Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 149: Death Retribution (3)


Ah Jing recalled what Runan told her on the phone at that time: "Ning Luo, Ning Luo once had contact with the twins before his death. At that time, their parents had not divorced. He drew it, and they A picture of a family. However, in Ning Luo's painting, there should have been only two children... but instead, he drew three children who look exactly the same!"

In fact, Jin Xianhui and Jin Xianna's parents gave birth to a pair of triplets.

However, one of the children died shortly after birth.

The resentment of not being able to live with the other two sisters who looked the same as her gave birth to this evil spirit...

that time…

It was she who extended a helping hand to Qiao Pinyue.

that evil spirit.

Babies who died shortly after birth.

He died without a name.

Resentment allows this evil spirit to linger in the world, and has been staying with her two sisters. Even after the divorce of the parents, it is still the same.

The evil spirits exist in this world with a deep hatred for the twins.

When Jin Xianhui and Jin Xianna were abused and humiliated by their stepmother and stepfather respectively, she was also watching.

Initially, the twins were resisting.


Whenever they rebelled against the atrocities of their stepfather and stepmother, that terrifying evil spirit would appear in front of them, and only they could see this evil spirit.

Every time, when the twins see her, they will take it for granted that she is their older sister (sister).

So the twins fear each other and hate each other.

They cannot resist when they are insulted and abused, because the evil spirit will disappear in front of them only if they stop resisting, otherwise, they will be eaten by the evil spirit.

Elementary school, junior high school, high school, evil spirits have been following them.

At first, he simply looked at them with a look of resentment. But then, they started killing people around them.

Because twins rarely stay together, when outsiders see the evil spirit, they will regard her as one of the twins. Whatever she did would be seen as the work of the twins.

And if someone questions the elder sister or younger sister, then they will testify against each other.

No one knows that the real evil spirit is actually mixed between the two.

If you think about it carefully...

When did you see the evil spirit, and when did you see the real twins

On that day, Qiao Pinyue asked the two sisters to go to the reception room to pick up the periodicals. The reason why they reacted so strongly was because of their fear and hatred for each other.

The two sisters have always regarded each other as inhuman. And this fear cannot be shared with anyone.

Because no one will believe it.

Get close to someone, and the other person will be eaten by evil spirits. So, as long as you suppress yourself and don't make friends with anyone, there will be no more victims, right

The two sisters have been imprisoned by this evil spirit in this sad form, living a life that would be worse than death.

However, it finally came to an end.

For the first time in her life, Qiao Pinyue ran so fast and entered the No. 2 teaching building.

When she saw that evil spirit just now, she understood that Shen Zhuoliang had mentioned to her that he had a face like a hellish ghost.

Having the same appearance as a human, Qiao Pinyue couldn't make Qiao Pinyue feel "human" towards that evil spirit.

She could hardly control herself, and there were no other words in her brain except "escape".

After escaping to the top floor of the No. 2 teaching building, she entered an empty classroom along the dark corridor, and then locked both the front and back doors of the classroom.

Qiao Pinyue moved out the chairs one by one, and moved the desks to both sides, leaving a space in the middle.

Eerie and terror enveloped this campus covered in endless darkness, and now Qiao Pinyue felt nothing but fear in her heart.

Finally, she knelt on the ground and sobbed.

She didn't know how long she had been sobbing. Suddenly, she heard the sound of glass breaking.

Looking up, I saw that the glass on the back door of the classroom was shattered, and the blood-stained red head stuck out obliquely.

It was that terrifying face, staring at Qiao Pinyue!

Now she was almost paralyzed from fright, only to see another hand stretched out of the window, and that hand... was stretching towards the door lock below!

She wants to open the door!

Qiao Pinyue didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and immediately grabbed a chair, aimed at the blood-red hand, and threw it viciously!

She didn't hit it right, the chair just bumped close to the hand and flipped over.

Qiao Pinyue grabbed another chair and threw it over!

This time, she finally hit the evil spirit's hand, but her movements did not stop.

Qiao Pinyue still grabbed the chair, this time, her target was the evil spirit's head!

Almost exhausting all the strength in her body, she lifted the chair high, almost exhausting all the strength in her body, and threw it towards that head!

When the chair was about to hit the evil spirit, it suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Then, it fell to the ground!

The door was opened.

Qiao Pinyue was so frightened that she kept curling up and moving towards the corner. The evil spirit's body turned its back to the main entrance in front, making it impossible for her to escape.

"No... no, don't, don't kill me... please..."

Qiao Pinyue almost wailed and begged the evil spirit to let her go.

But the evil spirit didn't respond at all, and just approached the poor female teacher step by step.

This small classroom, in Qiao Pinyue's heart at the moment, is like a huge black coffin.

The strong desire to survive made her keep throwing chairs at the evil spirit, but none of the chairs could touch the evil spirit.

Just when the evil spirit was about to touch Qiao Pinyue, four people suddenly poured into the back door of the classroom.

Qiao Pinyue saw that it was Run An, Li Hongming, Ah Jing and Shen Zhuoliang.

"Help... help me!"

A strong desire to survive burst out of her heart, and the evil spirit also turned her head.

At this time, Run An suddenly noticed that she seemed to be holding something in her hand. But it's too dark to see clearly.


He soon knew what it was.

The evil spirit held up her hand.

She was holding... Shen Zhuoliang's head!

Shocked by Run An, Ah Jing and Li Hongming looked at Shen Zhuoliang, only to see...

A body without a head.

The body shook a few times in place, and finally fell to the ground.

This is the same situation as yesterday's Run An, except... Run An was only deprived of his right hand, while Shen Zhuoliang was directly decapitated!

Ah Jing's fear at this moment can be said to have reached its peak.

Although I have seen all kinds of terrifying ghosts and ghosts in the past, this evil spirit is really too terrifying.

How could he kill a person so easily without doing anything! Even ghosts aren't that scary!

If the campus hadn't been covered by shady scenes, Ah Jing would have escaped with Run An now! She and Run An couldn't afford to provoke this evil spirit! To confront her head-on, a few lives are not enough!

Now, the only hope is this scroll. If the spirit of death does not appear again, she and Run An will definitely die here today!

Run An also saw the horror of the evil spirit, he immediately stood in front of Ah Jing, easily grabbed a desk with his bony arm, and threw it viciously towards the evil spirit! At the same time, relying on the cover of the desk, he ran towards the evil spirit!

Who knew, the desk just hit the ground and almost fell on Qiao Pinyue. But the evil spirit was gone!

Before Run An had time to think, he suddenly saw... that evil spirit was standing behind Ah Jing!

"Ah..." Before he could call Ah Jing's name, the evil spirit had already opened its mouth, aimed at Ah Jing's head, and bit it down!

Although it is only a short distance of a few meters, it can determine Ah Jing's life and death!

"no, do not want!"

But it was too late.

The evil spirit bit Ah Jing's head. When Run An rushed up, the scroll in Ah Jing's hand had already fallen to the ground...

It happened so suddenly that even Li Hongming didn't react.

Run An saw Ah Jing's half head being bitten by the evil spirit's mouth, a burst of despair rose up, followed by anger that almost burned his soul!

He raised his bony arm, aimed at the evil spirit and hit it hard!

However, just when the white bone arm was about to touch the face of the evil spirit, it gradually turned back to silvery white powder, and all of it was sprinkled on the ground!

Without any hesitation, Run An held Ah Jing's body with one arm, pointed his right foot at the evil spirit's body, and kicked it up!

However, he didn't feel like he hit the real thing!


The evil spirit actually let go!

Her body flew up and was firmly nailed to the wall!

Looking carefully, there is a deformed baby holding her body on her limbs, making her unable to move.

Run An looked at Ah Jing again, her face...was unscathed!

"Why, how could it be?" Run An couldn't believe it, Ah Jing was completely fine

"Fortunately... in time..."

Ah Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is a connection with that black door again, Ah Jing will become such an invulnerable physique.

"Run look up!"

Run An looked up, and was surprised to find that there was a black door on the ceiling!

The door began to move, from the ceiling, to the wall, and finally behind the evil spirit!

The door opened.

The evil spirit howled wildly unwillingly, but her body was dragged into the endless darkness.

Then, the door began to twist into a black vortex, which turned into a small black spot, and finally disappeared.

Ah Jing looked at all this in horror, and it was exactly the same as the scene described in her father's notes.

Is this the so-called spirit of death

Those babies are just... retribution

At the same time, the dark curtain covering Yueying High School also completely dissipated.

Run An hugged Ah Jing tightly, and Ah Jing pressed against Run An's chest, almost out of breath.

"Run... Run dark... don't do this, I..."

"I... really, thought you were dead... great... thank you for being alive... thank you..."

Li Hongming and Qiao Pinyue stared blankly at all this. The scene just now was nothing like the real world scene at all.

However, they are still alive.

This is enough.

After about a month, Yueying High School finally resumed normal teaching order.

The twins finally returned to school.

This horrific disaster suddenly became a more sensational news than the Dazhishan incident in G City, and the eyes of the whole country began to focus on G City.

But for the twins, the days of misery were not over.

This time, they were completely regarded as plague gods and isolated. Qiao Pinyue, on the other hand, quit the job directly and went to other places to teach. She promised Ah Jing that she would not tell anyone what she saw.

And the most painful person is Jin Xianna.

She found out that she was pregnant with her stepfather's evil seed.

But she couldn't tell anyone, even Jin Xianhui.

She had no choice but to find an unlicensed private clinic to perform an abortion.

After the anesthesia was given, she fell asleep on the operating table.

After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly woke up, and there was an unbearable pain in her abdomen.

She straightened up, and she was still on the operating table.

Her stomach was cut open, and there was only blood in sight.

"no no… "

But Jin Xianna saw a more frightening scene next.

A small head emerged from her stomach.

It was... a face very similar to Jin Xianna's...

(End of Volume 11 "Twins")

Volume 12 Masks