Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 141: god of plague


The next day, Qiao Pinyue woke up early.

She had set the alarm clock for six, and now it was only half past five.

It was still dark outside, and she was still half asleep and half awake at the moment, her eyes were hazy.

For some reason, the faces of the twins were always engraved in her mind, and the figures of the two were constantly overlapped by her.

She didn't know why she cared so much about the twins.

Thinking about it carefully, she never saw the pair of sisters appearing together.

So... are they really the same person? Could it be a prank by the two sisters and other classmates

But she immediately dismissed this ridiculous idea.

Frankly speaking, even though they are twins, the similarity to such an extent is really amazing. Could it be that the two hated each other because of this excessive similarity? A person who is almost exactly the same as yourself, and it is easy to have a strong sense of competition, right? Sometimes, it can even create the illusion that the other party is another self...

She began to find that subconsciously, she was a little afraid of the twins.


Because of the murder, the school was supposed to be closed. Ultimately, however, the school decided to proceed with classes as usual to avoid further panic. Everyone knows that since the tragic death of forty-three college students last year, everything related to the vicious murder case has become extremely sensitive. If classes are suspended rashly, it may fuel rumors and damage the school's reputation.

In order to reassure the students, the school hired a few more security guards to patrol the school, and posted notices in all the eye-catching places of the school, asking the students to act as a group as much as possible, and promised that all teachers would take responsibility and would never let such a The murder repeats itself. Now when entering and leaving the school, you must have a student ID card or a teacher ID card, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter or leave.

Even so, after Qiao Pinyue stepped into the classroom today, she found that the number of students had decreased by one-third. Her teaching career has just begun, and she has suffered such a disaster, which has greatly frustrated her enthusiasm.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that the chair next to Jin Xianhui was empty.

Isn't even the squad leader here

At the same time, Shen Zhuoliang also started teaching in the classroom next door. He also encountered the same situation, and many students did not come. After all, after such a horrific tragedy, I am afraid that many parents would not dare to send their children to school anymore, right

He could also see that many people were whispering, and almost no one was listening to his lecture seriously. I guess they were all talking about Lu'ou's death, right

Now, what they are most concerned about, besides the murderer's identity, is... Where did Lu Ou's body go

In any case, it is hard to imagine leaving the school with such a body and escaping the eyes of the security department. However, the police searched the entire school but did not find any clues, even the sewers were investigated.

In the end, it can only be concluded that the body below Lu Ou's head is not on the campus. Although the guard said categorically that he never missed it, no one walked out of the school gate with something that could hold a person's body.

Today, the school is likely to face damages lawsuits. After returning to the classroom after morning exercises early this morning, the vice principal declared on the radio that students should be cautious in their words and deeds during this special period.

Shen Zhuoliang has been in this school for so long, almost all the faculty and staff know each other. It was hard for him to believe that such a case was done by a student. Although the police may have considered the possibility of external crimes, they could not find any eyewitness testimony to support this inference, not to mention that the guards also tried their best to testify that no suspicious person entered or left the school.

Shen Zhuoliang was actually physically and mentally exhausted. There was a murder in the place where I worked, and it was my students who died, and they were killed in such a tragic way. To some extent, he felt that as a class teacher and a teacher, he had neglected his duties.

He intends to find out the true identity of Lu Ou's murderer.

From the beginning to the end, he had certain doubts about Jin Xianna. Although indifference is her consistent character, she is still so calm in the face of the death of her tablemate, which is really unusual. But she should not be the murderer, but at least she has some clues.

He decided to talk to Qiao Pinyue, the new head teacher of class 3, first. Jin Xianna's older sister was in her class, and this pair of twins always made him feel weird.

At this time, Qiao Pinyue wrote a poem by Li Shangyin on the blackboard, and asked Jin Xianhui to come on stage to write the last sentence of the poem.

For some reason, she wanted to know as much as possible about the twins. She always felt that there must be some story hidden behind their cold faces.

Jin Xianhui walked to the blackboard, took the chalk and began to write. But when she stretched out her hand, the sleeves gradually slipped off, revealing red scars!

This made Qiao Pinyue startled. Could it be that someone is abusing her

Those scars seem to be very new!

After class, she was still the same, sitting on her seat and reading a book. This time I changed another one, which seems to be borrowed from the school library.

The two sisters are really... too similar.

The two boys sitting two rows behind Jin Xianhui, one named Wu Zonghua and the other named Tang Zhenfei, were talking about the pair of sisters.

"What's going on? Something happened to Zhang Zhixin, right?" Wu Zonghua said to Tang Zhenfei wonderingly: "I was surprised that she didn't come. Think about it, Jin Xianna is Jin Xianhui's younger sister, and now she is also the sister of Jin Xianhui." Zhang Zhixin, who was at the same table as her, didn't come to school either, so could it be... are those sisters a disaster?"

"Actually..." Tang Zhenfei lowered his voice and said to Wu Zonghua: "Let me tell you something, but don't tell others that I said it. I know a person who used to go to the same school as Jin Xianhui. He said, When Jin Xianhui was in junior high school, she was already regarded as a very terrifying plague god."

"Plague God? What do you mean?"

Tang Zhenfei looked at Jin Xianhui in the front row, and made sure that she was reading seriously, so he lowered his voice further, and said, "I heard that too. More than ten students in Jin Xianhui's former junior high school and her class were missing, and three of them were missing. Death! Moreover, the three people who died, like Lu Ou, died quite terribly!"

Wu Zonghua was startled when he heard it, and hurriedly said: "You... you are serious? How come?"

"This happened a few years ago. The three people who died were all good friends of Jin Xianhui. In the end, it is said that one died in the toilet with protruding eyes, the other fell to his death inexplicably, and One... is that almost all the bones in his body are broken!"

Wu Zonghua couldn't believe such sensational words. However, the one who died most horribly was Lu'ou this time.

However, Wu Zonghua noticed one thing.

"You said just now that the three who died were good friends of Jin Xianhui?"

"Yeah. What's the matter?" Tang Zhenfei was a little puzzled at first, but he quickly reacted and said, "Oh, I understand what you mean. Seeing Jin Xianhui now, it's hard to believe that she has friends. I guess, she probably became like that because she was treated as a plague god."

Tang Zhenfei's logic also makes sense.

However, if it is inferred according to this logic, is it possible that Jin Xianna is also the same god of plague

The personalities of the two are very similar, and Lu Ou who died this time was Jin Xianna's deskmate.

"I have an idea. After school, let's go to Zhang Zhixin's house." Wu Zonghua made this suggestion. Both he and Tang Zhenfei have been to Zhang Zhixin's house. In any case, they were a little worried about her, and no one called her cell phone. Pick up, how many people feel wrong.

When Qiao Pinyue was leaving the classroom, she ran into Shen Zhuoliang.

"Ms. Qiao." Shen Zhuoliang said to her with a serious face: "I have something, I want to talk to you. Can I?"

Seeing his expression, Qiao Pinyue nodded.

"Well, do you have time during lunch break?"

"Yes. Shall we talk in the cafeteria?"


At noon, Qiao Pinyue came to the cafeteria with anxiety, took the lunch box and sat next to Shen Zhuoliang. The latter greeted first: "Mr. Qiao, you just came here, are you still used to it?"

"It's... okay. It's just yesterday..."

Shen Zhuoliang also sighed deeply, his eyes looked at the front with some confusion, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and continued: "I hope, you pay a little attention to Jin Xianhui in your class. Pay attention to her various movements as much as possible. You don't know because you are new here, but the matter about the twins is actually... an open secret among many teachers in this school. They are the 'Gods of Plague'."

When Qiao Pinyue heard this word, she was very disgusted at the moment and couldn't accept it. She said, "Mr. Shen, it's not appropriate to use..."Plague God" to describe your students? They are just too introverted, but they can't be like that. talk."

"I understand what you think now. But I can tell you that they are really unusual. Their parents divorced when they were about three years old, and then each took a child to build a new family, and each other There is almost no communication between them. Before the sisters were admitted to this high school, they had hardly met each other! I have seen their respective parents, and I also feel that they are not normal. As for the two sisters, they are separated by a class, but no one has ever seen them talking together, and even appearing together is extremely rare."

Hearing this, the absurd thoughts in Qiao Pinyue's heart began to surge again.

"Shen... Teacher Shen... what is this..."

"The reason why they are called plague gods is because..." At this point, he looked around, lowered his voice, and said, "There are many teachers who have witnessed it with their own eyes. Many strange things happened around them. I just taught 4 When I was in class, I saw something unusual."


"Yes. Not only me, but many other teachers. The twins are my students. I have taught mathematics in both classes, so I have been in contact with them for a long time. Just when I Taking over as the head teacher of class 4, and knowing the twins for about two months, I bought a rabbit in order to cultivate the love of the students, and then let the students take turns raising it in the classroom... "

"Sounds great, there are really few teachers like you..."

"Well, other teachers are also very supportive of me. The rabbit has been kept next to the podium, locked in a cage, and many girls will love it. But... just one day after two months, it disappeared."

"In the beginning, we searched many places, but there was no trace. At first, I almost gave up. But one time, when I passed by a corner of the playground, I found one of the twins squatting there. , don't know what to do."

Having said that, his voice trembled.

"Do you know what a terrible sight I saw?"

Qiao Pinyue couldn't help becoming nervous when she heard this. "I saw... she was actually eating that rabbit alive! Eat it alive! When I saw her, most of the rabbit's body was stuffed in her mouth, only a small part was exposed! And her mouth There are still its internal organs and blood left!"

When Qiao Pinyue heard this, she could hardly believe Shen Zhuoliang's words. A female high school student actually ate a live rabbit raw

"Then... is that Jin Xianna?"

"I'm not sure. At that time, I was completely stunned, and when she saw me, she ran away quickly. Although I caught up quickly, I didn't catch up. When I asked Jin Xianna afterwards, she categorically denied it, saying that it was hers." My sister did it. But when I asked Jin Xianhui, she gave the same answer. Although it is possible to infer from common sense, it is possible that it is Jin Xianna, but neither she nor her sister has a key to the classroom! We put rabbits in the classroom every day I will only leave after locking the door. I am still not sure who made such a cruel act... But this is just the beginning."

"A... start?"

"Soon, many teachers came to tell me about the twins. Every time they came to me, they always looked extremely terrified."