Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 131: The evil spirit appeared


"I am very grateful for your kindness, but in my heart, only Yuanji is alone."

Mu Jing knew that this was the cruelest answer for Runli, but he had to tell her that.

"But Yuanji is dead... Weijing is not Yuanji..." When Runli said this, she actually changed the subject and said: "Mu Jing, the main body and the clone are not the same person. common sense!"

Runli is unwilling to give up hope no matter what.

When Yilian showed her Weijing's photo in that distorted space back then, as a woman, Runli was also amazed at its proud beauty. Although Weijing is not yet twenty years old, her pure and beautiful appearance, just a photo, is enough to captivate all living beings, even women are very attracted.

It's hard for Runli to imagine being with such a beautiful woman day and night without being moved at all.

Mu Jing still can't forget Yuan Ji, and it's easy to understand why he empathized with Weijing. Run Liming knew this, but she still couldn't just accept it like this.

Even if Mu Jing is a clone, even if he is a cursed person, it doesn't matter to Run Li.

She only wanted to win Mu Jing's heart.

"I..." Mu Jing turned his head away from Runli's face and said, "Now I'm only thinking about lifting the curse, so... I don't intend to think about it..."

"I won't let you die, Mu Jing!"

Runli's heart is very firm.

"I won't let you die... absolutely not!"

Mu Jing was not moved at all.

"You go back. Runli, we... are impossible. Wish Ji is my everything, so Weijing is the only one for me. You won't understand. Even if you face a curse, you won't Shaken. I . . . never forgot her for a single moment."

"But Weijing is not Yuan Ji!"

Runli's tears had already begun to flow, and she said with the last courage in her heart: "Although many people misunderstand, from a scientific point of view, even if you inherit the same gene, it doesn't mean you are the same person." Listen...Mu Jing. In fact, in the early days of the establishment of cloning technology, no one called human cloning a "replicant", thinking that human cloning is a copy of the original body, which is a misunderstanding and distortion of scientific reality in science fiction. The so-called cloning It's just a kind of artificial asexual reproduction technology. It's just your illusion to think that Weijing and Yuanji are the same. Think about it carefully... Are they really the same? They can really replace each other completely ?"

And it is true. Mu Jing has indeed read many science fiction novels related to human cloning, because there are no public examples of human cloning in the world, and everything about human cloning is still based on assumptions. However, the thinking inertia of cloning as a replicator is very widespread.

He also really believed that human cloning can replace the main body, and conversely, the main body can also replace human cloning.

He began to think carefully, it really Yuan Ji? What is his standard for viewing the essence of life

That standard is actually just one's own subjective wish.

It's just that I don't want to admit it.

"Are you serious?" After careful consideration, Shen Huai asked Run An seriously: "If you can't do it, I can do it for you..."

"No, I can do it."

When Run An said this, his expression didn't change at all.

Ah Jing was not present at this time, and she is still resting in bed. Recently, she has recurrent fevers and coughs that cannot be stopped.

"Don't Ah Jing know?" Hao Lin still couldn't agree with this approach: "You really decided? This is murder!"

"Yes, killing people, but... so what?" Run An had already fully understood Ren Senbo's mood, and decided to inherit his will and let Ah Jing get rid of this chain of curses.

In order for him and Ah Jing to survive, he didn't care if one or two people were sacrificed. Just think about being suddenly taken away by ghosts who don’t know where to hide, and at the same time of death, you have to experience the pain like Fenghui, Anyuan and the others, and the guilt brought by killing people, etc., are simply insignificant up.

In this abnormal world, only by abandoning common sense can one find a way out.

Hao Lin is also very aware of this point. She lived with her dead brother for two years. This kind of ridiculous thing is still unbelievable like a dream, but it is an undeniable reality. She also felt that this world was too crazy, compassion could not save them, and perhaps only by using some special means could they find a way out.

"But..." Hao Lin was still hesitant: "Even if the ghost eyes are restored..."

"I will eat human flesh again, and then have yin and yang ghost eyes," Run An said in a very normal tone, "Ren Senbo used yin and yang ghost eyes to fight against the curse of time. As long as he can live Come on, I'll do anything."

"Cannibalism is useless." Shen Huai suddenly interrupted him, saying: "Otherwise the company would have been eaten by Mu Jing long ago. Only when the soul-devouring ghost eye transforms into the spirit-cracking ghost eye can rely on eating human flesh. Having said that... how do you know this? This is the result of internal research in the company, I don't remember telling you."

Run An recalled that this was when the real horror movie cursed, Ah Jing deliberately used hypnotic potions to ask Shen Huai to tell them, but he was given amnesiac medicine afterwards, so it is normal for him not to remember.

Hao Lin picked up the scattered papers on the ground one by one. When she picked up the file bag containing the materials, her heart tightened suddenly, and she took out a few more papers from it!

"Run An, there is still information here...the record of Zongyue Road's female ghost haunting five years ago..." While looking through the materials, she didn't find Run An's pale face.

" could it be? There is no such document!" Run An snatched the papers and appended a lot of new photos. But there are no such papers in this file bag!

five years ago

How is this going

Runan looked into the file bag again, there was no more paper in it, and then he started to look at the documents that shouldn't exist.

Regardless of the authenticity of this information, why did these papers suddenly appear

While he was holding the document bag, suddenly...

Run An felt that the bag was bulging again!

He reached into the bag, and unexpectedly... pulled out a few more sheets of paper!

This is... the record of the female ghost on Zongyue Road four years ago!

Run An immediately understood...

This is the curse of time, that female ghost is constantly changing history and approaching the present!

He continued to reach into the file bag, and actually took out new materials! Just like that, not long after... a report on the situation of the female ghost on Zongyue Road last year was displayed in front of him.

The content of the report is that the haunting phenomenon has not only spread to Zongyue Road, but has spread to all parts of the city. In the streets and alleys, countless witnesses have seen the ghost of the victimized woman in the past.

" is it possible..."

She actually appeared now!

At this moment, suddenly the half-hidden door of the living room was opened.

A woman with long hair and a blood-stained overalls walked in! There was a knife stuck in her heart!

Run An was so pissed at the sight that he couldn't move his whole body, and just stood there in a daze.

And Shen Huai and Hao Lin also reacted in the same way, they were all shocked by the sudden shocking horror.

That woman... no, the female ghost twisted her neck a few times, and said vaguely in her mouth: "Why... why... don't come... save me..."

Then, her body floated directly towards Shen Huai!

When her cold hand pinched Shen Huai's neck, Shen Huai woke up like a dream. Trembling, he took out the silencer pistol he had been carrying from his body, aimed at the female ghost's forehead and pulled the trigger.

The bullet penetrated the female ghost's head instantly, and blood spurted out. The female ghost immediately let go of Shen Huai and covered the wound on her forehead. Floating out of the door of the living room, and then, that door also slammed shut!

It was just a matter of a few seconds, and it took the three of them about five minutes to recover gradually.

Shen Huai looked at the blood splattered on her body, and immediately shouted: "It's her blood! Her blood splattered on me!"

Hao Lin was also frightened out of her wits. She is still in a trance, her eyes are blurred, and she can't speak normally at all.

As for Run An, Ah Jing immediately came to mind. When the female ghost came in just now, Ah Jing was lying next door. If she saw such a scene, she might be frightened out of her mind on the spot, right? At the same time, he was extremely glad that Runli was not at home now.

That female ghost is here... She wants to take Shenhuai's life! I am afraid that even Hao Lin will not be spared.

"I... I agree with your plan, Run An..." Shen Huai held the gun tightly, and said to Run An in a voice that almost roared: "Where is that Ming Huarui? I promise you, go immediately Kill her!"

Ming Huarui actually doesn't like supernatural phenomena.

Ever since seeing Tong Moyan's purple eyes, she has had a dream repeatedly.

In the dream, she is an ancient imperial concubine, who has gathered thousands of favors and is charming. Although she is not a queen, she has the same status as a queen in the harem.

What kind of dynasty was that in? It seems to be a small country in the south during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

Because of encountering the emperor's blessing by chance, she gave birth to Longzi. In ancient times, when mothers were more expensive than children, especially in the imperial palace, this was a great capital.

That dream has been repeated over and over again. The dream was so clear and real that when she woke up many times, she felt that everything in reality was more like a dream.

Although she herself studies spirituality, she still feels that the theory of past and present lives is relatively illusory. However, after having that dream so many times, she gradually began to doubt...

Could it be that everything in the dream is her previous life

Last night, she had that dream again.

In this dream, a new character has been added.

That person is an imperial physician in the palace, surnamed Liang. Within a period of time after giving birth to the dragon son, the emperor sent that doctor to become the prince's attending doctor.

In the dream, the prince she gave birth to was very healthy and did not need medical treatment. However, the emperor seemed to value this child very much.

Then the dream woke up.

A very strange dream.

After get off work, she wandered alone on the street, constantly thinking about the cause and effect of this dream, and did not notice that the two men were always following behind her.

"There are too many people here, wait until there are fewer people." Run An saw that Shen Huai was very restless now, and kept persuading him to calm down.

"I don't want to wait any longer!" After Shen Huai's horrible experience just now, coupled with his character of indifference to life, he can't bear it now, and just wants to do it immediately: "Since there is chameleon liquid, even killing people here , it doesn't matter!"

"If there are too many people, it is easy to accidentally injure others, but if you shoot too close, you will easily get blood on your body. At that time, your body will no longer be completely hidden. Listen to me, as long as there is this liquid, who will be killed afterwards? Can't find out. And try to make sure that one shot kills her. Understand?"

At this moment, Run An and Shen Huai are both in a state of invisibility that blends with the surrounding environment.

Finally, we came to a relatively remote intersection. There were few pedestrians around, and Ming Huarui walked very slowly because he was thinking about problems.

"Okay... Shenhuai, let's do it!"

Run An gave the order to kill.

When Shenhuai heard this, he pointed the gun at Ming Huarui's back and pulled the trigger.

The bullet shot into Ming Huarui's head in an instant...