Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 159: The box...and the final mask


Three o'clock in the morning.

Bin Qiu walked alone on the deserted street.

She really didn't dare to continue sleeping in the room with the box, and seeing her father fast asleep, she thought she wouldn't notice, so she went out for a walk to relax.

In a trance, Binqiu walked to Leguan Square near her home.

She was sitting in the center of the square, where there was a stage. If it was daytime, there must be a sea of people here.

She sat on the stage, overlooking the audience.

She wanted to reduce the depression in her heart as much as possible. But at this moment, Binqiu didn't notice at all that behind her, there appeared...a woman wearing a mask!

A pigeon landed at Binqiu's feet.

The pigeon cooed and looked at Binqiu.

Bin Qiu likes pigeons very much, she stretched out her hand and stroked the pigeon's head. It was not afraid at all, it just stopped there.

Then a few more pigeons stopped on the stage.

The pigeons gathered more and more.

Beside Bin Qiu, dozens of pigeons suddenly appeared.

At this time, if you stand on a high place and look down...

On that stage, countless pigeons gathered together to form a big face.

And Bin Qiu didn't know it.

At this moment, the curse of the ominous space is also attacking Binqiu...

Suddenly, Bin Qiu stood up, rushed off the stage, and ran towards home. And those pigeons immediately flew in all directions.

How can you leave Dad alone at home? Bin Qiu knew that there was that iron box at home!

After returning home, she gently pushed open the door of her father's room. Fortunately, her father was still fast asleep on the bed. She returned to her room. The iron box was still placed in the room like a ghost.

Facing the iron box, Binqiu's heart suddenly surged with courage...

When the memories ended, Bin Qiu had already opened the iron box.

She has already made full mental preparations, even if a scary ghost jumps out of this box, she doesn't care!

However... the things in the box... still made Binqiu look at him with dismay! What's lying in the box is...

Next door to Run An's house, Fan Yin's house.

Even in such a late night, he was still looking in the mirror alone.

Although it has been confirmed countless times, Xiaoxia still can't feel at ease.

He fears that he will become ugly.

No, exactly... he feared he would become deformed...

Xiaoya began to be afraid of such a big brother, even if his mother advised him, he would not listen. Now, as long as he looks away from the mirror, he will keep asking the people around him: "Am I getting ugly?"

And the elder brother's abnormal changes are all because of the man next door, named Yi Runan.

At the same time, Bo Shao woke up from the nightmare again.

This time, when he opened his eyes, he saw a face staring at him.

A pair of purple eyes looked at him expressionlessly.

A hunched figure leaned down and put his head within a few centimeters of Bo Shao.

Bo Shao's heart began to beat so fast that he didn't even dare to breathe.

Even more terrifying, however, was that face.

It was hardly a human face.

Two eyes, of which the left eye, together with the eye sockets, completely protrude from the face, but the forehead is deeply sunken. Below the right eye is a lot of rotten skin, and there are many ugly red moles, and the most terrifying thing is the mouth. , There is no lip, the teeth are directly exposed, and they are constantly clucking.

Bo Shao has followed Sun Zhengyan for many years, and he can be regarded as someone who has seen the world. After all, he is in charge of the internal affairs of the entire Sun family, such as finances, but...

Facing such a terrifying face, he couldn't keep his composure at all.

Are you going to die

Are you going to die

He wanted to say something, but his throat couldn't make a sound. He couldn't say anything.

This deformed face, even as a ghost, is too terrible.

But, not long after, that face gradually lifted up.

Bo Shao felt his body was completely paralyzed.

After a long time, he struggled to stand up.

There was no one behind him.

He was completely drenched in sweat at the moment.

He literally walked through the gates of hell.

At this very moment, the person he was thinking of in his head...

But it was Liuli.

Liuli should be a very strange person to Bo Shao, and the past lives of the two of them had no intersection at all. However, they were very familiar people in the previous life.

But Bo Shao kept resisting the absurd concept of his past life.

Even if there really was a past life, Bo Shao didn't think he was Yi Shaoqing.

He doesn't want to admit it.

However, he does have a special feeling for Liuli.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

"Hello... who is it?"

"Mr. Sun? Can you come to T City now? Great discovery... great discovery!"

"What?" Bo Shao asked in surprise, "What did you say?"

It can be heard from the voice that it is the investigator sent by the chairman to T city. They were ordered to search ancient ruins and find clues related to the curse of the ghost eye.

"What did you find?"

"It's... skeletons! There are an astonishing number of skeletons! Just under the ancient ruins we discovered last time, a large number of skeletons that look like babies were dug out! Roughly calculated, there are probably more than a hundred skeletons!"

More than a hundred baby skeletons

This can't help but remind Bo Shao of the countless deformed babies with purple pupils who are closely related to the Black Gate...

"More than a hundred... Those skeletons..."

"We infer that those bones should be more than a thousand years ago... The incident has become serious, and it is difficult for us to end it. Although we have bribed the management personnel of the local site, it is impossible to dig out so many bones and continue in secret... I hope Mr. Sun, come here yourself!"

The skeletons of more than a hundred babies

what is going on

"In addition... there is one more thing that I must tell you... Mr. Sun..."

"What? Say it!"

"The eye...under the ruins, there is a huge, blood-colored eye shape! It seems to be formed by real's been a thousand years, and the blood...hasn't dried up yet!"

Bo Shao's cell phone fell to the ground.

He froze for a long time.

How can it be…

seven evil spirits...

Countless deformed babies...

Seven kinds of ghost eyes and a black door... and... just now...

that face...

The purple pupils on that face reminded Bo Shao of Ren Senbo.

For Bo Shao, that man was his worst nightmare.

He is a demon.

From the moment he appeared in front of him, Bo Shao's life was changed.

His father was the steward of the nobles, and it sounded like he was just a servant, but his father's situation was different. In the treacherous market, the Sun family's business has repeatedly faced many crises. My father followed the chairman from a very young age, managed the finances of the Sun family, and gave his father a lot of ideas. Today, the deposits and real estate of the Sun family in various countries are all managed by Bo Shao personally. Although he was opposed by the Sun family because of this, after all, the head of the Sun family is Sun Zhengyan, and both Bo Shao's father and him are people trusted by the Sun family.

However, Bo Shao didn't have such a deep affection for the Sun family like his father did.

Because he was afraid of that man... He was afraid of Ah Jing's father, Ren Senbo.

Bo Shao's father, he often travels around the world to deal with the Sun family's finances.

That was when Bo Shao was three years old.

Ah Jing's mother, Sun Lingxiu, often falls into strange nightmares. She was disturbed repeatedly, but she couldn't find the source of the anxiety. This situation developed and became very serious later, and even my physical fitness began to deteriorate.

Bo Shao has always regarded Lingxiu, the daughter of the Sun family, as an amiable big sister, and at that time, he was also very anxious. one day...

Bo Shao's father brought a man to Sun's house.

That man is the famous psychiatrist Ren Senbo. He was a friend that my father met by chance. Because the situation of the young lady became very bad, he brought Ren Senbo to try psychological treatment for the young lady.

Bo Shao's life began to change from that day...

From the first time Ren Senbo stepped into Sun's house, Bo Shao couldn't develop a good impression of him.

He didn't do anything bad, he didn't hurt anyone in the Sun family, and he didn't cause any harm to Bo Shao himself. But... Bo Shao just couldn't stand his existence.

Because of his eyes.

Those eyes seemed to be the symbol of the devil.

That man is a devil...

Bo Shao, who was only three years old, left a deep shadow in his heart.

Later, he did indeed do unforgivable things. He took away the most cherished princess of the Sun family, Sun Lingxiu. At that moment, Bo Shao swore in his heart that he would never forgive him. I also hope day and night that Miss Lingxiu can come back.

However, although Miss Lingxiu had returned to the Sun family many times later, she was still unwilling to leave Ren Senbo. Even... knowing those eyes, is a sign of disaster.

When he met Ren Jing for the first time, Bo Shao didn't like her.

She doesn't have those strange purple eyes, but... she is Ren Senbo's daughter.

But Bo Shao also helped their mother and daughter many times because of his cleverness.

Every time, when they left, the chairman's pain became more intense. Like Bo Shao, he also deeply hates and fears the existence of Ren Senbo.

Four years ago, Miss Lingxiu died. When the news came, the chairman survived after three days of emergency treatment in the hospital. And Bo Shao is even more painful.

From that moment on... His hatred for Ren Senbo also reached its peak.

He came to China to attend Miss Lingxiu's funeral. At the same time, he was also surprised to learn that Ren Senbo had left Miss Ren Jing.

At that time, his hatred for Ren Jing weakened instead.

After all, she is Miss Lingxiu's only flesh and blood in this world. Even though, she shed the devil's blood.

So Boshao helped her and bought a villa according to the chairman's instructions, while also paying close attention to Ren Jing's life.

And at this time... the nightmare also began to deepen.

Just last year, when Ah Jing came into contact with the Run An brothers and sisters, strange things happened again and again. The people they came into contact with either died unexpectedly or disappeared inexplicably. The most weird and terrifying ones were Xie Xiaohao and Ou Xueyan whose bodies were distorted into monsters.

So, Bo Shao began to pay close attention to the people they had come into contact with.

When Ah Jing met with Tang Yingxuan and others, he began to investigate the situation of those people. And Tang Yingxuan's situation is obviously very strange.

From a very young age, she was discovered to have the ability to predict the future to a certain extent. About three months before she met Ah Jing, she was still working in a media company, and on the night her colleague Fan Tengyue disappeared, she and three other colleagues claimed that Fan Tengyue was arrested in a room on the seventh floor. killed.

But that room didn't exist at all.

And she resigned the next day. About two months after resigning, she actually committed suicide by cutting her wrists in her own home. Because she lived alone in a rented house, no one found out at all.

However, the strange thing is that an ambulance and a police car arrived downstairs at her house later. As a result, the police and doctors broke into the house. She was taken to the hospital and was saved just in time.

Bo Shao later investigated the matter. At that time, the hospital received a call for help from Tang Yingxuan's home. However…

After Tang Yingxuan woke up, she actually denied making this call!

And not long after Ah Jing came into contact with her, she died inexplicably. Like her three other co-workers...

Bo Shao found out an astonishing fact through his relationship.

Tang Yingxuan's eyes were purple pupils. She has been wearing contact lenses to hide this.

Who the hell called the hospital that day

Originally, Bo Shao couldn't figure it out. but…

When he knew the secret behind the ghost eye, he understood.

A person with a supernatural physique has a ghost in his body. Ah Jing told him about Tang Yingxuan's ghost-like eyes, and... Run An used to pull out the ghosts in her body with the soul-eating ghost eyes.

It was a female ghost.

And the distress call I received that day was also from a woman's voice.

Bo Shao produced a terrifying conjecture.

If... the ghost eyes are controlled by the spirit of death, then those ghosts possessed by people with supernatural physiques are also controlled by the spirit of death. Tang Yingxuan could not die before the date of her death, and she herself knew this, but she still chose to commit suicide.

When she was in danger after cutting her wrists, Necromancer asked the ghost in her to make that phone call in order to ensure that she lived until the day she really died.

Actually... Even the freedom to die...


Bo Shao made up his mind, he wanted to find out all the ins and outs.

He still couldn't forgive Ren Senbo.

But... At least I want to protect Miss Lingxiu's daughter.

And when he was investigating things related to Tang Yingxuan, he discovered something. At the beginning, a doctor who was in charge of operating on her ran away out of fear for some reason on the operating table. He doubted that the doctor might be one of the seven evil spirits. Because Tang Yingxuan has ghostly eyes, if the doctor is one of the seven evil spirits, he will definitely feel fear when he sees the ghostly eyes.

A month ago, he finally found out that the doctor was in City G, and even found out his address and phone number. And, get in touch with him. The doctor's name is Fang Kai.

However, not long after, Fang Kai suddenly stopped actively meeting with him and talking about this matter. Compared with the initial meeting, the attitude is completely different.

At this moment, in Bin Qiu's room.

The one lying in the iron actually Bin Qiu's father, Fang Kai!

At this time, there was a figure standing at the door of the room behind Bin Qiu. It was "Fang Kai" who was supposed to be sleeping soundly on the bed!

Bin Qiu turned her head, she looked at this "father", her eyes were full of horror!

"Fang Kai" raised his right hand and uncovered his face.

The face of "Fang Kai", however, is just a mask.

It's just a "mask"...

Then, the "it" who took off the mask turned on... the light in this room!

At this time, a passerby on the road looked at Binqiu's apartment.

In this apartment, there are still many windows that are lit at such a late night.

However... Oddly enough...

Many of the windows that were lit were adjacent. They are combined together, on the outer wall of the apartment, as a whole, they actually... form a shape similar to a human face! And the light from the window of Binqiu's room turned into the left eyeball of "Face"!

At this moment, in Bin Qiu's room, except for the iron box containing Fang Kai, there is no one else...

(End of Volume 12 "Mask")

Volume Thirteen