Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 153: shadow


Bin Qiu couldn't believe that scene.

That night a month ago, in her dormitory, because she couldn't sleep, she overheard the conversation between her roommate, Song Yu and Kang Xiujia.

"Song Yu... you said, is it true that there are ghosts in Building 4?"

That was Kang Xiujia's voice.

Girls always gossip by nature. Although they are afraid of ghosts, they still like to discuss, not to mention that Building No. 4 has always been a topic of discussion in Yueqi University.

Song Yu quickly said, "Where are there ghosts? Kang Xiujia, don't scare me!"

Bin Qiu has no interest in this kind of strange school talk, but at this time he really can't sleep, so he also listens to their talk. Although Song Yu was a little timid, she actually started arguing with Kang Xiujia whether there was really a ghost in Building 4. In the end, it actually developed to the point that I wanted to go and see for myself.

As we all know, building No. 4 is forbidden to enter. This is an iron rule that all students of Yueqi University know. Therefore, if you want to go in and take a look, you can only choose at night.

In other words, now is the best time.

Bin Qiu didn't speak, just half-opened his eyes, watching them put on their clothes, and then turned out the window (they also live on the first floor).

Bin Qiu gradually developed a strong curiosity. After all, she really couldn't sleep now, and she had a whim, why not follow them to see it

Bin Qiu immediately turned over, got out of bed, picked up the clothes hanging on the chair, quickly put them on, then put on his shoes, and turned them out of the window.

The girls' dormitory is a little further away from Building No. 4.

When they went outside, Song Yu and Kang Xiujia were no longer in sight. However, the destination is the same anyway, both in Building 4.

That night, there was hardly any moonlight. Under the shroud of darkness, the silent university really had a terrifying atmosphere.

After bypassing several teaching buildings, Building No. 4 appeared in front of her eyes.

Although entry is prohibited in Building 4, the entrances and exits are not locked. This is mainly because everyone knows that building No. 4 cannot be entered, so no one will enter at all.

But Bin Qiu saw that besides Song Yu and Kang Xiujia, there were actually two boys with them. Because of the distance and the dark sky, she couldn't see who they were.

She suddenly wondered why there were two more boys on the way.

At this moment, the four of them entered Building 4 like this.

Originally, Bin Qiu planned to go in with them. However, she suddenly became timid and stopped about 200 meters away from Building No. 4, not daring to go in.

However, after arriving here, if she went back like this, she might not be able to sleep even more. In desperation, I sat down in the shade near Building 4, thinking about what to do next.

Because she was in a hurry to come out, she didn't have much clothes on her body. And even though it was early spring, it was still very cold at night. She didn't know how long she sat there, she couldn't help shivering, thinking about going back, she really didn't dare to go in. Anyway, if you ask Song Yu and Kang Xiujia tomorrow, you will know what's going on.

At this time, it should have been more than twenty minutes since the four people entered.

Bin Qiu suddenly felt a little strange.

Building 4 has five floors. Because of the abandoned relationship, the classrooms on each floor were basically emptied. It only takes a little browsing on a floor to know if there is anyone, or if there is a ghost. It's been twenty minutes, five floors, should we finish walking

She suddenly became curious, could it be... Those four people really discovered something

At this time, she noticed that the light of a flashlight appeared on a row of windows on the 5th floor of Building 4. Presumably, Building No. 4 has been abandoned, and naturally there is no power supply inside. She remembered that Song Yu did take a flashlight before leaving.

They are on the top floor now

Following the light of the flashlight, Bin Qiu faintly saw the figures of the four of them. However, it was soon blocked by the wall again.

Binqiu felt something was wrong.

Because... the light and the figures of the four people are not moving forward, but... retreating! Moreover, she noticed that the four people were obviously walking backwards!

Before she could react, suddenly, on the window, vaguely... another figure appeared!

That figure is really unclear. Because the light from the flashlight was already some distance away from the figure, most of the figure was hidden in the darkness, and because of the distance, Bin Qiu couldn't see clearly at all.

But... it was a figure, Bin Qiu was sure of it.

How can it be!

Building No. 4 is a forbidden area of Yueqi University! There can't be anyone there!

At this time, Binqiu started to have goose bumps all over his body.

But, next...

She suddenly saw that at the entrance of Building No. 4, those four people ran out like rabbits. While running, they kept looking back!

Bin Qiu just noticed that figure, and they ran out in just such a short time, it can be seen how fast they were running!

Moreover, although their faces could not be seen clearly, there were obvious cries in their heavy breathing.

The four of them ran forward like headless chickens, completely lost their way. Bin Qiu followed them all the time, of course, she followed them secretly.

Fortunately, she has never been found. The four of them ran for a while, and stopped in front of the music auditorium, which was at least five kilometers away from Building No. 4.

Relying on the shade of nearby trees, Bin Qiu gradually approached the four people. She tried to hold her breath so they wouldn't notice her.

There was a green belt near the music auditorium, where she hid, only about 20 meters away from the four people.

At this time, the four people were panting continuously. First of all, it was Song Yu's trembling voice.

"Then... what is that? What is that?"

Then came Kang Xiujia's answer.

"It's her... She really lingers... She's still in Building 4!"

In the middle of the night, in the deserted university campus, upon hearing such a conversation, Binqiu couldn't help becoming frightened, and even looked back subconsciously.

Then, she heard a boy's voice.

"Cold... Calm down, is that really a ghost? Could it be a human? Maybe..."

"Sun Pu, think about it, if you are a human, can you make no sound when walking? No, you can't be wrong... God, unexpectedly, there are ghosts... And, have you seen it? That mask, that mask... too Terrible!"

The other three also nodded frequently, expressing their agreement with the man's words. But at this time, Bin Qiu heard that this person was Wen Jilie from his class, and the other person was Sun Pu.

"I... what should we do? Should we tell others?" This was Sun Pu's voice.

"Come on, what are you kidding!" Wen Jilie immediately vetoed this idea and said, "Tell them that building No. 4 is haunted? Will anyone believe it? Moreover, we have violated school discipline and rules because of this, and we will be punished! Listen up! … Don’t tell anyone what happened tonight, and definitely don’t tell the fifth person!”

When Bin Qiu heard this, she felt really interesting, she was the "fifth person".

Sun Pu asked again: "Who... who doesn't say?"

"Of course! No matter how close your friends are, even your parents, don't mention a single word! If you say that Building 4 is haunted, you will only be treated as a lunatic... What we just saw is a nightmare, right? Don't think about it anymore... We, really shouldn't enter the forbidden area of Building 4... "

When Bin Qiu heard this, his legs trembled unconsciously. Thinking of the figure she saw just now, the fear in her heart rose to the peak.

Looking at the appearance of these four people, it seems that they have really seen a ghost!

Although Bin Qiu had never entered Building No. 4, she began to think of the horror scene in Building No. 4 in her heart.

She went around another road and walked to her dormitory. She knew that Song Yu and Kang Xiujia would come back later. So she had to lie down on the bed before that, and not let them know that she had been out.

Along the way, she unconsciously quickened her pace, and turned her head several times to see if there was any shadow following her...

Next, when Bin Qiu returned home on the weekend, he found that there was an extra iron box in his room! She curiously asked her father what happened to the box, but her father's answer made her hair stand on end.

"Cases? Where are the boxes in your room?"

Father was clearly standing in front of the box, but, like a blind man, he couldn't see it at all!

And this box stood on the floor as if it had taken root, let alone moving it, even if it was lifted, it couldn't be done! For a month, she tried all methods, but she couldn't discard or destroy this box!

Every night after that, Bin Qiu would dream of her dead mother saying to herself: "Don't open it...don't open it..."


Now, Sun Pu is missing!

Bin Qiu didn't know whether this had something to do with their experience in Building 4. However, she absolutely did not dare to open the box. And she also found that not only her father, but no one could see the box. People who came to her house entered her room, and no one could see the box.

Kang Xiujia left the dormitory shortly after that, and now Song Yu has also submitted an application to do so. After that, she was the only one in the dormitory.

Binqiu was afraid when he thought of this.

She wanted to ask Song Yu what she saw that night, but if she opened her mouth, it would be tantamount to telling her that she followed them that night and heard their conversation.

This puts Binqiu in a dilemma.

It was already one o'clock in the morning, and she still couldn't sleep.

Song Yu was sleeping on her lower bunk, and she heard rolling sounds from below from time to time, it seemed that she couldn't sleep well either.

At this moment, she suddenly heard Song Yu's voice.

"Bin Qiu, are you asleep?"

Bin Qiu replied: "No, no."

"Can you... answer me a question, please? Answer me honestly."

Hearing this, Bin Qiu's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Song Yu found out that she followed them a month ago

However, Song Yu's question was far beyond her expectation.

"Do you think... a mask can replace a human face?"

This question made Binqiu very puzzled.

However, she immediately remembered that when those four people were talking, they mentioned "masks"!

But, what's the matter with Song Yu's question

Binqiu and Song Yu are usually very good friends, and they talk about almost everything. Since she asked this question, she must want to get an answer.

Bin Qiu thought for a while, and said, "A mask, after all, is a mask. How can it replace a face?"

"Really? But, is there a time...the mask is the real face?"

Song Yu's weird words startled Binqiu.

What exactly did she mean

"Song Yu, what do you want to say?"

"I always feel...that mask is her real face..."

This endless talk made Binqiu more and more confused.

"Song Yu, can you speak more clearly?"

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything. Good night."

Then, there was no sound.

However, what Song Yu said to Bin Qiu that night was deeply engraved in the latter's heart...