Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 128: help me


The curse of time is still unscrupulously following the direction of this chain of curses, threatening everyone who has ever stepped into Nuosolan company.

On the third day after Yuan Feng's death, although Gongsun Ya's whereabouts had not yet been found, Run An and A Jing had already discovered that the remaining four employees of Nuosolan Company had also been erased from this world by this time curse. For various reasons, they all came to G City when the time curse was activated, and only managed to escape. Unlike the upper management staff like Yuan Feng and Luo Zhilong, these four people, like Ling, are just ordinary grassroots employees.

He didn't know the inside story of Nuosolan Company at all, so he was inexplicably drawn into a curse like this.

The three drowned, their existence in this world was also erased. The news of the discovery of the drowned body originally published in the newspaper disappeared without a trace after Yuan Feng also died. Moreover, on the bridge where he had an accident, there was no news of a truck knocking over a car.

Not only that, Run An also discovered one thing.

The family members of Gao Fenghui and others who also entered Nuosolan Company in the past also no longer exist in this world. Only because of Zhong Zili's adoptive parents, who are not related by blood, can he escape. Run An had met Zili's drunken mother before, and she had no memory of ever adopting a son.

City G has become weirder and more terrifying than hell.

Not only that, but also a psychic, an exorcist, or a person with ghost eyes...

As long as they are human beings with flesh and blood, they have no ability to fight against ghosts and monsters. Their current situation is no different from that of the protagonists in horror movies.

Run An, Ah Jing, Mu Jing, Shen Huai and the others are all very aware of this.

Just thinking of this made Run An tremble with fear. And Ah Jing herself was terrified to the extreme. She has no appetite at all recently, and she will be frightened like an enemy at the slightest sign of trouble. She has to look left and right when walking, and she does not know how many times she was awakened by nightmares at night.

If this continues, before the day of the curse comes, she will probably have a schizophrenia. Ah Jing, who was wise and confident in the past, is completely gone.

This also made Run An very heartbroken. He knew exactly what a terrible future Ah Jing was facing, but he couldn't do anything for her.

There's nothing he can do for her...

And Shenhuai also fell into such distress.

After Hao Lin lost his younger brother, his will was very depressed. Now, he still has to face this terrible time curse. And Shenhuai himself was full of guilt, because he was the one who brought Haolin into the company.

Everything is his fault.

Wish Ji's death was also caused by him.

Looking at the one she loves, haggard and suffering day by day, but she is powerless, even unable to protect herself, Shen Huai is almost on the verge of collapse. If it weren't for Run An, Mu Jing and others as his support, he couldn't imagine how he would survive now.

However, this curse will not have any mercy on them. Those who stepped into the gate of Nuosolan Company must be deprived of the right to live in normal time.

No one can be an exception.

At midnight, Shen Huai was still smoking a cigarette by the bedside.

Hao Lin couldn't sleep soundly, but snuggled into his lover's arms, not speaking to each other.

The room was not very dark, because the bedroom was facing the window, and the moonlight slanted in, reflecting the faces of the two clearly.

Suddenly, a rush of phone ringing completely broke the quiet and dark atmosphere. Shen Huai looked at the phone by the bed and frowned. Although I can't know the time because I took away all the clocks at home, but the weather should be around midnight now, who would call at this time

After picking up the phone, before he could speak, he heard a woman's shrill cry.

"Help—help me! I'm going to be killed!"

Shen Huai was startled, and quickly asked: "What's going on? Who are you?"

"Don't care who I am... Please save me, I'm on Zongyue Road near Beiying Road... There are four men chasing me... There is no one around, come and save me!"

"You... you should call the police," Shen Huai couldn't help but suspect that the woman's IQ was abnormal. In such a situation, she should call the police immediately. How could she make a strange phone call and ask a stranger to help her? she? Could this woman be a lunatic who escaped from a mental hospital

However, the woman seemed to be unable to understand human speech, and she kept repeating the same words: "Help, help me! They are going to catch up with me!"

Hao Lin on the side was completely confused, but she intuitively felt that something was wrong.

At this time, on the other end of the phone, there were indeed the sound of chasing footsteps and the obscene voices of several men: "Little girl, don't run away, play with your brothers!"

Shen Huai immediately said to Hao Lin: "Quickly, dial 110 with your mobile phone! It seems that a woman has been entangled by a group of hooligans, and the location is... Zongyue Road..."

The woman on the other end of the phone was still screaming: "Come and save me... They're going to catch up with me..."

Maybe this woman really has a problem with her mind. No matter what, she should call the police first. That would be the best of humanity. Whether this woman can escape or not depends on her fate. The curse has caused Shenhuai's mental exhaustion to the extreme, and he really doesn't have the energy to do justice again.

"Okay, miss, I have called the police, and the police will be here soon. You can rest assured. That's it, goodbye!"

After Shen Huai hung up the phone, he told Hao Lin about the contents of the phone in detail. Hao Lin also thought it was a bit weird, how could anyone call someone who had never met before and ask him to save her? It is the most basic common sense to call the police when encountering gangsters!

"Is it okay?" Hao Lin is a very soft-hearted person after all: "What if those gangsters..."

"We don't have the energy to care about other people now, and we just moved to this city, and the roads are not familiar, so we went to find that woman, and when we found her, something would have happened. It's better to let the police handle this matter. Alright, sleep."

However, just as Shen Huai closed his eyes, the phone rang again quickly.

Shen Huai frowned and connected the phone again, and it turned out to be that woman again.

"Help me... They are about to catch up to me... Ah, there is a dead end ahead! I can't make it through... Save me, come and save me!"

Shen Huai said impatiently: "Why did you call me? I don't know you! You can call someone you know! I have already called the police, and the police will come soon!"

But then he suspected that the woman not only had a problem with IQ, but also couldn't understand human speech at all.

"Help me... come and save me... ah, they are only ten meters away from me..."

It sounded like the situation was very critical, Shen Huai turned on the bedside lamp, put on a coat, took out a map from the drawer, and started to search for the location of Zongyue Road.

"Where are you now? Tell me exactly where..."

However, a woman's scream was suddenly heard, followed by the crazy laughter of several men, and then...the sound of tearing clothes.

At this time, the idiot could also imagine what was going on on the other end of the phone.

Shen Huai also began to realize the seriousness of the matter. On the other end of the phone, there are always women's screams and cries, and men's obscene words.

He handed the microphone to Hao Lin, and said solemnly, "I'd better go out for a while, you and I will keep in touch with each other by phone."

Hao Lin also became worried. After all, she didn't know how many gangsters there were, so she was really worried about letting Shen Huai take such a risk.

"It's okay... I've seen ghosts before, are you still afraid of people?"

Shenhuai comforted Haolin, quickly got dressed, and went out.

However, according to the map, although Zongyue Road can be found, the road name Beiying Road cannot be found at all.

Is the map out of date, or did the woman remember it wrong

Shenhuai's home is far from Zongyue Road, and it takes about half an hour to drive. Even if she could arrive, the woman would most likely be in danger. But he has already called the police station, and the police should be able to arrive at the scene soon.

The reason why Hao Lin hung up the phone was because he was worried that if the gangsters found out if he kept on the call, they might be afraid that his voice would be heard, so they could find out the address through the dialed number displayed on the phone and hurt him. He and Hao Lin.

The threat of being cursed has made them nowhere to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth, and they don't want to be threatened by humans anymore.

When Shenhuai's car arrived at Zongyue Road, the streets there were deserted, and after searching for a long time, they found nothing, there was no Beiying Road.

However, the road itself is not long, and there are indeed several lanes around it, but they found nothing.

Shenhuai didn't know what to do, so he could only get in the car and go home.

As a result, he didn't sleep well all night, and he kept thinking about what happened to that woman afterwards. This matter was more or less weird, which made him feel unnatural.

On the second day, shortly after he got up, two policemen came to visit.

He immediately thought that there must have been some progress last night, and they should have found out the address based on the phone number.

First of all, a policeman asked him if he called the police station yesterday. After Shenhuai answered "yes", the policeman's expression immediately became serious and said, "Comrade, do you know Do you know that you are legally responsible for reporting false alarms? Because we received a call to the police yesterday, we immediately dispatched the police to Zongyue Road to search, but we did not find the gangsters and victims you mentioned at all!"

Shen Huai's ominous premonition came true again.

The phone call last night was really weird.

But, the weirder... is yet to come.

"Also... Even if you reported a false alarm, you wouldn't tease us like this, right? Beiying Road is the old name of Huaying Road, which intersects with Zongyue Road, ten years ago. Ten years ago, there was indeed an incident there In a bloody case, four gangsters raped and killed a woman in an alley, but the case has already been solved, and the murderer has been brought to justice. Why don't you use the case from ten years ago to amuse us?"


Shen Huai only felt the coolness behind her...

So, the person who called him last night, could it be... Could it be...