Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 137: sisters


After the New Year's firecrackers passed, G City also ushered in the early spring of today.

After the winter snow has gradually melted away, the busy new year has officially begun.

Qiao Pinyue rode a bicycle, looked at the watch on her wrist from time to time, and walked along a very clean road to Yueying High School where she was going to teach. Today is her first day of reporting, so she has been very nervous all the time. This job was introduced to her by her uncle who is the vice principal of this high school, so she cherishes it and feels very stressed.

Maybe it was a little impatient, but when she was turning a road, she didn't notice a stone on the road, and she hit it directly, causing her to lose her balance, and she fell heavily to the ground, and the bag in the bicycle net bag also fell to the ground. on the ground.

Fortunately, the fall was not heavy, and there were basically no injuries on the body. Qiao Pinyue patted the ashes on her body, and when she was about to stand up, she stretched out a hand in front of her.

She looked up and saw a girl in a school uniform. She was very beautiful, but her expression was very indifferent, and she said: "Get up."

"Okay... okay. Thank you."

Qiao Pinyue stood up holding the female student's hand, and she turned around and left. Qiao Pinyue said again: "Thank you!"

But the female student didn't look back.

After picking up the bicycle, Qiao Pinyue picked up the bag and continued to ride towards the school.

When she was half an hour old, she walked into the classroom she taught, Class 3, Grade 2, Yueying High School, with a feeling of uneasiness. She just graduated from a normal university last year, and she still has some concerns about whether she can be a high school teacher. Having been a student, she knows very well that the current students are not easy to manage, and now is the critical period for them to enter the third year of high school, and she may take them to graduation in the future.

After entering the classroom, she first took a rough look at the students in the classroom. Everyone was noisy at first, but as soon as the teacher came in, there was no sound at all, and everyone sat upright.

Looking at the faces that will be with her for a long time in the future, Qiao Pinyue gradually calmed down and began to introduce herself: "Hello, everyone, I am the Chinese teacher who will take over from Teacher Zhang as your head teacher this semester. My name is It's Qiao Pinyue, I hope we can get along well, then..."

She had already walked to the podium at this moment, opened the roster, and planned to get acquainted with the students in the class through the roll call.

At this time, she suddenly realized that the female student was sitting under the stage!

She is actually his student

Qiao Pinyue was a little surprised by this TV drama-like coincidence, but she quickly calmed down and began to count the names on the roster, and guess which one belonged to that female student. It is rare to see such a beautiful female high school student as her.

"Zhang Zhixin!"


"Tang Ruoyun!"


"Jin Xianhui!"

When the name was pronounced, the female student said: "Here!"

This is a very good name, Qiao Pinyue thought so.

When the roll call was over, she began to say: "Today is the first day of school, let's all get to know each other. Well, who is the monitor?"

A girl sitting next to Jin Xianhui raised her hand, and Qiao Pinyue immediately signaled her to stand up.

"Hello, Teacher Qiao, I'm Zhang Zhixin, the class monitor."

This girl's voice is full and powerful, and she seems to have a sunny personality. This is in sharp contrast to Jin Xianhui, her expression is still the same as before, very indifferent, without any emotional color, probably a very introverted student, right

"Well, please introduce yourself, and then, anyone who wants to introduce themselves can stand up and say, I hope everyone's relationship can be like friends." Qiao Pinyue intends to use this method to ease the atmosphere , Let yourself gradually become one with the students.

When she was in high school, she didn't have a teacher with a deep impression. Most of them are scripted, and the class can make people drowsy, and the classroom discipline is naturally chaotic. And teachers often turn a blind eye, have little communication and interaction with students, and their feelings are very indifferent.

Qiao Pinyue doesn't want to be such a teacher, but a teacher who can impress the students.

The class monitor has a very cheerful personality, and he talked about many things about her and the class without hesitation, and at the same time said that he would become the teacher's right-hand man. While she was talking, Qiao Pinyue also saw a lot of people whispering and whispering, wondering what they were discussing? Are you talking about yourself? Are you still talking about the monitor? Or is it simply irrelevant

The classroom atmosphere that followed was quite active, and many people took the initiative to introduce themselves. After about half a class, she saw that the time was almost up, so she stopped temporarily and began to explain the teaching plan for this semester and some things about the college entrance examination to the students.

During the lecture, she always looked at Jin Xianhui intentionally or unintentionally. She didn't stand up and introduce herself just now. During the lecture, although she took notes seriously, her expression was too cold. She was at the same table with someone with such a sunny personality as the monitor, but she had such a cold personality. strangeness.

However, people's character is not easy to change. Judging from her helping herself, she is actually very enthusiastic in her heart, right? Qiao Pinyue thought so.

After the get out of class bell rang, the students all walked out of the classroom one after another, but Jin Xianhui sat motionless all the time.

At this time, she took out a book from her schoolbag to read, because she put the book on the table and read it, Qiao Pinyuemei didn't see what it was. So she walked over, and Zhang Zhixin had left her seat at this time, and she greeted her with a smile: "Student Jin Xianhui, hello, thank you so much this morning."

She raised her head, looked at her suspiciously, and then said, "I'm sorry, teacher, I don't understand what you mean."

This surprised Qiao Pinyue. Could it be that she has forgotten her appearance

"Didn't you lift me up in the morning? At that time I accidentally fell to the ground..."

Jin Xianhui blinked her eyebrows, shook her head, and said, "That's not me."

"Eh?" Qiao Pinyue was puzzled, what's going on? No matter how you look at it, she is the female student who helped her up!

"Teacher... Please don't confuse me with her. You should be talking about Jin Xianna. She and I are twins, so they look very similar."


Qiao Pinyue didn't react for a while, and felt that Jin Xianhui might be joking with her. Her tone is too strange, if such a twin sister really exists, why is her attitude so indifferent

After saying this, she lowered her head and continued to read the book, completely acting like no one else was there, and had no intention of continuing to talk to Qiao Pinyue.

Seeing her indifferent attitude, Qiao Pinyue couldn't continue to ask, so she had to leave temporarily. On the way, she was thinking, is it true that the female student in the morning is not Jin Xianhui? But she was wearing the same school uniform, and her expression was so cold. If this is true, then that twin sister should also be a student of this high school.

She happened to meet Zhang Zhixin in the corridor, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Squad leader, hello... I have a question for you."

"Okay, teacher, you can ask."

"Jin Xianhui, who is sitting next to you, does she have a twin sister?"

"Ah...Xiao Hui, yes. But teacher, you'd better not mention this in front of her. That's her younger sister, who is also studying in this high school, in Class 4."

"Is their sisterhood not good?"

"Oh... it's not just bad. Teacher, in fact, in the class, almost no one is willing to approach Xiaohui. The relationship between her and her sister is really bad, and both of them are extremely introverted. Well, as for her and her The reason for my sister's poor relationship, after all, involves other people's family privacy, I don't want to say... "

The squad leader was really shrewd, so Qiao Pinyue didn't continue to ask. In this way, what Jin Xianhui said was not a joke. If the sisters are extremely introverted, it is really not easy to communicate.

At this moment, Jin Xianhui came here suddenly, holding a book in his hand, when he passed by the two of them, he was completely as if there was no one else around, not only did he not say hello, he didn't even look at him. This feeling of being completely ignored made Qiao Pinyue feel very uncomfortable.

" she very lonely..." When Qiao Pinyue said that, she suddenly thought, could that person just now be not Jin Xianhui at all, but that younger sister? Although he was also holding a book, it couldn't be concluded that it was Jin Xianhui.

She just walked over like this just now, without even looking at the two of them, probably she didn't notice herself.

At that time, Qiao Pinyue just felt that she met a student with a more introverted personality. She thought that if she communicated more with her in the future, she should be able to try to open her heart. However, she never dreamed that this was the beginning of a series of nightmares...

After bidding farewell to Qiao Pinyue, Zhang Zhixin walked downstairs. As she passed a corridor, she inadvertently looked out the window. In the teaching building adjacent to here, and in the window facing here, she saw Jin Xianhui's figure. No... Maybe it's Jin Xianna.

The two teaching buildings are less than 20 meters apart, and Zhang Zhixin has very good eyesight, so she can see clearly.

At this time, the other party's eyes also passed here.

Although they are far away, for some reason, Zhang Zhixin always has a strange feeling of palpitations.

She stopped and began to look carefully at the girl in the opposite building (let's call her that).

She wants to try, can she see who the other party is

In the window of the teaching building opposite, only the girl can be seen now. Her hand was raised as if she was holding something. If you look closely, it looks like her mouth is chewing.

And, gradually discovered that her mouth opened and closed, as if biting something, and then chewed slowly.

is she eating something

Zhang Zhixin stuck his head out of the window, wanting to take a closer look.

At this time, the feeling of heart palpitations became more and more intense.

Is she an older sister or a younger sister

Zhang Zhixin has also been in contact with her sister a few times. It can be said that her character is carved out of the same mold as her sister, and her voice is extremely similar. Moreover, they are all wearing school uniforms at school, so if they don't talk, they can't speak outside the classroom. , She couldn't tell the difference at all, she didn't know how many times she had missed it.

She suddenly felt that the speed of the other party's chewing became faster. She didn't know if it was her own illusion.

Not long after, she walked forward, and soon her body disappeared behind the wall.

Zhang Zhixin shook his head, but finally couldn't figure it out. It is useless to ask any of them afterwards, because the other party is mostly silent.

Looking back carefully now, she was holding something to eat in her hand, it seemed... the color was a little red

However, because the color of the wall beside her is closer to red, it may be my own illusion.

At noon, Qiao Pinyue came to the school library during lunch break. She is a person who loves to soak in a pile of books for fun.

After choosing a few books from several bookshelves, she chose a seat to sit down, and not long after she sat down, another student suddenly sat across from her.

And that student is Jin Xianhui.

She was about to say hello to the other party, but she was not sure whether the other party was a sister or a younger sister, so she asked, "Excuse me..."

The other party looked up at her and asked blankly, "What's the matter?"

"Ah... Excuse me, are you..."

The other party suddenly seemed to understand and said: "You seem a little familiar... By the way, you are in the morning..."

"That's right! Then you are Jin Xianna's classmate, right? I'm your sister's head teacher."

When "sister" was mentioned, Jin Xianna immediately showed a disgusted expression, and then replied: "I see... I see." Then, she turned her gaze back to the book.

Qiao Pinyue had to sigh, the two sisters were so alike...