldn't believe it, she always thought that the restlessness at night was just a kind of worry on her part, but what Run An said made her hesitate for a while.

However, is it possible to use such absurd reasons to persuade her husband to move

"You don't believe our words, how can you explain... the disappearance of the Nuosolan company you used to work for? And..." Ah Jing deliberately dragged out her tone, and said, "The college students from the same university who shocked this city a few days ago Do you remember the abnormal death case?"

When Ling heard this, she also recalled that case. More than forty college students, inexplicably without any external attack, all died miserably just because they said they had forgotten something. It is still difficult for the police to find out the clues of that matter, and in various universities The government caused great panic.

"I can tell you...the real cause of their death..."

Ah Jing carries the DV tape shot by Wen Miaoyu at all times and burns the disc. She intends to use this disc as evidence of the real existence of ghosts. When she comes into contact with the cursed in the future, she will make them believe in the curse as soon as possible.

After the video was played at Ling's home, her face turned completely pale. The bloody and horrific killing scene, and the scene of how the man in black stitches the corpses together, are so real that even American blockbusters can't help themselves. If this is a computer stunt, it is hard to imagine how much money it will cost. Moreover, the faces of those who were killed were indeed some of the photos of dead college students published in the newspapers.

She finally started to believe it. These people have no reason to spend so much financial and material resources to shoot such horrific pictures just to fool themselves, the gains outweigh the losses.

"Understood... so you have to think about moving as soon as possible, otherwise..." Ah Jing pointed to the TV screen, making Ling dare not say any more.

"I, I see... I'll talk to my husband about moving..."

"Is your husband coming back late?" Ah Jing asked again.

"Well..." Ling replied weakly.

"Then... we will stay with you at your house tonight until... eight o'clock."

Ah Jing came to Ling's bedroom window where the source of terror was, opened the window and looked outside carefully.

I don't feel anything.

She really didn't even have the slightest psychic ability.

Run An came behind her, and said silently in her heart: "You will not die... Ah Jing. I will help you break this curse!"

Somewhere in Run An's heart, he began to gradually resemble Ren Senbo. He felt that if he, like Ren Senbo, had those all-knowing and omnipotent immortal ghost eyes, maybe he would do the same thing.

Even if innocent people are really sacrificed, he still wants to get Ah Jing's happy smile back.

Ah Jing looked around the bedroom, and soon felt a little unnatural.

But I don't know where it is unnatural.

It was obviously a conclusion that was about to be drawn, but she couldn't think of it anyway.

It was as if there was something in her brain that was preventing her from discovering that unnatural place.

Shen Huai and Ling talked about her life after leaving Nuosolan Company. When he told her all the inside stories behind the company, the more Ling listened, the more she felt that her life in the company in the past seemed unreal.

Although the sky is still very bright, the haze of fear keeps rising in the hearts of the four people.

And at this moment, in a hotel in city G.

"It's not Master Shaoqing's fault..."

"We are all guilty..."

The twisted, disgustingly deformed baby began to climb up from the bottom of the cave...

Liuli woke up from the nightmare.

Recently, she often has some weird dreams...

She is now lying on the sofa at home with a book in her hand. Just now, as I read the book, my eyelids gradually began to become heavy, and I had that nightmare again without knowing it.

As soon as he woke up, he felt a chill hit his body.

Before she could catch her breath, there was a knock on the door.

She immediately and involuntarily became vigilant, now is not the time for cleaning, she has not called room service, and she has not mentioned to anyone about staying in this hotel, so who is knocking on the door

Walking cautiously to the door, she asked, "Who is it?"

"Miss Ruri Fidia? It's embarrassing to visit, but we are John's friends."

Hearing the voice was a young man, and hearing the name "John", Liuli was startled, and asked again: "John? Do you know where John is?"

"Miss Liuli? Do you still remember my voice? Jian Weijing who met you that day."

Hearing this voice, Liuli opened the door immediately.

A man and two women stood outside the door. And there was indeed a young lady among them, Jian Weijing.

"About John... I want to tell you..." Weijing said straight to the point: "Can you let the two of us in first?"

"Okay... come in."

Liuli is still tormented by the nightmare just now, and her mind is full of those lingering, monster-like deformed babies...

Those babies, besides all of them looking terribly scary, have one thing in common...

That is, with purple pupils...

"How did you get here?"

"My father has already found out that you and John grew up in the same orphanage, and checked the hotel check-in lists in the whole city... Although it took a little time, I still found you." Weijing replied.

Fortunately, Weijing's father is a big entrepreneur with a wide network of contacts in G City, so he was able to find out so quickly.

Because time is tight, there is no time to beat around the bush. Weijing first introduced the other two to Liuli, namely Mujing and Runli.

"What we want to ask you is..." Mu Jing began to mention the changes in his pupils after John and Liuli met that night: "About John's eyes."

"I know. He has a ghost inside him."

Mu Jing was really surprised to say such terrifying words in such a flat tone. Before she had time to ask, she continued: "I don't know why, but the first time I saw John, I felt very familiar with his eyes. At that time, I felt that there was another kind of alien in his body. .”

Looking at Liuli's dazed expression, Mu Jing became more and more certain that this woman was definitely not an ordinary person. Her connection with Ghost Eye is definitely very deep!

As the sun went down, Ling became more and more nervous. After all, there are three people in her home now, and they are all people who have a deep understanding of supernatural phenomena, so the sense of fear has weakened a lot. However, the bloody content in that disc made her unable to stop the trembling of her hands until now.

"Don't be too nervous, Miss Ling." Run An could only hypocritically comfort the cursed one again, even though he himself knew that this was the first time he had said such meaningless words, but, He still said it.

"You'll be fine."

Whenever he had to say this to appease the cursed, Run An felt very sad. Whether it is the self with ghost eyes in the past, or the self that is completely mortal now, there is nothing to do in the face of this chain of curses.

Like Ren Senbo, there must be countless people in history who want to cut off the curse by all means. However, there is no precedent for any success.

Will my future self become the second Ren Senbo

Seeing so many cursed people die, no matter how strong they are, they should be on the verge of collapse. If he was the only one, maybe he would rather commit suicide now than endure the pain of waiting for death.

However, he now has an important bond.

The person who wanted to protect became two.

Even for Run Li and Ah Jing, he can't show any despair.

Fortunately, there are Shenhuai and the others, who accompany me to bear the arrival of this curse. So, how much can also comfort each other.

"I'm so sorry... I'm really not in the mood to cook for the three of you..." Ling was completely at a loss at the moment. In just one day, she suddenly had to accept the horrible reality of being cursed, and it was hard to let go of it easily.

"It's okay, can eat it after eight o'clock." Ah Jing's mind is full of thoughts now, all about the black door and those deformed babies.

At a quarter past seven, Ling was extremely nervous. She had an idea and said to the three of them, "Why don't I get out of here? If I'm the one being cursed..."

"It's useless." Ah Jing shook her head and said, "This curse has nothing to do with the location. Even if you stay on the moon, you will be pulled back to this room."

Yes, it's the same as Gu Jin who was cursed by the ghost painting back then.

Hearing what she said, Ling was even more alarmed. Shenhuai quickly said to her again: "But don't worry, we are all very experienced people. When I was the head of the development department, I also did a lot of research on supernatural phenomena, so don't worry."

In the bedroom, the atmosphere became really dignified. Although everyone wanted to find something to talk about to divert the tension, even if someone spoke, the room would soon return to silence.

Everyone, can't convince themselves to relax.

At 7:55, even Ah Jing began to get nervous. Run An noticed that her lips were constantly fluttering and her hands were moving unnaturally, so he immediately took hers.

He wants to tell Ah Jing that she is not alone facing the coming curse.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to him if Ah Jing died. Even if this idea just flashed in his mind for a moment, he would feel a strong sense of suffocation.

Eight o'clock finally arrived.

But... nothing happened.

"What..." Shen Huai breathed a sigh of relief, he thought he would see something terrible.

But Ling's expression made everyone startled.

Her face was almost completely covered with sweat, her mouth was open and she was panting desperately, her eyes were as big as copper bells.

"That thing... came in... completely came in!"

Run An didn't understand what she was talking about at all, but she looked straight at the window sill, pointed to the floor, and said, "There! That thing really came in... It came in from outside this window sill, I feel Got it! That thing, has... has completely invaded this room..."

The hands of the clock on the wall are still moving normally.

Yes, it's normal...