Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 142: two sides


Qiao Pinyue was terrified when she heard it. She is a very quiet person with a sunny personality, so such an unimaginable thing made her unbelievable.

However, what Shen Zhuoliang said next shocked her even more.

"About a month later, the school will hold the opening ceremony of the music festival. Because it is a large-scale cultural event, our class naturally participated. At that time, our class decided to have a girl named Song Ningning sing. At the same time, it was decided Let Jin Xianna be in charge of the piano accompaniment, because many people have reported that she plays the piano very well. But I have great concerns about her. I didn’t tell anyone other than the twins about the incident of swallowing the rabbit alive. It seems that I haven't talked to anyone about it. So, it didn't cause much trouble. But... "

When Shen Zhuoliang said this, his expression was very sad.

"I regret it very much. I decided to let her be the piano accompaniment. Jin Xianna agreed and cooperated with the rehearsal performance. She really played the piano very well, and she cooperated with Song Ningning quite well. But I didn't expect that the terrible thing happened It happened after that."

"Just one week before the official opening of the music festival, the two of them stayed to rehearse almost every day. I asked the art committee to monitor their rehearsal progress and report to me at any time. Not long after, the art committee told me that she felt that the recent The rehearsal was very wrong. At first, Song Ningning sang very high-pitched and passionate, but in recent days, her spirit has become more and more weak, and her expression is very wrong when she sings."

Hearing this, Qiao Pinyue asked: "Could it be that... it has something to do with Jin Xianna's accompaniment?"

"No... no. I asked her later, and she told me that she was very scared. Because every time she stayed in the classroom to rehearse, she would see Jin Xianna's sister Jin Xianhui staring at her from the teacher's back window. At first, she thought she was visiting her sister, but after a long time, she felt that something was wrong. Every time she looked at her eyes, it became more and more strange and fierce. She even said that it seemed to be Killing her own eyes. It takes two to three hours to rehearse every day, and during the time when Jin Xianhui is staring at her, she feels flustered every time. However, she can't drive Jin Xianhui away, after all, her sister It’s for my own accompaniment, and it’s unreasonable to drive away the other party.”

If it is not known that the twins are different from ordinary people, this passage will make people feel very inexplicable. One might even feel that Song Ningning was making excuses indiscriminately.

However, Qiao Pinyue believed that what she said was true.

"Just the day before the music festival, I took the initiative to stay and watch the final rehearsal process of the two of them. During this time, I also noticed that Jin Xianhui was indeed watching from the back window of the classroom. Her eyes were not looking at hers. Sister, she was looking at Song Ningning instead. Her gaze was indeed abnormal. It is hard for me to describe that feeling to you. Her eyes were quite wide open, her facial features seemed to be misplaced, and her brows were tightly locked. Moreover, every time Song Ningning sang the high-pitched part, her expression became even more distorted. At the climax, she looked like a Shura from hell!"

Although Qiao Pinyue couldn't imagine what it was like, she gradually felt that the twins were really abnormal.

"I analyzed at the time, did she hate Song Ningning, who sang so well with her sister's accompaniment? I originally planned to go out and stop her... But, do you believe it? I dare not. Her terrifying and distorted face, that The expression as if she wanted to kill the person in front of her is not like a human being at all. Even if Jin Xianhui was said to be a god of death or a demon at that time, I would naturally accept it. Even, I felt that I was only with her Looking at each other through a window, I have a feeling that I don't live in the world... She is really terrible, terrible!"

The more Qiao Pinyue listened to it, the more frightened she became. Is it really that exaggerated

"My current language can't describe one ten-thousandth of Jin Xianhui's terrifying side. Her face at that time was not human, but felt... like a mask. Yes, like a Prajna mask. With the As time went by, her eyes began to widen to an unbelievable degree, the skin on her face was constantly wrinkled and concentrated, and all the blood on her face seemed to be concentrated on her lips, which made people feel weird. I At that time, I felt that her facial features began to gather together continuously, as if they were almost squeezed together. And the black in her pupils gradually became gray, and even made people feel as if they were not there. If you look closely , it seems to be covered with bloodshot eyes, and the eyeballs seem to protrude from the eye sockets at any time! It is obviously just an ordinary facial features, but if you see this face at first glance, everyone will be scared out of their wits. At that time, I was almost On the verge of a nervous breakdown."

"Then... then, what's next?" Qiao Pinyue asked again.

"The next day, when Song Ningning sang at the music festival, her tune was normal at first, but after she sang, in front of all the teachers and students in the school, she suddenly yelled crazily, and then kept using her hands She scratched her face and even hit her head on a hard ground. Soon she was sent to a mental hospital for treatment. Until now, she has not returned to normal."

Qiao Pinyue felt that the surroundings were getting colder and colder.

If it weren't for Shen Zhuoliang's serious face, she would have suspected that he was telling a ridiculous story.

If it is true, is it because Song Ningning stared at Jin Xianhui's terrifying face for a long time, causing her insanity? How could such a thing happen

"To tell you the truth... After that incident, I took a month off because I needed to see a psychiatrist. That face has been lingering in my mind, and I don't even dare to go back to school Come on. In the end, with a responsible attitude towards work, I still had to come back. However, I began to be extremely afraid of the twins. I even began to suspect that they are not human beings at all, and it is impossible for human beings to have such an expression!"

When talking about this, Qiao Pinyue shook her head and retorted: "No, Mr. Shen, that's just your subjective idea, of course they are human, anyway, do you want to treat them as monsters? I don't think the matter is as serious as you think. At least, I don't see my students as monsters!"

"That's because I don't know the horror of the twins, so I said that. I have decided not to take the graduating class next semester, and apply to teach freshmen in high school. If you haven't realized how scary they are, do you want me Go on? It's not just what I just said."

Qiao Pinyue nodded.

"That happened last semester. At that time, Teacher Zhang Shengmei, who taught biology classes 3 and 4, came back to teach after getting married. She was already pregnant at that time. I was in the same office with her at that time. Whenever she was free She would talk to us about family affairs, saying that although her husband persuaded her not to continue to be a teacher and to resign and wait for a baby at home, she liked the profession of a teacher, not to mention that she was still in the early stages of pregnancy, and her belly did not grow significantly. There is no problem. Our teachers take good care of her. Once, I asked her, which student in Class 4 do you like better?"

"To my surprise, she answered that I was Jin Xianna. She said that the child loved reading very much, had very good grades, and her handwriting was quite beautiful, but she was not very talkative, but she got along very well with her. They often talked to her after school. Time, there will be some conversations. I was very surprised at that time. I wanted to remind her, but I didn’t know what to say. A week later, during my lunch break, when I was correcting my homework, Teacher Zhang suddenly said to me Said: "Mr. Shen, I had a long talk with Jin Xianna from your class today. I met her in the library. We chatted for a while and talked about children. I also said at the time that if I could have a pair of like She'd be cute twins like her sister. But... weird, she looked so unhappy.'”

When Shen Zhuoliang said this, he thumped the table heavily with his hands, even attracting the eyes of the teachers around him.

"At that time, I didn't pay much attention to that sentence because I was correcting my homework. Then, every day in the office, Teacher Zhang would talk to me about Jin Xianna. It seems that the focus of her discussion with Jin Xianna now, All focused on the unborn child. And I gradually noticed that her look and expression began to become unusual. Normally, her brows and eyes were full of joy, but at that time she was It's starting to get melancholy."

Qiao Pinyue asked puzzledly: "Why?"

"It's because of Jin Xianna. When Teacher Zhang talked to her about her longing for this child, Jin Xianna actually answered like that. She said: 'Child, it's better to die.'"

Qiao Pinyue was stunned.

"Originally, anyone who heard this should have been very angry. However, Teacher Zhang's reaction was very strange. She was not angry, but actually became depressed. In the next few days, her depression became more and more serious. Seriously, everyone was very concerned and asked what happened. However, she didn’t tell anyone. A few days later, she resigned. Later, she unexpectedly gave birth prematurely a month later, and the child was stillborn.”

This is really a great tragedy. And Shen Zhuoliang said: "I thought it had something to do with Jin Xianna at the time. But when I asked her, she actually answered me that the person who said that must be her sister, not her. And she answered very Calm, it doesn't seem to be lying at all. I'm going crazy, I don't know what these twins are? Many teachers who have seen them feel the same way. There is always an eerie feeling about them, full of It is mysterious and unknowable. Teacher Qiao, the death of Lu Ou is the worst step in the development of the situation. I can no longer stand by and watch. I must find out the secret of the twins, so I hope you will cooperate with me, so... "

The answer Qiao Pinyue gave him was unexpected.

"No, I can't help you."

Qiao Pinyue carefully analyzed Shen Zhuoliang's words, and she believed that it was just his own subjective idea to regard the twins as "plague gods". Their personalities and behaviors are indeed very different from ordinary people, and they even do many terrible things. But the nature of Lu Ou's death was completely different, she was not a rabbit, her death was a bloody murder. What does it mean to associate your own students with murder

The twins are her students. She can't treat them as murder suspects because of her likes and dislikes, or even monitor and test them. She wants to treat them sincerely so that they can integrate with the collective.

"Sorry, Mr. Shen, I have to go." Qiao Pinyue rejected Shen Zhuoliang flatly, and said, "Even if all of you regard their sisters as 'plague gods', I wouldn't think so. Yesterday, at When I fell on the way to school, it was Jin Xianna who helped me up. They are my students, and unless there is evidence that they are related to Lu Ou's death, I will not look at them with any unfounded speculation."

Shen Zhuoliang sighed heavily, and said, "You can do whatever you want. After a long time, you will know that what I said is right."

The 2nd floor of No. 3 Teaching Building, Yueying High School.

Holding the book that was about to be returned to the library, Jin Xianhui, who was about to go down to the first floor, saw her younger sister Jin Xianna at the corner of the stairs.

When the two sisters met, neither of them showed any expression.

Qiao Pinyue just walked upstairs and saw the two sisters. Just when they were about to pass each other, she stopped the two of them: "Jin Xianhui, classmate Jin Xianna, the teacher happens to have something to ask for your help, can you?"

The two stopped and looked at Qiao Pinyue.

"It's like this. The first half of March issue of "You Can Write Excellent Composition" subscribed by the school has arrived in the reception room. Why don't you get it for me? Classes 3 and 4 are here. Take your own class."

Her original intention was to let the twins fuse together. However, she never dreamed that the consequences that followed would be so dire.

Both of them showed extremely disgusted expressions, and Jin Xianna said first: "No. I don't want to walk with her. Absolutely not."

Jin Xianhui also reacted in the same way.

Qiao Pinyue said with a smile again: "How about doing the teacher a favor? This publication is to be used as an extra-curricular tutoring material in Chinese class. You..."

"Absolutely not—" Jin Xianna hugged her head suddenly and yelled hysterically, and Jin Xianhui also crazily pulled Jin Xianna's hair, as if she wanted to tear all her hair off.

Qiao Pinyue was startled by this scream, and she immediately said: "Okay... I, I won't force you, I won't let you be together, okay, please stop screaming!"

But even so, Jin Xianna's screaming lasted for about half a minute before it stopped. At this time, many students had gathered to watch, and even pointed at Qiao Pinyue. There was a bloody incident at the school yesterday, and everyone thought that another person had died.

After that, Jin Xianna quickly ran downstairs. And Jin Xianhui also looked at Qiao Pinyue with resentful eyes.

Qiao Pinyue was really embarrassed at this time, and said to Jin Xianhui: "You... come to my office, I have something to say to you."

When she came to the office upstairs, she first asked, "Well... you... are you a sister or a sister?"

"I'm my sister, Teacher Qiao."

Hearing this, Qiao Pinyue immediately grabbed her arm and opened the sleeve, and she saw those scars.

"What are these scars?"

Jin Xianhui was silent for a while, and said, "It's... Mom."

"Mom? So, is that your stepmother?"


"Why? Why did she hit you?"

"I don't know. But she seems to hate me very much."

Qiao Pinyue immediately became indignant. She decided to visit the twins' two homes in the near future. Then, she asked again: "You, why do you have such a bad relationship with your sister? After all, you are twins. You are people with the same blood."

"I don't want to be with her."


"I don't want...I don't want...I definitely don't want to be with her, absolutely not!"

At this time, Jin Xianhui's expression seemed to be facing a dinosaur, an alien, or even facing the destruction of the world. Even if she only mentioned her sister, she would not be able to bear it.

These two... are like magnetic poles of the same sex, absolutely incompatible...