Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 129: Cursed souls


" the tomb of Yuan Ji?"

Mu Jing brought Weijing to Yuan Ji's tomb. The simple tomb formed by the dwarf mound.

Tombs without bones.

"I don't want you to be too afraid of Yuan Ji, because...she is your sister. She has the same gene as you, and was born in this world because of you..."

Weijing bent down and gently stroked the mound.

"The soil... looks like it was recently turned over..."

She felt that someone had dug this tomb. And this also surprised Mu Jing very much, this is an empty tomb!

"Dig it out and have a look." Weijing began to have a bad feeling.

But neither he nor Weijing noticed... Behind the tomb, Runli had been watching them secretly.

Under Run An's protection, Run Li never knew anything about her curse. She always believed that it was only Ah Jing who was cursed, and her brother was only saving those cursed from a humanitarian point of view. Therefore, she does not need to endure the pain of waiting for death, and can live a normal life like a normal person.

And so it is possible to love...

However, when she cursed on the stairs, she really thought she was going to die. When she was captured by that ghost and returned to the twisted space, she really thought she was going to die.

When Mu Jing's hand grabbed her and left that alien space, the originally ambiguous feelings in her heart became clear.

Runli discovered that she was actually...

"In short, this is definitely related to the curse of time."

When Shenhuai and Haolin visited Runan's house and told him the phone call from last night, everyone reached a consensus. For now, it's the time curse. But, is it aimed at Shenhuai, or Haolin

Or... was it aimed at both of them at the same time

"I need the detailed information of the woman who died ten years ago." Shen Huai made this request to Run An solemnly. With Ajing's extraordinary hacking skills and Runli's intelligence gathering ability, it should be easy to do this. And when he said this, he noticed that Runli was not there.

"Where did your sister go?" Hao Lin also noticed this and asked suspiciously.

"I went out early in the morning, and I don't know where she went." Run An is now completely focused on how to save Ah Jing. She is now extremely nervous, curled up on the bed all day long, and often I have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, and feel that ghosts are coming every moment.

If this continues, she will definitely have a nervous breakdown. Run An also did not expect Ah Jing to be so vulnerable when facing her own curse.

In the face of death, people cannot be strong after all.

When the shovel was about half a meter deep, it felt like it had touched something hard.

how come!

Mu Jing never imagined that such a thing would happen!

He put down the shovel and began to dig the earth with his hands.

A foul smell came out, and as the soil was dug up continuously, a face that was almost festered appeared in front of him.

"Ah! This is..."

Weijing couldn't help covering her mouth.

The corpse was wearing a long gown with a long hem, which looked very antique. And in the center of that gown, embroidered... a big purple eye!

This corpse... Could it be...

But at this moment, at the position of that eye, the clothes started to bulge slowly. Mu Jing was completely stunned at that moment, and the bulge got higher and higher, and soon burst through the clothes, revealing …

An eerie white head!

At this moment, Mu Jing was almost out of his wits, but... in an instant, when he looked again, the head just now had disappeared without a trace, as if it was just a dream.

However, that corpse was real, still lying in the mud, exuding a stench...

This corpse was none other than Gongsun Ya.

From the phantom of the head, Mu Jing was basically sure that it was the evil spirit of Yuan Ji who killed him.

This hard-won clue was cut off like this.

At midnight that night, both Shen Huai and Hao Lin couldn't fall asleep because they didn't know if that call would come again.

Although I kept praying in my heart that everything would end here, this was still an unavoidable disaster.

The sudden rapid phone ringing almost stopped the hearts of Shen Huai and Hao Lin.

With trembling hands, Hao Lin hesitated for a long time before answering the phone.

The voice that seemed to come from hell sounded again.

"Help me...please help me...they're after me..."

That pitiful and mournful cry, at such a time, Shen Huai and Hao Lin couldn't help but have goose bumps all over their bodies. On the other end of the phone is a woman who died ten years ago!

It's a time curse.

Ling was deluded and changed her memories of the past during the continuous flow of time; Luo Zhilong drowned a few hours ahead of time; as for John, he was brought back to the date of death that he had escaped by the flow of time.

The time in City G has been completely messed up. Now, he wouldn't be surprised if a woman called Shen Huai ten years ago.

"Please..." Hao Lin begged the woman, "Please don't call me again, please let us go..."

No matter what Hao Lin said to her, that woman only kept repeating one sentence: "Help me!"

Hao Lin hung up the phone harshly, then hung up the phone line, and said to Shen Huai: "Don't... don't bother with this call, go to sleep... let's go to sleep first..." But then the phone rang again!

Shen Huai threw the whole phone on the ground in resentment, then he frantically raised a chair by the bed and smashed it down!

The chair fell on the phone, and the dropped microphone sent out the woman's scream for help: "Help me! Help me!"

The strange thing is... the sound became louder and louder, causing Shenhuai to wonder if he had touched the hands-free button.

"help me-"

The next scream came from the microphone at a deafening volume. Shen Huai and Hao Lin froze completely, and the scream continued.

Shen Huai finally made up his mind to continue smashing, but no matter how he smashed it, even smashing the whole phone, the sound was still lingering, and even became louder and louder, gradually reaching the limit of the human ear!

Soon, there was a knock on the door outside, it was the neighbors who heard the screams. They all shouted outside: "Quickly open the door! What was that noise just now? Someone is calling for help!"


Shen Huai almost had a nervous breakdown, the phone had been smashed into a pile of parts, but the sound couldn't be stopped no matter what!

Unable to bear it any longer, he finally burst into a roar: "You bitch! You deserve to be raped! If you have the guts, you will turn into a ghost and come to me. I'm not afraid of you!"

Shen Huai, who has always been calm, finally lost his mind when faced with this abnormal time curse. He didn't realize at all that as soon as he uttered these words, the curse officially started.

The sound stopped.

At this moment, Shenhuai felt as if his ears were deaf, and he couldn't even hear the neighbor's yelling clearly.

Carefully recalling that sentence just now, Shen Huai immediately regretted it.

He did something utterly stupid.

Could it be... that female ghost... will come to him

Just because of what I said

But everything was answered quickly.

The next day, Run An came to the file room of the Gate of Hades again. Ming Huarui went with him to the database that kept the initial stage of the establishment. Rows of shelves are filled with all kinds of supernatural materials.

"Yes... I found it!"

Ming Huarui took out a file bag, showed it to Run An and said, "It should be this, right? The female ghost incident on Zongyue Road. It was the woman who was raped and murdered ten years ago. It is said that her ghost has been haunting her ever since, and there are still ghosts inside." There are photos!"

Run An nodded, took the file bag, took out some papers, and sure enough, he saw the photos. In the photo, the silhouette of Bai Youyou floated on the wall of an alleyway.

"Then..." He then asked Ming Huarui again: "Do you still remember? You are a reporter who worked in the early days of the Gate of Hades, right?"

"I'm ashamed," said Ming Huarui, who seemed to be very embarrassed when he said this: "I couldn't find a job after graduating from university, so I had to come here to work. I still remember the incident of the female ghost on Zongyue Road. Qiu Zhan, who had passed away, Chang You took me to Zongyue Road with Yan Ruixin, the psychic recruiter, and Tong Moyan, the psychic... "

These familiar names reminded Run An of the curse of the Mansion of Dawn. The seven members of Hades Gate all died in that horrible haunted house.

"Well, speaking of it, Tong Moyan died last year. And the station master and Ms. Yan also disappeared inexplicably, probably killed..." Ming Huarui looked very sad when he said this.

This reminded Run An that among the people who died in the Dawn Pavilion, only Tong Moyan left his body, and the others disappeared.

What Ming Huarui said next caused a great reaction from him.

"But... Tong Moyan died, but I didn't feel any sadness, but rather happy..."

These words surprised Run An, and he began to look at Ming Hua Rui carefully. She is a senior reporter from the Gate of Hades. She is 31 years old this year. She is a very capable professional woman with a decent conversation, but she is very excited when encountering things related to supernatural beings.

Tong Moyan also has ghost eyes, this should not be wrong.

"Mr. Yi... I will only tell you about this matter." Ming Huarui said mysteriously: "I saw it once before. It was the time of the female ghost incident on Zongyue Road. At that time, I was in charge of filming and photographing Shi Shen Ang searched for a place that might be haunted by a female ghost, and took pictures of her traces. There was no clue at all, but... Tong Moyan's eyes suddenly turned purple for a moment, looked behind me, and then said to me : 'She's right behind you.'”


You can't go wrong!

Those are mutated ghost eyes!

"Then, Shen Ang took the photo you see now. At that moment, only I noticed that his eyes had turned purple. But, I felt that the soul seemed to be absorbed by his eyes So-so. I feel... he seems to be a demon! A demon!"

Tong Moyan had obviously been dead for such a long time, but at this point, Ming Huarui still couldn't stop her fear.

"But... I'm still uneasy... because when the police found his body, his eyes were gouged out! Those abnormal eyes..."

Run An looked at the photo in his hand and gradually understood.

Tong Moyan probably possesses phantom ghost eyes, and can see transparent ghosts. But why did ghost eyes bring such a deep sense of fear to Ming Huarui

At the same time, is the female ghost on Zongyue Road really a curse to Shen Huai and Hao Lin