Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 124: new neighbors


Next door to Run An's house, a new family moved in.

The original owner next door seemed to be eager to immigrate, so he sold the house at a low price. The new ones moved in were a mother and two children.

Also a pair of siblings.

In China, where family planning is practiced today, families with siblings are extremely rare. And the pair of brothers and sisters also reminded Run An of many happy childhoods with Run Li.

The mother was in her thirties, and she seemed to have moved here with her two children after divorcing her husband.

Originally, it was just a common thing.


Those two siblings were a little strange.

In fact, it was his elder brother who made Run An more concerned.

It was the day after they had just moved in. When the mother came to visit the neighbors with her two children.

"Hi, I'm Fan Yin who will live next door to your house from now on. Since I just moved to this city, I hope you can take care of me... Xiaoxia, Xiaoya, please say hello..."

The siblings looked to be ten years old at most. The elder brother's face was very stiff, he just looked straight at Run An and Ah Jing without saying a word. The younger sister kept her head down all the time, holding a doll, and she couldn't even see her face clearly.

Their strange indifference really made Run An puzzled.

"Xiao Xia, what's the matter with you? Why don't you speak?" The mother was in a hurry. Although he kept urging his brother to speak, he still didn't say a word.

As for the younger sister, not only did she not speak, but she also moved her head from side to side strangely, shaking her long hair.

A strange pair of siblings...

However, at first, Run An only thought that way. After all, he had too many things to consider.

Ling disappeared.

That was a week ago now.

When Run An rushed to her apartment, she came to the floor where her house was located, where the door of her house should have been...

There is only one cold wall.

Moreover, after asking all the neighbors around, no one remembered Ling.

Ling has completely disappeared from this world.

Perhaps only those who have entered her home, that eroded space, can remember her existence. This is the same as when the Nuosolan company disappeared.

According to the contents of John's disc, in the end, when the last cursed person disappeared, he would completely forget those people.

If, in the end, not only will you lose Ah Jing, but you will even completely forget everything related to her...

For Run An, it was a much scarier thing than his own death.

Recently, through contact with the Hades Gate website, not only did his latest work start an exclusive serialization in Hades Gate, he even sold the e-book copyrights of all his future works to this website at a low price. There is only one requirement for such a generous condition, and that is that the gate of Hades must disclose to him all the information related to supernatural phenomena obtained over the years and in the future.

He was finally able to obtain some information about ghost eyes during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms was a period of great division in Chinese history, which took place between 907 AD and 960 AD. The Five Dynasties refer to the Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou, while the Ten Kingdoms refer to the Former Shu, Later Shu, Wu, Southern Tang, Wuyue, Min, Chu, Southern Han, Nanping, and Northern Han, etc., most of which are located in the south. separatist regime.

The legend of ghost eyes spread in the ten countries in the south.

The earliest legend of ghost eyes originated from the "Different Statements" written by a Taoist priest at that time.

"Yi Shu Jing" is a short notebook in classical Chinese similar to "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio", and it records some strange stories. But because the content is too confusing, it has not been widely circulated among the people, and so far, there is no complete version. One of the stories tells the story of a scholar who met a woman with purple pupils when he stayed in a temple at night. The scholar obeys the etiquette and always keeps a distance from women, but the purple pupils of women always impress him. A few days later, the scholar returned to his hometown, but for some unknown reason, he kept seeing various hallucinations, and finally died of bleeding from his seven orifices.

Before the scholar died, he and his family mentioned the woman they saw when they stayed in the temple that day. Those strange eyes became the original ghost eye legend.

Looking back now, it should be the phantom ghost eye.

Later, there were more folklore related to ghost eyes. But it was not recorded on paper, but spread by word of mouth. Later, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, some esoteric religions began to believe in people with ghost eyes as demon gods. Although the teachings were independent, they all used purple pupils as the symbol of ghost eyes. At that time, there was a Ghost Eye Cult.

Ghost Eye Sect flourished in the early Yuan Dynasty. Because it is a secret religion, there are few records in history. However, the names of the seven ghost eyes, from evil ghost eyes to yin and yang ghost eyes, are named by this secret religion. And it is said that the leader of the religion is a person with yin and yang ghost eyes.

The religion has a strange teaching. That is, regard Seven as an extremely ominous and ominous omen. The reason why it is strange is that seven is exactly the number of types of ghost eyes. The secret religion that believes in the ability of ghost eyes extremely should regard it as a good omen, but it is just the opposite.

And this has nothing to do with the leader.

According to the interpretation of the teachings of this religion, it seems that the ghost eyes have seven types as opposed to the seven reincarnated evil spirits.

seven evil spirits...

Is this the secret behind Ghost Eye

Ah Jing's illness is basically cured now, but occasionally she still suffers from dizziness and coughing. After reviewing all the information collected by the gate of the underworld, she also began to understand the reason for the disappearance of the ghost eye.

Those seven evil spirits...appeared.

Find a way to find those seven evil spirits, perhaps, you will be able to regain the ghost eye ability. Liuli is the key to finding the seven evil spirits.

Of course, this may just be a lie woven by a cult, which has happened frequently in history. However, after experiencing so many supernatural phenomena, Run An no longer has any sense of trust in the so-called common sense. On the contrary, things that seem absurd and incomprehensible to ordinary people are more in line with the normal state of this world for him.

"Cough, cough..." Ah Jing coughed desperately after turning a few pages. Her complexion is really not very good-looking.

"Are you okay, Ah Jing?" Just as Run An asked this sentence, the phone rang.

"I'll pick it up!"

Run An picked up the phone, and before he could say "Hello", the eager voice of Ming Huarui, a reporter from the Gate of Hades, came out.

"Mr. Yi? It's a big event, two drowned bodies were found..."

"A drowned corpse?" Run An was a little puzzled, but what is the relationship between drowning and supernatural

"However, it's not an ordinary drowning. The two corpses drowned in places where it is impossible to touch the water."

Run An was startled, and hurriedly asked: "Then... where is it?"

At this moment, he suddenly thought of another thing.

"By the way, the deceased's name is..."

"Well, let me see... one is Luo Zhilong, and the other is... Zhang Yuanzhi."

When Run An heard the two names, he asked about the specific way of writing them, entered them into his mobile phone, and sent a text message.

He sent it to Lu Shenhuai and Zong Haolin, former directors of the development department and technical analysis department of Nuosolan Company. If they have any impression of these two names, it means that these two people, like Ling, were former employees of Nuosolan Company, and they escaped the disaster because they stayed in G City.

Soon, the short message was sent back.

"That's right, these two people used to be employees of the company, especially Luo Zhilong, he used to be my confidant subordinate..."

That was long ago...

"Zhilong, what do you think?"

Yuan Feng looked at the three fast-growing cloned children on the monitoring screen who were growing up in different time floors, and asked his assistant Luo Zhilong, "Although Tie Mujing's qualifications are undoubtedly the strongest, I feel that Gongsun Yuanji This girl has even more potential. Although she may not have a supernatural physique, she has shown amazing insight and observation skills, and she is a resourceful talent."

The common misconception about cloning technology is that human cloning is simply duplicating human beings. But in fact, this is not the case. The differences between clones and the original body are sometimes more obvious than twins.

Gongsun Yuanji is such an example.

"Wan Ji... You came up with this name, right? Yuanfeng?" Luo Zhilong also looked at the screen, and Gongsun Yuan Ji, who had a calm face, was holding a book with peace of mind and watching it patiently. And Tie Mujing is in her room now.

"Well, because her body name is Gongsun Weijing (Weijing's biological father's surname is Gongsun, and Jane is her stepfather's surname). So the surname is Gongsun. As for the name of Yuanji, it means that she may be able to realize our dream. desire."

All human beings are full of too much exploration and longing for the mysteries of life and death, the presence or absence of space, and the mysteries contained in the soul and spirit. The immortality of the spirit is also what countless people yearn for and pursue.

The original intention of the Nuosolan family to develop cloning technology was to extend life through physical replication. However, when they learned about the existence of ghosts from the supernatural field, they began to expect to create a truly immortal life through experiments on supernatural physiques.

Immortality, the life form that mankind has dreamed of for thousands of years, if it can be realized...

Although Mu Jing is also reading at the moment, his eyes are always facing Yuan Ji.

As time went by, Yuan Ji's otherworldly beauty, combined with her elegant temperament, all attracted him. Using any mundane words to describe her, Mu Jing would feel that it was a kind of blasphemy against her.

"Wan Ji... Is your hand ready?"

He finally couldn't bear the silence any longer, so he simply had nothing to say.

Last time, Yuan Ji's hand was bitten by something in the dark, but fortunately it was not serious. In this fast-moving building, the wound should also heal quickly.

However, now Ji Ji is wearing long sleeves, so it is hard to tell what happened to her injury.

She raised her head, pursed her lips slightly, and said, "It's almost good. Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect my drawing comics, it's fine. Thank you, Mu Jing."

Yuan Ji put down the book, and suddenly said to Mu Jing: "You like me, don't you?"

Mu Jing's heart was shaken at that moment.

"I..." His face turned red, not knowing how to answer.

A girl, so bold to reveal this...

However, this is also in line with Yuan Ji's character.

"But, I'm just a clone. If one day, you see my real body, will you like her more? After all, I'm just a 'counterfeit'."

"That's not the case!" Mu Jing shook his head violently, and said, "No one can replace you, Yuan Ji! No matter who it is, even... it's your body!"

"Really? But the human heart is the hardest thing to understand and believe."

"Really... I swear, May Ji..." Mu Jing said desperately, "I will never fall in love with anyone other than you!"

"Well, Mu Jing... remember your oath." Then Yuan Ji suddenly stood up, walked in front of Mu Jing, and kissed his lips.

At that moment, Mu Jing couldn't believe it.

When Yuan Ji raised her head again, her eyes were filled with tears.

"That's great...Mu Jing. You think I'm irreplaceable... I, I love you too, always, always... Don't break your oath today, otherwise, even if I die, I I won't forgive you either..."

"Even if I die..."

Mu Jing's memories were interrupted by Weijing's words.

"Mu Jing... Runan sent a text message... let's go, another cursed person has died, and... a member of Nuosolan Company!"

At the same time, inside the opposite door of Run An's house.

The older brother of the siblings, Li Muxia, sat alone in the corner, staring blankly ahead.

A small black dot suddenly appeared on the wall in front of him, and then that dot began to turn into a ring. The ring spun rapidly again, turning into a vortex shape, and continuously deforming, finally, it occupied the entire wall and became a door.

"here we go again… "

Li Muxia shook her head violently again, and when she looked at the wall again, there was nothing left.

The frequency of hallucinations is getting higher and higher.

He recalled the man he had just met.

It's not the first time he's seen him.

That day, when he went to the housing agency with his mother and Xiaoya, he and the lady also walked out from there. They passed by, and the man naturally couldn't remember him. I didn't expect to become a next-door neighbor now.

He will never forget what he saw when his eyes accidentally met his... those strange purple pupils...