Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 155: precursor


Wen Jilie suddenly noticed that Run An had been clutching his right hand.

"Mr. Yi, are your hands alright? You've been..."

Run An's hand began to feel severe pain.

It is early spring now, and the chill of winter has gradually moved away, and Run An is not only wearing long sleeves, but also a pair of gloves.

He wasn't afraid of the cold, but he still wanted to hide the arm that was completely bone.

Decay powder, through this magical powder, Run An was able to use this bone arm created with decay powder. This pair of gloves was also specially made for him by Ah Jing, which can prevent the bone arm from being corroded.

At this time, Ah Jing was in the Crown Hotel, discussing with Bo Shao and her grandfather Sun Zhengyan about the Retribution of Death.

After sealing the evil spirit into the black door, it fully proved that the scroll was indeed a psychic tool.

In the spacious and luxurious room, the three of them sat together, and the scroll was placed on a table in the middle.

"Sure enough..." After listening to Ah Jing's description, Sun Boshao said with emotion: "There should be more than one scroll like this, and they are all links that can connect to that black door. But what exactly is the so-called spirit of death? "

Ah Jing pondered for a moment, and said: "Actually, it's not difficult to guess. I... used to have the ability to foresee the key words of curses. And this ability comes from the power of that door. Death Retribution... has the ability to see the world The ghost of the power of life and death."

In the past, Run An and Run Li had the ability to foresee the cursed person and the date of death because of the ghosts dominated by the spirit of death in their bodies. The spirit of retribution for death is also the evil spirit that proclaims death.

What is the relationship between that evil spirit... and the seven evil spirits

The deformed babies that always appear, all have the common feature of purple pupils. They seem to be looking for the reincarnated seven evil spirits. And the so-called "evil ghosts" should be the seven people who were reincarnated.

According to the clues, although it feels absurd, both Bo Shao and Liuli seem to have seen their own experiences in the previous life in the dream.

Moreover, their dreams can be linked together.

Although I don't know what's going on, there are more and more mysteries related to the seven evil spirits.

The so-called dead spirits are a group of deformed purple-eyed monster babies, who are in charge of a black door leading to the nether world. At the same time, seven kinds of ghost eyes appeared in this world because of them.

Why do humans have the ability to have premonitions

Ah Jing thought that it was probably to find out the seven people who were reincarnated through this point.

From the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms to the modern age of the 21st century, the population of the earth has continued to increase. Even if it is limited to China, it is difficult to find seven people out of more than one billion people.

Therefore, premonition ability is very important.

No, to be precise, it needs the all-knowing and omnipotent premonition ability like my father.

However, in this, there is a problem.

Ghost eyes will bring about death. People with ghost eyes will die strangely beside countless people. Because of his father's yin and yang ghost eyes, all his relatives and friends were killed by ghost eyes.

Judging from the fact that those strange babies prevented the evil spirit from killing Li Hongming, if Li Hongming was really one of the seven reincarnated people, then there would be an answer.

The purpose of the Revenge of Death is to personally curse the seven people. So find them at all costs, but don't let them die before being cursed.

Therefore, ghost eyes can be divided into strong and weak. The weaker the ghost eye, the less chance it will cause death. But at the same time, the ability of premonition is getting weaker.

Therefore, it took thousands of years to find those seven people.

However, this is only an inference after all and needs to be verified.

Through the power of this scroll, the door to the spirit of retribution can be opened, but this is also based on a major premise.

Before the seven reincarnated people died under the curse of the spirit of death.

Bo Shao told Ah Jing about his dream.

In the dream, he was the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment of an ancient dynasty, and was highly valued by the emperor. In the dream, his name was Yi Shaoqing.

In that palace, he directly governs a place.

That place is a forbidden place in the palace.

No one was allowed to enter except the Emperor, and a few persons directly appointed to administer the place.

There, it is called "Luoying Pavilion".

Bo Shao only remembered these.

It is especially worth mentioning that Liuli once appeared in his dreams.

In his dream, Liuli was about sixteen years old.

And Liuli also had the same dream as Bo Shao. In the dream, she also faced Bo Shao who was Yi Shaoqing.

Everything seemed very chaotic.

If that dream is really their past life, then the key is how their past life is related to the Necromancer

It's a pity that the age is too far away to find out the truth. And many unofficial histories are not credible.

"Miss Ren Jing," Bo Shao put forward his own opinion: "The reason why that door appeared is because of the user, and because of you. You have thought of this too, right?"

"That's right... I think so too." Ah Jing actually understood this point a long time ago.

She still has a certain connection with that door.

"Liu Li... how is she doing now?" Ah Jing asked Bo Shao.

Bo Shao shook his head and said, "She's been in a lot of pain recently, not only can't sleep well, but also has hallucinations more and more frequently. If it continues like this, she might have a mental breakdown. I've already investigated her, and she There is no history of mental illness in the past, but because she is an orphan, she cannot know the condition of her parents. But I think that her hallucinations should not be purely mental problems."


Ah Jing began to become interested in this.

"She... began to see that black door often. At first, it was about once every two or three days, then once a day, and in the end, she often saw that hallucination every day." When Bo Shao said this, his tone suddenly became serious: "I think this is probably an early sign of the curse."

Ah Jing thinks so too.

However, the question is, why didn't Bo Shao see the hallucination? He had had that dream too.

It may be that there is a certain sequence of curses, or it may be that the ways of cursing are different.

However, Ah Jing felt more and more that the possibility of inferences from past and present lives was very high. Since there are ghosts, it is not surprising that people will be reincarnated.

She put away the scroll and said to Boshao and grandpa: "I'm leaving first. Run An is currently meeting with the person who entered the teaching building that may have ghosts. It is estimated that he will have a result when he comes back at night. Then, Goodbye, Bo Shao, grandpa!"

After Ah Jing left, Sun Zhengchang let out a long sigh. He lay on his back on the sofa, looking at the black door hovering in the sky.

He has also been hallucinating.

Bo Shao could tell that the chairman's mental state was very bad.

"Chairman, why don't you take a break first? It can be seen that you are very tired. Lifting the curse on Miss Ren Jing is by no means something that can be done overnight. You should be more patient."

Sun Zhengyan rubbed his eyes, and the black door in front of him disappeared.

"Bo Shao..."

"yes… "

"Help me contact Lawyer Smith. Let him come to China as soon as possible."

Bo Shao asked suspiciously: "Chairman, why did you call Lawyer Smith? We are now..."

Suddenly, he understood something.

From a long time ago, Bo Shao gradually felt that the chairman had such intentions.

"Dong, Chairman... Could it be that you want to make a legacy..."

"That's right. I mean that. If I will also be cursed, I don't want to leave regrets." Sun Zhengyan said with a very sad expression: "I owe Lingxiu mother and daughter too much. Anyway, when I arrive In the end, I didn't bless her marriage. Ah Jing is my granddaughter, so...she has the right to inherit all my property. Although money can't help her escape this curse, at least, it's the only thing I can do for her .”

Bo Shao was silent for a while, nodded, and said, "Yes. I will follow your instructions, Chairman."

Next, the chairman went into the back room to rest because he felt too tired. And Bo Shao made a long-distance call across the ocean, asking the chairman's personal lawyer, Smith, to come to China as soon as possible. After all, it is a major event in drafting a will, and it cannot be sloppy.

After hanging up the phone, he also felt a little tired.

Just then...

Suddenly, he vaguely heard something behind him.

As if... It was the sound of a door being opened.

Immediately afterwards, a voice full of resentment came from behind Bo Shao.

"I hate you... I hate you... Shaoqing..."

Bo Shao didn't let himself turn around.

He tried his best to keep himself calm, but his body was trembling involuntarily.

The sound was getting closer.

He said silently in his heart, this is an auditory hallucination, it is an auditory hallucination.

Then, behind him, came the sound of the door closing.

"Seven of you... none of you can escape... none of you..."