Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 136: Chaotic space (2)


Endless stairs.

Although knowing that everything is futile, Mu Jing can only continue to repeat the cycle of reincarnation with Runli. But physical strength is actually being consumed.

If it continues like this, it will only be a matter of time before he dies here.

The pursuit of the ghosts behind them never stopped, and the distance between the two sides was constantly shortening. From the original distance of one whole step to the present, there are about ten steps apart!

Moreover, this distance continues to shrink.

Out of fear, neither Mu Jing nor Run Li dared to look back. And Yilian has died at least a dozen times.

And the most terrifying thing happened at this moment.

Originally, Mu Jing was holding onto Runli's hand tightly all the time, but at this moment, that hand... unexpectedly let go!

He suddenly turned his head to look, but the stairs behind him... were empty.

Is it exactly the same as what happened in the past

Runli was brought back to the 15th floor by the ghost, and then went up to find her by herself, but the ghost pretended to be Runli and almost killed herself. That memory is still vivid in Mu Jing's mind.

Do you want to do it all over again

That time, the reason why he was able to escape was due to too much luck. The main reason is that he possesses the ghost blade, which can break through the barriers of different dimensions, and escape when the connection between the two dimensions is about to be completely disconnected, so he can escape.

This time, I was just a human being made of flesh and blood.

He is completely desperate.

"Give it back to me..." Mu Jing shouted in a mournful voice, "Yan Ji, return Runli to me!"

Lost in this chaotic and disorderly space, Mu Jing felt as if he had returned to Nuosolan Company.

Although Mu Jing kept screaming in despair, no one answered him on the stairs.

After all... Is it still only to go to the 15th floor

Mu Jing raised his head.

Facing such a hopeless situation, he almost lost hope that he would survive. However, Runli should not die here. She is obviously such a kind girl, she deserves to be happy.

Mu Jing started to walk upstairs.

Everything is exactly the same as before.

At first, he found Runli in a bedroom of Wen Bangming's home. As soon as he entered the bedroom, the ghost walked around behind him and covered his eyes.

Thinking of this, he shivered suddenly, and his steps gradually slowed down.

Finally, the 15th floor arrived.

Relying on his memory, Mu Jing easily came to Wen Bangming's house.

The door was cut open by his ghost blade, and there was a corpse lying inside. Mu Jing remembered that the man was Ma Xiangzhou, and the ghost ran into his body and pulled Wen Bangming into his body.

Seeing this scene now, Mu Jing still feels sick.

"Wan Ji... here I come... Please, let Run Li go! Please!"

Mu Jing hesitated at the door, he really didn't have the courage to go in again.

It is actually a miracle that he can still maintain his sanity in such an environment.

What to do next? go in? still…

Mu Jing was about to go crazy.

Finally, he had to go in. He couldn't bear Runli's death.

Moreover, Yuan Ji cannot be allowed to kill her.

Mu Jing walked slowly towards the bedroom.

He knew that the moment he entered the bedroom, the ghost would cover his eyes behind his back.

Just when he was thinking about how to deal with it, suddenly he heard the sound of many people walking outside the door, he quickly opened a door and hid in, with a small opening.

To his surprise...

Three people walked in from the outer door, and those three people were... Yuan Feng, Zhang Yuanzhi and Luo Zhilong in turn!

How could it be them

Yuan Feng looked at Ma Xiangzhou's body on the ground, sighed and said, "Oh, I'm afraid all those who entered this space by mistake are dead. Forget it, let's take the body back for experimentation. Zhilong, here Check all the rooms, and transport all the corpses to be dissected and studied."

Why did they appear in this place when they were already dead

Mu Jing was completely confused.

This chaotic space is full of puzzling things! He felt that he was not far from a mental breakdown.

"It's really incomprehensible..." Luo Zhilong looked at Ma Xiangzhou's broken head and Wen Bangming's protruding foot, and said to Zhang Yuanzhi next to him, "How did this person get into his body?" Did you go? If you study carefully, you may be able to develop new technologies... "

At this time, Zhang Yuanzhi was about to come to the room where he was hiding now. In desperation, Mu Jing immediately took out the small bottle of chameleon liquid that Ah Jing had given him in the past, and quickly dripped three drops on his body.

Compared with the appearance of Yuanfeng and the others, he was more concerned about where Runli was now

Are you still in the same bedroom

Next, Mu Jing watched helplessly as Yuanfeng and the others transported all the corpses of Wen Bangming's family out, and then entered a group of staff wearing biochemical suits, all of whom were former employees of Nuosolan Company. They put the bodies on stretchers and carried them out one by one.

Out of curiosity, Mu Jing also followed them. He can roughly confirm that Runli is not here. Even if the people from Nuosolan Company are not experts in the supernatural, they are at least extremely advanced researchers in the field of all human beings. If they can't find it, it means that they are here. There are no people or ghosts anymore.

Of course, they didn't consider the situation of using chemical drugs to hide the body like Mu Jing. In fact, as long as there is an infrared scanner, his existence can be easily found.

What a sarcasm.

Of course, Mu Jing himself doesn't know that the reason why this company has so many supernatural materials is that Ren Senbo provided them through various channels.

Following the group of staff, they continued to walk up the stairs along the stairs.

When they got to the 18th floor (Mu Jing couldn't remember how many floors Yilian's apartment had, but in this space, even if it extended to the 100th floor, he wouldn't be surprised), they entered this floor.

Mu Jing also followed in.

But at this moment, in the normal space, Run An and A Jing are anxiously waiting for Mu Jing and Run Li at home. However, after waiting for a long time, neither of them came.

"I'm afraid something happened..." An ominous premonition flashed through Ah Jing's mind, and then she said to Run An: "Recall... when you had a premonition that you and Run Li would die, the specific sequence was... "

"She died before me." Runan bit her lip and said, "So if I'm still alive, it's fine..."

"Not necessarily..." Ah Jing shook her head and vetoed Run An's conclusion: "What we are facing is the curse of time, and the order of time is meaningless. But if Mu Jing and Run Li stay together, the surroundings of the two of them will The flow of time should be relatively consistent. Let me ask you... When you had a premonition that Runli would die, did you have any images of Mu Jing in your mind before and after? He is an extremely handsome man, you should have a deeper impression, right? "

Run An immediately thought that in the city where he and Run Li originally lived, his premonition far surpassed his current self in terms of time and place.

But it had been so many years after all, even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't remember it.

At this moment, the sound of a key opening the door came from outside.

Runli pushed the door open and walked in.

Mu Jing was stunned.

how come…

This floor existed in the experimental building of the Nuosolan Company Branch in City E where he used to stay! He, Shen Huai, and Yuan Ji lived and grew up in this place!

How can it be

The building in City E is actually connected to an ordinary apartment in City G

wrong! Mu Jing thought about it carefully, this apartment is not in G City, but in a different dimension! So, is that apartment also part of the chaotic space

However, judging from the timeline, it is correct that the Nuosolan company has completely disappeared from the earth at this time...

no no no...

Mu Jing felt his brain was in chaos.

It's a time-disordered space where past, present and future simply don't make sense. Any point in time can be intersected together.

After the staff walked out of the door, Yuanfeng took out a remote control and pressed a button on the door, and then the door became transparent, and then disappeared without a trace...

Mu Jing immediately understood why he hadn't discovered this door in the past.

So, now he can see his past self, Shen Huai, and Yuan Ji

For what purpose did Ji Ji bring him here

He began to walk slowly along the corridor.

The space on this floor far exceeds what can be seen from the outside. Perhaps because of the time distortion, even the space is also distorted? Its actual area is about the size of three football fields combined. Only him, Shen Huai and Yuan Ji lived on this floor.

Are you looking for Shen Huai? May Ji? Or was it my past self

In this terrifying space, he thinks that no one is trustworthy, and everything around him is like a dream.

At this moment, he unknowingly...

I came to a corner of the corridor in front of the door of the room where I lived in the past.

And at this moment, the door opened in an instant, and closed again in an instant! At this moment, he saw his former self, who was still a young man at this time!

He hurried over. And at this time, the door opened again.

Under the purple-blue light, the blood-red long blade pierced Mu Jing's heart.

The old self with a wary face held up the ghost blade, stared at him covetously, and said in his mouth: " monster..."

Ghost eyes can see through the camouflage of chameleon liquid.

In an instant, Mu Jing suddenly realized that the man with the ghost face on his chest that he killed when he was a child was actually himself! His spirit splitting ghost eyes can see ghosts that the naked eye cannot see.

He remembered that the pale female ghost's face was attached to the left chest of the strange man. If he recalled it carefully, it didn't actually grow on it, but the hair on the man's head was wrapped around the man's body. So he immediately pierced the head with the ghost blade.

now think of it…

That head is... Yuan Ji! At this moment, her head is sticking to her chest!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Jing's body began to decay gradually, and the skin peeled off like dry bark. Then, it gradually turned into dust and spread to the head.

"Runli... Runli... I'm sorry..."

Then, in front of the young Mu Jing, the young Mu Jing turned into a skeleton, and then the skeleton turned into dust. The dust, blown by a gust of wind, kept drifting away...

The girl Yuan Ji, standing at the other end of the corridor, holding the pocket watch in her hand, watching the dust being sucked into the dial of the pocket watch and turning into a part of this chaotic space...

Everything created by this chaotic space, Nuosolan Company, the three clones, and the existence of Hao Lin, Yuan Feng and others, were completely wiped out in G City.

The DVD of "Death and Human Shape" that had been kept in Run An's house also disappeared in an instant.

When Ah Jing saw Run Li walking in, the first thing she said was to ask, "Run Li... Where is Mu Jing? Where is Mu Jing?"

And Run An and Run Li brothers and sisters looked at her inexplicably.

"Mu Jing... who is it?"

The two asked in unison.

In that chaotic space, no matter what has existed, it cannot leave traces in real time. Whether it is a memory or an image, it will become empty.

On the contrary, because Runli has nothing to do with this curse, she is automatically repelled by this space and returns to normal time. At the same time, when she entered that chaotic space at that time, Ah Jing, who had the door of space in her body, was able to get out of the curse list because of her special physique, which was in the gap between space and space.

The date of her death has not yet come...

"Ah... that's right... who is Mu Jing?" Ah Jing suddenly felt that her brain was in chaos, and immediately, all the information related to "Mu Jing" was completely erased, as if being erased by an eraser.

From now on, these three people will never recall anything related to Nuosolan Company.


(End of Volume 10 "Chaos")

Volume 11 Twins