Bizarre Terrors

Chapter 179: Seven evil spirits (3)


The remains of the queen mother are placed there.

She signed a contract with the fierce space.

"Let my child... be the emperor of this country."

It's just human, a mere desire, but in exchange for endless terror. The original evil of human beings guides the opening of that door.

The spirit of retribution is to be found in the product of that desire.

Evidence of signing the contract.

When the prince woke up, his body was bound by chains on the pillars in the secret room of Luoying Pavilion.

In front of him is the person he once trusted and regarded as his confidant.


The prince looked at Shaoqing and Feiyi in front of him, as if he was looking at a stranger.

Shaoqing... that confidant of mine in the past, but now, wants to swing the blade of slaughter against him... why... why is it Shaoqing

General Liu Zhen looked at the prince coldly, and said: "Your Highness, now you have been bestowed dead by the emperor. As human subjects, we also act according to the order. Please don't blame..."

"Liu Zhen!"

The prince roared frantically: "Do you think I don't know what you are thinking? If I die, then the crown prince will naturally belong to your nephew, that is Huan Zhen! You really want me to die!"

Shaoqing sighed, and said to Liu Zhen and Fei Yi: "You go out first...Prince, let me do it myself..."

Fei Yi understood and left the room immediately. Although Liu Zhen was dissatisfied with Shaoqing's command, after all, he was considered a celebrity in front of the emperor, and there was no benefit in offending him, so he had no choice but to leave.

In this small secret room, only Shaoqing and the crown prince were left.

In the past... close friends, now... are...

But Shaoqing began to feel that the prince's face became more and more blurred...

That vague figure in the dream... that brocade robe suspected to be the royal family...


it's him!

Bo Shao began to wander between dreams and reality.

The dream is about to wake up.

"Seven demons..."

These four words appeared in Shaoqing's mind.

He didn't know what it meant, but... those four words could not be waved away. like a nightmare...

" that you? In the end, the one who wants to kill it you?"

The prince's lips moved, and it took him a long time to say these words.

"I tried my best. It's not my idea to kill you."

Shaoqing only had a few words to answer.

This is not an excuse.

This is just Shaoqing frankly expressing his sincerity to the prince.

"I can't betray my family's loyalty. It is the glory of our country that my father fought with the late emperor. After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the world is now divided, and there are betrayals and killings everywhere. Our country is peaceful in the south, but no one knows when it will fall into turmoil .Only a loyal minister can support the country. I can't become a traitor, it's for the family, but also for the country."

The prince was silent.

His purple pupils were always staring at Shaoqing.

"So... the emperor wants me to kill me. As a subject, you can't disobey orders, right? Isn't it like Fei Yi, to save the common people?"

"Shaoqing is terrified... How can a meager body like this minister bear the responsibility of the world? I am just doing my duty as a minister. As the saying goes, the ruler is the guide for the minister, and the father is the guide for the son. This is a human relationship, and it is a righteousness. How is it different from those traitors and thieves? Your Highness, please understand Shaoqing's painstaking efforts. Shaoqing dare not extravagantly ask His Highness to forgive me, but... what Shaoqing did today was definitely not for his own selfishness, but for loyalty."

"Loyalty?" The prince suddenly started to sneer, and then, it turned into a howling laugh: "Loyalty! A father wants to kill his son, what kind of loyalty is this! You are stupid loyalty! Compared with you, I appreciate those words in your mouth more. Rebellious officials and thieves! At least, they will not easily put a knife on their son's neck! I hate you... Yi Shaoqing, you hypocrite, you are full of benevolence and morality, but you are a full-fledged murderer! I curse you... You are not human, You are a demon!"

yes... evil spirits...

"Is being ugly a curse? Because you are worried about being cursed, you get rid of the factors that are not good for you in advance, and you play with your life so recklessly, and you still look like it's a matter of course... Yi Shaoqing, in my opinion now, you are more dead than me. Your royal brothers... are a hundred times uglier, a thousand times uglier!"

Shaoqing's expression didn't change at all.

"I understand His Highness's feelings. I will not make you feel pain. Your Highness... Finally, do you have any last words?"

"Tell me... who are the seven people? Who are the seven people you mentioned who knew the secrets of Luoying Pavilion? Father is naturally one. You, Fei Yi, Liang Feng, and Liu Zhen, then, there are two more people. Who? Who is it!"

Shaoqing asked: "Is this... Your Highness, your last wish before you die?"

"Yes Yes!"

When he said this, the prince almost bit his lips to bleed.

Shaoqing then answered him.

"There are two other people, one is Concubine Liu, because when Huanzhen was born, his situation was very different, but we can't guarantee that he will be fine in the future. Instead of considering monitoring Concubine Liu, it is better to tell her the truth, because she wants to Huan Zhen's interests will naturally cooperate with us."

"I see. So... the last one? Who is the last one? Tell me!"

This time, Shaoqing was silent for a long time.

When the prince was about to get angry again, he slowly uttered two words.

"Huan Zhen."

Huan Zhen... Who is Huan Zhen...

In front of the mirror, Xiao Xia suddenly dipped her hand into the foundation box in front of the mirror and wrote these two words.

It seemed to be a very familiar name.

I remembered…

He is Huan Zhen.

In the previous life, he was a prince.

That's why... I'm afraid of Run An's ghost eyes. That's why I was afraid that because of that terrifying bloodline, I would become as terrifying as those imperial brothers.

They are not humans, they are monsters...the source of the curse!

Therefore, it must be wiped out, completely eradicated!

By chance, Huan Zhen learned the secret of Luoying Pavilion from the conversation between his mother and uncle.

After that, he joined them.

Whenever the concubine gave birth to a deformed baby, the imperial doctor Liang would claim that it was stillborn and died of purple death disease. Then, take the baby to Luoying Pavilion and kill him.

Huan Zhen also killed many such babies with his own hands.

Those are all princes who are related to him, but they have such a terrifying appearance.

So Huan Zhen never felt guilty when he killed them.

Whether it was tearing open their chests, digging out their hearts, or beheading their heads, Huan Zhen had done it.

"It's him... it's him—"

In the past, that cute little brother...

Is he also one of the people who pushed himself into the abyss of eternal doom

all crazy...

"You are not human..." The prince's tears began to fall continuously, falling on the ground in big drops.

How can a person do such a thing

"You are not human at all! You are more terrifying and evil than those ghosts! You are evil ghosts in human skin, and the seven of you... are all real evil ghosts!"

Suddenly, an arrow appeared between the crown prince's eyebrows!

He looked in front of him in disbelief, it was an unbelievable scene.

his father...

The emperor is holding a bow in his hand.

"You are not my son. You are a ghost, you are an evil ghost! Go to hell! I am the Ninth Five-Year Lord, I am the Son of Heaven! How could I have such a monster son as you! You are my stain, mine! Shame, just like this Luoying Pavilion where I was born... I want to bury you all here, just like that dark door!"

Shaoqing looked at the emperor at this time.

That ferocious demeanor, that crazy language...

He looked like a ghost crawling out of hell!

Suddenly, the prince suddenly saw, behind the emperor's head, slowly...slowly...a person's head popped out!

Is that human

Those bulging eyes... that twisted face...

as well as…

Those purple pupils!


Bo Shao woke up!

He held out his hands...

"These hands... are the hands of evil spirits..."

Bo Shao completely recalled his previous life.

He also finally understood the true meaning of "seven evil spirits".

Thousands of years ago, after the prince died at that moment, he became the spirit of death. And his unspeakable resentment, combined with the ghosts of those killed babies, formed a great curse.

A curse that cannot be resolved for a thousand years!

The guards of the gate of the underworld let the unjust souls of the dead to possess human beings, forming the so-called supernatural physique, such as moistening the dark, moistening the beauty, and smelling the purple charm.

Therefore, they have the same purple ghost eyes as them, and corresponding to the seven evil ghosts, there are also seven kinds of ghost eyes.

For thousands of years, the reincarnation of the seven evil spirits has been searched for, using the power of ghost eyes. And finally... Now, all seven ghosts have been found.

Ren Senbo saw him, and the chairman. That is, Shaoqing... and the previous emperor.

Ning Luo saw Li Hongming, who was Liu Zhen in his previous life.

Tang Yingxuan saw Fang Kai, the former Physician Liang.

Tong Moyan saw Ming Huarui, who was Concubine Liu in her previous life.

John, saw Liuli, that is, Feiyi.

And... Run An, he saw Xiao Xia, that is... Huan Zhen!