Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 139: Fierce blood


Yueying High School was already surrounded by police cars.

After the abnormal deaths of college students who traveled to Dazhi Mountain last year, the police have been under great pressure, because the case has not yet been solved, and the pressure of public opinion has caused the police circles in City G to feel that there is a lot of crisis.

And just when there was no clue about that case, a new bloody case occurred again, and the criminal investigation team leader Li Hongming also had a great headache.

A human head was found in the trash can of a high school. It should have been an unbelievable and vicious case, but compared with the previous case of forgotten death in Dazhishan, it was insignificant at all.

The identity of the deceased was soon determined. She was a student of this school, named Lu Ou. Police are currently searching the entire campus for the body below the head. At the same time, the forensic doctor also began to verify the time of death, and met Lu Ou's class teacher Shen Zhuoliang.

After Lu Ou's parents saw their daughter's head, they had been crying for three times in a row, and they couldn't talk to them at all.

Li Hongming chose an empty classroom, and talked about Lu Ou's death in detail with Shen Zhuoliang.

There were no cut marks on the neck of the corpse, but it seemed that it had been bent down alive. This is simply a terrifying strange power, it is hard to imagine that ordinary people commit crimes. Moreover, there was no trace of blood around the trash can, which was also extremely puzzling.

"I... I really don't know how to say it..." Shen Zhuoliang was also very emotional. After all, it was his student who died, and he died in such a horrible way. He still has a hard time accepting this fact. This meant that the school had infiltrated some horrific mass murderer, and just thinking about it gave a chill.

"Mr. Shen..." Li Hongming understood his mood very well, and after watching his mood gradually calm down, he said to him: "Excuse me... do you have any clues? Has Lu Ou made enemies with anyone? Or... "

"This... I really don't know. Today is the first day of school. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen... I have the impression that she is a girl with a cowardly personality, and she doesn't look like she will make enemies with others. Besides... she alone For a high school girl, even if she has an enmity with someone, it won’t be to the point where she needs to separate her head to vent her anger, right?”

Li Hongming nodded, and then continued to ask: "According to the student's testimony, she disappeared after finishing math class today. You haven't seen her since then?"

"I... I originally made an appointment with her to come to my office at noon to help... help her with math tutoring, but I didn't expect... to become like this..."

Then, he described in detail the process of searching for Lugu at noon. Li Hongming listened, and continued to ask: "Lu Ou's tablemate Jin Xianna, does she know something? From your description, her attitude is a bit abnormal..."

Shen Zhuoliang was taken aback, then shook his head and said: "This... her personality has always been like this, but maybe she really might know something, but she deliberately didn't tell me. Captain Li, do you want to ask her something?"

"Of course we can't let go of any clues, let her come."

Li Hongming looked out of the window at this moment, and a large number of policemen were looking for dead bodies all over the campus. But it seems that there is still no whereabouts.

The school had to suspend classes for this reason, and the students stayed in the classroom temporarily to cooperate with the police investigation. And this incident seemed to have leaked out, many journalists had already gathered at the gate of the school, and the entire security department was mobilized, so it was difficult to stop a large number of reporters from the gate. At the moment the school is in a state of extreme chaos.

Such a thing happened on the first day at school, and Qiao Pinyue felt a shadow cast over her heart.

Moreover, the student who seemed to die was a student from Class 4.

Class 4's classroom is next door to Class 3. When I thought of a student being killed so close to me, I couldn't suppress my fear.

Last year's Dazhi Mountain graduation trip collective abnormal death case of college students, because of its strong mystery and many unsolved mysteries of almost supernatural phenomena, the citizens of City G now generally have a panic mentality about the murder case. But this time, a girl's head was actually found. This kind of plot that only appears in horror novels happened in reality. Qiao Pinyue still feels that it has no sense of reality.

She even regretted it a little, and accepted her uncle's suggestion to come here as a teacher. Originally, she thought it would be more convenient and reassuring to work in her uncle's school, but now, this peaceful campus has become fraught with danger.

"Your name is Jin Xianna, right?"

Li Hongming first asked the indifferent female student in front of him, but she just nodded.

"Please sit down. Don't be too nervous, just ask you as a routine."

Although he said so, in fact, he himself did not feel any nervousness on Jin Xianna's face. Even, she seemed to be calmer than herself as a policeman.

Then, he started to ask about Lu Ou: "Are you Lu Ou's deskmate? Do you have any clue about her death?"

"No, officer."

While she answered, her expression remained unchanged, showing no signs of lying.

Li Hongming then asked: "Then, did Lu Ou behave abnormally before he disappeared, or did he say anything to you?"

"No, officer."

It was still a mechanical answer, and that frosty attitude made Li Hongming feel very uncomfortable. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Well, please think about it carefully, Lu Ou really has nothing different from before. Is it? Even the tiniest details will do.”

"I didn't see it, officer."

Without even thinking about it, she gave a blunt answer.

Li Hongming began to feel that something was wrong. She is Lu Ou's deskmate, and now that her deskmate is dead, no matter how indifferent her feelings are, she can't be so indifferent, right

Based on his intuition from being a policeman for many years, he felt that this girl named Jin Xianna might be hiding something from him. However, he couldn't catch any flaws for a while.

"Officer, may I leave?" Seeing that Li Hongming stopped asking questions, Jin Xianna simply proposed to leave.

Seeing that the clues were about to be broken, Li Hongming was really unwilling. But Jin Xianna didn't know what to ask, and she had no evidence to prove that she knew something, so she had no choice but to say: " can go. If you think of anything, I hope to contact the police. Tell your class teacher, Teacher Shen Zhuoliang OK."

She didn't reply and just left.

Li Hongming held his chin and thought about it. He felt that Jin Xianna was too abnormal, so he decided to investigate her, maybe he could find clues to solve the case. In addition, he also wanted to know about her alibi from other teachers and students.

Police searched the campus for three hours but found nothing. Instead, in the end, the reporters rushed into the campus one after another, making Li Hongming very passive and unable to control the scene for a while.

However, thanks to the media's intervention, Run An found out about the murder on his mobile phone within four hours of the incident.

"Ah Jing... what do you think?"

Run An, holding the phone, looked at Ah Jing, who was also in deep thought.

She said without hesitation: "Of course we need to investigate carefully. I am more than 80% sure that this is definitely not a man-made murder!"

Runli was also one of the reporters who entered the school to interview at that time.

She knows that if she asks the police, she will definitely give the answer of "no comment". At present, it is best to ask teachers and students first.

By this time, many police officers had come to expel the journalists. Runli and the photographer temporarily separated, disguised as a teacher, and entered the teaching building. Fortunately, the scene was relatively chaotic, which gave her a chance to fish in troubled waters.

And at this moment, she happened to meet a teacher in the corridor, and hurried over and said, "Hi, I'm a reporter from "G City Evening News", and I want to ask about the murder case..."

"Yeah, sorry, I'm not very clear..."

That teacher was Qiao Pinyue. She never expected that a reporter had already entered the school. She knew that if she spoke carelessly, it would definitely have a negative impact on the school, so she had no choice but to be cautious in her words and deeds.

Runli was not willing to let her go so easily, but she continued to ask: "Well...excuse me, are you a teacher?"

"Ah... yes. But I just came here today, so I don't know many things..."

"Please rest assured that we have professional ethics and will not write indiscriminately. You just need to tell me what you know. After all, the public also has the right to know the truth..."

"But... I really don't know..."

Under Runli's repeated questioning, Qiao Pinyue kept her mouth shut. However, Runli's eloquence is also very good. In the end, Qiao Pinyue had no choice but to say this: "I am not familiar with the dead student. I only know that she is a student from Class 4, Grade 2. For details, you can ask Class 4, Grade 2." class teacher."

Runli nodded, and asked again: "Then... the head teacher of Class 4, sophomore year, where is it now?"

After getting the location of Shen Zhuoliang's office from Qiao Pinyue, Runli continued to go upstairs excitedly. At this moment, many reporters have also entered the teaching building.

When she came to the door of the math teacher's office, she gently opened the door. And right at the door is Shen Zhuoliang's desk.

At this moment, Shen Zhuoliang called Jin Xianna to him, and asked her very seriously: "Do you really know nothing? Lu Ou didn't come to two consecutive classes, and you didn't worry at all and went to her? "

"No." Shen Zhuoliang was a little annoyed by Jin Xianna's still unchanged expression and answer. He then asked further: "You figure it out! This is a murder case, and Lu Ou is already dead. Why do you act like you have nothing to do with it? After all, she has been at the same table with you for so long!"

Runli observed the two carefully and listened carefully to their conversation.

And at this moment, she suddenly found out in surprise...

Under Shen Zhuoliang's questioning, Jin Xianna's expression suddenly changed.

The face that was originally as emotionless as a mask, suddenly passed a vicious stare that was almost ferocious!

That expression was so frightening that even Runli was taken aback.

That expression... that expression... is like a ghost!