Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 157: I saw you


What Wen Jilie never imagined in his dreams was that Song Yu didn't believe in Yi Runan at all. After she received the call, she didn't plan to come over at all. She even advised Wen Jilie not to believe this kind of "charlatan". Of course, she also repeatedly emphasized that she absolutely did not want to have anything to do with Building No. 4.

Song Yu is a very sensitive girl. She is relatively negative in the face of things, and she is unwilling to face it under any circumstances. Recalling the experience a month ago, she still feels chills all over her body.

It was Sunday, and she came to the beach to play with several relatives at home. She loves swimming and sunbathing, and goes to the beach several times a year. And once the city of G enters spring, the temperature will warm up very quickly, and sometimes it even feels like summer, so her parents agreed.

Putting on a swimsuit and playing with her cousins in the sea, she gradually forgot the horrible memory of that day.

Looking around, the surrounding beaches are full of men and women wearing swimsuits. Although it is not summer yet, no one is holding a sun umbrella, but it looks like a summer atmosphere.

By the beach, several young children gather together to pile sand, probably wanting to build a castle.

After swimming for about three hours, Song Yu felt a little tired, so he came to the beach and chose a place to lie down.

The feeling of sunbathing is really good, and facing the sun, the inner fear can be dispelled a lot.

At the same time, Bin Qiu logged into the Gate of Hades website at home. She's looking up records from last year's website.

This supernatural website will never let go of such news.

Soon, she saw the message she was looking for.

That was the sensational supernatural news that happened in a certain city last year.

Bin Qiu slowly dragged the mouse, watching the news carefully.

After reading the article, her hand holding the mouse began to tremble slightly.

If it was before, she would definitely think it was nonsense when she saw such a thing. But it's different now, she can almost conclude that the content of the news is true.

Fang Kai, who was sitting beside her, also had a look of astonishment.

"Dad..." She turned her head to her father and said to him, "Don't you know about this?"

"No... I have absolutely no idea."

"Why are you afraid of her? That woman who committed suicide, what are you afraid of?"

"I… "

Suddenly, Bin Qiu thought of a question.

"Her eyes... are they purple pupils?"

"You... what did you say?" Fang Kai didn't understand for a moment.

Bin Qiu clicked on an article on the front page of Gate of Hades. The title of the article is: "The Legend of the Seven Ghost Eyes." The author of the article is Ming Huarui, and the name of the information provider is Ren Jing.

The article introduces the seven kinds of ghost eyes in detail, and explains that what they have in common is purple pupils. If you feel frightened when you see those eyes, it means that you may be one of the "seven evil spirits". This is a legend circulated in the Esoteric Ghost Eye Sect.

Fang Kai and his daughter firmly believed in this kind of statement that seemed to be supernatural at all.

But Fang Kai denied Bin Qiu's guess.

"That day..." Fang Kai replied, "When the woman was brought to the hospital, her eyes were indeed kept open, but her pupils were not purple. I remember it very clearly."

Bin Qiu asked Fang Kai again just in case, and he said with certainty that the pupils of that woman were black.

According to that article, ghost eyes must be purple pupils, and only seeing purple ghost eyes will produce great fear.

The thread is broken again.

According to Fang Kai, he was so terrified of that woman that he wanted to escape from the original city. In the end, because Bin Qiu happened to be admitted to a university in another place, he took this opportunity to move.

He did not hesitate to give up his original favorable position in the hospital and came to this different place.

However, when he saw the name Ming Huarui, he had a reaction.

"She...she is..."

Fang Kai hadn't looked carefully just now, but now, he found the name.

That was the woman who had been shot in the brain that day and had been sent to the hospital, and after surgery, she was finally out of danger. Now he has been discharged from the hospital, and occasionally he will go back to the hospital to see him, saying that he is very grateful for the life-saving grace of the other doctor.

At this time, Bin Qiu had already entered the forum of Gate of Hades. And a post on the forum caught her attention.

The post was titled: I saw a real ghost, a masked curse!

The word "mask" undoubtedly aroused Bin Qiu's great interest, and the person who posted it was called Ruohuo.

She only read the first two paragraphs, and she was almost sure that the author of this post was definitely one of the four people who entered Building 4 that day.

"Actually... found such a clue..."

Bin Qiu was so pleasantly surprised, she immediately started watching from the moment when she entered Building 4.

Ruohuo wrote: "We entered Building No. 4 with trepidation. This is just an ordinary teaching building, and it looks a bit old now. The dust in the air made us sneeze constantly, and The spider webs all over the wall also made the two girls keep screaming.

I carried a flashlight and walked ahead with my roommate. The light slightly dispelled our fear, but in this forbidden place where people have died, it is still somewhat scary.

In the classroom, there are only some scattered desks. There was dust all over the floor, and several windows were broken.

The first few floors were like this.

My God... I hardly have the courage to write about the terrible thing that follows, but... I have to write again.

We... How wonderful it would be if we went back at that time!

We shouldn't have gone up to the fifth floor. "

Seeing this, Binqiu became short of breath. She slowed down moving the mouse down, looking down slowly instead.

Although this is just an ordinary text, Bin Qiu knows that this is a completely real event.

The follow-up content is written like this: "After entering this floor, we quickly... felt a little strange. First of all, the walls of each floor are covered with spider webs, but... this floor is different. You can see it everywhere No cobwebs. And, the ground, almost no dust.

We don't know the exact floor where the girl committed suicide.

But looking back now, I bet it was on the 5th floor!

Holding the flashlight, I reluctantly took a few steps. Although I moved very slowly, I didn't want to appear timid in front of the other three.

At that time, I prayed in my heart that the time would pass quickly, so that we could end this adventure and return to the warm bed of the dormitory...


The light of the flashlight...

It actually showed a pair of bare feet! "

When he saw this, Bin Qiu took a deep breath and stepped back about one meter from the chair. It was as if there was some ghost hidden in the computer.

Fang Kai also watched it together, and was shocked when he saw this passage.

But still, keep reading...

"At that time, my hand was frozen... I don't remember how I mustered up the courage to slowly move the light of the flashlight upwards... Now, I only remember that what caught my eyes was... a man wearing a The woman in the mask! None of us spoke at that time, and the atmosphere was so cold that it seemed like a century had passed.

That mask... I won't forget it even now...

it's horrible...

Is that really a mask

There should be no doubt about it, because it is impossible for a human being to have such a face.

But... I feel that it seems to be her face!

We began to retreat unconsciously. "

Writing here, Bin Qiu reckons, it should be what she saw at that time, the scene in that row of windows.

This Ruohuo is absolutely not lying.

However, the simple sentence in the next line made Binqiu scream violently.

Those words were a million times more terrifying than seeing a ghost appearing in front of her!

That sentence is: "At that time, the woman in the mask, her face suddenly tilted to the window next to her, her eyes seemed to be looking at something obliquely downward. And, after about three seconds, she finally turned her eyes again. Against us."

Bin Qiu opened his eyes wide and read this simple sentence nearly ten times. Although Fang Kai kept asking her what was wrong, she didn't answer a single word.

That female ghost... yes, she is a female ghost... At that time, she looked out of the window? And the line of sight is... diagonally downward

And at that time, I was looking at the row of windows in Building 4!

in other words…

She was looking at herself at the time!

Song Yu opened his eyes.

She has been sunbathing for about half an hour, and she plans to go back to the sea for a refreshing swim.

Just when she was about to get up, she noticed that there were several raised sand dunes around her, piled up into some weird shapes. Probably it was piled up by the children just now.

Song Yu was about to stand up, but...

She noticed that everyone around her seemed to be looking at her.

The tourists saw... an expressionless, mask-like face appeared on the sand in horror!

Song Yu didn't notice at all that a pile of sand dunes rose around her body, forming the mouth of the mask.

The surrounding sand dunes, in turn, form the eyes and the nose.

And all the tourists can see that this pile of sand dunes is just a few children who don't know each other at all, and they piled up randomly.

The surrounding sand rolled up all at once. Before Song Yu could react, the sand buried her body tightly!

One of Song Yu's cousins suddenly noticed that her cousin was buried in the sand, and ran over quickly.

The place where she used to sunbathe turned into a big sand pile.

Her cousin hurriedly pushed the sand away and shouted: "Song Yu, Song Yu, are you okay?"

However, she pushed the pile of sand away completely, but she didn't see Song Yu's figure either!

"Song... Song Yu?" The cousin turned pale with shock, and continued to push the sand away. But no matter what she did, she couldn't find Song Yu.

Ruohuo's post has the last paragraph left.

"We immediately fled towards the stairs. However, when we reached the stairs, we were almost dumbfounded. The walls of the corridor in front of us... were actually covered with exactly the same masks! Those masks seemed to be looking at us! But, even In this way, we still have to escape! I can’t even imagine how I escaped from that teaching building in such a state. There are horrible masks hanging on every corridor we escape! But we But can't stay... "

Bin Qiu stared blankly at the post in front of him.

She felt a powerless despair rising in her body.

She... was also seen by that mask.

Is that iron box that only she can see is the curse she suffered? In that box... What is there