Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 144: which one? (one)


The teaching building, which was supposed to be full of people, became extremely deserted and lonely at this moment, with no people to be seen anywhere.

Yan Xiuping was dragged by the invisible man and ran towards another flight of stairs. Although he didn't know who the other party was, it seemed to be different from that monster.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that something had been dripped on the top of his head. He was startled and asked in fright, "This... what is this?"

"Shh... this is chameleon liquid, now your body can no longer be seen."

It is easy for the chameleon liquid to fool the human naked eye. It is easier to integrate with the environment than the chameleon, and it is almost the same as a transparent person. However, whether it can be concealed from the presence of ghosts has not yet had a chance to be tested.

And when he reached another flight of stairs, Yan Xiuping saw... that monster was still there! Only, her face has been restored.

There was no one around.

She was walking right here.

It really is useless.

Yan Xiuping kept backing away, recalling Lu Ou's tragic death, the great fear and despair almost overwhelmed him.

But at this moment, he was surprised to find that a rectangular shape appeared out of thin air on the wall to his left, big enough for a person to pass through. Then, the hand that grabbed her invisibly, slammed into the wall!

He thought that this collision would cause his nose and face to be bruised, but his body actually passed through the wall! The next thing that came into view was an ordinary room. The room is not big, it looks like a living room, and on a sofa in front, sits a very beautiful young woman.

"I'm back, Ah Jing. I didn't expect your latest subspace potion to come in handy."

The subspace potion is a special potion similar to the spatial movement ability of the spirit splitting ghost eye. As long as the potion is applied to any object to form a shape, then the shape will become the gate to the subspace. This is a kind of potion that completely surpasses the common sense of physics and chemistry. A Jinglian can make such a potion, and Run An can finally determine what the raw materials of these potions are.

The Yin-Yang Ghost Eye can open the insurmountable door between the world and the underworld, and it is more than the ability of the Spirit Splitting Ghost Eye. It can be roughly inferred that Ren Senbo should have been to a non-human alien space in the past and obtained the raw materials for making those medicines.

The so-called chameleon liquid, hypnotic potion, amnesiac potion, etc., are all made of raw materials that do not belong to this world!

And Ah Jing gradually became aware of this. In addition to leaving her notes, her father also told her the address of his secret laboratory, where she obtained a large amount of experimental materials. Those are substances in different dimensions, which cannot be analyzed by science at all, and only my father's omniscient and omnipotent ghost eyes can create countless extraordinary medicines from them.

And the latest space potion is made by Ah Jing using a black powder left by her father and mixing it with some chemicals. Because it was still in the experimental stage, I gave some to Runan, but I didn't expect to save his and Yan Xiuping's lives.

Then, Yan Xiuping found a hazy shadow appeared beside him. Although the color of this shadow was exactly the same as the surrounding scenery, it clearly formed a silhouette. Afterwards, the color gradually changed and became the figure of a man. image.

"You... what kind of monster are you?" Yan Xiuping just said this, when he suddenly noticed that he couldn't see his lower body at all!

"Ah, what is this?"

Run An took out the small bottle containing the chameleon liquid release solution, and said, "Don't panic, this is caused by a potion that makes your body exactly the same as the surrounding environment, making it impossible to distinguish the shape with the naked eye. Just drop it With this release liquid, you can recover."

Yan Xiuping looked at Run An with horrified eyes, and Ah Jing beside him couldn't believe his words. After going through such a terrible thing just now, his hands still have the blood and brains of that monster, how dare he believe this unknown person in front of him

"Run An, is there someone by your side?" Ah Jing thought at first that it was Run An who came back alone, but seeing that he was talking to the air now, he heard someone talking again, probably someone who dripped chameleon liquid.

"Well, it's a student from Moon Eagle High School. He was almost killed. If it weren't for your subspace potion, we wouldn't be able to stand here."

Listening to the two people's conversation, Yan Xiuping felt that they seemed to be normal people, and his vigilance gradually disappeared. At this time, Run An said to Yan Xiuping: "Listen well, now I will give you a release liquid, maybe you will not believe us, but without this release liquid, you will remain in this state for the rest of your life, this is definitely not the case. Alarmist talk."

As soon as Run An's words came out, Yan Xiuping was taken aback again.

After weighing again and again, he had no choice but to nod his head and say, "Then, all right."

After dripping the solution, he was delighted to see that the hidden body really reappeared. At this time, he had a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

"You sit down first." Run An let him sit down on the sofa first, and said: "This is my home, you must have a lot of questions now, I will explain to you slowly. But first you have to answer one of my questions. It's about the twins. What do you know?"

Although Yan Xiuping has not completely eliminated his vigilance, he basically regards Run An as a savior. He couldn't wait to say: "Please save me! Save me! She is not a human, she is a monster! She is a ghost! Please kill her, otherwise, I will definitely die!"

Yan Xiuping actually noticed the abnormality of the twins very early on.

They are obviously sisters, but almost no one has seen them together. Because of this, if you meet one of them alone outside the classroom, if she doesn't speak, you can't tell who she is. Moreover, the two of them always wear the exact same school uniform, have the same hairstyle, have almost the same height, and have the same voice, so it is really difficult to tell who is who.

"I really... don't know whether that monster is Jin Xianhui or Jin Xianna... But she is definitely going to kill me, that's absolutely true... Me, what should I do?"

Both Run An and Ah Jing were silently meditating.

All the focus was on the twin sisters.

"Maybe, neither of them is human?" Run An put forward such a point of view. It's not impossible after all, and since both sisters are so eccentric, it's no surprise that neither of them is human.

But Ah Jing denied this.

"No, there must be only one. This is the same as the fact that it is impossible to have two peak queens in a hive. The same curse cannot exist in two at the same time. They are so irreconcilable. If they are not human, they must Will fight, will not coexist for so long."

In other words, one of them is a normal person, while the other is a terrifying ghost.

"I have two conjectures for reference. First, the other party may have killed the real twin among the twins, and then pretended to be the other party. The second is that one of the older sisters is actually dead, but in the form of an undead Persistence. However, it's not justified..." Ah Jing also seemed to be very troubled by this problem. If it is determined who it is, then the problem is very simple, find a way to kill it! Even if the opponent is a ghost, since you want to fight against the curse, you must have the consciousness to fight to the death.

However, the other party has two. According to Ah Jing's values, it is absolutely impossible for her to kill an innocent person. She had inherited her mother's sanctity, in contrast to her father's unscrupulous end-means.

"By the way..." Run An suddenly thought of something: "Spiritual mirror! Wouldn't it be all right if you had a spiritual mirror? Ah Jing, Wen Zimei gave you that thing, right? As long as you have it, you can distinguish Come out who is a human and who is a ghost!"

"Impossible." Ah Jing shook her head and said, "Wen Zimei is dead, and the spirit mirror she made has lost its spiritual power. It's just an ordinary mirror."

So, is there any way to tell the difference

"We still need to collect further information." Ah Jing made up her mind. investigate the parents of the twins. And...the reason for their divorce.

Jin Xianhui returned to her home.

It was a very wealthy private villa. Her father was a businessman who was similar to an upstart. After divorcing her mother, she remarried soon.

The first floor is a large living room with a piano in the center.

Like her younger sister, Jin Xianhui is also very good at playing the piano.

"You're back."

Jin Xianhui frowned as the stepmother's yin and yang voice drifted away.

After she went downstairs, she glared at Jin Xianhui and said, "Come to my room. Hurry up!"

She nodded obediently and put down her schoolbag.

Follow the stairs to the second floor.

Her vacant eyes were fixed on the corridor in front of her.

Everything seems unreal.

She opened that door.

As soon as she entered the door, the stepmother grabbed her by the hair, pushed her to the floor, picked up a bamboo stick, and hit her hard on the back!

"You witch! You oily bottle! It's all because of your face that looks like your mother, yet your father thinks about her every day!" While cursing angrily, the stepmother's bamboo stick kept dropping.

"Tell him if you have the guts, I'm not afraid! I wish he knew, I want him to know, I'm not easy to mess with!"

Jin Xianhui didn't resist at all.

at the same time.

Jin Xianna's home.

In her bedroom, there was a mess of clothes on the floor.

A naked body was pressed against Jin Xianna's body, it was a middle-aged man, his face was full of vicious expressions at the moment, and he said to her: "Warning you... Never tell your mother! Huh, it's not the first time, don't Pretending to be so innocent!" After speaking, he began to tear Jin Xianna's clothes.

Jin Xianna didn't resist, and let her stepfather continue his atrocities.

She was raped by her stepfather a long time ago and took her virginity away.

After that, whenever my mother was not at home, my stepfather would do this kind of bestiality to her.

Repeatedly and again.

There is no end.

Jin Xianhui opened his eyes.

The stepmother seemed to be tired and began to sit on the bed to rest. She gasped and said, "You witch...why didn't you give the sentence to your dead mother like your sister? It's because of you, your father still refuses to have a child with me...Why are you staring at me? Don't Thought I was afraid of you!"

Jin Xianhui didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. She just stood up silently and walked towards the door.

"You... what do you mean by that look in your eyes!"

The stepmother suddenly went berserk, picked up a fruit knife in a basin on the table, stepped forward and pressed Jin Xianhui, put the knife against her neck, and shouted frantically: "Cry for me! Beg for mercy! I want you not to look at me like this again in front of me! Your eyes... your mother has such beautiful eyes, don't you... really want to destroy them!"

And at this moment, after Jin Xianna's stepfather once again performed inhumane brutality on her, he pulled up his pants with a satisfied expression, and shamelessly said to her who was covering her body with the quilt on the bed: "Remember, don't tell your mother... Otherwise I will strangle you!"

Jin Xianhui remained silent.

Facing the fruit knife, Jin Xianna's expression remained unchanged. At this time, she said: "If you want to kill me, you can kill me. Anyway, I don't care. This life like hell has long been meaningless to me."

"You..." The stepmother was so angry that she couldn't speak. She really wanted to kill her with a knife at this moment, but reason finally defeated her emotions. She put down the knife and said, "Go back to your room! Remember, don't tell you dad!"

The night is still very long.