Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 145: which one? (two)


Night, silent campus.

Run An and Ah Jing walked towards the classroom of Class 3 as lightly as possible.

When she came to the door of the classroom, Ah Jing used the subspace potion and easily entered the classroom.

Currently, Yan Xiuping is temporarily staying at his home, Runli is in charge of watching him, and Ah Jing taught her how to use all the potions she made. In this way, the lives of her and Yan Xiuping can be guaranteed to the greatest extent. "This is Jin Xianhui's seat... Run An, are you sure it's right?" Ah Jing walked to a table and asked Run An again to make sure it was safe.

"According to the seating arrangement chart drawn by Yan Xiuping, there should be nothing wrong."

Ah Jing nodded, then took a small glass bottle. Inside, there is a blue liquid. She spilled the liquid on the table, and soon, many fingerprints appeared on it.

This is a potion that can clearly display fingerprints and palm prints. After Ah Jing put the small bottle away, she motioned for Run An to take out her camera and take fingerprints.

Next, is the classroom of Class 4. This time, it was on Jin Xianna's desk again, doing the same thing.

After obtaining the fingerprints of the two, compare the fingerprint records of the two sisters obtained through Ah Jing's intrusion into the household registration management system. If there is a difference, it means that person is a ghost.

But just as the fingerprints on Jin Xianna's table were taken, both of them suddenly heard the sound of someone walking behind them.

looking back...

That is…

A beautiful face, a face shared by a pair of sisters.

The classroom door is still locked. But she appeared here, the answer is already obvious.

Run An's subconscious reaction was to block Ah Jing behind his body. At this moment, he only hated himself for losing his ghost eyes, otherwise, once he used the ghost blade, he would definitely be able to fight her.

The two sides confronted each other like this.

In this deep darkness.

" don't want to hurt Ah Jing..." Although Run An was extremely afraid of the ghost in front of him, Ah Jing was more important than his own life.

However, she didn't say a word. I don't know if it's the twin sister or the younger sister, no matter how Run An observes the other's expression, it is difficult to find the clue.

At this time, her right hand suddenly stretched behind her back, Run An suddenly became vigilant, and subconsciously began to back away. And immediately, she took out a broken arm from behind, put it in her mouth and started to chew!

Run An's eyes were about to pop out, it was such a beautiful face, but it was eating someone's arm!

However, the more terrifying thing is yet to come.

"Moist... moisten the darkness! Your hand!"

At this time, Run An lowered his head and looked, he wondered if he was having a nightmare!

On my right hand, only... an empty sleeve is left! And the sleeves were already stained red with blood!

So, what the ghost is eating... Could it be...

"No... don't..."

Although Run An said this, the ghost had already swallowed half of his hand into his mouth!

Ah Jing prayed silently in her heart... No, don't let her find out!

She smeared the warp potion on the soles of her shoes. Because she had expected this situation a long time ago, she naturally had to take precautions. She has already made the other end of the subspace at home, and now she has been using her feet to draw a circle around her body. As long as the circle is drawn, the subspace can be opened.

However, facing the ghost, her feet kept trembling, and she was about to finish drawing the circle when the ghost in front of her suddenly disappeared!

She's finally finished drawing the circle, but... the entrance to the warp isn't open!

This situation has actually happened once in the past. When Tie Mujing used the cracking ghost eye to transfer Ah Jing and others who had entered Nuosolan Company, the subspace was interfered with. As a result, Zhong Zili and Nan Rentian were left behind in the horror movie "Butterfly Change". in unreal space.

"Run An, you... are you alright?" Ah Jing helped him to sit down, at this moment, blood was still gushing out from his severed arm, if the bleeding didn't stop, it would be dangerous!

"Run An, take off your clothes! Hurry up!"

With Ah Jing's help, Run An took off his clothes, and then Ah Jing took out her healing potion and dripped it on his broken arm. The wound soon began to clot and the bleeding stopped.

"I can't recover my arm... I'm sorry, Run An. I shouldn't have come here with you..." A Jing watched Run An lose her right hand, and couldn't help but shed tears.

"Fool... what is this? It's good to be able to survive." Run An didn't care much about it. Facing the ghost, he only lost an arm, which was already a blessing among misfortunes.

At this time, Ah Jing suddenly saw... a pair of feet from the gap under the rows of tables!

She's still... still in this classroom!

Ah Jing knew that she couldn't stay here any longer. Anyway, the photos have been taken, and now I have to go back immediately.

She picked up Run An, who was almost collapsed, and walked towards the door of the classroom. There's the old warp entrance there.

But at this moment, something fell out of thin air at her feet.

that, that is...

The right hand that has been turned into bones... Run An!

"No... no..." Ah Jing staggered, and she fell to the ground.

Then, at the back of the classroom, she saw a hand protruding from under a table, and immediately, a face with a mouth full of blood appeared.

Does she still... continue to eat

At this time, Ah Jing summoned up all her courage and asked, "You... Which one are you? Is it Jin Xianna or Jin Xianhui?"

She didn't answer.

There was a deathly silence in the air.

Ah Jing has never felt that death is so close to her.

"Please... don't kill us..." She took the camera from Run An, threw it over, and said, "I, I'll give you this, we don't know anything. Please, let us go..."

However, her expression suddenly became ferocious, her mouth opened wide, and she roared like a beast.

Her mouth, opened to an unbelievable extent, began to fill almost the entire face.

Inside that mouth, it was like a bottomless black hole.

At the moment when Ah Jing was in despair, a gunshot sounded outside the classroom, and then a man in police uniform rushed in, pointed his gun at the ghost in front of him, and then a group of policemen came in.

The man who took the lead was Li Hongming, the captain of criminal investigation.

"Don't move! You are surrounded!"

However, the ghost with fierce eyes rushed towards Li Hongming with a howl! Li Hongming immediately shot her in the foot, but it was useless!

Seeing that she was about to rush in front of Li Hongming and claim his life, her footsteps suddenly stopped.

At this time, both Run An and Ah Jing clearly saw two extremely deformed and terrifying babies at her feet. Their heads were strangely shaped and their facial features were so distorted that they were almost indistinguishable.

Ah Jing suddenly recalled that this was exactly what she saw in her dream...the strange baby who dragged her father behind that black door!

In front of them, they all have a pair of purple pupils! That's the symbol of ghost eyes!

Immediately, that ferocious ghost disappeared in front of everyone like mist evaporated...

Li Hongming was still in shock, he couldn't believe his eyes, he looked at Run An and A Jing, only to find that the two disappeared without a trace like air.

At this time, he began to feel again...

The same weird atmosphere as back then!

"Li...Li team..." The policemen around him also suspected that there was something wrong with their eyes: "Just now, what was that? Did we all have hallucinations? Because we received your order to monitor this school day and night, we just discovered that Someone rushed into this classroom to take a look... But, are we dreaming?"

Li Hongming recalled the murder case he was in charge of investigating.

It was an ordinary case, a painter died of a heart attack. Originally, there was nothing special.


Run An and A Jing finally survived the catastrophe and returned home.

But Run An still lost his right hand, and Ah Jing finally took back the hand that had turned into bones. Although it is impossible to connect again, she still wants to hold a glimmer of hope.

When Run Li saw that Run An had broken a hand, she couldn't help crying. She couldn't accept that her brother would become a disabled person in the future.

But Ah Jing is still optimistic. There are still many drugs that are still under research, so she thinks that it will not be difficult to make a drug that can regenerate Run An's right hand in the future.

The question is... what to do next

the next morning.

Qiao Pinyue just arrived at the school, before entering the classroom, she found that there were a lot of discussions everywhere in the school. After she asked, she found out that, last night, sisters Jin Xianhui and Jin Xianna had been arrested by the police as suspects in the murder of Lu Ou.

"I heard that the police found someone from Jin Xianhui and Jin Xianna sisters at the school yesterday, and their behavior was extremely suspicious. Sure enough... it really was them..." Shen Zhuoliang told Qiao Pinyue the whole story in detail.

Qiao Pinyue couldn't accept this fact for a while. One of those two children, committed such a terrible crime

This is ridiculous!

At the same time, Li Hongming was in the police station and submitted an application to the chief for investigation in other places.

"Boss, this case is complicated, and there must be an unbelievable inside story behind it," Li Hongming said very sincerely: "I have thought of something, and I must investigate it. However, I can't say it yet, because you will definitely think Very absurd. But I don't think the truth will come out without doing this!"

The chief also looked very distressed. The level of attention to this case is getting higher and higher, and it will be impossible not to take some measures. Therefore, he approved Li Hongming's request.

As for the two sisters, they still have not said a word. They said nothing about the crimes they were accused of except denying.

The police involved in the operation last night also tried to distinguish the two, but it was too difficult. According to the alibi of the investigation, the parents of both parties said that they were in their rooms at the time and did not check carefully.

The case is in a very sticky state.

Li Hongming got on the long-distance bus immediately after the director approved his application.

He chose a seat and sat down, and roughly estimated that if everything went well, he would be able to return to City G in the evening. It's just that he had never expected to go back to that city again.

However, he has to go. They have already contacted each other.

Qiao Pinyue continued to attend class listlessly.

Lu Ou died, and Zhang Zhixin, Wu Zonghua, Tang Zhenfei, and Yan Xiuping disappeared. No, it could have been murdered.

She didn't expect to experience such a series of terrible things in such a short time as a teacher.

What should I do

About three hours later, Li Hongming arrived at his destination.

It was a very grand villa.

Li Hongming always felt that his actions were very stupid. But he had to do that too.

The owner of this villa, named Zhang Yiming, is a very famous art collector.

He has found out that after the painter died, according to his will, his works were auctioned and the proceeds were donated to Project Hope. And Zhang Yiming was the one who took the picture.

The painting of the dead ghost painter, Ning Luo.