Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 151: Forbidden place


Yueqi University.

Today is Monday, which is supposed to be a bright day.

However, when he stepped into this campus and looked at the No. 4 building in the distance, Wen Jilie still had lingering fears in his heart.

For him, that place, like a nightmare, lingers in his heart.

Yueqi University is an economics college, and Wen Jilie is a student of the Finance Department. Sun Pu is his classmate, the two usually have a good relationship and often get together.

But when he entered the classroom, he found...

Sun Pu didn't come!

He had just sat down in his seat, and before class started, Kang Xiujia came to him, leaned down and asked in a low voice, "Do you know? It seems that Sun Pu disappeared yesterday!"

Wen Jilie was so shocked that he almost fell off his chair.

He immediately asked: "How? How did he disappear?"

"After his parents came home yesterday, they didn't see him. He should have stayed at home, but his parents searched all night and couldn't find him everywhere. Wen Jilie, do you know his whereabouts? His parents Didn't call you?"

Wen Jilie's mobile phone just stopped due to arrears this month. What happened a month ago made him restless day and night, and he even forgot to recharge his phone. It is estimated that Sun Pu's parents should have called him.

Wen Jilie tensed up.

In the end... Is Sun Pu's disappearance related to what they saw in Building 4 a month ago

He secretly made up his mind.

He wanted to investigate the information about the girl with burnt face who committed suicide in Building 4, and also wanted to know why the school made Building 4 a forbidden area. As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind, if nothing really happened, the school would definitely not completely close the good teaching building to the outside world.

If he didn't find out everything again, he might be haunted by nightmares forever. In fact, a month ago, after just going to Building 4, he didn't go to school for a whole week. Later, if it wasn't for his parents' strong request, he would never dare to go back to school. Fortunately, a month passed, and nothing happened, but as long as I saw Building No. 4, the fear in my heart could not be suppressed.

In the next class, because he kept thinking about this matter, he was completely absent-minded when he was listening to the class.

Frankly speaking, he really regretted talking about that topic with Sun Pu that night a month ago. If he sleeps peacefully, then nothing will happen? But the world did not regret this statement after all.

Next, according to his plan, if he wanted to check the information of the girl who committed suicide, he would naturally go to the file management room of the student union. Of course, access to this kind of information requires a certain amount of authority. Fortunately, Song Yu is very familiar with Hua Xuerong, the vice chairman of the student union. If you just talk to her, you may be able to find the information. Then, it is necessary to find out exactly when the school blocked Building No. 4.

It has only been two years since Wen Jilie was admitted to Yueqi University. When he entered this university, building No. 4 was already closed. Not only that, but counselors and teachers often tell them that building No. 4 is forbidden. But the exact reason has never been explained. Later, rumors gradually began to circulate that Building No. 4 was haunted. When Wen Jilie first heard those rumors, he completely regarded them as rumors. However, I do have a strong curiosity about the mysterious Building No. 4.

In fact, he is not entirely sure whether the so-called statement that a girl committed suicide there is different from the reality, and it may be a purely fabricated ghost story.

After this class was over, he found Song Yu and Kang Xiujia, and talked with them about his thoughts.

As soon as Song Yu heard about Building No. 4, he trembled all over. He shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, no! I don't want to have anything to do with Building No. 4 anymore! In fact, I have already submitted an application to the counselor to leave the dormitory. , If I continue to live in the school, I will definitely go crazy! As long as the night comes, I will have nightmares living in the school!"

Wen Jilie understood her fear, after experiencing such a horrible thing in Building 4, no one dared to continue living in the school. If it weren't for the fact that his home was too far away from the school, he would definitely have asked to leave the dormitory.

Wen Jilie persuaded him patiently: "Song Yu, it is impossible to go on like this. Sun Pu disappeared inexplicably now, who knows if it is related to the previous experience? Moreover, he still disappeared in his own home! Even if It's useless to stay away from the school! If you can find out the truth of the matter, maybe, you can solve all the problems!"

However, Song Yu's face was still pale. That incident cast a great shadow on her.

And Kang Xiujia's complexion couldn't look any better. After she went to Building No. 4 that time, she also didn't come to school for a week. Moreover, at school, she stayed in the classroom almost all day and was afraid to go out at all. She also submitted an application to withdraw from the dormitory, and after being approved, she left the school every day as soon as school was over.

"In short... I don't agree!" Song Yu refused no matter what, she said to Wen Jilie: "For example, if you want to investigate, you can do it alone. For example, who told you about the haunted rumors, Just ask that person! I swear, I will never have anything to do with Building No. 4 again!"

Speaking of this, Wen Jilie knew that she would never cooperate with him.

If he relied solely on his own strength, it would be impossible to find those information no matter what. Moreover, the teachers have been keeping secret about Building No. 4. In the past, some people have asked the teachers why building No. 4 is a forbidden area, but those teachers only said that this is the school discipline and school rules, and it is enough to abide by it, so there is no need to ask so many questions.

However, Song Yu's words did remind Wen Jilie.

Back then, it was Zhang Feng from the Department of Business English who told him the haunted rumors. He and Zhang Feng didn't have much contact with each other on weekdays. They just happened to be at the same table when they were eating in the cafeteria. When they were chatting out of boredom, they mentioned Building 4. There are many rumors about Building No. 4, and it was Zhang Feng who told him that a girl committed suicide.

Finally, at noon, he could go to Zhang Feng.

After looking for a few places, Wen Jilie met Zhang Feng in the cafeteria.

When he asked about Building No. 4, Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Well, that rumor should be true. I heard it too."

"Can you tell me more details?" Wen Jilie wanted to know as much as possible.

"Oh? Are you interested in this? In fact, haunted and so on are all nonsense. But this girl committed suicide. It is probably because the school felt that the influence was not good, so it abandoned Building 4. This should be five years away from now. It happened six years ago. The girl who committed suicide seems to be surnamed Lin. She suffered facial burns because of a fire in her home. And the burns were so severe that one-third of her face could be said to be disfigured. Because In this way, she has to wear a mask to see people. The school is also very understanding."

"I heard that someone laughed at her? It's too much, she should not have suffered such a painful thing..."

"I think so too. However, to say it's ridicule, it's better to say that others regard her as a different kind. Of course, it's not because of her burns, but because of... that mask."

"Face... mask?"

Speaking of this, Wen Jilie couldn't help shivering, and the nightmare of building No. 4 resurfaced in front of him again.

That white, weird mask.

Things like masks conceal the real face and expression of the wearer, and they are stiff, without any expression.

That day...they saw the mask.

That mask, given to them, doesn't look like something completely lifeless.

Wen Jilie swallowed, he felt a little cold under his armpits.

"Please... go on."

"Well, because I haven't actually seen it, but the girl surnamed Lin seems to regard that mask as her real face. But that mask is really weird. For this reason, everyone rejects her .”

"So she killed herself? How?"

"I don't know about this. Not long after she committed suicide, the school abandoned and closed Building No. 4. Over the years, when new students enter school, some teachers will emphasize to them that they cannot enter Building No. 4, and it has even been clearly stated in the school rules and regulations. stipulated."

Things are definitely not simple!

No, it is definitely not easy!

Otherwise, everything that happened that night a month ago would be impossible to explain.

Wen Jilie believed that it was very necessary to find out the girl's information. Her suicide must have contained some hidden secrets.

Then, he went to the canteen, bought a recharge card, and after recharging his mobile phone, he called Sun Pu's family.

It was Sun Pu's mother who answered the phone.

Sun Pu's mother burst into tears when she heard that it was his classmate calling. So far, there is still no news about Sun Pu.

"Auntie, I want to ask, before Sun Pu disappeared, was there anything different from usual? No matter how small it is, please tell me!"

"Well... Speaking of which, he seems to have been worrying lately, restless, and he can't sleep well at night, so he won't tell me when I ask him. I don't know if it has something to do with his disappearance..."

I want to come because of my experience a month ago.

Having said this, Wen Jilie continued to ask: "Then... Is there anything missing in his room? If he took some money or something, maybe he left by himself. "

"No... no..."

At this moment, Sun Pu's mother suddenly said: "Yes, yes. After we got home last night, we found his computer was still on. Is this... an abnormality?"

"Is the computer still on?"

"Yes. We were busy looking for him at the time, and we ignored this matter later. Because his computer entered the screen saver state, I only found out the next day that the computer had been turned on all night. By the way, on the desktop, It also showed that there was a new email in his mailbox, I opened it and looked, it was sent to him by a website called 'Gate of Hades', I thought it was probably some kind of spam, and I didn't care."

"Under... the gate of Hades?"

Wen Jilie had heard of it, it was a very famous supernatural website!

Could it have something to do with Sun Pu's disappearance

"Auntie, can you send emails?"

"Well, yes."

"Well, I'll tell you my email address, and then you send it to me... You didn't delete that email, did you?"

"No, no."

"Great! Maybe that has something to do with Sun Pu's disappearance! Auntie, please, my email address is..."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Jilie hurried to the school computer room, turned on the computer, and logged on to QQ. He was using a QQ mailbox, but just after logging in, it showed a new email.

That was the e-mail sent to Sun Pu by the Gate of Hades website.

The content is like this:

Ruohuo (Sun Pu's username registered at Hades Gate, which is also his QQ nickname):

Letters received.

I am very interested in the experience you mentioned in your post. We have verified that the fact that you mentioned the forbidden Building 4 of Yueqi University is true.

Our website has always been committed to digging out real supernatural news. However, let me state in advance that this website hates false supernatural rumors. Once it is verified that the content of your post is not true, your IP will be blocked. Please bear this in mind.

However, if what you say is true, a dedicated person on our website will communicate with you. If you are concerned about your safety, you may also consider meeting with us.

If you want to get in touch with us to learn more about the secrets behind this horrible phenomenon, you can add QQ... (followed by a series of numbers).

After seeing that QQ account, Wen Jilie immediately added that QQ on the Internet, and said in the verification information that he was Ruohuo's friend. Not long after, there was news of agreeing to be friends.

The nickname of that QQ account is "Dr. Evil Spirit".

Before Wen Jilie could reply, the QQ account started talking directly.

"Excuse me, you are Ruohuo's friend, what about Ruohuo?"

Wen Jilie truthfully said: "He...he is missing."

The other party was silent for a while, then said: "So... do you plan to meet with our experts?"