Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 152: scary mask


Wen Jilie hesitated for a moment, and then typed the word "OK".

Although he didn't know how much the so-called "experts" could help him, Wen Jilie really wanted to get help at this moment.

After all, the experience a month ago was too weird and terrifying.

Therefore, the convenience proposed a time and place to meet. It will be at 5:30 pm tomorrow, in a small restaurant near the school. He also said that after he entered the restaurant, he said directly that he wanted to find Mr. Yi Runan, and the waiter would lead him to the seat they had reserved.

After the negotiation, Wen Jilie went offline.

He knew that tomorrow, he would be able to meet Mr. Yi Runan from the Gate of Hades. This name also sounds very unique, and Wen Jilie always felt as if he had heard this name somewhere.

However, for a while, I couldn't think of it.

Night came again.

For the past month, every day at school, as long as night fell, Wen Jilie did not dare to stay alone. Fortunately, the dormitory is always very lively, which can dispel some fears.

Sun Pu's disappearance also aroused the concern of the other two roommates in the dormitory. They speculated whether Sun Pu was kidnapped, or ran away from home or something.

However, Wen Jilie was very clear in his heart.

Sun Pu's disappearance was definitely not simple.

If this really has something to do with what they saw in Building 4, does it mean that they will also disappear

No, to be more precise, is it that I... will disappear too

It is not known where the missing Sun Pu is now. Wen Jilie couldn't imagine where he was now and what kind of things he was going through. He had a strong premonition that Sun Pu... would not come back.

Finally, it was time to turn off the lights.

Every day, at this time, will become the moment Wen Jilie fears the most. As long as he thought that building No. 4 was so close to the boys' dormitory, he couldn't sleep at all.

This state has lasted for a month, and now, because of Sun Pu's disappearance, it has become even more severe.

He only hated that he couldn't meet that Yi Runan immediately today.

On the other hand, Run An also found some information about the girl who committed suicide.

Run An naturally also saw the post Sun Pu sent to the Gate of Hades. Immediately afterwards, an investigation was launched. As a result, without much effort, I found the specific information of the girl back then. But about how she committed suicide, the real information was obtained only after Ah Jing invaded the police network.

The results are pretty amazing.

Although Run An and Ah Jing had seen this kind of thing a lot, they were still very shocked.

The girl's name is Lin Xiuyun.

She was admitted to Yueqi University seven years ago, and committed suicide five years ago, when she was a sophomore.

During the summer vacation of her freshman year, her home suffered a fire. Because of that fire, Lin Xiuyun's face was severely burned. For this reason, she was weary of the world for a time, and although she did not commit suicide at that time, she was completely devastated.

Later, she made a white mask herself.

That mask was so weird that even her parents didn't know how she made it. Normally, she wouldn't let anyone touch her mask. Moreover, almost no one saw her take off the mask.

After putting on the mask, her personality gradually began to change. Going back to school, it seems to be living like a normal person again.

Her parents originally planned to continue to take her to seek medical treatment and find a way to undergo facial plastic surgery, otherwise her future job hunting and marriage would be greatly affected. However, Lin Xiuyun actually refused.

Yes, declined.

When Run An heard this at first, he was still very puzzled, and even doubted whether the information was true or false. But Runli, who was in charge of collecting information, said categorically that there was absolutely nothing wrong with it, because it was Lin Xiuyun's parents who said it. After Lin Xiuyun committed suicide, it was also a sensational news, and the newspaper where Runli works also reported the news, and she found out the reporter's interview with Lin Xiuyun's parents after the incident.

Lin Xiuyun's reason for refusing to continue the treatment was absurd.

That mask, she said, was her face. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether the face under the mask is restored or not.

At the time, Lin Xiuyun's suicide was believed to be due to being excluded by her classmates. Therefore, the public opinion at that time tended to sympathize with Lin Xiuyun and criticize the indifference and selfishness of college students.

However, Runli feels that this may not be the case.

She found an alumnus who was in the same class as Lin Xiuyun and had graduated from Yueqi University. That alumnus and Lin Xiuyun are classmates.

When mentioning the old events of the year, the alumnus seemed very heavy. Obviously that incident cast a great shadow over him.

When it was mentioned whether it was discriminatory towards Lin Xiuyun who suffered facial burns, he immediately denied it.

That's what he told Runli.

"Miss reporter, maybe you will not be able to understand what I said. But... the people who were in the same class as Lin Xiuyun back then, no matter who you ask, they will give you the same answer. We... are afraid of that mask. Wearing that mask, in front of us The Lin Xiuyun who if she is no longer her! Although her behavior has not changed much from before the fire, as soon as we see that mask, we will be terrified and subconsciously stay away from her."

Runli really didn't understand what he said, so she asked further: "Excuse me, why do you have such an idea? Does the mask look scary?"

"No... the mask itself is not very good, but... as long as you look at the mask, you will feel that it is not like a mask, but... a real face!"

Runli was even more confused when she heard this.

"Is that mask made so lifelike?"

"No... In fact, the mask is very rough and has nothing special about it. It can't even be compared with the masks sold at street stalls, and the mask itself has no special expression. So, I still don't understand why it was so strange in the first place. Fear of that mask. I, I really can't describe that feeling..."

"That day... was during the lunch break. Including me, more than a dozen students came to Lin Xiuyun's desk and said they wanted to talk to her. Naturally, it was about the mask. We said that it is understandable that she used The mask covers the burnt mood, but I hope she can change a mask. We can pay for the new mask. We just ask her not to wear this mask to school. Originally, we should use pleading We spoke to her in tone, after all, she did nothing wrong. However, out of fear of that mask, our tone became very tough."

"As a result, Lin Xiuyun completely rejected our request, and even told us that this mask is her face. She will never change the mask. Her tone is extremely firm. Although we have repeatedly stated our position, She just didn't want to. Finally, a few people couldn't take it anymore and started to curse her, and they used ugly words... I also scolded her at the time. Thinking about it now, I can't understand why we did that at the beginning. But, we Can't stand looking at that mask, living in the same classroom as her, it's going to drive us crazy! That mask...we're afraid of that mask!"

To the alumni's surprise, that night, Lin Xiuyun committed suicide in Building 4, the classroom they often used.

The next day, when he came to Building 4, there were already police cars outside.

When they learned that Lin Xiuyun had committed suicide in Building No. 4, everyone was shocked.

Regarding the cause of death, both the police and the school said it was a suicide by cutting his wrists. but…

Many people saw that when the stretcher carrying the corpse came out of Building 4, a large area of blood was stained on the white cloth on the face of the corpse!

Through Ah Jing's intrusion into the police network, the real cause of Lin Xiuyun's death was also found out.

She didn't kill herself by cutting her wrists.

Shortly after her suicide, the school announced that Building 4 was abandoned.

Lin Xiuyun did commit suicide, but the way she committed suicide was too appalling. Therefore, it is understandable that the school and the police are unwilling to reveal the truth to the society. Moreover, this is also the wish of the family of the deceased.

Lin Xiuyun left a suicide note. The suicide note specifically stated that the mask must be worn on her face during the funeral.

After learning all the truth, Run An felt more and more that the content of that post was true.

In Building 4, there is a curse brought by Lin Xiuyun's mask!

Looking at the photo of the deceased on the police network, Ah Jing also felt unprecedented trembling. In the past, even the twisted human corpse had never shocked her so much.

Lin Xiuyun's body fell to the side of the classroom. Naturally, she wore a mask on her face, which was completely stained red with blood. It seemed that it was indeed just an ordinary mask.

And Lin Xiuyun's right hand was holding something.

That was... torn off by herself, her own face!