Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 175: Messenger of Hades (1)


It was already evening when Fei Yi was sent back to Shangshu Mansion.

When Shaoqing saw her haggard face that was almost sunken, he couldn't believe his eyes.

It's night, outside the prince's bedroom.

There are twice as many guards than usual, and the palace is completely surrounded by a copper wall. Moreover, these guards are all masters in the palace, and all of them only obey the emperor's orders. If there is no imperial decree, even the prince can't order them.

The order of the guards is to guard the prince and restrict his access. If anyone wants to see the prince, unless it is the emperor himself, he must have a jade card bestowed by the emperor.

The prince knew that he was already under house arrest in disguise.

After the hunting incident, he thought about meeting his father, but he was rejected.

It's a good name for him to rest and recuperate, but... the prince knows it's not that simple.

The secret of Luoying Pavilion... the crown prince knew, but the emperor was afraid that he would know the secret of Luoying Pavilion.

He is the biological son of the royal father, and he is respected as the crown prince. He will inherit the throne sooner or later. Logically speaking, the royal father should not hide anything from him.

If Royal Father really has a secret that he doesn't want him to know no matter what, then... Could it be...

Will that secret work against him? If he knew that secret, what action would he take against his father

In the study room, he dismissed all the eunuchs and maids, and sat alone in front of the desk, with the Four Treasures of the Study, writing some poems, but his heart was filled with emotion.

If you want to find out the secrets of Luoying Pavilion, then...the first thing to do is to get out of the current state of confinement.

The prince was thinking of a way to get out of here.

Now that he is in the palace, who is he trustworthy

Not a single person.

His mother and queen have passed away, so it is needless to say his father. Although Huan Zhen has a good relationship with him, he is too young after all, and his mother must also covet his crown prince.

So... the only person he can trust is Shaoqing.

He intends to let Shaoqing enter the palace, and then discuss with him.

Shaoqing and himself are good friends, he will help him, right

Anyway, I am the future emperor, as long as I promise to ascend the throne in the future, Shaoqing will be a hero. He should agree, right

The prince didn't want to sit still.

Thinking of this, he has a plan.

He crumpled up the paper on the desk, spread another piece of paper, and wrote a letter to let Shaoqing enter the palace.

Of course, considering that the possibility of the letter being intercepted is extremely high, he didn't mention the core content in the letter, he just said that he hoped that Shaoqing would enter the palace and play a few games of chess with him. The two are good friends, and no one in the palace knows about it, so it is estimated that the emperor will not be suspicious.

The moonlight is very bright today.

The guards outside the prince's bedroom stood upright, and they couldn't hide any disturbance around them.

Because a eunuch was killed, the guards could be said to be in full swing, not daring to slack off in the slightest. The emperor has given them an order, except for him, anyone who wants to break into the prince's bedroom without a token can be killed on the spot!

As for the crown prince, he is not allowed to leave the bedroom, even if he is respected as the crown prince, the guards do not have to obey his orders.

The emperor's order was so strict that the guards naturally understood it.

The prince... I'm afraid he is about to lose power.

At present, the three guards outside the bedroom are all waiting in the corridor in front of the gate, with solemn faces, holding scabbards in their hands at all times. As long as there are assassins attacking, no matter which direction they come from, they have the confidence to get out of their sheaths instantly and kill the opponent's life.

Originally, the guards didn't look sideways, so they didn't look at the companions beside them.

However, at this time, a guard suddenly heard a voice from beside him, and turned his head to the other side.

The scene in front of him stunned him...

How can it be!

At this moment, that companion also showed a series of astonished expressions.

He was clearly dead.

A thick and black long nail completely penetrated his head, pierced from the back of the head, and pierced from the forehead, without a single drop of blood flowing down.


A little dwarf with a body like a snake, was riding on the shoulder of the guard, holding one end of the nail in his hand.

Such strange phenomena made the guards who saw all this feel as if they were in a dream. It took a long time to recover. Just as they were about to draw their swords, they suddenly felt a pain in their hearts. .

At the same time, none of the guards outside the prince's bedroom survived.

They were all pierced by black nails, and they were killed almost at the same time.

The bedroom door was pushed open.

Along the dark corridor, they crawled.

The prince has finished writing the letter.

Putting the writing brush on the inkstone, he picked up the letter paper and read it several times. After confirming that there was no problem, he folded the letter and shouted, "Come here! Come here!"

However, nothing happened.

The corridors were filled with the corpses of guards, eunuchs, and court ladies.

All of them had distorted faces, and their bodies were pierced by black nails.

Intense blood soon spread into the prince's room.

At the same time, in the Shangshu Mansion outside the imperial palace.

Fei Yi suddenly woke up.

"No... no! No!"

Her exclamation quickly alarmed the servants.

As soon as a maid entered the room, she saw Fei Yi terrified and said to her: "Hurry up! Go and wake up Lord Shangshu! Let him come to see me right away... No, let him enter the palace immediately! Something terrible will happen! thing about... ”

At this time, Fei Yi was thinking about only one thing...

Absolutely do not allow the birth of the Reaper of Death!

Absolutely not!

Otherwise, it means the real disaster is coming!

No one entered the study.

The prince felt strange. He put the letter away, put it on his body, walked slowly to the door, and opened it.

He leaned forward and looked at the corridor ahead, but it was pitch black in front of him.

Suddenly, a dwarf-like black figure quickly passed by the end of the corridor!

The prince almost screamed out suddenly...

That is, the crawling black thing I saw in Dongshan that day!

like a dwarf...

No, not so much a gnome...

The prince thought it was more like a baby!

Shaoqing and Fei Yi sat in the carriage and hurried to the palace.

"Are you sure? The spirit of death is really going to be born?" Although Shaoqing had expected such a day, he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Yes... yes!" Fei Yi opened the curtain of the carriage from time to time, regretting that the speed was still too slow.

"The so-called retribution spirit is the evil spirit that announces the birth of the curse, and it is also the messenger who brings the evil omen to this world. As long as there is no retribution spirit, the curse cannot be fully established. However, once the death retribution spirit is really born... "

Crimson knows...

It must be stopped as soon as possible! Must stop!

The prince walked slowly into the dark depths of the corridor.

The smell of blood became stronger.

" could it be so dark?"

The prince didn't dare to make a sound when he was walking, and he didn't even dare to shout to summon the guards.

After walking for a while, he suddenly felt something was wrong...

how so!

This corridor he's walking down now...

There is no end!

He generally still remembers the location of the bedroom very clearly. This corridor is definitely not that long!

Just at this time…

He noticed a black spot appeared on the wall in front of him.

At that point, it suddenly started to spin.

Soon, it will grow bigger and bigger.

A vortex is formed.

And the vortex suddenly split into two halves.

In the end, it became...

A black door!