Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 165: Prophecy of the Necromancer


In the next few days, Li You felt the changes in Zeng Jiazhi after makeup, which became more and more obvious.

In this scene filmed today, Zeng Jiazhi's face and cheeks are almost sunken to the point where bones can be seen! And the pupils of the eyes became gray, and the mouth split open on both sides, and a lot of blood gushed out from the forehead... from time to time! And at this time, the pungent bloody smell will overflow the shooting scene, it doesn't look like plasma at all!

However, no one felt strange and weird about it. No matter how fiercely Li You expresses this anomaly, everyone will say that she is overthinking.

Li You was rolling over and over again, unable to fall asleep all the time.

The room she lives in is Room 504, which is a single room.


It's the official shooting day.

Whether it is long or short, the two weeks passed by like this.

Li Yu stood up and turned on the light.

She walked to the table and looked at the makeup box on it.

She turned on the lamp on the table. Then, I opened a drawer below.

She pulled out a stack of bound papers.

That was the script for Hotel of the Dead.

Opening the script, Bai Liyu started to read it again.

She had only read the script once before.

She read the script again this time, she wanted to read it again seriously.

The screenwriter of this script is Xia Shan, the screenwriter of "Bottomless Well" in the past. Although that movie was criticized for plagiarizing "Midnight Ring" and "Death from Human Shape", the plot is wonderful and suspenseful. Those who have experienced it all praise the screenwriter as a genius.

Xia Shan is a very skilled screenwriter, so "Hotel of the Dead" this time is also an extremely exciting hard-core horror movie without any cold spots.

first act.

Scene: In Jiaping Hotel, a guest room.

Characters: A young woman of about twenty years of age.

Li Yu looked down line by line.

That woman broke the Jiaping Hotel's rule that no noise can be made after zero o'clock. At zero o'clock, she was still talking on the phone with her friends.

When Bai Liyou read the script for the first time, she already guessed that something terrible would happen next. Breaking taboos, in horror movies, there has always been only a mortal ending.

Naturally, this movie is no exception.

When the woman was in the middle of the call, suddenly there was no sound on the other end of the phone. Then, the lights in the room went out completely!

At this point, the content of one page is over. Just when Li You was about to turn to the next page, the desk lamp turned on and off, and then, the whole room suddenly fell into darkness!

Li You suddenly shuddered all over, and sat stiffly in front of the table.

Although I have already read this script, how can I teach people not to be frightened when encountering such a strange thing under such circumstances

No matter how much people do not believe in supernatural beings, it is only a cognition of the world's knowledge system and cannot replace the natural response of the senses.

not to mention…

Bai Liyou is not a person who does not believe in supernatural theories.

She didn't know how long she had been sluggish in the dark, and finally she understood a little bit, lowered her head, and wanted to see if the plug had fallen off.

In the dark, she couldn't see very clearly. She took out her mobile phone and used the light from the mobile phone to illuminate the underside of the table.

The plug of the desk lamp is plugged in properly.

power cut

Just at this time…

"Da da… "

"Da da… "

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door!

Li You's cell phone fell to the ground, the sound was especially sharp in this lonely night.

"Who... who is it?"

When she took out her phone just now, she saw the time, and it was already two o'clock in the morning. Who will come to her at this time

No one spoke.

"Da da..." The knock on the door remained.

She still remembered what was written in the script, what happened to that woman later.

and now she...

Almost identical.

In the dark night, someone was knocking on her door. And she, went to open the door...

According to the content of the script, after she opened the door, the first act would be over.

This woman just disappeared forever in Jiaping Hotel.

The knocking on the door continued.

Li Yu's head was still sticking out under the table.

She dared not raise her head at all.

"Who... come, who is it... Please answer me!"

There was even a tear in her voice. If the person standing outside the door was a normal person in every respect, he would definitely speak up.

There was a knock on the door, very regular. About every three seconds or so, it will knock once.

Li Yu picked up the phone.

In the room next to her, other crew members lived. If you call them and ask them to come out and see who's at the door...

Li You made up her mind, just pressed a number, the knock on the door suddenly disappeared.

She froze.

Frankly speaking, this is more terrifying than the constant knocking on the door.

Outside the door... Who is it

at this time…

Li Yu suddenly felt...

Her neck was itchy.

Something, bumped into it.

It seems to be... a woman's hair...

"Ah ah ah ah ah-"

Li Yu fainted.

the second day.

"do you understand?"

The staff of the crew explained their next work to several extras.

"We're going to shoot later. It's about a few leading actors. It takes about five minutes to shoot the scene where you check in at the front desk of the hotel. And you guys are sitting here. You don't have to be too restrained, you can do whatever you want, but You have to sit here and not move. Got it?"

Near the registration desk on the first floor of Jiaping Hotel, there are three sofas, with a coffee table in the middle and a shelf for newspapers and periodicals next to the sofa for people to use.

There are six extras sitting here, including Bo Shao and Liuli.

The staff are all in place.

"The first filming of the third act of "Hotel of the Dead", ACTION!"

Then, at the gate of the hotel, the leading actors walked in.

Bo Shao was holding a newspaper and pretending to read it, not paying attention to the leading actors at all, while Liuli just lay on the sofa and looked at Bo Shao without making a sound.

This scene is relatively simple. Several leading actors register at the front desk and receive room keys. At the same time, the people at the front desk mention to them the rule that they must go to bed after midnight.

When Bo Shao heard the rules, he thought silently: This screenwriter is really not very good. Does anyone obey this rule now? In this case, how many people will be killed by ghosts? Will anyone dare to come and live? Forget it, it's a commercial movie anyway, so this kind of BUG is definitely indispensable.

His gaze never left the newspaper.

In fact, he wasn't just pretending to read it. The news about the one hundred ancient baby remains that had been excavated was also published in the newspaper. This great discovery, which caused a sensation in the history circles, is believed by some historians to be an ancient form of torture or a kind of sacrificial burial.

However, the extremely deformed bones of those babies are indeed shocking.

Bo Shao's heart was still heavy.

It is still difficult to find out the secrets of my previous life...

Suddenly, he felt a hand grabbing his foot!

He took away the newspaper and looked down...

"Here, someone will die."

Bo Shao was stunned.

Head... bigger than three soccer balls put together...

That toe... is as long as a sword...

purple pupils...

Such a strange baby squatted on the ground, and said the above sentence to Bo Shao expressionlessly.

It was a hoarse, low, creepy voice!

Those purple pupils suddenly turned into blood red in an instant!

All of a sudden, Bo Shao's eyes were completely covered in red.

When he closed his eyes and opened them again...

There was nothing under my feet.